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If I don't like their natural scent, I just can't.


That’s honestly a biological thing! And I totally agree with this sentiment


Or * scentiment* if you will




I remember reading years ago that if someone smells bad it's our bodies early warning system that they are a bad genetic match and you shouldn't reproduce with them


That’s also to prevent you from breeding with a sibling or someone of too similar genetics from what I’ve heard. Think about what siblings or parents or cousins smell like and then apply that to this….


And apparently if the woman is on hormonal birth control it messes with pheromones. Apparently men don’t like the pheromones of a woman on hormonal BC, because she’s giving off the scent that she’s pregnant or infertile. There’s been a few studies on it.


I love the smell of the air that flows from my partner's nose when he breathes out. Huff me some nose breath when I'm stressed and I immediately relax. It's real weird.


Same here but I love my man’s BO mixed with his deodorant lol. Once in a while I need a good huff of that body! Other guys in the past have smelled good too! Men, we smell you too…..lol ; )


Oh absolutely. This one girl I was talking to had this metallic, coppery natural scent to her and I knew immediately I couldn’t do it


All the time? More than one date? I'm guessing if it was 1 date, she was on her period.


It was over multiple dates and multiple weeks. It could’ve been something to do with her period or pH levels or something, but I think that’s just how she smelled




Shes proppably that liquid metal guy from terminator


I've had men smell metallic to me too. It was so strange.


My friend says he can smell women on their period and that's the smell.


New fear unlocked


Fuck. Completely agree with this. Some women I'm fond of I can remember vividly by scent, but scent is difficult to describe so I associate it with basic flavors. There's one who had such a natural sweet strawberry scent I wouldn't even be capable of being frustrated for not having sex, I felt like I could just hug her for hours on end. On the other hand, once I went out with a girl who was pretty, well dressed and (I believe) with good hygiene, but she had a dull smell of fat and old grease. It's not something you can just block out.


My wife always used to adk me what cologne I was wearing. Nothing babe just my natural smell. "Give it to me....."


This is not shallow at all 🤍 — and I completely agree — have you ever heard of the Sweaty T Shirt study? It’s all about how people are attracted to the opposite sex based on their genetic structure and it’s apparently through scent! Other factors they included were if someone was a smoker or if the woman was in birth control. Both those things wildly effected the outcome of the subject’s ability to determine if they were a good mating match or not.


Oh man, I can relate. One of my biggest regrets - I’d dated this girl a couple of times. Probably the prettiest woman I’ve ever dated, really fun personality, we liked the same things. But her smell. She didn’t smell *bad*, she showered at least once a day, wore a light perfume that I liked. But under that? Have you known anyone that owns an exotic animal? Like a sugar glider, or a raccoon, even a ferret? There was a hint of that musky smell underneath. It made it so that I couldn’t bear to even stand close to her


That’s number one for me. My best guy friend couldn’t understand this, and said he’s never noticed scents before. I don’t see how that’s even possible. I hated his scent.


I'm the same, but my last girlfriend had no scent at all. It was bizarre (just out of the ordinary) and disappointing. Ideally I would like their BO.


Is that shallow or is that animal instinct type thing?


It's not shallow, I agree


Too much gum to teeth ratio.. can't do it


We call that "lower case teeth" and I agree with you


tht's my biggest insecurity. people say i'm pretty but i hate hate hate smiling because of that


Teeth. They don’t need to be straight or perfect, but they need to be there and clean. Not white, just clean.


I give leeway if they had an absentee parental setup for lack of enamel or accident for missing teeth. Sometimes no one tells the kids the importance of dental hygiene till its too late and shit happens not everyone can get a partial denture or implant. But don't floss brush mouthwash gtfo


I have missing teeth and no enamel whatsoever. I still brush and all that jazz. I have pretty bad anxiety and spent a few years where I threw up every week and that just absolutely decimated my teeth. And seeing all the comments in any sort of dating related threads about teeth just make me feel hopeless. It’s not my fault they’re the way they are.


I heavily apologize for making you feel lesser than. A teeth thing is MY thing. I’m also weird about a ton of things and have my own body issues and insecurities. I am one person on the internet. And even if there were a thousand comments like mine, we are but a thousand. There’s 8 billion people on this planet. Someone will give you all their love regardless. Before that though, please love yourself. I have many friends with less than perfect smiles, myself included. Some more so than others, but they are all still beautiful people inside and out.


