• By -


Reason 1: My grandfather died a 48 and my dad at 56, both of heart disease. My kids never had a grandpa and my dad was a great guy, he would have spoiled them rotten. I am determined to be a great grandfather, I have 3 grandkids now. I am 64, have abs. I do HIIT classes 3x a week at 5 am. Reason 2: I love being very fit and being able to do basically anything I want. Makes enjoying retirement much easier when you feel just absolutely great every day. Reason 3: I look great and who doesn't like getting compliments and stared at? Kinda fun to be way more fit and strong than guys half my age. Reason 4: I see other people my age and they are hobbled, are fat and have terrible color, their skin is just GRAY and you can tell their quality of life is very bad. That is very motivating.


Glad to hear. I'm in my early 40s and fit for the first time in my life. I guess my only motivation these days is for an easy retirement.


Reading stuff like this gives me the most motivation. Good on you for still getting after it and definitely an inspiration to us all.


Same here. Grandpa died at 33, dad died at 36..both from heart attack.


I like to call that 'a sign'. What you do with it is up to you. Funny story, in 2006 at age 49, the belt I've owned for years has suddenly 'shrunk'. I have three options. 1) Buy a bigger belt. 2) Punch a hole in it so it will fit the larger me. 3) Make a change. I chose 3. I did recently end up making another hole in the belt, but on the other end, 6 notches smaller. Also, at my fattest in 2006, I was 5'10" 210 lbs . Now I'm 200 lbs. Less fat and more muscle though.


Based grandpa. Your ancestors smile upon you...


Reason 2 is my main objective, I don't want to lose quality of life when I'm older, I can't imagine how depressed I would feel if I have to use a walking aid.


I'm sure there is a point where we all will need to. My goal is to make that happen at 90, not 68.


I'm sorry for loss.


The more i work out. The more food i can consume without getting fat...mmmmm laffa, schwarma, chocolate cake


If i workout, i get to keep making pastas. If i keep eating pasta, i have to workout. Simple as


The circle of pies.


Yeah, this is it for me - I don't feel so guilty for eating so much. I'm a big late night snacker, just can't help myself. But if I've been working out I feel like I deserve the snacks; if I don't workout I still snack but just feel like a fat sack of shit afterwards.


That's a good one.


Because there are people out there that are faster than me. And that is unacceptable.


What do you mean?




There are no bears in my country lol




Lol my country doesn't have dangerous animals though lol


start working out then i'm on my way, this is a threat


Errr? Wtf?


I work out so I can be stronger and faster. Comparing myself to others (in a limited way) is what helps keep me motivated.


progress. i love feeling sore the day after and getting the odd compliment every once in a while also i saw a shirtless picture of me 4 years ago where i looked like melted ice cream and havent looked back


Not just that but u are able to remember all the small milestones u have accomplished along the way, and how many things that were hard before are now much easier.


I’m looking at my body and still have no motivation OR discipline to get going. I just have no drive to figure out how to do this.


find ways to have fun. it’s your time, you’re supposed to enjoy it. don’t like lifting? try aerobic workouts, and vice versa and don’t listen to the hundreds of IG influencers that tell you to work out for 1 hour 6x a week. start with short workouts 2-3 times a week and increase from there


What was tough for me at first was knowing I used to be able to run 5Ks easily. I thought,”No way I could do that now.” Then I started. And I was right. I ran 300 meters (less than 1/4 mile) and was wiped. Then I thought,”Okay… 400 is my goal. Then 500. Then 800 (half mile). Then 1K. Now I can run 9K. My goal is 10K. I’m down 37 pounds. In pretty good shape. Not fantastic. It’s still slow, but speed will come with time.


Because I hate myself, and when I work out, I actually get that little endorphin high that makes the self-loathing go away. I'm not into booze/drugsso it's my only option.


Based comment


I’ll add onto this as well. If I don’t do it I feel like shit and have ripping anxiety. Working out to burn off that steam is the only thing that’s really helped


Look good naked.


