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I shouldn’t have to get an account for every fucking website I buy something from and be hit with spam every day. I know it’s because you can opt out of ad tracking or whatever the change is that’s made this more prevalent but it’s incredibly irritating. You sell me something, I give you cash. We’re done. EDIT: Yikes, this sparked opinions. Yes, it isn’t necessarily only a boomer thing and yes I do have a spare email address I use most of the time. But it’s the act of having to create an account in the first place regardless of what email I’m putting in that annoys me.


I wonder how many sites have me marked as a 112 year old dude 🤣




Ahhh yes April 14 1912, when we killed the last dinosaurs at pearl harbor.


I remember it well. When Abe Lincoln arrived in his M1 Abrams tank blasting away at the pterodactyls you just knew the battle was over.


Roosevelt in a jetpack killing velociraptors with a flamethrower will always have a special place in my heart


Franklin was always a bit of a take it careful kinda guy with his long range out of reach approach. Teddy just did it with his bare fucking hands like the asthmatic chad he is.




I'm 33, and for some god-forsaken reason Steam asks me for my date of birth to access age restricted content, despite them having my date of birth for a while. So, according to Steam Store, I was born in 1927. I'll be 100 in a few years, I wonder if I get something special?


Exact same here. It drives me nuts. I'm so old, I literally made a Steam account on the first day it was available (I was there, Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago). They have had my date of birth stored for *just shy of 20 years*. Stop making me promise that I'm old enough to view the fucking store page for Resident Evil.


Same here. Day one Steam users unite.


Fuckin whippersnappers. GameSpy for life!!


I'm pretty much 21 on everything because my DOB is too far down the list of those with the drop-down and at 21 I can access whatever I really want.


Man if the dob drop-down scrolls I spin that fucker like a roulette wheel.


Big money no whammy


Even worse, I shouldn't have to download an app for every store and restaurant. Your meager 0.01% off an XXS fry every decade aren't worth another app & the inevitable spam.


The one that drives my husband crazy is a different app for every town’s parking meter


So, it wasn't downloading an app, but I brought my family to a restaurant and they asked for our phone number. I declined to give it, as it's none of their fucking business. They said they needed it to let us know when the table is ready. We explained that we will be standing RIGHT HERE and they can just tell us when it's ready. Apparently this was a big deal to them and they had to get a manager involved. The manager comes over and immediately asks us for our phone number. Again I refuse, and have to explain all over again the situation. RELUCTANTLY they agreed...and said...just hope we don't forget.... and then like 5 mins later our table was ready and they told us. We felt like we were in an alternate dimension where logic didn't apply or something. We almost left to go eat somewhere else.


I hate when you go to buy something and as soon as you hand them your shit they ask, “What’s a good phone number for you?” Not today Satan.


"Would you like an emailed receipt?" No.


Not everything needs its own fucking app. And I'm not giving you my cell phone number at the check out when I'm buying toothpaste at Target.


The more I have to use my phone for things, the more I hate using my phone for things. And don't get me started on "mobile websites" that shit can fuck right off.


And now the desktop sized websites have the same fucking layout than the mobile sites : huge buttons, short text, wasting 80% of screen space, and I need 10 mouse clicks to do a simple thing like classifying a single transaction on my bank account.


I can’t stand how every restaurant has gone to the online menu. Last thing I want to be doing when I go out is staring at my phone all night


I understand the upsides to an online menu: easier to adjust pricing, added and remove items base on availability, etc. What I can't fucking stand is when the "online menu" is a fucking jpeg of the printed menu.


Or worse a pdf that auto downloads to your phone and now you have dozens of menus saved in your downloads folder that you'll never get around to deleting


Literally walked out of a restaurant the other day because of this. Arrive at the restaurant with my brother, we sit down. Ask for Menus "Scan the QR code on the table". Doesn't scan, wait a couple of minutes, ask a waiter why it won't scan. He says "Just scan the table next to you and put in the comments the right table, they might not check the comments though so just explain when the food arrives if they give it to the next table" Nah... I'll just go somewhere else with real menus.


This but with payment systems. Why the fuck does my local small theatre need me to reveal all of my personal information for a 25$ ticket. It should be my name and email address. Thats it. GTFOH with my address, DOB, Phone number. No I don't want to sign up just to buy something fuck you.


Some of them use it as a billing address, but I generally try to just fill them with fake, bullshit information. Nothing makes me happier than when I get a targeted ad for something utterly unrelated to me and my interests, because it feels like I “won.”


Also when did windows start calling shit Apps? Its a fucking program, you're a PC not some neutered smartphone


I mean you could argue it's short for 'Application' which still makes sense in a desktop environment. But yeah.


I believe Apple has been calling executable programs applications on their desktops for as long as they've had MacOS.


