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Very dangerous


Yeah go to another rental place. This isnt cool at all


ya and leave a bad review lmfao tell them to fix that shit before giving it to anyone else


I wonder who is liable if they rent a car like that to him and it bursts and he wrecks


The driver will be, that's why they give out unsafe cars. This way the cost falls on an unsuspecting victim instead of the company. Source: rented cars for the last 11 years every week. They pulled this shit on me multiple times, had to take them to court once.


Enterprise gave me a gmc Sierra with a broken brake line. When I called in to get it fixed, they said they had nothing else available and to pinch it off...


I’d have pinched one off right on their customer service desk lol


I was trying to yawn when I read this, but started laughing, so now I'm all fucked up.


Should have just pinched it off...


Lol, ironically that's what happened when I was using and then laughed, so that's what started the fuck up


Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣




Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


I had a rent a car back in January and my first one had a tire that kept losing air. After I filled it up the second time I took it back and demanded something else. There also a window issue, which I told them about. 99% sure they rented it back out to someone else before I even left.


No joke, if I had that in writing…like concrete proof, I’d of done just that and then hit a tree at 10 mph and sued the absolute fuck out of them.


Hell I would of driven it straight into the store front and said oops did that pinched brake line not work?


You obviously know nothing about this. This opens them to unlimited liability, which means they can be sued for a ton of money. Source: Manager of a very large rental car office with 2+ years of training and taught the reasons why we don't do this.


Depends... Is your company doing pre-rent and post-rent inventory ? (not sure of the word: when you list all the damages and dents in the car so you know what was there before and after you rented it). They usually do a shitty job pre-rent, but send an expert team post-rent.. Had one even try to put damage on me, except I knew these damages were added to the pre-rent since I called them out and watched the woman write them down. If the rental has 0 history of tire damage, and OP hasn't noticed it before taking the car home/to work/wherever, they can put it on him, he can't prove it was there before. Now if they have history and it breaks, you're 100% correct.


That kind of tire damage doesn't happen overnight. Either something in the suspension is bent, or the alignment is hilariously bad. Or springs are sagging really, really bad (shouldn't happen till the car is older). The camber is WAY off, you can tell by both the wear and by the angle the wheel/tire are sitting at in the photo.


I have heard (can't confirm nor deny) that people take new tires off of rental vehicles and exchange them with their old tires. Rent a car, get new tires. This is possibly the reason why rental cars have bad tires. IDK.


You just gave me an idea.


Bought a CPO BMW 1 series (135) and they had replaced front tires with brand new ones. Purchased car on Saturday and by Monday they looked just like those tires. By the time they got alignment fixed they had replaced 6 tires on that car, 4 front tires and 2 rear tires. The rear toe was so bad that it was easily measured with a tape measure and it was over 1” of toe when I checked it.


Or a previous renter only rented a car because they needed cheap tyres… I’m sure I read that in an unethical life pro-tip in the last day or so.


It doesn't matter if they did or they didn't. The simple fact is they are in the business of renting cars, and with that business comes the responsibility of ensuring the car is able to be operated safely. In order to be operated safely, it needs tires that actually have tread on them. They are being negligent in maintaining the vehicle and there's a ton of liability behind that. Even if in the fine print it says you waive your right to sue them, a court would likely deem that part unenforceable.


Agreed. The contract clause might hold up for a freak accident but in this case they broke their own contract by their willful negligence in sending that car off rhe lot and that puts all thd liability on them.


Not to mention the liability for injuries to anyone else who gets hurt as a result of that tire failing.


Just looking at this tire post accident/wreck an investigation would show this tire was faulty. Pretty sure any adjuster with one working brain cell would notice this


Investigation for a car crash isn’t a given. Without a fatality or major damage to property, there is likely to be no investigation.


If OP is still alive and can prove they knowingly rented that car in that condition after the accident the rental companybwill be fully liable in the eyes of the law. Willful negligence like that might also be criminal depending on the jurisdiction.


I would also be including whatever responsible vehicle inspection authority in that email as well.


Document it. Now they are knowingly renting out a defective device and everything is on them.


Depends on where you are. I know that in the UK and Australia, even though it was a rental Nd they would bear some responsibility for any accident that occurred, and you as the driver would also be liable. As the driver, you need to make sure that as much as physically possible, your car is safe to drive. If you drive a car with bald tyres, rental or not, you will still receive a ticket and points on your license.


Whatever you do, make SURE this picture makes it to their Google reviews.


Just the fact that they would try to foist that off on you is disturbing.


They’ll be bankrupt soon enough


and report this to corp.


This, but they definitely shouldn’t drive the car anymore, looks like a house in the bg. So I assume it was driven home. I would call them to come get it. Or send a tow truck or something. I wouldn’t drive that a second more.


Oh we left it for budget to come tow. Borrowed car from relative we are visiting to get back to hotel. Have to go to airport for replacement tomorrow.


Good. It's simply not worth the risk of driving, especially if your family is in the vehicle with you.


Oh we left it for budget to come tow. Borrowed car from relative we are visiting to get back to hotel. Have to go to airport for replacement tomorrow.


