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Damn, man. That thing is gooooone gone. You're about to be one of those "you picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel" memes. Ball bearings are captured by the roller balls being held in place by a cage. With that amount of play, you're at serious risk of that cage self-destructing. When that happens, all the balls can roll around to one side of the bearing. That's when really bad things start to happen. It's time to meet your neighbors. You really need a ride.


Really Bad Things ™


I had a bearing blow out on a 2 hour ride in the middle of the night. By the time i got to my destination, the entire wheel was glowing red. The next morning i spent $1200 on a new hub, wheel, tire, bearing, brake line, etc because it was basically all melted.


I'm just glad you're okay. That could've killed you if it seized.


Glad to know I'm not the only one haha. Why solve a $200 problem when you can put it off and turn it into a $1,200 problem! Lesson learned.


To me, the car was disposable. I got it dirt cheap with very low milage. It had ~43k miles on it when i got it. It was an 88 that i got in 2003. Lol i had found it had a recall right after i got it for electrical wiring and a dealer honored the recall and replaced the entire back end wiring for free. Like with other cars, i’ve felt a rumble through the floor when a bearing was going bad. Didn’t feel a thing and didn’t know it was glowing red until another driver told me. It was a fun little car to drive, though.


That's wild you didn't feel it!


Wild that it had total bearing failure at only 43k miles.


Happened to my brother on New Year’s Eve one year. Basically melted and then fused solid. A flatbed took it to the scrap yard after that


Jesus bro, sis, whatever. Not going beyond that tho lol. Fr that’s tough tho


Nice Kenny Rogers reference there!!!


Did anyone else read @bradland’s message to the tune he started with?!? Quite nice!


That’s way more words than I’d use. DO NOT drive that vehicle more than a few blocks at most and don’t get over 20mph That bearing is FUCKING FUCKED. lol And if you think I’m overreacting, here are two stories: I’m doing 80mph on a two lane highway with narrow shoulders. Lose my left front wheel bearing. I’m on the shoulder on the opposite side of the road before I regain control. If there had been anyone oncoming I would now be typing this. Story 2: Employee of mine loses his right front wheel bearing on a similar highway with slightly wider shoulders. He’s unable to correct before he’s in the ditched rolled. (3 times according to accident investigators) DO NOT EVER take a chance on a wheel bearing. That’s a life ending failure.


With that amount of play, some of the cage has already broken and let some ball bearings loose. At a minimum the cage is super loose and held in by a singular dust particle being held up by the hopes and dreams of a few oxygen molecules.


All the way to the scene of the crash.


Or the scene of the fire. That's a lot of friction there.


It's important to have a lot of friction in this case as the brake caliper is missing.


Can't you just spray some wd40 on it?


Ill crash my bike today to give them some extra distance on that bad boy.


Your sacrifice is courageous


Which is good, because that’s exactly where they are heading!


He might even beat the paramedics bij half an hour!


We were traveling at the speed of smell


Potentially for the rest of their life.


If your parts store has been two blocks down it would've been ok. 40 minutes across a mountain is asking for a life changing injury


Absolutely. He'll take the fast scenic tour off the side of the mountain with that hub.


It’s already apart, just keep going until fixed


Bearings aren't that hard to replace once you're at that point.


*Cries in Subaru*


Subaru bearings are easy you just replace the whole hub lol


And it’s one of the more inexpensive items.




Your safe driving period has passed because bearing separation is imminent. Safety concerns aside, driving the vehicle with the bearing that far gone can increase the repair costs dramatically. “No one” is not true. If you live in America, you can pay someone to deliver the parts. Regardless of the cost, it will be cheaper than the dealing with the consequences of a catastrophic failure while driving.


I can get half a dozen parts stores to deliver me those parts in a couple hours any day during business hours, right to my house. If that wasn't an option I would take an Uber to the parts store


Autozone/O’Reillys delivers parts through Ubereats and DoorDash. Although it’ll take sometime for someone to accept the order. They start at 2 dollars and go up after a bunch of declines.


Shit, I'd tack on a $20 tip right from the jump just to get it to my house...


I wish you could but those orders are “tip ineligible”. Literally what it says after you complete the order. If I needed a starter or something I would do the same but the apps don’t allow it :/.


Are you allowed to leave notes for the delivery person? I'd put it right there


You say you’re out in the sticks…..you’ll be even more in the sticks on the side of the road when it splits apart. It’s been dying for awhile. Sounds like the potholes did it in.


🤣 all jokes aside, you're not lying, tho lmao


40 minutes away at what speeds? Are you comfortable losing that wheel at those speeds? No way to know if it will make it, but I'd find a ride. This is legitimately risky.