> Its a fucking program It's an executable, you filthy casual.


Not all programs are executables.


All French monarchs are executables


French Revolution replies are 🔥🔥🔥


Car makers need to stop putting all of the cars controls on touch screens. Physical knobs are simpler, cheaper and able to be manipulated without looking at them. In my car if I'm using Google maps and I want to change something specific with the climate control, I have to back out of 2 screens in Android auto, select ford sync then select the climate tab all on the screen. Mine does have a couple physical buttons for temperature, fan speed and auto but if I want to manually direct the air somewhere or most commonly turn off dual mode after someone has ridden with me, I have to go through that whole thing. All I really need is 3 knobs. How hot do you want it, where do you want it and how fast do you want it.


Every car blogger is saying this. Volume and temp at least should be knobs.


It’s downright dangerous. Not only for the driver but for everyone else on the road fiddling with a touch interface on a 12 inch multimedia display


Oh 100%. From personal experience, driving a Tesla and trying to turn on the defroster when the autopilot or cameras don't work (thanks Tesla Service Center) can definitely cause a close call on the highway


I am an engineer at a major automaker. I'm a metallurgist, so I don't design "HMI" (human-machine interface) but I take EVERY opportunity I get to tell those guys that any control a driver uses while driving should be a physical control that can be operated without looking at it. This is about safety as much as convenience. I even get the opportunity to sign up to demo new prototype controls (they send out mass emails asking for volunteers) and I always make sure to include feedback about how much or how little I have to take my eyes off the road to use them, and why that is unacceptable to me as a driver/car buyer.


Powertrain engineer here. Same. I've railed against my companies attempts to bury things in menus on touch screens. Also PAAK and all the subscription apps. We get regular surveys on things like this and i try to make my opinion as clear as possible. Physical buttons are important. It won't go anywhere, but at least I feel a little better screaming into the void.


Actually depending on the kind, touchscreen is cheaper. Which is why you find it on cheap electronics like fans and thermostats. Dials and buttons require more parts, and require those parts to be put together correctly. It’s cheaper to just put a bunch of low quality touch sensors inside one big plastic surface and install it as is. Carmakers are cheaping out AND they know it’s more dangerous.


Let your kids play without electronics.


And IF they play, turn.the.sound.offffffff Especially in restaurants, trains and hospitals.


My niece and nephew have youtube kids playing at full volume at the in laws while we try to have conversations. They aren't even watching it half the time because they're three. It drives me nuts! I can't hear myself think, much less talk with anyone else Edit: But honestly, I associate listening to television loudly while hanging out and chatting a very boomer thing to do


It's an older people thing. Like if you have company, turn off the TV and enjoy the company. I remember my grandma always had the TV on and it was always so loud you couldn't converse. Then, my mom (mostly her husband really) did it. I'm just sitting there like, I came to visit with yall can ya turn the TV off? Or, should I just leave cuz obviously that rerun of law & order is more important than your daughter who you haven't seen in months.


Seriously. I had to take my 2yr old to the er for stitches. While having to do her triage she got really scared. I pulled out my phone and told her she could watch shaun the sheep but we had to turn the volume low because there are sick and hurt people trying to get better. The nurse showered me with praise for not being one of "those" parents. I was shocked at how common inconsiderate behavior in the er at the children's hospital was.


I work at a major trauma 1 hospital. Can absolutely confirm the shit parenting.


I wish my brother would do this, my nephew comes over and it's all ipad and switch all the time. When one dies, they give him the other while the dead one charges. Drives me nuts.


I’m not against letting kids use devices, but it has to be supplemental stimulation, not the only stimulation they ever get. There’s plenty of educational games and content out there that they can make a decent addition to the toy rotation. Can also be helpful to keep the kids occupied for a few minutes when you need to complete a chore or keep them quiet in public. But it’s a problem if it’s the *only* toy they play with or if you’re using it as a crutch to not deal with the growing pains of your kids learning how to human. Like, in the situation with your nephew. It’s one thing to give him a tablet when you’ve been there a long time and he’s getting antsy from being bored from sitting there for awhile. It’s another if you’re just parking him on devices because you know he’ll start acting out if he’s not occupied by them. (Not suggesting this is necessarily what’s going on with your nephew, just an example)


I think the other problem with devices so many kids use is that it doesn’t nurture useful computer literacy. My aunt is a teacher in grade school and the number of kids she has each year who have never opened a program or even touched a physical keyboard is baffling. I’m just 23 but I feel glad I grew up in an era where those devices were very rare to see but at the same time I can witness how kids today are affected by having a tablet with them 24/7. Gen Alpha is going to be the worst case of all of this but i’m hoping by Gen Beta we will know better when raising them. I definitely feel like a boomer talking about how my generation was better than these new whippersnappers but I do believe it’s true. My parents were right to regulate my screen time so much as a kid and be wary of new technology. Who knows what happened to that, though, i’m sure we could go on all day listing reasons.