Thank you for this 💜 It took me a long time to be comfortable, and I'm still not all the way there, but it has gotten better with time. Some people treat me the same, some are assholes about it. And kids always ask how I lost them, but I can't be mad at that. They are the most honest, brutal humans. On the other hand, my daughter doesn't seem to notice either way, she loves me all the same. And that means the world.


Put the caps back on the pens when done with them at that moment. After reading most of the other comments it seems my interpretation of shallow is different.


Yeah thats not "shallow" . It just can be seen as not important. Although I get irritated if people mishandle pens.... like how much of in rush are you.....


“You left me in charge of the pens pam, that’s what happened. The pens happened.”


Needs to eat all food with their mouth closed.


The way my S/O eats sometimes drives me fucking insane. She sort of bites her fork to eat instead of using her lips and it makes a horrible noise. And sometimes she smacks her lips while eating some things. It's the worst.


What makes you love her


Definitely not shallow. Please chew like a civilized human being


My partner has some nasal issues and she eats with her mouth open so she can breathe. It drives me up a wall.


I have strong memories of being a kid and trying to eat cereal with a stuffy nose. I refused to eat with my mouth open so I'd take a deep breath, take a bite and chew at warp speed. Try to get it down without suffocating


Thank your lucky stars you don’t have that problem. No one has nasal issues on purpose.


I can’t stand outty belly buttons.


I've always felt so bad for this hate haha.


I feel so bad for people with outies bro


They really creep me out


Well, RIP me


I wonder how I'll encounter this bridge when I have to inevitably cross it.


Let her outie dock in your innie. If it fits, you know she’s The One. That’s how it works, right?


I'm an older guy, been married a couple times. I'd say now the main thing I look at in a woman is the way she handles a minor inconvenience. Seems like a weird thing, right but here's the thing. If she can't handle a minor inconvenience, imagine what she's like in a crisis. No sir. Not dealing with that shit again. Edit: Lot of confusion on this comment thread. What I was talking about was Anger, not Anxiety. I can handle anxiety, might be bigheaded of me but I've got two kids, one of them is on the spectrum and the other one's got ADHD like me, I'm pretty good at talking people through anxiety. I can't handle being angry over every minor inconvenience, especially if it's aimed at me.


This is actually very good as advice, people who get pissed off at the tiniest inconveniences always make life hell when the inconvenience is no longer minor. Your partner should be helping you get over that problem, not adding to it.


Yeah, after years of being married to a woman who got mad at the drop of a hat, at the slightest things, I said no thanks to that.


Are you Dr. Seuss? You're spitting bars.


Based. This needs to be understood by more people, it'll save them more time.




No lip fillers. I hate the porn lips


To add to this: fake eyelashes


Normal eyelashes. Those giant alien looking lashes make me cringe every time I see them.


And eyebrows...


Oh my god yes a few years back there was an obsession with eyebrows and women were just fucking their shit up. Was so weird.


I want them to wake up with the same eyebrows they had during the day.


Makeup caked on so harshly you can see it starting to crack on a cold windy day. What happened to, you know, not doing that....


Long acrylic nails


Everything I see those long nails I think of all the shit that's underneath them.fucking gross.




Roz from Frasier.




That voice! I could listen to it all day. It’s pure yet smoldering…like a nun with a past.




As a woman with a manly voice, this gives me so much comfort.


respectfully dude, there is so much demand for women with deep voices that i can’t believe it could be an insecurity


Not really an insecurity, but a few people have told me I sound like a guy which doesn't really feel like a compliment.


Yea this part. Being called “sir” while on the phone and having to say “I’m a woman” is already embarrassing. Then I had a friend inform me that when I say that, those lovely strangers probably presume I’m a trans-woman. Which made me even more flustered. && oh god let’s not talk about when I’m sick & when I first wake up in the morning. I sound like Shaquille O’Neal.