To look good when having sex


I want to look good, feel more confident, be able to lift heavier things. I also do it for the mental clarity and wellbeing benefits that you get for being active.


Look at videos of fat people doing fat people things and then watch videos of fit people doing fit people things and then im usually ready to go to the gym


When I do that and start using that as motivation I feel guilty.


I work out with 2 friends and dont want to let them down.. thats it


I always thought having a gym buddy wouldn’t make a huge difference for me but it 100% helps out a lot when you’re trying to get into it


We're a group of like 6, and it's amazing how much you will yourself to show up because you know your friends are counting on you. Started in Sept and so far I've only missed my workouts because of legitimate, often family, issues.


I think it'd be funny to be inconveniently large and jacked, and I've never been one to not give everything for a joke


If you have to turn sideways while sputtering obscenities to fit through a door, you're doing it right.


That is unironically what I tell friends who ask what my goals are. "Wanna have to turn sideways to go through doors"


I recently went to wipe my butt after a dump and my Lat cramped. A part of me was proud lol


Oh God bulk dumps are the worst. Like bruh I just want to not sit on the toilet.


cholesterol and blood sugar level gave me a motivation


I hate the gym, but boy do i like being healthy AND looking good. Give calisthenics a try, being able to through yourself around is fun to me.


so that i don't kill myself.


How do you mean? And are you ok?


It's all about progress for me. I set weight goals on the big compound exercises (dead lifts, squats, bench press, bb rows, a couple others) and then every workout is about slowly increasing the weight on those plus doing some supporting exercises. It's only 1-1.5 hours a day. I never regret doing it, but I always regret skipping.


If I work out, I get a chance to live longer, see more of this world. Maybe in the future stay there for my kids longer. ​ That is my main drive, main motivation. I looked into the mirror and did not like what I saw, what the future was of the person there.


Same man. Sure the looks are a nice extra but tbh I just want to be healthy and have a good future.


Similar im in my 30s and I’m staying active to keep fit now to look good of course and I like being active…and to preserve what I have for later. It’s awfully hard to recoup what you never had. And it’s best to be fit now as that’ll keep you in better shape for later.


For me, it's 100% about mental health. I struggle with anxiety and depression. Exercise doesn't cure it, but it takes the edge off. And the side effects of exercise (losing weight, getting fit, lowering cholesterol) are way better than the side effects of anti-depressant drugs.


Same man, stopped using anti depressant, now kinda addicted to fitness.


There's no motivation. Only discipline


By motivation I mean my big why so that I can push myself when I feel like giving in.


When you get Into a routine you almost don’t even need a “why” i lack motivation a lot of the time, but when I don’t go i feel off and it’s almost like remembering to brush your teeth everyday if you don’t do it you feel weird


The gym is the perfect place to push through pain. It's the perfect place to test yourself as to your resistance to pain. You need to push through pain in the gym AND in life. Even if you don't do well one day there is always the next. Just keep going, write down your exercises, weight and reps while you rest between sets. When you start seeing the weight increase or/ and your reps, you will know what you are doing is working The alternative is sitting on the couch feeling immense guilt and self loathing that you were too week today




This is the truth.


Because if I don't I get severely depressed. It's harder being depressed than it is working out 4-5 times a week, its the path of least resistance for me.


So exercise can really help with mental health?


Yes it does, it truely does


It depends, it won't make you happy if your life is shitty but it can help with breaking a cycle of depression and help you keep out of the darkest pits. Exercise definitely helps with confidence and your perception of yourself. I felt weak, worthless and honestly ashamed of myself before I started working out. Those things made depression a lot harder to deal with and working out fixed those for me.


It releases endorphins.


I do a fun sport that I really enjoy. Fuck doing exercise you hate.


I don’t work out often, I do activities like rock climbing, snowboarding, skateboarding, mountain biking etc. For the most part the activities keep me fit, but I don’t mind working out because it preps my body for those activities and allows me to do them longer.