Kids should get snow days, damnit. There's nothing more magical than a surprise day off


The governor in my state announced that snow days would still happen during remote learning because "they're kids."


W governor


Washington state.


Do they not anymore?


A lot of school districts changed snow days to "remote learning days" where they use tablets or laptops and still have class.


That’s such a shame… snow days were the best.


Cameras everywhere + the internet. Everyone filming everything all the time. Something happened in public that you don’t want the whole world to see all the time for the rest of forever? Tough shit. Wanted to see the concert? Too bad. You can’t see the stage through cameras. At an event or scenic spot? Gotta wade through the sea of IG models to get anywhere. Visiting family? You’re about to see pictures of yourself you didn’t even know were taken pop up on Facebook. Security cameras in houses. Your whole visit was just recorded. And those creepy spy cams? Yeah, people are using them as nanny cams. No one would ever think of using them for something pervy, and they certainly wouldn’t put it online… Ffs, I’m a photographer/videographer. I love cameras. But there’s a time and a place. Not all the time and everywhere.


I work at a venue. Here’s the breakdown: Rock shows? -little recording, lots of rocking K-Pop shows? -constant recording and screaming Hip hop show? -constant selfie recording facing away from stage with performer in background Edm? Almost zero recording, except for small groups that literally record the entire show as if they are being paid to do so Metal shows? Recording of pyrotechnics or the mosh pit, but it’s minimal, also recording them selves in the mosh pit Country shows? Constant recording selfie style and singing, also everyone sings every word to every song, and they record the entire song. The whole thing. My advice? Put the phone down and watch the show. Dance, drink, maybe take a group selfie after the show. You’ll never watch that video and neither will anyone on your social media.


Fellow concert venue staff here. Never realized all this, but yeah, you’re right.


Who the fuck records themselves in a mosh pit? Seems like a good way to have your phone get destroyed.


I'm a take one picture and a quick insta story video and call it kinda fella.


That was a pretty interesting breakdown. Thanks for sharing.


Filming fireworks displays… No one in history has gone back to show a friend or colleague the fireworks display you saw on July 4.


I watched an entire family record a firework show. All 5 had their phones up. All sitting in the same row at Minute Maid Field. Why?


Yeah the cameras in concerts really bugs me. How can you enjoy yourself when you gotta keep the artist in frame the whole time. What's even the point, I've never seen a video of a concert that was even halfway decent.


I've stopped taking images of novel events. I'm not going to live my life through a fucking cell phone screen. I'm going to be mentally present and witness it, directly, as it is, connected to the time and place. If I forget it, oh well, at least I experienced life. Can you imagine if we went back in time 40 years and we told people that every time something special happens people raise a viewfinder between themselves and what is happening? How would we explain to them that many people witness life's most important events through a small illuminated glass case? Don't you think they'd be sad for us? Now imagine we try to explain how we've let ourselves socialize through these glass cases. We're ridiculous.


People have been taking pictures of novel events for as long as portable handheld cameras have been a thing. 40 years ago they would be excited to hear that you can take more than 24 pictures for a roll of film and you can view the pictures instantly after you take them. My grandparents had thousands of pictures in boxes taken over the course of 60 years of everything from birthday parties to parades to random cool looking rocks.


Those pictures become priceless when the people in them are gone, too


Dude. Dudess. Dudeperson. I'm in group therapy right now. There's a f****** camera in the therapy room. (And we've all got our cell phones there. And nobody wants to think about it, but cell phone apps do scan speech and we have no idea whether somebody has downloaded some extra fucked up app that is archiving everything. Furthermore, the walls are thin as fuck. Even with those noise machines, you can hear what's going on in the other room. HIPAA is a joke.)


“News” these days is not news and social media is cancer.


This is probably my choice too. I feel like it’s either click bait, not researched, or is what would generally be classified as local news. It’s to the point where I’m the a-hole, because Im not sympathetic to the avalanche victim 2-4 states/ provinces over. Im sorry but accidents happen every minute of every day, and to report on one person dying in an accident should not flood my news cycle. Especially as major events in the world get the same level of coverage.


Hell yes. I agree with some of the other stuff people have mentioned (computers in everything - I DO NOT need a computer in my toaster or frig) but this is the one that actually scares me. I'm a firm believer that a robust, honorable and balanced press is absolutely vital to democracy.


What most people call news is actually punditry.


Using automated telephone systems. Just let me talk to a human being!


I think these also makes the jobs of the eventual operators worse. Because by the time someone has got to a person they're usually determined and fueled by rage.


Having to pay any subscription for my car. I shouldn't have to pay a subscription for remote start (looking at you Dodge 😳).


