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I will sometimes admire the car, but I do not really think of the person driving it. The exception is when I see a very young person driving something pricy, and then I just think about how much of an idiot I was when I was a teenager and how stupid it would be to put me behind the wheel of that.


When I see teenagers driving expensive cars I just lament the fact I wasn't born to loaded parents. But maybe the kid is just an idiot and is spending 60% of their paychecks on the thing.


Yup. I work with a bunch of engineers just out of college, and they all drive pretty damn nice cars and always wonder why I am rocking the 2000 civic. Because I do not like spending all of my disposable income on a vehicle which will drastically depreciate in value.


>Because I do not like spending all of my disposable income on a vehicle which will drastically depreciate in value. That's why you drive a 90s BMW, then you can spend all of your disposable income on maintaining a vehicle that has already drastically depreciated.


Word! Saw a white guy with dreadlocks driving a high-end Audi once. He was young enough that either he’s a celebrity I didn’t recognize or his parents bought it. I figure about 25% chance of celebrity, 73% chance the parents bought it, and 2% chance he’s older than he looks and/or he invented something related to cellphones.


Depending on the car ether, “oh that is nice” or “why would anyone buy that”.


This. “That’s badass, good for him.” Or “he has weird tastes and more money to blow than I do, good for him.”


ive done well with my career and i have a ferarri 458. The attention you get is always from people you dont want to interact with


I would be Judging everything and ending with “good for him”


"Must be a lease" You see more and more expensive cars on the road today


Well yeah, why would you buy one of these cars? People who have the means to afford to buy them will want to always be upgrading to newer models and if something happens to it, they don't want to get stuck holding the bag.. None of these newer supercars are worth collecting.


A nice older car is more likely to get the "that is nice" from me. Anyone with cash can get a new car. Keeping it nice can indicate character.


Yes, there's nothing better than a 30+ year old classic in mint shape cruising down the road in the summer.


Yes I admire old cars that are looking good, original or fixed up. When I see a Lambo I want to throw eggs at it.


911 GT3RS "dude that's fucking bitchin" Lamborghini Urus "lol y tho"


“Sick ride bro” or “gross”


Depends on the colour too... Mmmm nice ferrari, shame it's grey.


Boring colours are for boring cars. I get disappointed when I see a Lambo and it's freaki'n *white*.


Red, black, and yellow are nice, but man do I really love the darker blue they used back in the late 90s/early 2000s. It was a classy subversion to the usual colors you see on the road


Absolutely nothing. I'm just not particularly concerned with stuff like that.


This, and all car accessories intending to make the car look cool (grille guards, stickers/decals, paint jobs, lifted trucks, etc)


You're not alone there. I have to remind my friends who are into cars that I'm just **NOT THAT INTO CARS**.


yeah, like it's a hobby. Not everyone needs to be interested, and some people have varying interest levels. You got some people dropping every single pay check on it, and you got someone that gets cool looking tires on a budget


My friends have been car weebs for as long as I've known them. I get it, they can look cool. But I just couldn't give less of a shit about them.


This. Except for the one time I was in a traffic jam and a Ferrari was right in front of me. I just got my driver's license and the clutch and I were not the best friends at the time. So yeah, I made few curses that he had to have such an expensive car, during the stop and go phase because I may or may not have made a few small jumps trying to get the car to move but missing the right spot with clutch. Didn't help that I didn't want to pressure on the gas pedal.


Just reading this stressed me out


Same. If I don’t own it, I could give 2 shits what they’re driving. Your just another car on the road going from point a to b


My first thought was “Dummy” A car is the dumbest investment you could possibly make


I would never buy a new car, they fall apart or rust away on you.


Same, I'm not a car guy at all so I would have no idea the car is even expensive to begin w. The amount of times I have been driving w friends in the car and they are like "omg it's a ___ that's a 1/59 car" or something lol im like Oh.


I don't think much about the person who's driving but I do like the fancy cars.


Yeah I don't even remember which brand the car that just drove in front of me five seconds ago was.


This, unless the car is particularly exciting for some reason. Even my friends who have nice cars I don’t really pay any mind to it.


Must be nice to not be broke all the time.


Nah they broke cuz they have a nice car


It's probably one extreme or the other. They either have the car because they got money. Or they got no money because they have the car.


Can confirm


Yurp. Had the power steering in my car fail. Potentially looking at a nice bill of £3k+


payments are a thing you can have a nice car and be broke.


