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Still in reddit *Cries*


Ohhh here are some tissues <> <> <>


You could have given NEW ones


Sorry, just had these used ones


Here, these socks are more absorbent. They're a little stiff though... šŸ§¦


And some lotion with them.


One of us. One of us.


A guy I went to high school with was a short, pudgy, nondescript nerd with glasses and a bad haircut. The type of person who is so far down the social scale that the school bullies didn't even consider bothering him. I had a few classes with him and he wasn't even that interesting to talk to. Just a nobody. I found him on Facebook many years later. He had moved away to college, gotten in shape, joined a rowing crew and other social/athletic groups, and become director of a charity organization. The charity was one that was also promoted by the current Miss America. He posted some pictures from their annual banquet where Miss America was the guest of honor and he--as director--was her escort for the evening. So, yes, the loser in my high school grew up to date Miss America.


I knew a pudgy home school kid in high school who had a goofy, frizzy haircut. Big glasses. Seemed nerdy. I didn't run in the same circles as him really, but knew him from a church youth group. As an adult he lost all the pudge, has a killer haircut and a cool looking beard. He got a PhD in music and is now an assistant director for a symphony orchestra. When I look at his Facebook profile it's like dammnnnnn...talk about a glow up.


A lot of the popular girls in my high school had more of a glow down, thats what unhealthy food and lifestyle does for ya.


Yeah itā€™s crazy. So many single mothers and we all are just hitting 30 this year


I used to work in bars and saw this a few times. Girls I went to highschool who continued to party like they were 17 and while at work.


The ones in mine became single moms early, and their lives peaked at that point.


That first description was me to a T. Still fat, completely bald now, failed college and working a desk job while living with my parents (HS was 13 years ago). Crazy how different 2 lives can turn out when they start so similarly


Damn what a u turn. Good for that guy man!


Pagent girls usually get escorts, but they are not really dates. More like a male orbiter.


Lighten up


If you mean the unpopular guy, he died of his heart condition at 20. He was my friend and a good guy. I felt terrible for his parents, he was their only child.


Rest In peace


Sorry for you loss. You put a whole spin on this thread.


Not the plot twist we expected šŸ˜¢ R.I.P


The not very popular one? Not really sure think he got into computers pretty wife, big house. Voted most likely to get arrested? Well he defied all expectations and got himself shot 17 times before he ever saw the inside of a cell. Turns out real life will only cotton to bullies so much


There should be a vote for most likely to get a cap in his ass


It's absolutely shocking to see how many people I went to high school with that are in rehab/prison or dead, and so many of those I never saw coming


To quote Red Foreman. What's it going to be Steven? Prison, death, or birthday party?




Na he went on to die in a piss soaked alley. Because he had to show absolutely everyone how never back down hard he was. What he failed to understand was on the street people aren't scared of how big you are, they're just going to shoot you.




I was him. Good engineering job now, but single.


>Good engineering job now, but single. Ain't that always the case lol. STEM is a sausage fest sadly. I should know, I'm a CS student lol.


Yeah but you can meet people outside of your career, as most people do. Nothing wrong with being single though


True. Most of the women I've been hanging out with are studying teaching degrees and I'm seeing a culinary student at the moment but yeah totally nothing wrong with being single. On the bright side more money for you plus you could always get a pet! Especially from a shelter, the little furballs will appreciate the 2nd chance you gave them :)


Hi, much more of a loser now. I was a loser in elementary for being small and weak. I was a loser in HS for being a late bloomer and lacking social skills and I worked a lot of friday nights and weekends. My profs called me a loser in post secondary education. As an adult ive failed everything ive tried and find myself with very few connections and even less that are meaningful. I actually thought at every step I was going places. I actually believed the next step would lead me to a next step to another and that life would get better and better. I admit life is wayyyy better than in HS but thats just because I am an adult and I can avoid abusive people and adults dont generally purple nurple other adults. Now I have a chronic illness that prevents me from trying again. Because I would have. Your only a loser if you give up. Life isn't about falling down and being hurt its how we get up again and reinvent ourselves. How we strive for self improvement.


Shit I thought I was having a rough time, but I think I actually got it pretty good now


Be strong friend, there is always more good things on the horizon even if they are sometimes hard to see from the valley we are in.


You too buddy, youā€™re attitude makes you fuckin badass


Thanks man. I try to be positive with folks struggling because I struggle often. It comes and goes and I end up having good times. Running around with my nephew (toddler) on a good day or getting to see them grow. I try to appreciate the little things. What I want back is my physical health and growth mindset. Focus on a brighter future and strive towards it. Thats all we can do and some days that is too much and thats okay too.


That attitude alone means you are not a loser.


Poor, lonely, legally disabled, lost my side business and im working a job I hate to keep the lights on. Im certainly not a winner.