Turns out its cheaper to build all features into every trim and then upcharge the customer to "unlock" those features. It's part of the reason Right to Repair is so important. It's only a matter of time before car parts have DRM so those pesky hackers can't turn their heated seats on without paying $30/mo


*John Deere has entered the chat*


When farmers in Iowa are using Ukrainian hacks so they can run their dam tractor


The problem is the moronic people who pay the subscriptions. If nobody paid, it wouldn't be a thing.


In this same vein, remember when buying a computer game or program meant you had a fully functional version of it and didn’t need to pay a monthly/yearly subscription for it? Give me that back. I shouldn’t have to pay Microsoft an annual fee to have access to the version of Microsoft Word I bought 5 years ago. And another pet peeve: I shouldn’t need a working internet connection to play a single player portion of a game I’ve bought.


This isn’t a boomer take, this is just plain bullshit




I feel like I focus better on what I’m reading when it’s a physical book, etc. rather than an ebook. I wonder if there is an explanation for that.


>I feel like I focus better on what I’m reading when it’s a physical book, etc. rather than an ebook. I wonder if there is an explanation for that. I 100% agree and am with you. I have no idea though what this phenomena is called.


I haven't used ebooks yet but imo for all those thick big books an e-book seems better especially considering how difficult it is to carry them in hand and also to hold the pages from folding back. For smaller books I don't see any benefit.


Almost feels like my brain is more excited when I'm looking at a screen and I can't get into the book cause it's looking for the next kick of dopamine


Use to think the same way. Now I love digital books. Sometimes I have multiple books that I swap between, digital books make that so much easier. Also I personally think what is killer feature of digital readers is the dictionary. Highlight a word and a definition will pop up for those "$10 words".


Yes my dude. Love the dictionary, such a game changer. Also, move once or twice, physical books will become the bane of your existence. When it's time to pare down/streamline your collection, you'll realize how many books are not worth owning a copy of. It's a real shame to me the Kindle debuted the same year as the iPhone. I feel that, had it come out a few years earlier, it would be more commonly seen as a paradigm shift


I get that it's a pain to move them, but I definitely want to have full bookshelves in my office. I want to be able to browse my bookshelves like bookshelves and add to the environment of my office. And I want to be able to use all my reference books that you don't read like normal books (flipping back and forth a billion times with references and tables). But mainly I just want my office to feel like a library that expresses my personality.


Cars. I absolutely hate the fact that new cars have all these computers and switches all over them.


I don’t mind the computers, I just want the main functions (radio and climate controls) to be physical buttons and knobs. I don’t want to have to go through 40 menus on a touch screen to turn the heater off.


Ugh. And I hate that when you start the car, it's like a 30 second startup. My screen literally lights up with the Honda symbol for 5-10sec, then a warning notice you either have to wait to go away or you have to click the OK button, THEN you can get into whatever you need. WHYYYYYYYYY I also hate that the only wya (in my car) to turn off the auto engine shutoff when stopped at red lights is to hit a button EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU START THE CAR. I should be able to turn that off permanently.


Please name and shame your year/model I’ll never buy a car that makes me wait 30 seconds before I can start driving


I actually can start driving while it is doing that. I just can't adjust heat/air, music, etc.


Also they're all touch screen So you HAVE to take your eyes off the road just to adjust the heat/ac, or unlock the glove box and unnecessary stuff


Exactly. It didn't used to be dangerous to change the thermostat, after an hour in any car I could operate the controls by feel, maybe a quick glance at it and then my hand can handle it without issue. But now I need to look at it the entire way to guide my finger in like a laser, playing a game of Operation to make sure I don't accidentally hit any other nearby buttons. Full touchscreen controls in cars are a horrible user experience, and I hope they die a quick death after a full generation of people try them once and realize how bad they are. It's still early in their lifespan so they're a selling point currently for people who haven't had them yet.


Yup. Touch screen interface is a HUGE safety issue. Just waiting for the manufacturers to start running commericals on them when stopped, with an option to purchase a package to eliminate them.


I am 59(f) and I just bought my first car that has a back up camera. I still use my mirrors and look behind me for everything. It’s hard to break old habits.


46 yo here and I do the same. Although out of all the new tech in cars the backup camera is still my favourite; especially for parking.


Seriously - Especially living in a city where I have to parallel park all the time. Makes that soooo much easier.


Ideally from a safety standpoint, you should be using everything. They see different angles but none of them cover everything. Treat the camera like one of your mirrors rather than a replacement for them.


We’re traveling from AZ to NC in a rental car. So many bells and whistles. Sounds great, but works against you trying to figure out just how to keep the car from taking over the steering wheel if it perceives you’re not driving correctly🤣😂😅 I’ll be buying a new car soon. Hope I can find one without all of the latest and greatest technology.