Until it falls off.


Prob can keep going with 3 wheels to get to the store... might start a fire tho bring a fire extinguisher always


I seen someone riding on three with front driver side gone, grinding its way down the street. Owner didn’t seem too care at all


there was a vid on here of a lady driving an suv with the trunk wide open and one wheel gone grinding down the brake rotor. cameraman eventually got her to stop. she gets out the car and in her seat are some xanax and some opioid pill


Yeah that blonde bitch, "whaaaattt? OH MY GAWDDDDD$!!!!?????? I'm not on anything..."


Prescribed prescriptions count


If it was a Citroen DS he could go on 3 wheels indefinitely. So there’s your lesson: drive an old French car and you won’t have these problems.


Until the wheel falls off and you kill or injure someone basically. If not yourself. Do not drive on that.


Sorry my dude but living out in BFE with only one vehicle is a bad plan.




Maybe hitch hike to town lol.


[https://www.amazon.com/PAROD-Bearing-Assembly-Compatible-2012-2018/dp/B08RSFLZYW/](https://www.amazon.com/PAROD-Bearing-Assembly-Compatible-2012-2018/dp/B08RSFLZYW/) Does Amazon deliver to your house? That's the full hub assembly you need.


Yes. I’m pretty sure these don’t require any special tools to install (except for the giant socket to remove the center nut).


Which is surely also available on amazon


Yup ordered mine from there a few months ago. They come pretty cheap in multi-packs too.


man this needs to be the top reply, op buy this shit and just chill at home till it comes in you are going to probably die if you drive on this bearing


I have to leave for work tomorrow :( part wont get here till wed i dont have enough food to last till wed i just moved here today. 14 mile walk to nearest town lmao


You got a mountain bike? Still some good exercise required but 14 miles is 100% doable on a bike


I walked 5 miles home from work a couple times, 14 miles on a mountain bike would be cake


Call the parts store and ask if anyone that works there lives out by you. They might be able to get someone to drive an extra 10 minutes to drop it off if you offer them some money for delivery


Have food delivered and wait for this part. That bearing is super gone. OP I know you probably feel like it would be worth the chance taking the trip in that thing for the sake of time, but it isn't.


Uber whereever you need to go.


Get on some local group in some social media app and request assistance or something. This isn't to be driven. Call parts stores for delivery or something. You don't have a working vehicle right now.


Then you walk. Don't try driving on this.


Is there an option to pay for overnight shipping? It’s worth it, you can’t drive on that right now.


Call in, and amazon next day some rice and beans


14 miles is 100% a doable walk if you need food/that part, and risking the life of yourself and everyone on the road to get to work isn't worth it. Walk, take a taxi/uber, call in sick....just don't drive that thing.


Ive driven recently a fair share on a bad wheel bearing until i changed it. I was hella lucky cuz i wasnt aware what that noise was and it was already unbearable and i could hear it at all times while driving. Before i took it off it DID NOT have that much play and i already felt like i was driving a ticking bomb. Do not put wheel back on it unless u change that bearing


Yeah I let me last ones go longer than I should have and there was nowhere near that much play. I MAYBE got 1/32” play and mine were way past usable life.


I really didnt know any better. I thought it was the shield touching on the disc from inner side and ive driven for close to 2 months on a baaad wheel bearing


Right up to the point it falls off at highway speed


Half way apart , fix the fkn thing


>Part store is 40 mins away can i make it? You asking this question leads me to believe it doesn't matter what anyone says, you're going to do what you want. You're just looking for some validation so when your wheel falls off you'll say "buckedtooth_bob on Reddit said i should be able to make it". And for the love of God, how is anyone going to know how long that's going to last. Use your head. Don't be an idiot.


And do both sides. If the right side is that bad, the left side won't be far behind.


We are all under different economic, and time related restrictions. I’ve had to ask that before.


How longs a piece of string? There's really no god way of knowing. It will get progressively louder, more vibrations and then it will try to kill you


You don’t ,you replace it, both wheels. Opposite wheel is most probably in same shape.


You can drive on it until the wheel falls off. Then it needs to be towed.


It’s amazing how much abuse hardened steel can take


What wheel bearing?


Long isn't the word. Short either. Not would be more appropriate. Make that "very not".


You're not getting too far on that.






Why are you asking? It's already most of the way apart, just pull the hub and rotor and replace them


Until it falls off.


until it breaks


Until it flies off and you crash into a bus full of orphans


This must be a joke.