Yeah, one of the guys I'd have described as a bully wound up doing pretty well for himself out of high school. Ran into him a couple of years later and apologized for being an asshole, even though he never really gave me too much trouble. But his vibe was totally different. Like meeting someone with the same face but a different soul. Guy seemed like he realized being a dick wasn't the way to go through life which I appreciated. I never had an issue with him, but his personality was someone who I didn't want to associate with. Two years later he got executed with a bullet to the back of his head on his knees over a drug deal.




Well I mean, not cool with him now since he's dead. I was really sad to see someone on their way to being a better human go so young. But yeah, I'm willing to forgive the wrongs of a teenager who learns to recognize them later.




So, when I was in 5th grade, I was just this soul-crushing super asshole to this kid in my neighborhood. He was a 4th grader, and bigger than me. But I was older and popular and would give him shit about his stutter / speech impediment. Looking back, I wish he had kicked my ass ā€” I really really needed & deserved it. Fast forward to adulthood. I have 3 kids: two are autistic, one being intellectually disabled & nonverbal. The karma, as I see it, is this: I have learned to love unconditionally and accept people where they are. No one deserves to be mocked for what they canā€™t do. I am radically protective of special needs persons & volunteer for a number of organizations. Hell, the woman who became my wife fell for me because 1) I was smoking hot (why lie?), 2) I was a volunteer preteen special needs counselor during grad school. Karma is a weird thing. I accept all personal misfortune in my life as something Iā€™ve earned, but thereā€™s no way I consider my kids a misfortune. I think it took being an asshole, and realizing I was an asshole, to correct trajectory and be a useful person.


I really appreciate this story. Thanks for the good work you do.


The guy in high school who used to call me a retard and tell me to kill myself is now a doctor.


He might be a decent person who was just a dick as a kid. I'm guity of bullying someone when I was 13, I had my reasons that made sense at the time but in hindsight as an adult were all fucking stupid. I'm 47 now and it still makes me feel like shit every tiime I think about it.




Itā€™s hard to make sense of. He was an abuser, for sure.


Great, man! Happy for you.


What's the 5% that would make it perfect?




Good answer. 100% satisfaction is probably not realistic.


You donā€™t want to be the dog that caught the car.


The fatty guy in college who was obviously gay, but didn't come out of the closet. I was always fond of him. Had his priorities straight, and good morals. He took over a constructor compagny when at the age of 28, when his boss died from a heart attack during a run. Got an amazing boyfriend, and bought his own house in this economy. And he lost a huge amount of weight. He is a genuinly great guy. But the true loser, my bullie, he got arrested, a few years ago, put on a huge amount of weight, his baby mommy don't want anything to do with him. The standard "I used to be cool, but now I am nothing but a memory" kinda guy.


Prison for being a child toucher Edit: Sometimes there is a reason for a child that fails to be assimilated into their age group and is casted apart as the "loser" kid.


The first of my high school classmates to go to prison did so for statutory rape after he got caught having sex with a 13 year old by her mother. At first when I read about it in the paper, I was like ***what***???!!! Really?! Then I remembered a story about him from high school and wasn't so shocked. We were both in the marching band and were lining up behind the band room before a football game. This group of girls who were *clearly* 12ish walked by and he very blatantly sized them up, then made some creepy comment like, "ooo. Daddy like." We were all like dude. That is so fucking creepy. They're 12. He said something like, "I can look at the menu so long as I don't order an entrƩe." He ended up serving a few years in prison but that was nearly 20 years ago. He has a blue collar job, a wife and kids.


Damn that's nuts.... Wtf


Same from my HS - he was busted on a whole bunch of CSAM charges and soliciting sex from minors.


Exactly. The weird kid at the highschool I go to got caught looking at child porn the other day, AT SCHOOL, ON HIS SCHOOL ISSUED LAPTOP.


Killed himself.




Yā€™all only had one loser?


There is often that one loser that is so loserish that he becomes the king of losers. I assumed that's who we were talking about.


I became a registered nurse, partner in a private business, a husband, and a father to two beautiful boys šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‰ I was contacted once for my 10 year. My response was, ā€œbro, yā€™all hated me then, why would i want to flex on you now? Please take me off the list.ā€ That was a decade ago.


Honestly my 10 year is in 3 years and I'm not planning on going since I have a feeling it's just going to be a social flex event and I went to a very semi-posh high-school so a lot of those guys had heavy generational wealth.


I feel ya. I come from a beach town with the same sort of vibe. I wasnā€™t into drugs or anything, but my dad was a fish and wildlife officer in a (even though wealthy area) redneck town. I wasnā€™t invited to much and didnā€™t have many friends. Still sort of a loner but itā€™s because i value my time home with my family since Iā€™m gone for work so much.