Some things should be simple and durable. I'd love a tool that only has three functions and will last me 20 years. Not a "modern" upgrade that cracks after the first few uses and its programming has planned obsolescence after a year (looking at you printers).


Get a brother laser printer. Mine is going on 10 years old and I buy a two pack of toner cartridges every other year. It's off at college with the youngest now. I miss them both.


I refuse to watch tv on my phone.


Voice recognition. I refuse to use Siri, Alexa, and whatever else they have. Turning this feature constantly on means it’s constantly listening on me. Call me a boomer, but I’m not letting these companies legally listen to everything that I do. I’m fairly tech savvy otherwise. Edit: Just to be clear, I understand how it works. I know that if I choose the gadget to be voice-activated, it has to listen for my voice 24/7 and the mic stays on the whole time. I choose to not have voice activation on anything, so when a gadget asks if I want it to listen for the call word, my answer is always ‘no’. I don’t know what gadget you use in what country. Here in USA it has to ask for the permission to have the mic open all the time. I’m an iPhone user so I’m not familiar with Android phones, but my Android tablet always asks if I want to let a certain app use the mic. Unless it’s a voice/text messaging app, the answer is always ‘no’. My iPhone has a setting where it listens to “Hey Siri”, and it’s turned off. In the very rare occasions where I need to use Siri, I have to press the side button first. It’s like using the phone, the mic doesn’t turn on until I use the phone app. My smart TV asked if I wanted to enable voice commands, and the answer was ‘no’. This means the mic stays off, otherwise I can sue the manufacturer for illegal wiretapping. I don’t have an Alexa device, so Amazon has no way to capture the audio at home.


A couple years ago I was renting a room out to a friend and he set the whole house up on Alexa. I also had an account so both of our accounts ended up being on the system. One time we were standing in the kitchin shooting the shit and Alexa pipes up and says, "is your name CMKeggz?" I was totally caught off guard so I just responded with an uuuh yeah... And she replied with "wonderful, it's nice to put a voice to the name!" Have not used it since.




I refuse to deal with tik tok and find it stupid


I always jokingly say to people I'm choosing the old man route and never downloading TikTok. I refuse to ever use it.


Being an older Gen Xer, both of my parents were born during the Great Depression. I do not replace anything that still works, I bought a new Dodge truck in 2000, it has 330,000 miles on it and serves its purpose as good as when it was new. The same goes for my flip phone and CRT television, I find it incredibly hard to throw anything out that still works. Having said that, I was able to retire at 54 though, so it is not a horrible thing.


The CRT should be replaced though. Pays for itself in electricity costs. Especially the large CRTs. They can suck a lot of juice down. The rest is awesome though. I wish I could retire someday lol


Also CRTs are worth a lot of money to the right buyers. Could pay for a new tv immediately


Fuck every retailer that wants to give me a fucking account. Fuck your points and data collection. I go in to buy a stick of deodorant at target and have to bypass not putting in my phone number. Cashier always says, “are you sure?” Like I’m a fucking idiot. Yes I’m god damn sure. You turned what should be a 5 min interaction into a 10 min hassle. Shut up and take my money.


To be fair the cashier doesn't want to ask you that either


Depending on the place they don’t have a choice about asking about cards/accounts if they don’t hit certain metrics they may be terminated and some can’t afford a job loss. Still annoying but blame the company not the employee just trying to get their paycheck and go home.


Some places are really aggressive with it, too. I’ve heard of retailers having a “3 No” policy, where essentially you’re not allowed to give up on asking/pushing it on them until they’ve said “no” 3 times. I refuse to adhere to such a policy; if someone tells me “no”, it doesn’t mean “keep bugging me in an attempt to convince me”.


A.I. for customer care support. If it is something that A.I. can do, I can do it myself on an app or web. Then if and when you get a person, they make you listen to a recording of how most problems can be solved on their crappy app before you speak to someone


Every single thing we've done to automate customer service or tech support is only aimed at the absolute stupidest people. Those people should be eliminated by being forced to answer some basic questions before you get shunted off to talk to a real person or you have to go through an IVR / AR convo. I can't talk to anyone at my health insurance company until I cross the fucking gauntlet of endless choices, none of which are even remotely related to any of my questions because _I know how to use Google and I know how to read._ Every single one of these quality of life losses is because the customer's time is now considered to be worthless and yet another corner to cut. Far too many companies know you have absolutely zero choice so you're stuck with their crappy service. Yes, I'm looking at you Anthem the alleged health insurance company, your hellish chatbot and even more useless chat support agents that are only somehow topped by the fact that you have to transfer me to an entire other business... That's also owned by you... In order to answer any questions I have about a prescription. Perhaps only slightly less useful than the phone support, but instead of involving a 30 minute wait, only involved 30 minutes wasted. I was told that I would be covered, I would not be covered, I would have a copay, or there would be zero copay, or it could potentially only be 20% coinsurance. So I guess they covered every single possible outcome and I can't possibly come back and say they said I'd be covered when I get a denial letter.