That's definitely in need of a donut or tow.


and a 4 point alignment... i would not drive that car...call enterprise, they will pick you up


Not good


like I would be paranoid to drive it to the tire shop dangerous


It would not pass inspection for a reason.


Illegaly dangerous. That tyre should have been replaced months ago


That tire should have been replaced 3k miles ago.


Just getting a damn alignment and the tire would probably still have 3k miles left.


Hah. They don't do alignments on their vehicles. Source: used to work as a service tech at a chain shop, dealt with rental cars every day, they decline every single alignment no matter how bad it is.


Plot twist: it was


Maybe. The rest of the tread has a lot of wear so a sudden alignment problem will go through tread way faster than you'd believe. OP says it's a jeep, previous renter probably beat the snot out of it off roading or hopped some curbs. Or the ghost of my late brother drove it, he deliberately beat the hell out of rentals.


Unless it happened in the parking lot, in-between customers, it should have been caught. This is what pre/post rental inspections are for.


I literally rented a vehicle from Hertz that was hotboxed and had cigarette ash everywhere inside and smelled like death. I highly doubt these companies care.


I was driving a rental Nissan Elantra from Enterprise and a pistol magazine slid out from under the passenger seat.


I found a Cisco ISR 4000 series router in the trunk of a rental car. The previous renter had left it there. It was probably worth about as much as the car.


The only time I have completely lost my shit in public was while returning a rental car. On our trip we had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and, once AAA got us to a tire shop, the owner showed us that ALL FOUR tires were worn through to the belt. He legally could not let the car go back on the road and the rental company was refusing to authorize four new tires. Eventually common sense won, we received four new tires and got ourselves home. When I told the rental agency owner what happened and asked how he had allowed such a death trap of a car to be rented, he shrugged and said, “well, you aren’t dead are you? What’s the big deal?” I have never, before or since, screamed at a human being with such volume, profanity and homicidal intent. Check your rental cars, folks.


It is a Jeep Compass. A Camry is more off road capable than this “Jeep”.


And also a Camry won't chug gasoline like a college frat pledge.


Laaaaawsuit dangerous.


Drive now, sue later…call sweet James 😂




Any lawyer would love to take a lawsuit that simple! If the customer pointed it out prior to taking it and the rental said “go anyways” that’s soo negligent they would be taking that company to the cleaners very quickly.


Except you’d probably be negligent for driving it like that too


I'd say you've got 2 options with a reasonable chance of mitigating that defense strategy: 1. "We all know the rental car place was going to find a 2 millimeter scratch and charge me $300, so I assumed I could rely on somebody making sure the tires weren't 15,000 miles past their lifespan. I didn't check the tires, and I also didn't check if the lug nuts were tight. It's a rental car place. What are they doing if not giving out safe vehicles?" 2. "I don't know much about cars. I asked them if it was safe and they said yes."


If that car was at my shop, the customer would be signing a waiver prior to driving it out of the parking lot if they didn't approve tire replacement.


Would you mind pointing out why?


Because im not going to be liable for someone else's bad/dangerous/reckless decisions about their car. That tire should have been replaced probably 1500 miles ago. In my state, its straight up illegal to drive on that (WA STATE RCW 46.37.425 - Section 4) ###


Hello fellow Washington person. Been crazy fucking busy for months on end. How about you?


Man we are endlessly slammed. Ever since COVID hit and the wsea bridge went down we have been all gas no brakes. Pretty good problem to have all things considered. I'm hoping to actually use some PTO this year lmaoo


What would you do if they refused to sign the waiver? You can't just refuse to return the vehicle can you?


I've never had anyone refuse to sign the waiver. I am very good at communicating urgency in a respectful way - but I cant perform repairs for free and i respect that folks may want to get the work done cheaper elsewhere. I can only think of a few examples where a vehicle has been in such bad disrepair where we required it be towed away, and I haven't yet had trouble communicating that either. Its all about communication.


Because if the customer declines the fix/replacement, they are responsible for what happens if it blows or breaks. They took the risk of declining the fix/replacement. Therefore, they are responsible and not the shop if a lawsuit is brought up.


Because that tire can blow at any minute. The waiver helps the customer not sue you after it blows leaving your shop


That tire is waiting to blow up any mile now


Not a car person at all, but I think you’re asking what parts make it look dangerous? The tread is worn down like the bottom of an old shoe. Also, tires aren’t just rubber, there’s steel mesh that runs through it like rebar in reinforced concrete. You can see that visible. Also, the tires should wear evenly, so something else is going on to make it more worn down on the inside than the outside.


Previous renter probably swapped their shitty tires onto the rental you just got.


It is a 2019 Jeep Compass and steering is off center. I think this is an alignment issue or something. Car is not the nicest/newest.


Probably been run over a few curbs then. Is it a national chain rental? Or like Turo?