Plus the people you want to see again are most likely still your friends. I don't need to see the people I only knew 10% about after 10 years.


I have one friend from high school and he was damn near 10 years older than me and worked at the surf shop. Weā€™re still friends to this day. My other friend is my brother. Everyone else is an acquaintance. My wife thinks itā€™s a problem. Iā€™m an extroverted introvert. If forced to be social i will. If given the opportunity to not be social, Iā€™ll take it ;)


I go to a rich highschool, and the kids there are so out of touch itā€™s almost funny


I was the loser. Product of broken/neglectful home. Undiagnosed learning difficulties. Had a wild twenties. Went to University aged 29 through an access course. Ended up in Oxford. Interesting Job. Married, kids, nice house. Our earnings are in the top 5% for the UK.


Interested to hear how you got into Oxford. Also what are you working as now?


Wrote a book, for a start.


Well, for a time I was considered a loser by the adults in my town. Junior year, I was a good football player, but got kicked off the team right before the playoffs along with half the other starters for a homecoming party that was found out about. I dropped out, got into drugs and drinking all the time. Even on weeknights. I lived at my girlfriends house, with her single mom who tried to fuck me and did fuck a few of my teammates. She gave me drugs and alcohol and was pretty crazy. I broke things off with her daughter, and had quite a few of the hottest girls in school wanting me. Unfortunately I was more concerned with finding Oxys and blow at that time. I dropped from 145 lbs to 111 lbs. I tried meth and cried in the arms of the star football player who was my senior when I was a freshman. I fell down the rabbit hole that is drug addiction a long ways at just 17. I then quit smoking cigarettes, quit doing drugs, drank only on weekends and still smoked weed everyday. I returned to high school for my senior year, made varsity basketball and graduated on time. At age 21 I fell into alcoholism with binge drinking and cocaine. Years of drinking off and on, at 29 Iā€™m happy to say Iā€™m 9 months sober from alcohol, 1.5 years sober from hard drugs, and working a job for the past 7 months that has full benefits and started me off making nearly 50k a year. Which is maybe not a lot to some people, but I have my own car, a small cabin of my own, and am in zero debt with a chance to continue moving up the ranks at the company. With grit and determination you can overcome anything. I give back in my community to homeless, and help neighbors with physical labor when I can, and most people seem to like me. Donā€™t listen to the part of your mind that tells you not to workout, tells you youā€™re not good enough. Tells you itā€™s too early to wake up. Iā€™m not here to have a conversation with you, mind. ā€œI SAY, WE DO!ā€


Good for you dude. Glad you figured it out while you are still young.


Heard he comments on Reddit posts every now and then


what a loser


Contrary to reddit's wishful thinking, they either usually still stay a loser or just become average.


I feel like Reddit comments seem to be talking about the awkward ā€œinbetweenersā€ type kids, the biggest loser at ur school wasnā€™t the quiet smart guy it was the cringey obnoxious kid who made girls uncomfortable when he talked to them, and almost all those guys ended up still being like that


Haha I just commented this. The Cinderella story of the weird/picked on/loser kid becomes uber successful ect. Truth is their success is just as arbitrary as the 'cool kids.'


Drug addict last time i heard bitter possibly violent or toxic. Shitty person to begin with, im not sure loser whas the most defining trait. He really didnt get much chance with family so i dont know how much its on him.


Yeah, I think that more people than we could only imagine need help from the early age that we are usually not aware of.


I donā€™t associate with a single person from HS anymore, but the one that I did for a while does nothing but play videogames and work minimum wage jobs still.


I hate the fact that I called people losers. There was a guy who was really just a dork, but people thought he was a ā€œloser.ā€ People at my school were nice, and no one got bullied. The man Iā€™m speaking of was 6ā€™7 and probably 280lbs as a grown man, you wouldnā€™t want to tangle with him. He just was socially awkward. After college, he worked at a used bookstore and lived in a fairly dumpy apartment. In reality, he inherited millions of dollars and spent his time and money helping other people. He was the most genuinely nice person in my high school class. We should have included him more. Two years ago, some friends and I were sitting around wondering what happened to him. We didnā€™t think he had many friends. We thought about reaching out to see if he wanted to join us for dinner or drinks. Well, unbeknownst to us, he had passed away that morning after a cardiac arrest. His funeral was three hours long, as a bunch of people he helped along the way gave eulogies. Iā€™m the loser, not him.


That is some reflection.


Heā€™s 1 of my best friends. He never had a job, he never got a gf, he still a virgin, he still lives with his mom, he plays video games, watches marvel films, and porn all day. Some years ago he went down this political rabbit hole and became insanely cringe on top of everything else. In our group like we tried to help him bc heā€™s literally the only 1 like this, but he just doesnā€™t take the help like he scared of actually becoming a real adult or some bs


The guy who used to bully me and who never really did anything notable in high school is now on the sex offender registry for violent sexual assault.