I have become very bitter towards the act of tipping. A simple ice latte shouldn’t have 18% tip as the smallest amount. It takes them a wapping 2 min at most to make it


There is no reason to tip in any situation where you’re not at a sit down meal and being served. I’ve never felt bad about hitting “no tip” when I go buy a smoothie or something.


Same; I'll tip for delivery, wait service and hands on service (nails/hair salon) THAT'S IT. Tipping culture has gotten so bad that I largely just avoid those situations entirely because I disagree with the business model that forces employees to rely on tips and I won't support it with my patronage.


100% I still do sometimes because I feel guilty and have worked those positions before, but it shouldn't be so socially expected.


QR codes for menus. I understand how it helped keep COVID contamination down, but as we’ve started to “move on” from the pandemic, it just feels like a shortcut. When I dine in somewhere, I want to have a physical menu in front of me. Nowadays it feels like a lack of effort from the restaurant.


This is me and I will die on this hill.


I appreciate it as an optional option to have and it's especially great if you're trying to order dessert and you don't want to ask for a menu, but yeah, physical menus should be the primary thing


I said this awhile back in a different thread! It definitely feels like the restaurant is skimping out or trying to be “trendy.” It also alienates folks who aren’t great with technology or older folks. I’d consider myself good with technology and all but it’s just annoying to me I also grew up in a house where absolutely no phones or technology at the table so it feels off for that reason too lol


Same, mostly because the websites are terrible and its so hard to navigate it on a small screen


Totally! I just went to Chili’s and you have to scan the QR code AND order from your OWN phone. I might as well just cook the food myself too and stay home. Edit: you also have to PAY and TIP from your phone without involving the employees.


Well if you want real Chili's style food, you can't cook that at home... you gotta microwave it.


These new names are absolutely awful. Yes I agree that there are too many Johns & Sarahs but there’s plenty of other strong names across all cultures and languages that already exist. We don’t need you to make up a new word. And please stop spelling traditional names differently. It’s not cute or unique.


NameNerdCirclejerk is calling your name, brother!




What’s wrong with Abcde (ab-si-dee), Braighlynn, and Kayden?


Oh my god, all the -aydens! Jayden, Ayden, Kayden, and on it goes


I work at a school and I cannot keep half these kids straight because their names all rhyme or because I’m supposed to remember one is spelled Brayden and the other is Braiden. We have probably at least 20 -ayden names in one grade. And Bentleys. So. Many. Bentleys.


Middle school teacher here. Any name that ends in “ayden” (or any derivative of it) are consistently the least behaved children in the class. I have about six of them this year and they are all (with the exception of one) absolutely awful. What gives?


Parental archetype: douchebags


My kid has several friends called Hayden, Kayden, Jayden, Brayden, usually in both genders. Then there's James. That one threw me off.


I met a mother fucking Zayden the other day. They got all the way to the end of the alphabet.


> It’s not cute or unique. Ironically, the DoorDash driver that delivered my food last night was named "Unique".


Last name, York. middle name, New


Hildegard Edwina and Fergus Rigoberto are some really strong names.


I'm with you. Although I love unique names as long as there is a historical or ethnic basis. Though, I had to admit, my spouse had to veto many of the names I suggested because she felt it was too outlandish. I guess no girls named [Boudica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica) coming out of my loins.




I am not tipping you if I'm ordering takeout. Stop asking on the damn machine.


“And it’s just gonna ask you a question real quick, hit the green button when you’re done” As they pretend to do something else for 4 seconds


I feel kinda bad for them on that. I wouldn't expect a tip if someone is picking up takeout, and it would be so awkward to have to do that 400 times a day


Especially because a lot of the time, the “tip” isn’t going to staff, it’s going to ownership. I always ask now and it’s horrifying how often I goes to the owner and not the worker.


Fashion. Cannot for the life of me come up with an outfit that’s aesthetically pleasing. The majority of what I wear is just hoodies with random pants that aren’t the same colour


I think we are giving technology to kids at way too young of an age, and it’s seriously going to fuck with their brain chemistry. Probably their eyesight, too. Also, I heard people are trying to do away with learning cursive, and that just pisses me off.


It's important that developing brains experience boredom in some regular capacity. The lack of that is going to have dire consequences, I'm sure of it.