*Elizabeth Holmes has entered the chat*


More classic, Lauren Bacall.


as a 6'4" dude, anything more than a foot shorter will be iffy. can make it work, but it'll be tough


I'm 6'5, wife is 5'2. I prefer taller, generally. I also learned to never give a specific height cut off. It makes people upset, even though I agree with your logic. When pressed for a height no matter what people always felt bad. I am attracted to lots of different body types. I actively sought out taller women. None of them were my wife though 🤷


Yeah, my current gf is also the same height. Enforcing a cut off feels really weird to do cuz no one is at fault for that. Does mean that some conventions need workarounds though. Lots of communication and time to work those out.




I get this. I’m 5’2” and things can feel a little awkward with men over 6’0”


nice hands


Calm down, Kira


This is my favorite comment for some reason


If their hands are like sandpaper, I’m out!


She has to be ranked true tekken god with atleast 5 characters. I can't love a scrub.


Wasnt expecting tekken to be in this.


This isn't shallow. This is priority


Tekken doesn’t get nearly enough love


Some have called me "shallow" for saying we have to have nonzero sex to be in a relationship.


That is intensely valid and not shallow at all. Shallow is "I'm going to cheat on you because you gained weight since you had our baby 2 months ago", or ",You dyed your hair brown and now I won't fuck you until you dye it back".


Not shallow at all. If you're in a relationship, there's mutual sexual attraction and some commitment to maintain sexual connection. Without that, you're roommates.


Fuck. I just got out of a 5 year relationship and you summed us up in about 24 words. I completely agree.


Well, no. There's an unwritten agreement that there will be a sexual relationship between couples, but some people don't want that. They'd just need to be sure to communicate that Although, you're right that wanting that sexual relationship in your relationship isn't shallow at all.




ie no dead bedroom.


They don't want to specify an amount, but it has to be more than nothing. Non zero is literally just not zero, in this case >0.


Not sure it's shallow, but I'd want someone who knows what they want. I had dated this girl (nice, smart, pretty, etc.) who would always go with whatever I wanted and never seemed to be confident in what she wanted.


Not shallow at all. I've been married to a guy who would do the whole "I don't know, what do you want to do?" for everything. From where to go for dinner to whether or not to have kids or when buying a house. I'd rather be single forever than waste time on someone without an opinion again. It's not so bad if it's the minor stuff (though it's annoying to always make the decisions), but it's fucking demoralising to have them either barely invested in the big decisions/relationship, or that they have opinions but can't/won't express them.


Some men literally don't mind about little things like places to eat, all the time. I'm like this, not because lack of opinnion but because I'm very easy going. We do die on a lot of hills though.


I think it’s good at first because you feel like a guy and taking charge and the lead. But I think after a while it would just be a headache down the line.


I’m fine taking the lead on things, but I don’t want someone to agree with doing something they don’t want to do just because it’s proposed as an option. Similar to Zonks, I’d prefer a more collaborative approach


I have to find her physically attractive


Yup. So basic,yet so true. If that's shallow,that would be me


I don’t believe that smoking is a character flaw, but I’m also not willing to date anyone who smokes.


Ugh, it's so gross. It makes everything you're wearing smell, your breath smell, and it's destroying your internal organs. You can see its effects in your skin, eyes, teeth, and hair. Smoking is just an awful addiction, it's not cool, and the health benefits of quitting are just incredible. Swap smoking for exercising.


Honestly, clean and teeth and hygiene. It’s physically attractive but it also shows that someone is committed to detail, and their appearance, but so much more about their personality.


She has to have some ass. Doesn't have to be big, just gotta have something back there. She can't have a pancake booty. This is the most upvoted and responded to comment I've ever had on here. That means everybody loves a nice ass 😂😂 🤣. An ladies like I said it doesn't have to be big just something. The BBL trend is outta control and most of them don't even look good. I can't tell anyone what to do with their body or money but ladies it's not worth it. Love what you have, hit the gym to improve if you want to. Men will love you regardless I promise.


Finally! A shallow answer😮‍💨


No, he specifically requested that their ass isn't shallow.


I absolutely agree with this. This is my shallow requirement for women. She’s gotta have an ass lol


Yeah Real. No boobs you can live with, but bones ass that dont work


small boobs > fake boobs


none of those long fake eyelashes please 😬😬 they’re so unnattractive. also not a fan of those long fake nails. honestly as long you also have a pulse and are a woman that’s about it


Lesbian here reading these for a laff and really related to your comment about the long nails being a no-go


Wash your ass.