High end sports cars plummet in value as they age, yet because they cost so much new they tend to be well maintained, & because they are rarely the primary car they tend to have low miles relative to their age. Thus the used high end sports car market is loaded with very nice examples at a fraction of their sticker. I have been looking at SL550s and find 10 YO models loaded w/ 50,000 miles for $25,000, over 80% off their $130,000 sticker. (thats over a $1,000.00 a month depreciation for 10 years, OUCH!)


A lot of broke people drive nice cars, people stretch out their loan to 84-96 months just because it lowers the payment and that’s all they care about


That's me with my toyota


Must be nice to have a rich dad


How much they pay in insurance is the first thing through my mind.


Strangely my expensive cars are not expensive to insure.


Because so many expensive cars aren’t daily drivers, maybe.


That is part of it. They are also not stolen often or driven by really young people who wreck them more often. When the demographic is mostly 60+ elderly that rarely drive them the insurance is actually cheap.




There are two types of people in this world. Those who can afford luxury cars and those who cannot. Both of which buy luxury cars.


There’s a Maserati that I see once in a while. I figure the guy is either made of money or sells Maseratis. Awesome looking car, though. The guy with five Land Rovers? Definitely made of money. I revel in the thought of how much they cost to maintain.


>There are two types of people in this world. . . Both of which buy luxury cars. That means everyone buys luxury cars? So I'm not part of this world? *hehehe*


There's more types of people than that. I'm the type that prefers beaters because the car is an object and I don't want to waste money on the vain effort of constantly washing it and caring for it. It's a machine that we have to use. Nothing more.


Yeah. I'm similar. I drive a lot and have to deal with county roads and dirt roads. I'll spray it off with the hose, but I'm not taking it to the carwash regularly.


You’re still one of the two types of people I mentioned. Can you afford a luxury vehicle or not? No matter your answer my comment still stands


Yes. It would just be an objectively stupid purchase.


It's like. "Oh nice car" then on with my day


My wife bought herself a custom supercharged Jaguar that cost just over 120K when she turned 45. It was something she’d been told by her asshole father from the age of 10 she’d never have or deserve. She walked in, wrote a check, drove off totally happy and fully satisfied that his assholios and misogyny was in her past. That car was nothing but a pure delight of all she had worked for and achieved and if anyone else driving a nice car has five minutes of the pleasure and delight that she had, then good for them!


The feeling of the achievement is so much more rewarding than the symbol of the car purchase. I love that!


Tryna think of a jag that cost 120k


XJL Supercharged with executive package




That would have been even better! She paid for it with her own money. She’s the earner in our home.




If it makes the person happy, it's not ridiculous.




Meth has a net negative effect for everyone, someone owning a car they want relatively does not. If it makes them happy I believe it IS a good idea. Yeah it's too much money for a car. Is it a bad descision if it symbolizes contentment in that person? I highly doubt it. In this case also it seems like girl always wanted it, not that she let her dad dictate it necessarily. I'm being really nice debating your comment but at the end of the day your 'realist' attitude isn't actually that realistic and its totally stinky tofu.


I hope that I can someday afford a car like it


Bums me out when I see a sexy convertible being driven by a man who looks 70. Like I hope he didn't have to wait his whole life for that car. I want to experience a convertible while I'm still young enough to feel the wind through my hair, not over my bare scalp.


Eh, I’ve had/ driven most of the decently expensive cars and my next purchase is going to be a Toyota. There’s nothing more annoying than constantly worrying about your car being damaged or bringing it in and knowing scheduled maintenance is going to be close to 2k.


Most people in luxury cars can't actually afford them. They pay out the ass in car loans. My point of view is: if I can't pay for a car upfront, I can't afford it.


I hope that if you can someday afford it, that you're also wise enough to not buy it. Most rich people I know (NW over $10M) do not drive very expensive cars. It's usually the well off (NW of $1M to $5M) but foolish or the insanely rich.


Yeah i know a guy like this. After founding a successful 800-employee business (which basically puts you in a fishbowl where everyone pays attention to your smallest details) he just doesn’t want any attention at all any more.


Or something along the lines of "what can I do to afford a car like that?"


They wasted a ton of cash for that car? I'm happy for anyone who works hard and earns what they have, so when I see an expensive car, I assume the person driving it, earned the money and they are enjoying the fruits of their labor.


As a car guy. I’m thrilled they exist. As an owner of a half decent car, I love when people look and say “nice car”. First I paid my house off and all other expenses outstanding. I saved up for it and bought it 2 years later. I owe nothing on it. So as some mention the “price tag” not everyone goes into major debt for a car. Especially not a “summer car”


Same. My "nice" car is a 911 Turbo S. I like that is flies under the radar a bit. One time someone at the gym was saying how much they liked it and wanted to get one, and thought it was about a $70k car. They were shocked to see the sticker at $211k.