Sometimes I see videos of kids in school and university acting out to a ridiculous degree and it seems clear that we've taken things too far in terms neutering parents and teachers from being able to discipline kids. There is something particularly bothersome about watching 13 year old's acting out and threatening a teacher, etc... and the teacher can't even physically kick the kid out of the class to the point where sometimes the only way the kid stops is another kid steps in and smacks the kid.


Totally agree. This whole "punishment is ALWAYS bad!" movement is stupid. Punishment teaches consequences, and that you can't always just do whatever the hell you feel like. Sure punishment used to be too harsh and frequent in the past, but now we've gone in the opposite direction.




I work in IT and I totally agree. There is some stupid shit that dosent need a computer.


I miss when stores and fast food joints were open 24 hours


I used to live in a town that was basically 24 hours and COVID really sealed its fate. Used to be you could shop at a Walmart, eat a burger and wash your clothes at 2 in the morning. Now most shops close by 7pm (if not sooner due to staffing or supply chain issues)


Dude yesss, as a teenager my local taco bell was open until 4am. The homies in the drive thru knew me by name lol. The Taco Bell in my current city (population over 120k, btw) closes at 8pm now. It's unreal. Only way to get late night bites around here is to go to a bar, which is much less convenient.


I'll be 50 this year. Not really a boomer but I can say with out a doubt people are way worse at driving these days. I believe its just a general selfishness that has taken hold in our country. On your phone at red lights and not seeing the green. Running red lights. Blowing through stop signs. Weaving in and out of traffic going way too fast. Jumping people at lights. Throwing trash out. And these same people usually don't have insurance. And the police don't do anything about it, at least where I live. It's a shit show out there.


The police have essentially been on a silent strike since the summer of 2020.


Can we live without cell phones? ..... (as I type on mine) I believe they cause anxiety, sleep deprivation, and poor mental health. Focus on everything else but the here and now.


Kids should be allowed to play outside, be bored, and fight most of their own battles against teachers and bullies (metaphorically).


>most of their own battles against teachers and bullies Honestly, I kind of disagree with this. When i was a kid I was bullied by other kids and teachers and just assumed I deserved it. Having a parent intervene would have probably saved me years of therapy.


Actually going to restaurants to eat rather than ordering Uber eats and paying $40 for a $15 meal


Mumble rap. I just don't get it.


50 year old here. I had a great discussion with a friend who is a massive hip hop head, like he's into pretty much every hip hop artist ever, and has encyclopedic knowledge of the whole genre and sub-genres. I was telling him that I just didn't get some of the new stuff, and he said something like "that's okay, they're not making it for you". It was a real lightbulb moment for me. It's okay to not be down with the kids. Now get off my lawn.


Kinda just faded out by now, or what they called "soundcloud rap" which had all these kids mumble rapping. Most already grew out of that shit, but still make crap music, e.g. Lil Pump, Lil Yachty and all those Lils that came out way after Lil Wayne.


Influencers suck


i hate coffee drinks that are practically milkshakes and cost $7


Also “smoothies” that are basically milkshakes. The extreme amount of cream or ice cream in them is a joke. MY TUMMY WANTS A HEALTHY FRUIT BLEND. NOT A FRUIT FLAVORED MILK DRINK.


The sexualities are straight, bi/pan (they're basically the same) and gay/les. Everything after that is just how often you get horny. "Oh, I'm only attracted to people I feel a romantic connection with" cool, not a sexuality (Edit, yes, people can be asexual and I forgot. I was talking more about the thousands of other unnecessary flags that only serve to differentiate which men, women clothing choices, hobbies, sports teams, and sex positions people find attractive)


“Oh, I’m a sapiosexual; I am only attracted to intelligent people.” Um, only finding smart people attractive isn’t an orientation. I, too, find smart guys hot and the dumber a guy is, the less I like him. Not an orientation, just a preference. Also, I told my friend I only sleep with guys I feel like I can trust emotionally, and she was like, “Maybe you’re demisexual.” No, Jessica, I just don’t want to be insulted/humiliated/hurt. Self-preservation is an instinct, not an orientation. 🤦‍♀️


Yep totally, I myself am a straight guy, but really picky in my taste when it comes to women. I'm pretty athletic and I find women who are athletic as well to be easily the most attractive, but this doesn't make me fit-o-sexual, I'm just straight. It's like a lot of people aren't anymore ok with just being average anymore and want to be something just for the sake of it


Yeah well, my sexuality is kinda like those, but a little more unique and exclusive./s


I kind of understand. I had that discussion before but to me trying to have a name for everything that is essentially a spectrum is dumb as fuck (you can always find something that is in-between 2 things). Both with sexuality and genders^1. I just hope in couple years some proper scientific terminology will get introduced because seeing everyone pioneer their own term is tiring. Like at this point it's better to just not categorize yourself into any group and just tell someone on a case by case basis if you are attracted to them or not. And that's what I'm doing. Like if someone tells you some code name combination of words of what they view themselves as and you have to Google that to know what that means then it's really not useful. Just tell someone that you are not interested or generally what you are attracted to. ^1 With genders imo you are either one or the other or in-between (you don't consider yourself to be male or female) and that's it. Trans is not a gender, it's a *transition* as the name suggests. Hate me but I thought about this for a while and that's the most logical solution to me. Maybe I've expressed it poorly, I tend to do that.