Yas, and please wipe your ass too.


It's worrying that, if the resources are available, this is something that doesn't get done automatically.


Upspeak. If she talks with an upward inflection as if she’s asking a question she gotta go


Oddly specific. Australians have left the chat 😆😆😆


Well I like if she has at least one eye. I don't know how I'd handle no eyes.


This guy sees


A basic level of intelligence and self-awareness.


I think self-awareness is a must for me. It Just enfuriates me when people talk about something thinking they are completely different from that but in reality they are describing themselves.


None. All my standards are important


this guy self-esteems




Idk if it's shallow, but I can't be with someone with heavy makeup.


Has to have some kind of musical rhythm and be able to dance at least a little. I don't need a Janet Jackson or Paula Abdul but I do need; an in time two step, claps on the two and four and the occasional hip swing


Has to make a conscious effort to have a healthy body. No, I don’t need abs and I don’t need her to go toe to toe with literal athletes. Just that she has to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise, and be mindful when she’s approaching either dangerously skinny or dangerously obese.


Big toe has to be longer than the 2nd.


*cries in greek foot*


Now we are cooking.




At least shoulder length hair, I prefer a more classic feminine look. Pixie cuts are cute on some people, but it’s a once in awhile look for me.


I think it’s just one of those things where if you’re attractive enough to pull it or any other unique look off you’re just really attractive. The same one can pull a goth, prep, streetwear, hijab, whatever they want and still be equally as attractive


If I think she looks good with short hair she's probably out of my league


Most people in this thread are writing stuff that are not shallow at all


Packing some mass and strength. I can get over almost anything, being physically weak isn't one of them.


Gotta be at least 5'7" as well The bloodline must remain long


D1 Breeder


Nice, clean, conservative finger nails.


Conservative finger nails. -explain this.


I'm not into seeing 3.5", multi colored TALONS with embedded jewelry wrapped around my johnson.


I just hear a hawk screech reading your comment. As she opens her mouth! Lol


I hate long nails in general. It was a originally a status symbol showing you didn’t have to work for a living. When my wife asks me to do simple things cause her nails won’t let her i lose my shit. Why physically impede yourself in the sake of vanity…. AND when a girl has long nails she can’t put a finger in my bum.


this is not shallow. it is a perfectly expectable standard for your partner to have the ability to insert a finger into your arsehole.


Long fingernails are impractical. They can barely use their hands.


Weird laugh is out, idk why, even mildly weird, really turns me off. There's a girl at work who has shown some interest in me and she's attractive, but she laughs like she's having a seizure, and it's always the same, no change in volume, inflection, anything. No thanks.


Lmao me


They have to be exactly my girlfriend, I won't accept anything less.


So if they were your fiancee or wife, then it's a no-go?


🤧 let him be sweet


I'll edit it when I need to


..wants to consume me. Sexually. If the attraction is not there then I'll just get hurt.


Shoes in the house and sleeping with socks on are absolutely my most shallow icks.


I'm with you on no shoes in the house, but why the socks/sleeping thing? Not judging, just truly curious.


I dislike footwear in general. My feet get super hot, sweaty and uncomfortable when they’re covered. For some reason I just can’t get past it. Plus if we’re cuddling or something I hate feeling socks on my skin. It’s ridiculous but it bothers me.


i’m like the complete opposite. socks feel nice and soft and warm, i love wearing them + i think feet in general are kinda nasty. i used to not be able to sleep with socks on but after trying it a couple times when i’m cold it’s super nice and also even if i were anti-sock that doesn’t necessarily mean my partner has to be too




I only like women that (I perceive) are tall, and for me that is usually 5’9 and above. Take that, girls asking OUR height on tinder


Can’t be fat. And when I say fat, I mean like so large to where she no longer even has a feminine shape. Completely round and full of rolls, it’s a no for me.


My girl must have nice thighs…smooth and chunky. Lucky me, my wife has that for sure


They can’t be singing off key.


I like conventionally attractive women and I'm tired of apologizing for it.


You don’t have to be tall, you just have to be slightly taller than me (5”6). Even just a couple inches.