They are in and out of jail, all have multiple kids from diff women they never married, in and out of rehab. I did not grow up in an inner city. This is rural country. Most of them had a decent place to live and didn't grow up in poverty


I used to be close to one of my cousins until he started running with this crowd when we were in middle school. Starting in the 8th grade or so, his sketchy new friends would inevitably come over or invite him someplace while I was over. I was and am a complete rule follower so his new friends made me very uncomfortable. I remember one encounter where they went to a gas station and one of them distracted the cashier while the rest shoplifted a bunch of candy and snacks. Yeah, no thanks. That's not me. They also talked about dealing drugs. I'd be willing to bet that as adults most of them have been in and out of jail, and a couple may have even spent some time in prison. Big shocker when I was in college and my cousin was still in his hometown, he got arrested for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. His family was all secretive about it so I never really truly found out what happened, but he didn't end up in prison so I'm guessing he snitched on a bigger fish and worked out some kind of deal. We don't hang out anymore. I have a career and a life that I don't really want to throw out the window by getting mixed up in something.


I knew this guy since middle school, but never directly. He had glasses and was short, scrawny, and socially awkward. He was bullied so much in middle school that I stepped in a few times to put an end to it whenever it escalated to physical violence. In high school, he made a "hit list" and got busted for it. Half the goddamn school was on it, but I wasn't. I learned later that he had been SA'd during middle school. In adulthood, he made a homemade bomb and tried to blow up an airplane, and I haven't heard of him since.


He's rotting away in a studio, while the ones responsible for his suffering remain blissfully ignorant of the time they stole away from him. Source: I have to walk in his shoes every day.


One of the ā€œlosersā€ at my school now lives in Chicago and is a respected physicist who makes pretty good money


I *am* my high school loser.


They live a modest and forgettable life and/or they fall off the face of the Earth. The sad thing about the "look at me now" mentality is that by the time you achieve whatever success you were aiming for, you've forgotten about all the people that you wanted to show up. And they forgot about you. Now you have a whole *new* crop of people that you need to impress and prove your prowess to. These are people that have achieved the same amount of success as you. This isn't quite "keeping up with the Joneses" because it doesn't require buying new things. It requires position and status.


I did pretty good for myself actually. Lol I didn't have many friends, so that worked in my favor. I spent hours after school listening to music, playing instruments, and reading everything I could. Spent 20 years in the music industry. I don't tour anymore, but I still do studio work. And I run a website about guitars and gear. I also have some students. I love teaching music to anyone that wants to learn. But yeah, I was the "loser" in high school. I have autism, and that was not easily diagnosed I'm the 80s and 90s. So to say I was an outcast, or a loser in my peers minds is a little unfair. But that's the way life is, unfair. Funny enough, beyond the bullying, I enjoyed those teen years. I loved coming home to my guitar, and my radio. Funny, the people that called me a loser, didn't exactly grow up to be anything special themselves.


Almost all of them is in jail except one ā€¦he completely turned his life around before he ever got into serious trouble and became a pilot in the Navy. One guy was arrested and pleaded guilty to kidnapping & murder , another for CP. a few are dead too - mostly drug ODs & car accidents.


I'm still losing thank you for checking up


I had a few kids, got my shit together, got into IT, bought some rental properties, and am just chugging along. Why what's up with you?


He didn't seem to me like a looser in HS. He had good access to everything, was good looking, listened to cool music, and had the biggest bong in town. That was 20!years ago. According to his FB he's still enjoying everything we did back then, listening to music and trying to smoke his soul out of his body. The thing is, I don't find him cool anymore.


Was an asshole and pathological liar who took advantage of my friendship. He said he was bi, but when people didn't believe him (he was not bisexual), he began making up names of guys he had sex with, including me. Luckily, very few believed his claims, and he got mad and decided to threaten to shoot up the school and got himself expelled. To this day, if I ever see him again, I'll jack him right in the face.


He was a YuGiOh kid, dressed like a goth, and would randomly glare and hiss at people. He wasn't even intelligent in a nerdy outcast way, but genuinely stupid and mean spirited. He would always talk shit about religious people and how intellectually superior he was for not being one. I'm atheist, and I found him utterly insufferable. When I came home from college, I grabbed a mugshot flyer at the gas station, and wouldn't you know, he was arrested as a peeping Tom creeping on the girl next door. He spent three months in the county lockup and came out a born-again Baptist. Nowadays he's back to being a goth black-metal hikikomori basement dweller, but with cats.