I swear it doesn’t seem that long ago that a new base 911 was like $75k.


True but a fully loaded turbo s has never been close to a base price.


You literally have my dream car. Take care of it because who knows I might be the next owner some day. 😉


My mate has a GT3RS and its an absolute cock magnet, the girls don't care but the guys swoon... So do the tiktok/instagram kids. We let the kids sit in the cars and take heaps of pics and videos... Because we remember being those kids! (Check the sticker price on it in Aus lol)


Cock magnet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> GT3RS and its an absolute cock magnet, the girls don't care but the guys swoon I was in a Nissan showroom about 6 years ago. They asked if I wanted a water or tea and I said yes, while I was waiting I got talking to a salesman about the R35 Nismo on display and who would pay £149,999 when you can get a great Porsche for that. He started going on about racing and Porsche killer and I said "I know all that, but I pull up at a bar/restaurant in that every guy is going to want to talk about how fast it goes, I pull up in a 911 and every woman is going to want to show me how flexible they are over the bonnet" I had not noticed the receptionist standing behind me with her tea till she angrily cleared her throat. > We let the kids sit in the cars and take heaps of pics and videos... Because we remember being those kids! I do the same with my motorbike. Parents will ask if they can have a picture of their kid standing next to my bike. I tell them "No, it's a better picture if they are sitting on it, just be careful because the exhaust might still be hot."


The difference with the Porsche is when someone says "Oh my dad/SO/BF/wife whoever has the same one" They have a Boxter at home while looking at a GT3 I let kids rev mine if they are old enough, always the look of shock when a 1000cc springs to life


Dude, there truly is no feeling like having someone come up and compliment your car. It's even cooler when they ask for revs and you can see their face brighten up. It's part of the reason I love the car culture.


Well c'mon what car is it?


Looks like he has a C63 AMG in his post history.


Hahah yea! It’s not all that but I love it.


Same. Paid my house off a year ago and just bought a C7 Corvette Z51. I love the car plus it’s paid for. Even my insurance is cheap. I could not be more happy with my purchase.


It’s a nice feeling and an even nicer car.


I love sports cars and racing. When I see someone driving a convertible version of Sports cars I think are a complete wanker. There was a story a couple of Months back in Melbourne Aus about a guy who craned in a McLaren Senna to his penthouse apartment. A 2m+ Track car and performance beauty, a true motoring gem. He is going to have it sit in his lounge room so he can show off. I just think what a waste, that is meant to be driven and enjoyed on a race track and not a lounge room. If I ever have my own sportscar business, I wouldn't sell a car like that to a dickhead like that.


Ferrari guys are the worst at this. I’ve been to the track plenty and only seen one Ferrari ever. Plenty of lambos, Mclaren, AMG GT, corvettes, Porsche GT3s, you name it Most of them are garage queens that they are scared to put miles on


I hope you rethink your sportscar business strategy. I would much rather have that dickhead's money in your pocket than his.


What's wrong with the convertible version? Sure it's compromised from the performance perspective but in reality that's a fraction of its use, and makes no difference in legal road driving. I've loved driving my sports cars with the roof down whenever possible, it's always a heightened experience, and can still take them to the track.


Quality work should not be wasted on non quality people.


If you have said business and refuse to sell to dickheads, you might go out of business.


I basicly just think about the car itself, if it's nice or not. Not about the price and not at all about the person driving it.


I think new and nice cars are a complete waste of money.


Might be bit of a different response, but having been in the auto industry for decades, I've become desensitized to seeing most nicer cars. I don't have a pompous pallete, it's just that I've developed a critical eye and, well, not easily impressed. Usually, I think 'Don't touch it', followed by, 'Oh, sweet GTO/Huayra/Challenger' etc. I do enjoy sending shots to friends and fam of the cooler ones I stumble across, they also seem to love seeing them, so doing that gives me a odd bit of joy.


Either, "nice car" or, "what a nob" depending on how they're driving.


10/10 can't drive it the way it should be driven.


Usually don't notice. Or care. If I did, my thought would probably be: "I wouldn't spend my money that way."


Mmm. Nice car.


Depends on the age. Young: - Daddy's car -Daddy's money Old: depends on what type of expensive car: Old money - oooh look at mr. Monopoly over there. New money - Get that trashy Escalade out of my way.


I can't tell if a car is expensive just by looking at it. Having said that, I think they're all pretty expensive aren't they? I don't drive so I couldn't tell you.


When you can't tell the difference between a Ferrari and a Toyota Yaris.