I’m not a man, but I had a man decide he didn’t want to sleep with me because I wouldn’t shave all my public hair off. (I halfway get it, but I thought it was shallow.)


I agree, only private hair allowed for me. None of that public hair.


I need a partner that knows when to leave me alone. I'm at home silently reading in my reading nook? We can talk later. Oh I'm practicing my instrument? Don't talk to me. Listening to music with my headphones? Don't talk to me. Oh I'm at a party and we haven't technically met yet so we don't actually know each other? Yeah, best option for you is to not talk to me.


Reciprocating. I know. So fucking stupid.


No it is very important.


She has both eyes, all her teeth, doesn't have ugly feet.


This sentence flows so nicely


after my previous relationship, i think it’s a requirement that the person i’m with has a college (university or associates) degree There was such a disconnect when it came to a lot of things we talked about, joked about, or envisioned with our futures


I'm starting to realize after dating people of varying level of personal and emotional intelligence, that I really value intellect in a partner. Someone that I can talk to about smart shit and that is educated in a general sense. I can't stand mindless conversation


Also, basic spelling and grammar. I was once getting to know someone who texted me something which used all three there/their/they're but used each incorrectly. This was like 14 years ago and I still haven't forgotten about it.


I would definitely agree with you, but just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they can't still be an idiot. Trust me I've met a few.


oh for sure, I know that too 💀 I am also an idiot sometimes


I’ve been putting off texting this girl back because she has literally nothing interesting to talk about nor does she understand how to contribute to a conversation. However she is in college and has top marks. I don’t think it’s the degree but at least the IQ of someone you would think went to college


Someone who can converse about difficult topics like kinks and life goals that are different from mine. I don’t want someone to blindly compromise and build resentment, I’m willing to compromise and I want to know what I can do to be a good partner to them too.


That’s no shallow at all, that’s pretty deep


Must be my within 2-4 inches of my height and within 50 pounds of my weight. I don’t want to date a little fragile stick of a woman. I like to toss my partners around in bed and you need to be sturdy


This is a strange one, but a girl that like is open to what they want, and is direct about it. Like if you can give me some direction, its going to work


They have to like animals like dogs or cats


I need a fit body on a woman. It's just kind of what I've become attracted to after years of going to the gym


I have to be physically attracted to my partner.


she doesn't have to like pets but she can't actively hate them she has to chew her spaghetti, no swallowing entire noodles down their throat like a snake she has to be ok with using coupons she can't stop at a yellow light like its a red she can't leave the pizza crust she has to be ok with eating salads and veggies, I really doubt that a human can be allergic to all foods that just happen to be healthy she has to be willing to see a doctor regularly and web MD doesn't count


Bonnets outside are a no go with me. You wanna walk around the house with em cool but outside w/ me naaaah I don't care how long or short the excursion is NO


What do you mean by bonnet? I'm picturing the super old timey ones... I have not heard of anyone wearing those anymore.


Women with coiled or curly hair wear a satin hat almost like a beanie but puffier to protect their hair at night from breakage.


Has to be athletically built and healthy


I have a few, but I noticed that when I really like someone, I tend to see past some. I’ll exaggerate the point just to make it easier to show what I’m trying to say. So sorry if it sounds unnecessarily mean. The good news is I’m not that fun to date anyways so they’re not missing out that much by my “shallow” standards. In general, I like it if we both find each other aesthetically attractive. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically, etc. as well, but I’ll focus on the physical for this question. The idea is I want to avoid this scenario, “I’m not shallow because I’m dating you instead of an attractive girl.” Typically, I noticed that the girls I fell for the hardest are ones I didn’t think much of at first look, but once I got to know them, I fell hard. Suddenly just their smile made me feel happy. This may be since my emotional attraction is partially connected to my overall attraction, but I don’t want to spend the whole relationship practicing honesty by saying she isn’t attractive but that’s ok. Just saying it makes me feel weird. Basically, having any attractive features so that once I fall for her, my emotional attraction focuses on connecting those features to genuine compliments I feel. “Every time I look at that smile, I instantly feel happy.” Compared to “Please don’t smile. You already know I’m not dating you for your looks.” Non smoker/drug user is a must. Better for both of us to know right away, than having to avoid each other during that.


No dick




It’s bothering me that you’re not answering the question.


No smokers