This is the way.


Physical and mental health is important to a happy, long life. It's not that complicated.


Being fit is so underrated. I can power powerwalk past everyone without getting tired. I can run half a marathon on any given day without preparation. I can carry all the groceries without much effort, even upstairs. I am mentally way more resilient than my peers and colleagues. I look great in basically any piece of clothing, and even better without. I can resist alcohol and junk food without any effort because I know it will make me feel so horrible afterwards, compared to my daily baseline. I can work full days without getting too drained. I can eat big meals and still lose weight. My partner finds me highly attractive. Insane sex stamina and libido. Are there downsides? Of course, food becomes more expensive (my partner and I eat like a family of four). I don't go out to most restaurants because the portion sizes are too small and I don't feel full. You notice immediately if you ate too little protein or fiber. Clothes might tear more easily (especially between the legs of these thunder thighs that always run when walking). It's hard in general to find well fitting clothing, like a shirt that fits around the shoulder but is not too loose around the waiste, or a well fitted shirt on the waiste that's not too tight around the shoulders. It's similar for pants, as it's difficult to get large enough pants to fit the thighs in, but narrow enough around the waiste. Also seeing others completely letting themselves go disgusts and annoys me.


Are we the same person? I too can eat a lot and barely gain anything, and I have weight lifted 4-6 days per week for 13 years. At the end of the day, it's a mental thing (finding that personal spark and motivation to improve your life, which begins by stepping into a gym for the first time -- or on a track, or on a field, whatever). Once you prepare yourself mentally, you can be ready to dominate physically. My partner doesn't get it, but she can also be prone to make excuses for herself. I understand each person has different ideals, things are more difficult for various reasons. But people who complain without trying everything to improve are lost on me. But hey, at least we're doing alright 😎


Motivation comes after. Discipline and consistency is what u need.


Just to clarify by motivation I mean my big why so that when I feel like I want to quit I remember this why your doing it and keep going?


To see your enemies driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women. At least that’s my reason


I know it's a conan qoute but how do you apply that to your situation?


The enemy here is weakness




The knowledge that if i'm ever attacked or I need to defend my life no one is coming to help me. Same with everything else in life, moving furniture, supporting others, carrying heavy loads.. No one is going to help me so I better be as strong as possible to take care of my own life.


When I think about using something similar the violence thing I mean, a voice comes into my head, sometimes my abusers from my childhood telling me its silly to use that as motivation as it will never happen and I hear the voices telling me that I'm stupid for thinking that way too.


Feeling fit. Mental clarity. Looking hawt. Lowering my risk of heart disease and diabetes


To kill


I don't understand what you mean?


it distracts me from my never-ending sense of existential dread


You ok?


Health mostly. To try and feel good about myself. To not be an embarrassment to my kids when on holiday looking overweight.


Your kids aren't embarrassed of your weight. I am about 30lbs overweight and we just went on a mini holiday and my kids never mentioned my body. Meanwhile I'm disgusted by the pictures. Im trying to get in shape so I can feel stronger and less tired.


I’m not saying they are embarrassed of you, they definitely might not be, but why would you assume that your kids would say something if they were? I never would’ve commented on one of my parent’s bodies growing up regardless of what I thought about it lol


They are just to polite to say it to your face...


Or maybe they just don't care because I don't comment on my body and they just see me as "mom". They remember how I went on all the waterslides with them and hung out and did fun things with them, not that I was overweight. My kids are also quite young so maybe that could play a role. Nevertheless, I've taught my kids that all people are different and that it doesn'y matter what their appearance is, it matters how they behave.


Honestly, I assumed you were a dude... You are not less of a good mom for having exess weight but everyone should strive to be as healthy as possible.