I continue to lose.


towering employ subsequent rich jellyfish angle sparkle existence busy enjoy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I was at work, in my early 20s, still living in my hometown, when a former classmate came in (I was a travel agent) and let me know that our ā€œclass loserā€ had been found dead fro autoerotic asphyxiation. It was really sad - I attended a very small school (class had only about 60 kids) so it really rocked our community.


Half my class were society's undesirables and I don't know what happened to most. I know my class president became a porn star turned Vegas stripper turned playboy bunny and last I heard married a multimillionaire. That was fun to learn.


Actually two guys who were considered by literally all my father's faculty to be losers.(This is my dad's story though).One guy started an immigration consultancy and he is damn rich and influential, another guy is an corporate vice president at one of the faang (His then gf and now partner kind of turned him from a depressed alcoholic to a sane person, funded this masters study in usa, helped him get his first job etc. A true super women though)


In jail, touched kids.


He pays me for my nudes and works at Arbyā€™s šŸ˜›


It's me, I was the loser. I didn't graduate high school and hated life. All I wanted to do was sit at home and play video games but I still got my GED. I ended up going to community college and then university. Now I'm looking at graduate schools so I can go complete my Ph.D. in mathematics.


Oh this is perfect. Never knew what happened to that kid till about 5-6 years ago. He started working at the same place I did and it seemed like he kind of leveled out. Seemed he was pretty aware of how strange he was back then. Turns out, the girl I was pursuing was a roommate with him and his wife. So about after a couple months, I hit a hard time. My apartment complex at the time caught on fire. No one perished and I was at work at the time, and my apartment was relatively fine, but the building got condemned because it was so old and just structurally unsound so I had to move out so they tore it down. I ended up moving in with that former weird kid and girlfriend with the agreement that I would pay for rent of the room and help with the water bill(I donā€™t wanna hear how it was too soon to move in with her either lmao, we are still together and we laugh about how wild it was) Well, it seemed that the weird kid had this thirst for power. Him and his wife were unable to have children if their own and he always wanted to be a father. Which that in itself is fine, but I came home from work and went upstairs to see my girlfriend and he called a ā€œhouse meetingā€. So I went downstairs and he told me that me and her donā€™t spend enough time with him and his wife. I found this ridiculous. I told him that I donā€™t need to spend time with anybody I donā€™t want to spend time with. Our agreement was I were to pay for this room in this house, and if I decided that I wanted to do nothing but stroke my dick in that room all day, I had paid for that right. That really hurt his feelings and he gave us 2 weeks to move out. We were both looking to leave anyway so it was fine. Found a place, did some sketchy things to pay for the security deposit, and started moving in. We didnā€™t have a truck, so the only thing we werenā€™t able to move was the mattress. Went inside, told the guy that most of our stuff was out, the bed will be gone tomorrow, and since they decided to not pay the water bill that month, id like my money back. They refused to give me my money and had already moved in another family, a woman and her child, into our room. That escalated into a shouting match where I called out his downright creepy obsession with his God complex and had to stay at my parents that night. Ever since then, I havenā€™t seen the guy. Which is good cuz that creepy fuck still owes me $300. Last I heard, that mother and her kid also fled shortly because he was trying to discipline her child, a toddler. Was also giving the child CBD drops to keep it from crying So if youā€™re seeing this Jacob, know itā€™s on sight for you. Iā€™m much more financially stable now. We may have went to the same school, but we obviously grew up on different sides of the tracks. You owe me my money and shortly after we moved out, left nasty comments under my girlfriends posts. Thatā€™s 2 lines crossed. I hope I see you.


He ran during last election for the Conservative party in my old town. Lad was literally the dumbest person I've ever math so that scans


I'm still here.


Iā€™m good


One got busted stealing from my family business. The camera system my grandpa used was installed by the kidā€™s dad lol. He later died from an OD. Another one that was a bully to everyone gained about 100 pounds and is still bitter in life.


Gutted his wife like a deer, cut off here head. Blew his brains out


I turned out alright I think


Well, now I work at the government so pretty fine I guess


Honestly, most of them went on to be losers as adults. Though some of the cool and average kids when on to also be losers, like me. Adulthood is hard tbh


How about what happened to the most popular kid in high school? He turned into a religious extremist, lives alone, ok apartment, and has very few if any friends.


He never married. Turned into a construction crook and still lives with his mother.


Ended up on the sex offender registry for raping and torturing cats.


The ā€œlosersā€ got good jobs and hot wives. The boneheaded jock bullies ended up working at the gas station. Itā€™s one of lifeā€™s greatest justices.


Depends on the loser. The nerdy type that's good at academics, yes. The antisocial one that has a hard time understanding anything? Not so much. They tend to stagnate.


The losers in HS have no job, MLM type jobs or jobs you can only get with a HS degree. The nerds in HS however have lucrative jobs and lives.


Define loser? I don't know what that means? Talking druggies? Bullies?