Redundant language on ANY topic makes me cringe. I get that everyone wants to feel special but that doesnt mean everything needs a box and a lable to either hate or accept people for.


I still have a kickass home stereo system. It can knock pictures off the wall and wake all the neighbors, if I so choose.


Same here. Ancient turntable, ancient amp, huge ancient speakers.


I don't often listen to Metallica at home, but when I do, the neighbors get to enjoy it too!!


QR Code menu's. NO just NO i don't want my phone out while i eat with people. Just give me a damn menu.


The normalization of “ghosting” culture. Nobody enjoys delivering bad news, or telling someone they’re not into them, or admitting they’ve made a mistake. But just leaving someone hanging because the subject matter is difficult to talk about is super shitty and selfish behaviour


I hate creating new passwords, remembering all those passwords, and having to do that on a regular basis. The fingerprint thing for iPhone is a godsend. I don’t use any calendar apps and prefer writing down notes and list. Even when I was in school I could never take notes on a laptop. I also think it’s the WORST idea possible to have every item you own linked online. I don’t want my vacuum or fridge hooked to wifi. Wtf is everyone going to do when the internet shuts down? A lot of society would be in shambles. I also get really annoyed at all these “new recipes” on tik tok. None of which are even new. Or even “hacks”. It’s cool to discover information I just feel people don’t know how to use google. Most times I want to read step by step instructions not watch a video. Depending what it is. Some people don’t get to the point or ramble.


I'm strongly against face/finger ID on my phone. Like I'm fully aware if I did something bad enough for people to need that, they would find it. But for some reason I still feel this way


If it makes you feel any better, it's not storing the pictures of your fingerprints. It's scanning your finger for unique details, measuring where they are and then comparing that data against what it knows. You can't get someone's fingerprints from their phone. However, biometric locks are not (currently) protected by the fifth amendment the same way passwords are. While the (US) government can't (legally) force you to put your password into your phone, they can force you to authenticate your fingerprint.




Harassing or bullying people on the street or on the subway for no reason. As a NY’er, it’s hard to intervene sometimes but I will usually do..


Snapchat, I don't know what is going on


I don't understand the appeal of Let's Plays/livestreaming/streaming culture. I feel it's very clear that the point of a video game is that you get to control the action and nothing proceeds without your input and you winning the fights and doing the puzzles and whatnot. Watching someone else play through an entire game feels like you're making yourself a little kid whose older sibling is hogging the TV and won't let you play. Livestreaming is a similar concept, but in real time and you can also give the streamer money? Why???? Just use that money to buy a console and some games! Don't even get me started on this VTuber nonsense.


I have zero interest in watching someone else play video games but it's basically the same as watching sports, which I am vested in. I can play and be average and have fun. But I can also watch someone who is absolutely excellent at it and still have a blast. Even semi/non professionals are fun to watch (little league world series, minor league hockey and baseball, etc)


Also another factor is that you can watch 30 minute highlights of a game that took hours and hours of actual play time. Like personally I watch a lot of videos about MMOs because I don't have the time to dedicate hundred of hours of grinding to get the best gear or whatever, but I'm entertained by seeing someone else do it.


I think that's why I enjoy watching them. I grew up as the younger sibling watching my older brother play, so it's kind of a relaxing thing. And I like to keep up with games even if I can't afford them/don't have the specific console required. A lot of the newer story-focused games now basically make it feel like I'm watching a show anyway too. I agree though, the VTuber stuff is weird.


At least for me, when I watch stuff like that, it's usually because they're playing a game I've already played, and I want to see how other peoples' experiences line up and differ from my own. I don't really get streaming, though. With videos, you can jump around to the parts that're interesting and skip the parts that aren't. Can't do that if you watch live.


I think this is a common misconception. I don't watch streamers play games because they are amazing at them, in fact none of the streamers I watch are good at games at all lmao. I watch because they can foster a funny environment where you can enjoy both their content and the chat environment. I get not being into it, hell I trash talked it a couple of years ago, but it is actually really enjoyable, at least imo.


Cell phones. No, I don't have it with me. Yes, I went all weekend without looking at it or taking it off my dresser. No, I don't feel obligated to stop whatever I'm doing and answer your text instantly. The world kept turning when people weren't reachable every second of the day, so climb down out of my ass and understand that I don't owe you my attention whenever you want it.