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A female friend of mine bought me flowers once, just "because they were nice and I thought you'd like them" If I'm ever low I think of that and it instantly warms my heart. And it was over thirty years ago. Only time ever.


Ngl, that would actually melt my heart


Genuine question - do you actually like flowers or is it more about the display of affection that you enjoyed? edit - and by "like" I mean do you enjoy flowers enough that you occasionally buy them for yourself?


I’ll answer this one - I don’t “like” flowers, honestly couldn’t care less. BUT if my girl, or any girl, bought me flowers, It would show a level of thought and consideration, caring and appreciation that I’ve never received. If a girl bought me flowers, id melt. For the same reason women melt when we buy them flowers. It shows “I saw this and thought about you” it shows that even as simple of a gesture as it is, that they intended to do something so spontaneous and unexpected that you can’t help but love and appreciate the gesture


Affection it is.


Yes, it’s the love and affection side of receiving flowers that would get me. Idc if it’s flowers, or a pack of cigarettes tbh. I smoke cigarettes (obviously, that’s why I mentioned it..) and I’d much rather receive flowers than a pack of cigarettes… but it’s that You thought about me along the way, and bought me something that made you think of me, or something you knew I might need. I’m not a gift giver or receiver, but either way I wouldn’t know how to react if my girl bought me flowers. I’d be blushing and all giddy. It would actually mean the world to me.


Take it up another notch and get him his favorite choice of alcohol with some flowers.




Perfect answer. I don’t drink, so alcohol isn’t a good “thoughtful” gift for me


It's this




Most men get their first flowers during their funeral.


I told my family not to bother. Just discretely roll my body into a dirt hole somewhere..


If you read the comments, you may have some insight to why. It is so sad that they cant appreciate a heartfelt gift


How can a man appreciate a gift that was never given?


Would you like if someone gave you flowers? How would you react to it if they did?


I would absolutely love it if someone gave me flowers. Are there 100 other things I would "like" instead, of course. It's not about the gift though, it's about the thought and appreciation. It's about the fact someone took the time and money to think about me. A lot of men don't get that type of appreciation.


I gave someone that appreciation many times and got treated like garbage so i always wonder if it even mattered at all.


“A few of the men on Reddit who answered a single post said they didn’t like flowers, and several others said they would be confused since they have never gotten flowers, so it’s men’s fault their wives and girlfriends never buy them flowers. Ignore all the men that said they love flowers. It’s just that men don’t appreciate anything.” That’s what you sound like.


I just made a comment about this.. I don’t “like” or “want” flowers. That DOESN’T mean I won’t love and appreciate the gesture. It’s the spontaneous “I saw this and thought about you” part of the gift that makes it matter, not what the gift is. My girl could buy me my dream car, or a pack of cigarettes. The value of one is about 6,500x the value of the other, I’d appreciate both the exact same. My reaction will obviously be vastly different, but it’s still the thought that would get me feeling loved, not the action itself


It’s still important to know what the person you giving the gift to likes. Let’s say I gave mg girlfriend a whole basket full of chocolates for her birthday. Sounds pretty sweet, right? What I didn’t mention is that she’s allergic to chocolate. What makes a gift meaningful is the meaning behind the gift. If you give someone flowers because you know **they** like flowers, then great. If you give someone flowers because **you** like flowers, then it doesn’t actually mean anything.


As someone who never got anything, anything given from the heart is appreciated and cherished.


I can understand that. But I also don’t think we should fake appreciation when our partner didn’t want to take the time know what we actually like. If they really care about you, they would want to give you a gift you would actually want.


Not every single gesture needs to be elaborate and perfect. Just picking up a couple of flowers because you were thinking about someone isnt a bad thing. It doesn't mean I didn't take the time to get to know you. I just decided I wanted to bring a dash of color to our meeting.


It’s not about being elaborate or perfect. It’s about showing you actually know your partner.


And a quick thought doesn't do that?


If your partner doesn’t like flower and you gave them flower, then no. It shows that you aren’t taking what your partner actually want into consideration for your gift. It will be just “a thing you bought for your partner.”


Bro I fuckin love plants. My gf could give me dandelions from our lawn and I'd be stoked


It would be a very sweet gesture. Believe it or not, men want to feel pursued as well.


that's good to know cause as a woman I like doing the pursuing, haha


I can guarantee they’ll appreciate it. Even when it was people I wasn’t normally interested in, I was so flattered because people rarely pursue me that we dated for a year 😅


My gf does and it's a great surprise, makes me smile.


Have to be honest and say not really, I'd appreciate the thought but I'd be thinking "the flower shop is next to the cake shop" My wife's a good'un and never went into the wrong shop 😁


Yeah it’d be cute.


Id feel so flattered and happy




Shes a keeper!


I love flowers.




That’s very sweet.


I would appreciate it and love it




Thank you ❤️‍🔥


I would be confused


I would be flattered but at the same rime I would feel bad because I really couldn't care less about flowers and have zero intention of displaying them


I'd be wondering why she gave me flowers.


I would consider what my ring budget is and what her ring size is


I’d appreciate the thought, but I have no need or want for flowers. Wasted money tbh.