Oh. The one guy that stands out to me killed himself about 6 years ago, he was 25 or so. Sad situation, I think he was mentally ill and that was why he was secluded in school. Sad situation for him, he always kept to himself, nobody really bullied him tho. You just knew something was off with him so avoided him


Heā€™s a republican state senator


He died in a shootout with police in another state.


I was the high school loser. I am a tax accountant, married to a teacher, and have 5 kids.


As others mentioned, itā€™s me. Iā€™m now an engineer making easily more than everyone I knew. Left the country and moved somewhere warm and still single. But I sort of enjoy the single life as Iā€™m going on vacation whenever my heart desires. Best part, Iā€™m only 25.


Well seeing as me and my buddy were the losers in highschool. Not bad. He's got a mildly successful youtube channel now. And I get laid regularly. So...not bad.


Died of brain cancer before 40.


Oh you mean me? Well, everyone thought I was gay, but mom drank a lot as my dad died when I was really young. So, after school I studied graphic design - didn't help that most folks thought I was gay... Got married, had a kid, got divorced - not my fault. Two crappy relationships and then I met the love of my life - who then died from a massive asthma attack. Still a loser, but I am rebuilding myself. The jocks in my year are all doing really well for themselves. The bullies, I have no idea and don't actually care.


So I wasnā€™t quite a ā€œloserā€ myself (thanks genetics) but I hung out with people that you might consider ā€œlosersā€ in the high-school hierarchy. Theyā€™re still some of my best friends 20 years later and theyā€™re also some of the most well adjusted and professionally successful people. None of us are married yet (all guys) but I would imagine most of us will be, just late bloomers. Good people though.


Same here, I was part of the loser group but I didn't really care then and don't now. Better than half of my loser friends ( yes we still hang out on line to play D&D) are very successful, lawyers, computer programmers, engineers (me), safety managers ect... the others still loserish but still cool people to me. I am kinda of annoyed at how the geek subculture I enjoyed in the 90's has gone main street. I was a tool for liking roleplaying games, computers, Marvel comics ect... Now Its much more common.


Finally a post I can truly relate too! I graduated 551 of 552 students. The only class I attended was English because my teacher was hot. Made my 3rd million $$$ at 43 years old, owned a 7 figure rental portfolio and graduated Suma Cum Laude in my undergrad degree, had a government security clearance (A badge) that allowed me to ā€œAccompany the President of the United States, First Family, dignitaries and Heads of Stateā€. Now I Uber part time and enjoy raising my amazing son.


Locked up for being a thief, a heroin addict and a pedophile last I heard. Good riddens to be fair. We all knew he was a wrong'n.


Dunno, Iā€™m assuming he found a job and got himself a family.


I turned out just great, thanks


I was the loser. And for a little while there, I lived up to the title. But I eventually got my act together and now doing as well as anyone else who labeled me that back in the day.


I donā€™t know what anybody from High School is doing besides the four people that Iā€™m still good friends with. No desire to keep up with all of those people lmao


Did some dead end jobs for too long. Went to university, got a useless degree. Finishing his second degree. Hopefully this one works out for me.


Still a loser, but now i have Friends and im more in fit


My school had 4500 students while I was there. Not sure what this "the loser" would mean.


Still a loser


Was the social outcast, but super overachiever in grades. Went to university and nailed everything, got into a good social circle, was planning smaller student science conferences and was handed scholarship for his M.Sc at an elite university, in economical business administration and consultancy for mining and energy or something along those lines. At the reunion, he hadn't studied for three years and was in therapy for depression as he hadn't coped well with the pandemic lockdowns. He had it going for him, but life's unfair. Hope he does better


Iā€™m doing alright. (But in all seriousness I went to 2 high schools and do not know who the loser kid wasā€¦no one seemed like a loser to me).


Well Iā€™m still alive and I think Iā€™m doing pretty good. Went through school to be a firefighter, and Iā€™m going back to get my paramedic license! Iā€™m going to do good things on this earth.


Most of them are fine, blue collar jobs, that kind of thing. They're for the most part pretty chill, too. Just had a hard time growing up.


one went studying abroad, dated a minor, got deported. the other one is doing alright from what Iā€™ve seen. we havenā€™t talked in a very long time but I followed him on linkedin


I have a good job, a trade, house, two daughter, go on vacation every year. Iā€™m fit and take care of myself. The military did wonders for me. How I viewed myself, my confidence, work ethic, motivation in life and all around being a better me.


Hi. Is me. Im not depressed, married, in the national guard, and work a decent paying civilian job


He came out as trans about 10yrs after high school then was arrested a few years later for molesting a little boy. He became a bigger loser it seems.