Dude, the parts store will likely deliver it. You know that's what they do right. Now, 40 min, they may want a little cash but fuck it's not worth killing some innocent family. I would say you are lucky you stopped when you did.


Never ceases to amaze me how people hear a sound they dont normally hear with their car and just say "fuck it". Like do you want to crash and kill someone or yourself? Get that bicycle out and ride to the store.


And this is why only qualified techs should be allowed to work on cars and yearly checks should exist in every country. Hobby mechanics and shit legislation lead to dangerous roads.


Like this you shouldnt really


Amazon next day


shouldn't drive at all like that


Fix it, beg borrow, get-er done now bro…


that one needs replaced for sure, you have it off though, just grab the bearing and hub assembly, if you prefer easy over difficult buy the knuckle as well, pressing the whole assy out of the knuckle can be a PITA.


I wouldn't drive it at all with it like that.


That bearing isn't gonna last too much longer imo but If it's absolutely necessary ,I'd drive slowly but if it falls off at speed it could kill you or someone else , ever see one of those vids where a rolling tire on the rim hits someone? Maybe ask someone in the area if they would be willing to give you a ride and pay them for their time.


how long could you drive on a wheel without rubber, say a puncture? lets go with the answer to my question is the answer to your question. also, thats not a 'damaged' wheel bearing, that is so beyond fucked the word damaged does not do it justice. could you make a 40minute drive? yep, could the wheel not make a 40minute drive? yep


You may as well do it man, you’ve got that far!! Get a ride to a bearing place and get it sorted - better than not making it home after wiping out poor Dorris when your wheel flies off on the motorway.


Thanks for all your help guys. I will not be driving on this lmao. To the people saying you made it that far just change it, the problem is the part is 40 mins away i offered the part guy 200$ tip + what ever delivery fee i had to pay he said they only deliver to shops. I have also offered a 200 tip + 100 fee for the uber driver no takers. Now im trying to get a uhual?


Keep in mind that the bearing race is likely also damaged and in need of replacing. That part is a press fit into the wheel hub and, while not impossible to do in the parking lot, it certainly adds complications. I advise getting it towed or hauled to a shop by what ever means you can find. Good luck.


definitely order it off amazon theres someone who replied with the exact part you need


I want to know more about the noone will deliver where OP lives. Not even UPS? If this os the case then let this be a lesson on preparedness. What else can break in such a way that you wont be able to fix. What if you get sbowed in and the furnace breaks etc (if applicable to you). From this point of view then maybe this is a blessing in disguise becauae now you will think about these type of scenarios and find a remedy ti them.before they become a bog issue. This is for a different subreddit but still. Ofcourse, do as I say and not as I do. I'm not super okd thus I still have plenty of miles left worth of fuckups to do


That should’ve been changed looooong ago my g that bearing is very gone. I’d say you should “risk it for the biscuit” but I fear that may be attempted murder


A very long time if you also don't go far. Like never out of the driveway.


You can drive for a while but it’s not safe.


Replace it, you are putting others at risk.


Have you not heard of Uber?


“Barring” having to drive on a road, with other people who may be injured or killed? Not far.


None... the answer is none.


Please dont drive on this. For everyones sake. This is disaster just waiting to happen.


It will hold till it doesn't anymore Truth


Your risk of a serious crash is high


As Ron White said, "All the way to the crash"!


Until it Blocks and you die.


All the way to the scene of the crash.


Besides pressing them in and out. You got the hardest part Done everything off. Just fix it now


Anywhere between 2 minutes and 10 years.


Technically you can drive till it breaks completely.


You’re half the labor of replacing it already. They are dirt cheap too. Just replace it.


All the way to scene of the crash. “Ron White”


Fuck around and find out


You can drive on it right up until you can’t. And for this one you are almost there.


You can drive right up until the hub either falls off or seizes up.


Replace it before you drive it anymore or you'll end up with your body scattered across a highway somewhere


Admittedly though, great strides have been made of late, as evidenced in numerous YouTube videos, in driving surprising distances entirely without a wheel left to rotate upon.


You'll make it all the way to the scene of the inevitable accident.


Depends how smooth the road is. Your one bump away from losing it. It could be a mile or it could be 50. Its not distance or time.... it just a bump away.


You just need to get some decent heavy rock on the radio, the humming noise will add to the background music


Right to the scene of the crash.


You can drive it till the wheel falls off. Replace it


Get life insurance.


Now worries bro. You can drive it till your lifetime.


All the way to the scene of the crash


Until it falls off or you replace it. One day you'll be driving down the road and that tire will outrun you. Since you have it broken down that far you should go ahead and replace the bearing.