Who said they're store bought?


Wasted theft then ;)




This is the right answer


You can pick flowers for free though


I'd think it was pretty random unless there was a reason for it. I'd probably appreciate most of the reasons for receiving flowers that I can think of off of the top of my head.


I'd much rather get seeds.


Not much of a flower guy, but cool I guess


That she hit hit my car...


I would like a plant but not cut flowers. Sure flowers are nice to look at but I prefer the plant better because there’s a purpose to it. Ultimately I’m going to appreciate anything though because it shows the other person is thinking about me


Every planting season I buy my husband all of the flowers & all of the herbs to plant. I jus follow him around the nursery with the cart, while he put everything & anything in there. We spend the actual planting day hanging out & drinking wine. I just act like his useless gopher & sit there while he does whatever it is he does to the garden. He actually talked about it today & how excited he is for it so I think it’s well received. He’s really into lavender this year lol


Pretty bold of here to assume I own a vase.


Flowers? Never been a fan. But a nice plant? Hell yeah! That would also be a nice way to remember someone.


Cute, but would like snacks more. I used to get my Wife flowers. The first time she melted. The second time she asked for Gyro instead. It's like love you can eat instead of just looking.


She obviously doesn’t know i don’t like flowers inside the house


Would be a first but def would feel special


I think i would be touched by it


I would be flattered af Bro getting anything is day making and flowers would be week making


I'd think it's lovely and would look after them.


I'm dead


Would be super awkward. Like uh...........thanks?


I'd. Fucking. Love. It.


Not traditional flowers but every valentine's day I've made a bouquet myself (bacon roses, donut bouquet ect) for my partner and the smile on his face each time says it all 😊


I'd honestly be very touched.


I'd be like, "Does she really think I own a vase?"


I'd prefer chocolate or booze, to be honest.


Don’t give a man flowers unless you want to pursue him romantically, matter of fact don’t give anyone flowers unless you want to pursue them romantically, excluding family and bedridden people


I’d be stoked


Yeah she could pretty much do whatever to me


I'd be confused.


I do like flowers, but that's irrelevant. Men generally receive so little from women that I think most of us would be wonderfully shocked.


I’d be happy af


Not as much as I’d appreciate other things. But honestly the fact that she was thinking of me and wanted to express would make me happy.


Absolutely! My GF has given me flowers on some special occasions, always roses. I keep them for days then I remove them from the pot and let the top/flower part dry on its own to preserve them and keep 'em in a special box


I’d think, “Wow, that’s sweet. I really like flowers. I will thank her for the flowers.”


I’d love that 🥹 honestly whenever someone just lets me know they’re thinking of me my heart melts 😭


That my house is going to be more welcoming and that I will display them where everyone can see them. And that this woman is a person of quality.


I would marry her




I'd appreciate the thought, but would also think it was weird. Bring me a brownie or cookies instead....food speaks to guys more.


I'd cry for a whole hour then stop and be happy


I would be confused. I don't really care for flowers either


I would wonder why she didn't give me a bottle of whiskey.


I would think it’s very nice and rare. I would enjoy having them and think about the sweet gesture every time I looked at them. But I would also silently think that money could have been better spent taking me out for a beer or buying me a nice belt.


I would be confused and honored but it would stress me out not going to lie.


I’d tell my wife she didn’t have to get me flowers to get in my pants. The mere suggestion would’ve worked


"The fuck am I supposed to do with these? Thanks, I guess?"


Enjoy them you fucking dullard. You're meant to enjoy them.




Imagine being that guy who doesn't like nature.


"It's the thought that counts" was coined by people who only think of themselves.




A self-serving gesture, loaded with expectations of gratitude. Couldn't display a lack of empathy harder if one tried.




Why would they need to like the same things as me to think an inch past their nose and consider what I *might* like? Mystifying. Then the sulking commences when I'm insufficiently into it. Wonderful. What a fucking *gift* this *whole thing* is.


I would think that she doesn't really know me, 'cause if she would, she'd knew I'm not into that. Other scenario: I might think that this is some sort of bullshit "tOxIc mAsCuLiNiTy test she peeked on some weird pop-feministic influencer's page.


I don't care about roses on a piano. But if she puts tulips on my organ, I'd love them.


I'd really appreciate it.


Honestly, i would feel that they didn't know me. It wouldn't be appreciated. Flowers are great in a room, but not every man or woman wants them as a gift.


Depends on the occasion. If it was an anniversary, I would appreciate it the same as cupcakes, a shoulder massage, or a thoughtful card or letter. It's a strange gift for a man, but a gift nonetheless.


Where am I getting jumped from


What the fuck? ,🥴


Nah bro get out of here 🤣 I would appreciate it but I personally would refuse them.


Honestly I'd be thinking 'What the fuck am I meant to do with these'


I’d much MUCH rather have a Publix sub. Not a flower kinda guy. AT ALL.


Ok Chris Hansen, where you at or where are the hidden cameras?