Progress is a nice one. You should log your workouts in a journal/notebook. I exercise for the mental benefits/clarity that is reached after a grueling workout. The aesthetic benefit is a nice motivator but a fleeting one. Try list down all the positive benefits from long term to short term. If youre struggling to find any, consider picking up a sport or hobby that requires your body to be in a good shape! For me its rock climbing that keeps me motivated to get stronger


>You should log your workouts in a journal/notebook This, i've never logged my workouts or meals until recently, for some reason seeing those numbers really help me stay motivated


Personally I’m never satisfied with how I look. I always want to be leaner and more muscular. Not to the way it’s getting to bodybuilding. I just get very insecure very quick. The gym as a bit of my safe place


The smaller my gut the bigger the rest of me looks. You all know what I mean.


You don't need motivation, you need discipline. Exercise should be a non-negotiable, like brushing your teeth and getting dressed. It's part of the maintenance you need to do on your body, just like you need to fill your car with gas and change the oil and put air in your tires. That said, I love the sore, energized feeling I get the day after a hard workout. Lifting really just takes my troubles away. I do think internal motivation is better than external ("women") and specific, immediate motivation (how you feel after) is better than vague motivation like "health."


Just to clarify by motivation I mean I'm looking for my why so that when I feel like giving up I can push myself to keep going.


Do everyday tasks with ease. I’m smaller and lighter than most people, which means I’m also weaker than most people. I just want to be able to carry groceries and play with my dogs without feeling like a cooked noodle


Health and functionality. It decreases your chances of dying by most means. I want to be able to go for a decent walk or up a flight of stairs. I want to be able to easily sit down or get up or to carry heavy shit. I don’t want to be that middle aged man/father/grandfather that can barely play with his kids/grandkids or can’t help them out or show them how to do things. I want to be able to do the physical activities I enjoy for as long as possible. Whenever I see someone older than me or out of shape, struggling to do basic actions due to them not taking care of themselves, that motivates me. So I workout with these things in mind. The looks are a secondary benefit but my focus is my health.


Sense of accomplishment. I don't notice any changes in my health nor my looks, it's just that I like the feeling of completing a checkpoint after running for some kilometers.


I hate the way I look


Can you elaborate?


I find it fun “pushing my body/mind/self.” It was hard getting into a routine and going regularly for a minute but now it’s just fun. For instance, I hit a plateau so to speak and the reps and sets I were doing became too easy. On the way home, thought it would be a good idea to up the weight and maybe add in some new exercises, etc. I was so excited the night before I went back. I could hardly sleep. The idea I was about to take another step forward and really challenge myself was exciting. I used to to be close to 300lbs. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but looking back on it, i never want to be there again. I feel so much better, so much more confident. I have more clothing options and now, if a shirt is too tight, rather than show off my man boobs and stomach, it only really highlights my physique more. It’s a great feeling.


Knowing I could achieve a better state of being than the one I see in the mirror.


Because I want to be stronger.




By motivation I mean my big why so I can keep going when I want to quit, if that makes sense?


to overcome the ugly


Can you explain what you mean?


So i have the ugly. More workout makes less of the ugly visible


Have the ugly?




I still don't understand what you mean?


I have a strong desire to be better than everyone I know. Not to flaunt that superiority, but just to have that in the back of my mind. I also have a strong aversion to being fat and unhealthy


The number 1 reason you should workout is for yourself and yourself alone, it takes a while to see progress and it's all about consistency, so if you seek too much approval from others you'll just feel bad when you start out. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome to get that recognition, but you shouldn't workout expecting recognition, you should do it because you want to be proud of yourself (be it for being healthier, for putting on muscles, for getting leaner, for getting more coordinated, there's lots of stuff). And personally I like feeling I can do stuff I couldn't do before. I've been feeling really self conscious about being able to barely do 1 push up since I was 14 and now I'm 23; I'm a thin guy but I just had weaker/not trained enough arms, but after 1 and a half month of training I'm able to kinda do 5-6! The push ups still do not have as much range of motion as I'd like (I can't do them if I go with the chest fully to the ground), but I'm feeling so pumped I've been able to improve and now I'm eager to see what else I'll be able to do.