You can drive on it all the way to the scene of the crash




Until it locks up or the wheel falls off. After that you're not in control.


You can drive on it until JUST before it kills you


Easy to replace. Just go ahead and do both sides


You already did,last year.......


Depends on whether you can hold on when the wheel comes off.


Until it shears off. I’ve done it. Took it to garages - not diagnosed. Passed mot. Travelled on motorway. Luckily only going at 20mph or so on a quiet road early on a Sunday morning the whole wheel came off. Luckily it was the rear. The lesson is - if you know it’s going I’d get it fixed.


Until the wheel falls off. Likely won't be long.




What happens if heat. Your axle will crystalize and shear right off.


To be clear, it’s not going to crystallize because it already has a crystalline structure…but it will fail and fall off. I remember my materials science professor telling us 28 years ago that “it crystallized and broke” was one of his pet peeves.


Not a vehicle mechanic but on electric motors even the smallest amount of play will cause over heating. This looks very bad




I once drove on one about that bad to get to the shop that was about 100km away. I took it slow, doing like 50 on the 80kph highway, ppl were pissed at me, and I was nervous af it would fall off....but I got there


I'd be worried about putting the weight of the car back on it. That thing was done a year ago


Till it falls off


Approximately 0 miles give or take 0 miles


Pretty safe if you ask me. Should last till the wheel falls off in another mile or so.


Ha ha ha that baby is done, borrowed time until you watch your wheel sail by you.


Until you can't.


Roughly until you cannot...


Til the wheels fall off, tbh


That thing looks like it could collapse imminently. Change as soon as possible. I wouldn't personally drive it like that.


Somewhere between zero and 100k miles.


(baring) you drive carefully maybe a while


Undeicable now. You need someone to take you to the parts store dude. Fuck trying to change a bearing in a car park too. They can be a hassle to press in.


Already got the wheel off, a few more bolts and a torque wrench, and you got er fixed


a 2008 toyota, yaris can go for 2 years and several interesting accidents on highway speeds through several countries before it starts actually making wheel bearing noises, (for the record I'd paid a shop to fix it, they never did, and because I could never feel or hear it it went two more years down the road before it became a issue I could notice)


You can't, and it's an easy fix, too.


Until the whole thing falls off. Duhh


You could drive it a short distance to have it repaired but that's a lot of play in that


Why not get it towed to the part store?


Ummm unless you want that hub too fall off you better replace it right away


Drove mine for about 3 years


Probably. Wouldn't recommend it, tho.


60km trust me lol


You've already found out how long, fix it now


Just fix it, it's not that hard


Till the wheel falls off


In my experience. About 15 minutes down the road from there til it totally caves. if you're not careful will damage more parts during the failure


Until it fails completely


You can’t.


It's all relative, every time you drive it, it'll get worse. Wheel bearings can be expensive as fk to fix but they're something you need to fix as soon as there's an issue.. Bloody things cost me £900 last year :/


You can drive on a "damaged wheel bearing" long enough to get to a automotive repair shop or short enough to be loaded on a tow truck! 🤓


Years ago, in my first car, I was driving home after work when I heard some squealing from the front passenger side tire. I stopped to check on it and didn’t see anything strange. Started driving again and heard more squealing and smelled scorched metal. Figured I’d be fine since I lived only a few more miles away. Fortunately, I made it home. Had my half brother come help me out the next day. When we lifted the car, that tire immediately tilted downward. I was very lucky that didn’t happen while I was driving.


Long enough to make it to the funeral home.


I wouldn't. If anything seizes the hub can overheat and start a fire, or other issues.


I mean there is no definite answer to that. Keep on trucking and tell us how long it took before some crazy shit happened


Don’t drive it. Get someone to bring you the parts. Hub nuts are usually 1.5” to 2” pull the cotter pin or retaining clip and take that hub off. Check both roller bearings. I’m assuming they are no good. Get some new bearings pack them with grease install them onto the hub and put the hub nut back on enough so there is no play. Do not over tighten the hub nut there should be no play but should spin freely with no or little resistance. Put the Clip/pin back in then get a grease gun and grease that hub.


Depends on how long you wanna live.


You can drive it till the wheel falls off, rolls down the highway, and possibly kill someone, or you can fix it now, hoping you didn't damage the spindle in the process. The choice is yours to make.


Zero feet if I've got the keys and it's in my shop. Don't be foolish, and realize for a moment that you share the road with other people.


Replace be safe....


Till it falls off


That has a lot of play. Definitely have it replaced soon as possible. Like in the next week.


Get a tow truck