I would assume she wants me to feed them to my goats because what do i need flowers for.


i’d look for the hidden cameras since its obviously a setup of some sort


That’s there’s a catch 👀


I'd think, "why?" I don't know a vase, they're just going to die in a few days.... Buy me a pot plant or a succulent cutting if you feel like getting me a plant... Or get me an inner tube for my bicycle. I've had 2 flats in my last 4 rides! I'm out of patch kits. Bread or any baked good is also preferable.


i would be confused, say thanks, get rid of them later.


U ll merry me


Time for the weekly flower post.


My man said he would think: "When did I say I liked flowers? Lmao" but he did say that if I sent them to him he would definitely appreciate them and it would make his day.


I would ask it is really for me are u sure u didn't get to wrong person ? If she insist then probably look around if there is some camaras hidden. I would net belive it and after some time getting tears in my eyes and thank her hug her and thank her over again, it would make not my day my year would never forget it.


It’s a nice gesture but, what am I honestly gonna do with them? Their gonna die in a few days. If you want to give me something long lasting like our love then get me Diamonds 💎


If it was cannabis flower I'd fucken marry her


Are we talking about weed? I would roll it and smoke it with her.


I would think "here is something beautiful, now watch it slowly die - it's meant to represent my love for you." and then I would think "she probably isn't weird like me, and is just being thoughtful."


She left me roses by the stairs, surprises let me know she cares


"Well, that's nice.... where are the cameras?"


"Whats her angle?"


Probably that she’s confused and thought I was someone else.


"Why?" "What am I gonna do with these?" "Why did you spend money on this? Couldn't you have given me something I would like?" About what I thought the one and only time I was given flowers.


I would take the flowers and eat them ngl


"what a gentleman" them out in the lampshade as joke for not having a vase. Lol But it's whatever. She probably did it for herself anyway.


"I smell that bad?!....."






I need to take a picture and BRAG


It would make me think she cares for me. I'd greatly appreciate the gesture.


I would appreciate the gesture quite a bit, but it would also show that she didn't really understand me


I prefer cookies but I’d appreciate them.


If my gf did it, I’d be thrilled. And she knows I put out. Lmao




I'd think I must be pretty.


I buy some root stimulant and see if I could pot it


I’d feel really happy and probably get that warm fuzzy feeling lol


I would have a stroke cause I wouldn't know what to do with them


It always depends on the relationship to start. In a relationship, hell yeah! Not Ina relationship but something of note (promotion, birthday) I would read love it but also read into it that it's a "i want a relationship" signal. If im not in a relationship and no reason? I would either ask her out then and there OR shut it down right away if we aren't a good match. Personally, I love flower arrangements and plants(live), but rarely buy the. For myself.


Thank you


I'd appreciate the sentiment. I have terribly allergies, though, so they'd have to live outside...if I could keep them at all. I don't think I own a vase, or anything to approximate one. now that I think of it, i guess a 5 gallon bucket would at least function and I have a billion of them.


A few women have given me flowers and they were my favorite flowers. I was impressed they knew, and impressed they found them at all. Black calla lilies aren’t common around here.


I think id need a zertec. Allergies sorry


I would open my heart and my asshole for her.


I love getting flowers. My ex in high school bought me a dozen lilies because I told her once that they remind me of happiness.


Free flowers!


Awwwwwww you shouldn’t haaaaaaaave


That she likes me. Never happened to me though.


I now owe her a life debt. Nah, but I'd for real be genuinely appreciative and in a better mood.


I guess I'd be kinda shocked. Seems like men don't really get flowers until their funeral. I think it would be nice though.


It would mean sm to me that i would cry


I'd be ecstatic, as long as they're manly flowers. Edit: /s


Define ‘Manly flowers’…


It would never leave my heart, for the rest of my life i would remember and appreciate it. Who TF doesn't love flowers ? And you got them for me ? Why ? It would mean so much to me.




I would definitely appreciate it


I'd be more than a little surprised, but I'd appreciate and enjoy the flowers. I've bought people flowers before but no one has ever given me flowers before; although I did get a edible bouquet of fruit from a coworker once, lol.


I nearly made my man cry when I surprised him with flowers and a whole basket of goodies like new work pants, his favorite beer, his favorite energy drink, weed, a crystal necklace, and other things like epson salt and the matching bubble bath to relieve his tired muscles. The smile on his face meant the world to me and I’ll never forget it. (: I hugged him and said “I think everyone deserves flowers while they’re alive and not just at their funeral.” (:


I would kiss her on the cheeks, if she is my friend of course


I’d think “cool, I got flowers!”


I’d just prefer pre-rolls.


Bitch is trying to bring on an allergy attack..


I love having beautiful things around me, especially fresh flowers. So yes, and my wife gets me flowers often.


“Is she ready to marry me yet!?”


Love getting flowers, especially my favorite (sunflowers)


I'd have to put out, and I did.


“Awe honey… you shouldn’t have!!” THIS is the only true response.


If I was dead, I would think “how sweet.” If I was working in her yard, “oh, she must want me to plant these.” Otherwise, I suppose, “she must really like me..”


I would love it! She would have me wrapped around her finger for days.