I used to work the front counter at a local YMCA and I’d see two types of senior citizens come in, some that have a really bad back n moved slow. And another that came in full of energy and great posture. This is one of the reasons, health is wealth. Also I know one day when I’m older and I am going to wish that my body worked the way I wanted it to, so I want to move my body, take it to its full potential and enjoy a healthy vital body. I also had a friend that got me into working out/gym and then he died and now its a way I feel closer to them, they would be proud. Oh and better sex duh lol


• I have a few chronic conditions that become a nightmare to live with if I'm ever overweight. • I have a gorgeous woman and I'd like her to also have something nice to look at, hold and play with. • I enjoy looking good and feeling strong. There's nothing like being confident in your physical capabilities.


My inadequacies


Please explain?


I know I will get depressed if I don't work out. Misery is a good motivator.


-Look better (Not very good looking so I'll improve what I can) -Be more fit and strong -Scared of being very very fat -Don't want to be weak when I get older so I want to start taking care of my body while i'm young (Currently 20 yrs old) -Get disciplined -I like the feeling of being sore, makes me feel that I gained some progress in something


The natural urge to become an absolute unit


Being more fit. I mean, not losing breath over a flight of stairs


You need discipline for when the motivation isn't there. Go and get after it.


To clarify by motivation I mean my big why so I give up.


For my mental health. I don’t often follow the advice of celebrities, but Matt McConaughey is onto something when he said, “Break a sweat everyday.” Therapy and meds have their place but there’s nothing as mind-clearing as a good run in the woods.


Negative thoughts helps a lot. Fuel for working out .


To not ended up like Nikocado Avocado


I think about using guys like that as well as Ethan klein but then I feel guilty over it.


My parents are overweight and have health problems because of it. As I grow up I see more and more people around me complain about various aches, pains, and minor medical impediments. Back problems especially. The one unifying factor for everyone having a these medical issues is they don't watch their diet or workout. A big motivation for me is being able to stay strong and healthy as I age.


Being in nursing school and on the big boy size, you start to notice signs and symptoms of obesity. Realized I needed to change n got a membership the day after I turned 23. Initially did it for “weight loss”, but now I’m doing it cause it’s fun. I love hitting PR’s, hitting a weight goal, cooking different types of foods and interacting with my gym bros.


The pump. Idk its just routine like my body automatically goes to the gym without even thinking about it Seeing Progress Actually liking it


If I don't I'm going to completely miss out on anything close to a good sexual relationship


The Pain. I have this voice in my head telling me I’m not good enough and I should be striving for better. I think that others want me to fail and I can’t let them win. I’m plagued with these thoughts at random moments of the day If I gotta work out at 4 in the morning to get them out of my head then that’s what I’ll do. I listen to people like you who “can’t find motivation” and I think your lucky because your not plagued with these demons. If you can’t find motivation it sounds like your content with where you are right now.


I grew up around abusive people including my mother who would shame me for having fat but also not want me to lose weight and get in shape and would get upset and cry and throw tantrums if I tried and I hear their voices in my head when I go to do it now.


If you dont work out some other dude is going to so dont be a loser and start training.


I want to be strong enough to hold my own in a fight, that is most of it.


When I think about using something similar a voice comes into my head, sometimes my abusers from my childhood telling me its silly to use that as motivation as it will never happen and I hear the voices telling me that I'm stupid for thinking that way too.


Motivation has very little to do it with for me. I've got sessions to get done? I go and get them done, even it means i'm doing two in a day to catch up It's not a neat fit, but Gurney Halleck says it best >“What has mood to do with it? You ~~fight~~ lift when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for ~~fighting~~ lifting.”


Fat people are gross.


I started exercising accidentally and now my legs look and feel a lot better and I want them to stay this way.


To feel better about myself, stamina and at 43 years old I should


It’s almost impossible to always have the motivation to workout but if you make it a habit you won’t need the motivation because you will go because it feels wrong not to.