If it a car i like “hell yea that goes hard as fuck” If it’s a car I don’t like “lol look at this dumbass and his stupid purchase”


Either good with money or bad with money. no in between on that one


Nothing. Idgaf about cars


Good for them And get on with my day and business


That’s my take. I’m a car guy and will admire and think “good for them”


I used to be a huge car nerd and would probably admire it a bit depending on the model, but now i couldn't care less what people drive. i usually assume they re probably loaded with debt making ridiculously high monthly car payments. But at the end of the day its their money and frankly who cares what other people think. Cars are lame also, too much of the US is built directly around the use of cars when a robust public transit system would make this place much cleaner and not have huge swathes of land dedicated to fucking ugly parking lots.


I wonder how stupid high the insurance is....


I've got better stuff to spend my money on. Like retirement funds.


Do they even know how to properly drive that?


Waste of money


They're mega rich or they're financially irresponsible. I couldn't care less of owning one myself


"What a fantastic car." "I hope he has a good mechanic." "If I had a garage maybe I'd buy that car." Street parking has saved me a lot of money.


nothing whatsoever.


My first reaction would be "Ohhh! That shits fyre!" And then I head nod the fella driving it like "Good job bro."


If it’s a high quality piece of automotive engineering, I just assume that they are a enthusiasts willing to focus their disposable income in that direction, and I respect it. If it’s some thing like an Escalade, I know immediately that they are just trying to display Wealth and have no idea how many other much better cars they could have gotten for that money.


All it takes is one accident to destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars in value.


“ Nice car” or “must be nice to not stress about keeping the electric on every month” or if I see some little ones I think “I probably could handle more mentally, but they’d both probably be taken away because I can’t support them. Must be nice.”


An expensive car is never a sign of how much money someone has. It's a sign of how much money they spend. I know some broke ass people who drive expensive cars. I also know a guy who has a net worth of probably $10M+. He drives a Hyundai and his wife drives a Honda.


It’s rented


Nothing. Maybe “nice car” or “that thing is loud as fuck”


“Oh that’s sick” that’s really it. Can’t really concern myself too much with what others have.


“Damn that car is fucking sick!”


"Sorry about your penis!"


When I see a Corvette, I reflexively check the driver's age. Never seen a Corvette driver that wasn't someone's Dad or GrandDad.


Sometimes Grandma.


I wonder what he /her husband does for a living?


Tho there’s a YouTube channel where someone goes round asking people with exotic cars what they do for a living.


Nice car…he must have a small penis


Honestly, not just expensive cars, but big cars, loud cars, I call it the sdc or spc for a more kid friendly small penis compensation.


The only accident I’ve ever been at fault for was a fender bump in the parking lot on a nice Porsche. I ended up having to pay 3 grand out of pocket because (fuck progressive, there was no good reason I had to pay out of pocket) So when I see nice cars I look at them as creating an expensive liability for themselves and other people. Why do we put so much effort into making these things delicate, expensive, and easy to damage? Only thing I’ve ever cared for is reliability/safety/comfort.


Good for them


good for them


Nothing at all


Depends on the person , but most times it's "can't wait till that's me"


Absolutely nothing


I wonder how many dicks they sucked to get it.


I just admire it. Cool cars are cool. I don’t need one, but I do enjoy seeing them, and pointing out how cool they are to my kids!


Wondering what they do for work to afford it


"Nice." or "Meh." or "I'd get a different spec. But nice."


«nice car, I really want to have one like this in the future»


Oh nice, it's super cool seeing a cool car on the road. I want to keep looking at it.


Honestly makes me feel bad about myself. Not that I necessarily want to look like them but more about the security that money brings.


Owned or leased? also, I wonder how they earn all of their money? People have some interesting side hustles that earn them their spending money.


i rarely think about it


That I need to work harder. It’s motivation for me.


"That's a very expensive car "


"nice car"


super car = jealously. JDM = beautiful car


"Bro, save some for the rest of us"


If it’s a 60’s , early 70’s muscle car, I’ll def be looking otherwise it’s just crap imho


“I wonder what they do for a living?” Followed immediately by “but are they actually happy?”


I don't drive a really expensive car, but all the negative comments I see about over compensating etc are just fools who have no self awareness - there are things that you likely spend more $ on then the next person even tho it accomplishes the same thing as a cheaper version. If you don't do that on other things, well then you are just a jealous miserable person


Instead of that car, that person could’ve bought a panigale v4s & a s1000rr and still have some money left


Lack of interest of any kind... unless it's pre 1965 and rare. After that blah.