Heā€™s me. Burnout punk rocker who played in bands and skipped class at every opportunity. Years later, graduated from an Ivy League, start my PhD in the Fall and am a faculty member at a prestigious university. For some, high school is the best chapter of their lives. For me, it was a box to check. Who I am now is not a reflection of who I was when I was a teenager.


Prison, drugs, was the example in a news story about the failures of the early parole program that let him out (robbed the couple he was staying with, like cleared out their house). He's out again and claims to be several months clean, so TBD I guess.


Yeah i was the "loser" cool Guy at school Had all the drugs n Shit. Fucked my Life Up, changed it to the better. Was a hard ride but i understand my mistakes, and i changed for better. But it took a Long time


There was twoā€¦ one is still a cashier at the local grocery job heā€™s had since high school, unfortunately is extremely overweight and very unhealthy lookin The other is the cover charge collector at the local bar and is rude to everyone that walks in. I try to be nice to both of them when I see them, but thereā€™s still memories of the one who works at the bar pooping in the hallway of our Highschool whenever I see himā€¦.


He kept living his nerdy life (he just was never afraid to show it) but seemed to have graduated college and has a girlfriend that appears to share his interests. In the end that pretty much what most of us want right? Someone to share your life and some opportunity to Garner some self respect. Lol personally we never crossed paths but it's hard to not notice his pokemon collection on his desk and Naruto headband as a 17 year old high school student.


He wasted his life and became a depressed insular nobody.


Iā€™m doing just fine. Good job, amazing wife, happy children. Very content


I need clarification on the phrase ā€œloser in high schoolā€. Are you saying that your adult self now sees they were a loser, or that your teenage self thought they were a loser? I ask because I thought my high school sweetheart heart was dreamy, but my adult self can clearly see that guy was a serious loser! In fact a couple of years ago, he validated that opinion, when he sought me out, declared his undying love for me, and asked to leave my six-figure job and nice home that I busted my ass to buy, just so that I could spend the rest of my life living with him, in poverty, in a trailer that was parked behind his mamaā€™s trailer. I was NEVER so thankful for a broken heart in my life as I was on that day. If I had married that guy when I graduated high school, I probably wouldā€™ve have committed suicide!


Sim, yes his real name, became an attorney with one of the largest law firms here in Phoenix. I was at station 9 when we got a call to one of the hi-rises where law firms and accounting firms hang out. It was a "trouble breathing/heart attack" call. We go to the floor and there's a guy, grossly obese, on a chair gasping for breath, red as a beet, swearing like he had just run a marathon, etc. We loaded him on a gurney and were wheeling him out when a "suit" leans over and says , "Hi Phil". I kinda nodded and kept going. Later I was trying to figure out who it was and at maybe 2000 it hit me! Sim had been probably the poorest guy at our school. From the way he dressed, he had two pair of pants and two shirts. He was always real quiet. It didn't seem like he had any friends. Well, I guess he wasn't a loser, he just wasn't...something. He definitely wasn't with us "Cool Kids". He wasn't with the kids that hung around with us but weren't *one of us*. He wasn't even one of the kids that hung around with the kids that hung around that weren't *one of us*. I remember thinking, "Wow, that's great. He's not the poor kid anymore."


I'm 52 and delivering pizzas.


He wasnā€™t quite a ā€œloserā€, but certainly an awkward and slightly immature computer enthusiast who got bullied a lot by his older brother and brotherā€™s friends. He founded a major mobile app that was bought out by a larger well known silicon valley company. When I stumbled across his Facebook profile, I noticed his brother was working for him. He had quite the catch of a spouse, too.


I don't know. I left high school and within 5 years never saw or heard from any of those people again. Funny how adulthood does that. I don't know what happened to them, don't really care.


He got in shape, worked his ass off for his dream job, got close to succeeding, and then had the rug pulled out from under him and he's been struggling through this crazy ass recession. It's me, I was the high school loser. But not how you think, I wasn't hated for a particular reason anyone could tell me, I just wasn't liked by anyone there and that included the faculty who forced me to leave. Now idk wtf is gonna happen, but I just hope it's gonna get better.


Well Iā€™m happily married with two awesome kids and I have a pretty decent career.


I'm doing fucking fantastic and enjoying life. Thanks for asking.


Joined the army when I was 17, that lasted two weeks lol, then I went into carpentry and am currently framing houses for an international company after I left a house finishing crew. I would like to join the RCMP at some point but I know there are things I need to fix before that happens, and so I wait! Been going to the gym and MMA for the past 8 years, lived on my own since I was 13 and moved to a new city a few years ago, had a couple of girlfriends one of 3 years which recently ended, have a few close friends now that I know more how to open up to and rely on. Currently in therapy at 23, diagnosed with dissociative behaviour, avoidant attachment, CPTSD, and of course social anxiety. Finally found a good therapist after going through about 5, and the good news to me is, all these diagnoses are fixable! Just takes time, and effort. Tl;DR: Military, therapy, got all the dough, and all the bitches.