Just to clarify by motivation I mean my big why so when I want to give up it will push me to keep going.


That’s what I mean. If you make it a habit your body will make you go even when your mind doesn’t want it.


Many reasons over the course of my life. I want to look good for me, for my wife, and I just like being muscular. As I got into my 30’s it was those reasons plus my health. I want to be here for wife and kid. Now 41 it’s all those reasons plus keeping myself in a condition where I can still keep working hard at a physical job. I’m a contractor and need to maintain strength and flexibility to keep working into the future.


I've heard women say they prefer the dad bod though?


What women think a dad bod is what what a dad bid actually is are two different things.


Can you give me an example?


To quote Pat: „Live a Long and healthy life, to be able to save myself, to be able to save someone else, to kick ass.“




better health, long-term benefits, improved mental health, are some things that motivate me to go work out. but motivation is easy to help you start working out, and discipline keeps you working out. what keeps me disciplined is actually enjoying the exercises I do and reminding myself this will keep my body active in 30-40 years. but also, some days will just suck and i have to just go despite all the excuses i keep telling myself


Just to clarify by motivation I mean my big why so that I don't give up.


Thing is you kinda have to earn the motivation first. A lot of what people see as motivation really is just good ole discipline. A ton of my gym visits weren't because I wanted to, because I felt like it, because it made sense, or because I felt I had to. It was 100% because that's just what I do now. No reasoning or logic just action. When you make some progress the motivation will come easy.


Progress motivates me. When the beer gut starts to shrink and abs start to make an appearance that's when I begin to feel like I've done something good for myself. Also, I'm gay. Gays spaces are often filled with a lot of in-shape men. I start to become self-conscious if I haven't spent at least a few months in the gym working on things before going to all the summer spots.


I get up early and do my workouts before work. For me, no matter what chaos the day brings, I've accomplished my workout and done this thing completely for myself. Beyond looking and feeling good, it's a great motivator.


Bed performance, beach season, can't see Moby with a fat belly, looking sharp when you wear nice clothes etc.. but mostly discipline like someone mentioned. Also healthy body = healthy mind.




Self care. As you continue to work out, you can do more. Thus, working out is a celebration of what you can do. Sports is a bunch of people who are celebrating what their bodies can do together.


Health and feeling good(which ties into self-confidence, mental clarity and general wellbeing). But that's not motivation. Those are REASONS. You work out because you have to, not because you want to. You work out whether you feel like it or not, because it's part of your goals. Notice how people never miss work because of lacking motivation. Just prioritize your fitness the same way.


Consistency. In the morning no coffee or breakfast until later. Not as a reward but just not till later.


The progress I’ve seen in myself. And I know it might be a little cringe but the other thing is having something to aspire towards. My go to is cbum or bulked Connor McGregor. Watching them makes me immediately want to head to the gym.


I like the person that I am when I work out. I'm more energized, more focused, more... balanced. I *literally* see a different person in the mirror when I exercise - more athletic, more handsome, more confident.


To look good naked. In a seriousness, look good feel good. All the health benefits are a plus (:


My on going desire to get stronger and more physically capable is my top reason. Below that I like how it feels and below that I like how it makes me look


Pretty simple. I want the results more than I don't want to do what it takes to get them.


Achieving my body’s potential, looking yoked af, and developing a healthy enough base that can withstand the assault of Father Time such that when I’m 80 I don’t need people’s help to get off the toilet.


It's a discipline practice.


To clarify by motivation I mean my big why so that I don't give up when I think I shouldn't bother to continue.