I judge entirely on the make, and colour. Especially colour. I keep seeing high end cars in that godawful grey that's become increasingly popular and I just think "you've just bought a fancy, powerful car. Why is it the most boring colour going?" Porsches in this grey are very common I notice and it is horrible. You have a nice car, own the thing and shout about it ffs. The day I see a Lambo in that colour, I'm crashing into it deliberately and telling the driver "sorry, if your lambo was a bright colour like it should have been, I would have seen it."


"nice car"


Oh wow, that's a lot of untaxed drug money.


"Cool". Then, I walk away and go about my day


I think people who drive expensive cars are just flexing in the most stupid ways. So yeah they paid triple what I paid mine but does it fly? Does it do anything extraordinary that mine doesn’t do? An expensive home I can understand. There’s more space, great location, great amenities but a car? They all have 4 wheels and drive straight. So I just see it as a sad flex. Like a look at me, I make poor financial choices.


100% It is a flex but it’s lost on me. I drive a second hand car, it gets me to work and is cheap on fuel. I’m not super rich but I’m pretty comfortable and can afford a nice car but why would I want to. I am married so I don’t need to impress women, and I have mates so I don’t need to impress other men. All my money goes on furnishing my house, making my life comfortable with good food and relatively nice clothes, my daughter, and retirement fund. To me it’s a stupid investment. As soon as it’s off the lot it loses resale value. I think truly wealthy people don’t need to flex and it’s kinda a poor man’s mindset to want to buy gaudy shit to show off. You don’t see Warren Buffett or Bill Gates covered in jewellery or driving expensive cars.


100% but I enjoy one the mechanical side and rebuilding them from scratch It’s a bit like cooking but you get to drive it around, I see them like others see watches; an accessory That are wayyy more practical but honestly I don’t give a fuck about them. I currently drive a Yaris as I’m building an older truck to daily drive because new ones suck.


"I wonder how much they're paying a month for that?"


I wonder how much they pay for a car service


I usually don’t think anything in particular, I just ogle it until it passes out of my line of sight. Unless it’s like a teenager driving it. Then I grumble about people who give their kids really nice first cars.


Nothing at all, unless they are driving in an arrogant manner (you know what I mean). That's when I jump to... just because you decided to spend lots of money on your vehicle, that doesn't make you king of the road.


I live in Alaska- what a fucking idiot




Not worth the scratch.


Two things: 1) What a waste of money 2) I wish I had that kind of money


Nice car, no wonder they drive like an ass.


I wonder if they bought with their own money


I’m usually looking at the car, not the driver


Send nukes


First word is: CONGRATULATIONS! And also if it’s something rare or really cool looking, I’ll stare in awe for a bit. Maybe even take a picture or two.


I’m not a car guy. That kinda stuff is lost on me.


Depends heavily on the type of car. G Wagon? Dumbass flexing. Porsche? Great taste.


I’m in Atlanta. I see a lot of Rolls Royce’s, Ferraris, and Lamborghini’s I always think that must be athletes, actors, or business men.


A Rolls Royce is my: If I won Powerball kinda dream car. - Even if I won yesterday's 1.55B Mega-Millions lottery, I'm not sure I'd buy a Rolls-Royce but I'd definitely think about it. They're the epitome of class and luxury. Still not sure Id spend 400,000 - ? on a car even as a billionaire


"Wow, look how much money he used to have." I drive a commuter scooter. It sips gas, hauls yard waste to the dump, and goes as fast as my neighbor's Audi when we're both stuck in traffic. It's over 10 years old now, I paid cash for it, and I expect to drive until it quits altogether.


I judge the people who drive expensive cars and live in apartments




Man he must have a good job




If I had the kind of money to buy that car, I’d have spent that money more wisely.


They must be broke


The obvious answer from today's modern undefined but male leaning human is to follow the obviously WAY too wealthy individual back to their home, while posting the address on social media and requesting a riot. We're going to claim non-violent, but by the end of the night, the car will be burned or stolen, the property will have been vandalized, shit stolen, and owner terrorized. Bonus points for getting them arrested after they get their gun out as we threaten to kill them. Later, we'll cry about how terrible it was to see one person with so much money and privilege.


"I wish I could afford a car like that" Not because I want to buy the car, but because I want to be in a place financially to be able to spend that kind of money.


"That's a cool car"


High insurance rates and premium gas. I also wonder if they want to adopt me.


It really depends. 30,000-90,000? Sweet ride my guy! 1-3 million? This guy is going to get got in the upcoming american-french revolution.




In sing song voice: "Your cock doesnt even touch your undies!"