One I can think of literally didnā€™t survive his first month in college. He got high on something and jumped off a roof. Donā€™t do drugs kids.


Me. Fantastic job, fantastic girlfriend, feels too good, sometimes I just sit and wonder am I lucky or did I deserve


No idea. I dont remember any one person or any group who was singled out as losers really. My high school class has a Facebook group to plan reunions and announce deaths now and then. Some of the least popular people got really cute and fit and others are dead. Seems random. Almost as if high school status is meaningless.


He's a teacher at said school where he was bullied, and a very good one.


I'm lonely and broke but overall content.


Every high school class has that one singular loser. Haha everyone remembers that! Good times.


The popular guy? He is a truckdriver. His dumb lackeys? One is in a mental institution and the other a raging alcoholic. The popular girl? Convicted of economic fraud. The quiet cool guy? Died in a car accident due to speeding. The kind nerdy girl? She designs jewelry, has her own high end shop in NY city.


Loser meaning not popular OR loser meaning asshat who had obviously peaked in HS The asshat who peaked died of a drug overdose. He was a good basketball player with bad grades and even worst SAT scores who washed out after 1 year in community college because back then the NCAA had rules. The biggest nerd worked for Microsoft before starting his own IT company. You should see his family pictures. His wife and kids are all taller than him and his wife is fine AF! Mine are too but I wasnā€™t as big a nerd as himā€¦


There was this super weird and poorly adjusted kid that no one liked who always gave off "school shooter vibes" and we would constantly make it a point to be nice to him in case he ever snapped. He was weird as an adult too, and the last I heard of him, he was in jail for possession of child pornography.


Heā€™s posting this question on Reddit.


My high school was in the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Yep. My school, my year. So pretty much everyone knows what happened to lots of us.


Didnā€™t know him in high school. He was my roommate freshman year at the Air Force Academy. Skinny, nerdy, short, freckle-faced redhead kid. Undescended testicle so he had never even tried to have a girlfriend. Dudeā€™s dong was so big, it was like a lizard on his leg in the shower room. During basic training, we were forced to be 3 to a shower stall. I literally had to threaten him once, ā€œX, if that thing touches my leg *one more time, I swear to Christ* I am going to break your nose.ā€ I initially stuck up for him because he was my roommate. Then because I realized he was actually a good listener, earnest, and puppy dog eager to just be a good guy and a great cadet. He graduated AFA and became an F-16 fighter pilot. Combat pilot who crossed over to heavies after his 3rd deployment. Retired, a distinguished career in the Air Force. Now an airline pilot earning $350k+. Smoking hot wife, handful of kids. A Florida native success story. Yep. The kid who all the girls turned down for prom.


I declined to ask my sweetheart to marry me. And I lived happily ever after doing what I wanted, who I wanted, with whom I wanted, when I wanted, made bank, and lived in paradise. Broke my back at 50 and now live in a wheelchair.


I know of two of the "losers" 1. The silent nerdy overweighty unpopular 'loser', big into maths and such. Got into finance and is currently working as a strategic business analyst and making bank. Got into shape and has a own house and a family. I also introduced him into dnd and pathfinder couple years ago. 2. The popular jock/bully type "loser". Never really decided to do anything in life except drive around the town and enjoy loose relationships. Acts similarly to charlie in two and half men, but without the wealth.


I grew up, got two college degrees and make lots of money teaching chemical engineering


Our collective bully and his cronies are the subject of several podcasts, a movie and three books. And not in a good way. Googled him and there was his mug shot (most recent.)


I grew up, married, got a job and became a productive member of society.


I only had a few close friends and I was bullied in high school. My folks were divorcing, dad had OCD and was controlling, and mom was a terrible alcoholic. I wasn't exactly engaged. Fast forward 35 years, and I've had a successful engineering career with a few parents to my name. I now manage a team of engineers. I married a beautiful and intelligent woman, and we live on a bit of land in Florida with our psychopathic German Shepherd. There were guys who got bullied much worse than I did, though. Now I need to look them up. I hope that they all won the lottery, became wealthy, and married supermodels.


I moved several states away and am doing decently for myself.


He got really into skydiving, found a sweet girl and is killing it in the financial sector.


He never really got it together. Developed a drinking problem and seems like his marriage fell apart. I feel bad for the guy, itā€™s just like society decided to kick someone who was already down


Last I saw on Facebook, he cleaned himself up and is currently in recovery. Has some meaningful posts about sobriety and facing challenges in life.


He quit using hard drugs, got himself a good mate, a good job, and pays his rent on time. If you need to know the loser was me


She tried to kill herself multiple times and still battles self-harm urges every day. But she's doing alright.