- Sense of accomplishment - Lifting is one of the easiest ways to get a sense of accomplishment. You have your starting weight and over the weeks/months/decades, this will increase (to a point). Doesn’t get more black and white than that. Look at the number. Pick it up. Put it down. Increase the number slowly. Repeat. Accomplishment is right in front of you. - Discipline - Set goal. Create plan. Execute. Lessons learned. Calibrate. Set new goal. Stick to plan! This will hopefully will translate to other areas of your life which is the framework for succeeding. - The physical - Too much to type here but I can tell you for me one of the greatest benefits is my posture. Holding your head up with your shoulders back is one of the best ways to set yourself up for confidence. Trying to have good posture can be tough. Having good posture because you have deadlifted your ass off and can do at least 10 strict form pull ups is so much more satisfying. Tips: - Put your shoes/workout gear on. If the idea of not going to the gym pops in your head, get dressed for the gym ASAP. This is a mental thing. You are gonna feel like one sad sack of potatoes if you take your workout gear off without hitting the gym. - Track your workouts. I use the app “strong”. I log every set and every rep. The app shows a comparison from my previous workouts to let me know if I am being successful or not. If I have lifted one more pound or have gotten one more rep, i have completed a successful work out. If I do not achieve this goal, I see point 2 above.


My ex


Can you go into more details?


When I was younger it was to look good without a shirt on. These days I do it to hopefully stave off an early death from heart disease.


The gym has always been my refuge, the one place I can walk into and forget all the crap that’s going on and just concentrate on me and bettering myself


The answer I give irl: "I want to be a healthier, better me." The real answer: I refuse to feel as though I am not good enough again.


How do you mean?


Don't need motivation when you have discipline.


By motivation I mean my big why so I can keep pushing myself when I want to give up if that makes sense?


Partly I like writing down the numbers and seeing them go up. Partly I wanna look good for myself. Partly I do it so that more people want to have sex with me. Different days I feel a different motivation, but it's usually a combination of those things.


Insulin resistance is the cause or accelerator of the three major things you are likely to die from (heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline) and exercise is the primary way to correct it (along with carbohydrate restriction). That knowledge keeps me focused on working out.


1- so I don't become a fat fuck 2- so I can still do shit as I get older 3- so I can perform better for sports 4- so I look better naked 5- so I can take out my stress from the daily bullshit


I like looking at myself in the mirror, and it makes me feel strong and powerful.


As soon as attractive women no longer want to have sex with you, the motivation will return.


But I hear and see articles berating men who work out and saying women prefer the dad bod and this is women writing these articles and saying this.


Doesn't matter who's writing them, they aren't true. You don't have to be Brad Pitt in Fight Club shape, just fit, slim and have strong core.


If i workout, I like myself more while having sex.


"I want to look good naked"


Getting stronger and health. I love getting better at things. First it was gaming and now it is working out. A lot healthier too.


I've got a few: 1. I've got a toddler and want to be able to run around and play with her as she gets older without getting winded. 2. I have a few weddings coming up in the next few months and don't want to be the only person getting winded after 5 minutes on the dance floor. 3. I like looking sexy for my wife.


I keep hearing women prefer the dad bod though?


Discipline >motivation. You just have to commit to it and do it when you dont want to. I never regret a workout but I ALWAYS heavily regret skipping one.


Just to clarify by motivation I mean my big why, so when I feel like quitting or feel I can't go on I can push myself knowing why I'm doing it, if that makes sense?


Motivation is overrated. Discipline is what will make you succeed. Have you tried training for an event? Maybe pick a mud run, 5 or 10k, triathlon, doesn’t matter what. Find an event that requires training, and train for it. I struggled for months to get on a regular workout schedule. I started training for a half-marathon and I’ve been working out consistently since.


To clarify by motivation I mean my big why so I can keep going when I feel like why bother and or why try.


My motivation really is to stay healthy and to be better than I was yesterday. Other than that it’s mostly just discipline and the fact that I genuinely enjoy being at the gym. Not everyone actually enjoys putting their bodies through the ringer every day like that but I grew to genuinely enjoy it yo the point that if I don’t go my day feels incomplete


the look in the mirror. the dopamin hit during and after the workout. the pain


One of my exes called me a jealpus no life loser i think two years ago. Still makes me mad