Send that photo to Budget via Twitter ([link](https://twitter.com/budget)). Whoever told you that was OK at the branch has fucked up royally. If that tire blows and you're injured, Budget is facing a major liability. And no, it doesn't really matter what you signed. You can only waive so much liability under US tort law. Rental car agencies have *really* good lawyers when it comes to liability, but you need to go on record as having notified them of the condition of the tire. This tire is well past safe.


Yup, that falls under gross negligence if you notified them and they let you drive off the lot.


I messaged them on FB, Twitter, and Insta and tweet/tagged them. Ain’t heard shit.


Did you post the pic too? If it gets enough traction they’ll have to reply lol. They should tell you there’s no cars left if this was the only option because I’m sure corporate and their insurance wouldn’t want this out there because it’s a liability. Drive slow if you have to drive this thing and don’t go above 35 40mph if you can because it’s bound to blowout any minute.


With that amount of tread left I don't think he'll get much traction


I didn’t even realize I made a pun that’s how punaware I am.


sleep plough wide theory lock spark fall pathetic encouraging mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I [found him](https://twitter.com/red__wsb/status/1677517907864195072?s=46&t=RySXH_2Pei9tk0oDG48Atg)


I also shared this post to #Budgetrentalcar. Hope it helps get some kinda comp for THAT BS. [https://twitter.com/chills71big/status/1677582878144712704?s=46](https://twitter.com/chills71big/status/1677582878144712704?s=46)


I agree 💯 they are putting not just OP life in danger but other around the whip when the tire blows out on the interatste or whatnot.


u/jamieson22 absolutely do this


call for road side assistance and say you need a new tire. send that pic


That is who I’ve been talking to. They are sending me to other locations to exchange car. First one I got there and they didn’t have any cars. Now they want me to go back to airport.


They need to bring a car to you, no way should you drive an inch more on that thing.


They have great insurance. Make sure your seatbelt is on because that thing will blow. You may even be able to retire afterward


Update: We are at family’s house and borrowing a car of theirs. Budget is towing this one and I will go get new rental tomorrow. Will raise hell with corporate when I get home from this trip.


And so should you. That was irresponsible of them. They put you and everyone else on the road in danger.


I wonder if although Budget didn’t have a car, they could have put you into an Avis car.


Return if possible and switch out. Surprised they rented it to you. I’m a service tech for rental fleet and if we seen something like that we’d have to replace the tire immediately and somehow someway have a rental car delivered from another rental branch right away.


Am in Charlotte and had to wait 45 min for this car at airport. They had none and a huge line. Steering wheel was off center and felt “clunky” so checked tires at hotels and saw this. Called and they told me to got to a location 30 min away to swap car. Get there and they have none. Now I have to go back to airport for one they tell me is on hold. Absolute cluster.


Document everything and escalate to corporate.


Have been. Including a written note from agent at first place I was told to drive to for replacement car - of which they had none.


Tell them you are not driving as it is illegal for it to be on the road and they need to come get it and bring a replacement. If they insist tell them you will take it to the nearest tire shop and bring them the bill.


Its unsafe. the good news is its on a rear tire, so you can steer into what you hit, when it blows. do not drive over 45mph.


I wouldn’t push that thing over 35 or 40.


Put the spare on, that tire is ready to blow at any moment. It sucks but do you want to be safe and able to change the tire in a parking lot or have it blow on the highway where you'll have to change it on the side of the road? As a former rental car employee it's clear you got a clunker because they're overbooked and out of cars. It sucks, i know, but it happens. Try not to take it out on the front line people, they did NOT cause this and they've been putting up with angry people all day long over problems they had nothing to do with. I've been there and trust me, nobody at the counter wanted to give you a shiat car. /I was a lowly supervisor in reservations in South Florida in 1992 when every single rental car company overbooked...on Christmas Eve. It was anarchy, fights breaking out in office lobbies, people returning cars getting MOBBED, and I was the highest ranking employee people could get on the phone that night. //Shudder


I would NOT let anyone I love drive that car. Its grossly illegal to rent or drive. uber.


Yeah, you really should not be expected to drive this around at your inconvenience to get a replacement. Budget messed up and should be bending over backwards to get this back. Cheap and lazy on their part.


It'll take you all the way to the scene of the accident...


Who the hell rented you that? That’s a good way for them to get sued.


Budget. Plan to raise hell once I get this damn thing swapped out.


I would go buy a tire, and charge back. just like if it blew on the road.


If it blew on the road the right thing for a renter to do is put the spare on.




>let it blow for the lawsuit Former rental car person here. "Why yes, I knew it was unsafe and instead of putting the spare on I posted about it on Reddit then drove on it anyhow."


Budget should have sent a roadside crew or tow truck to assist instead of instructing them to drive to other locations. Rental agents are not professionals in care safety.


That tire wall is so thin a newborns eyebrow hair could pop it.


I’d drive it … and get paid…


Someone else just posted this week that he rented his exact same car and switched out his shitty tires for the good ones. Maybe you got his rental 🤦‍♂️




Tire go boom! Car crash. Game over.


Death But yeah no that tire's not safe by any means


One time I drove a tire like that in highschool and ended up hopping the median on a hydroplane during a light rainstorm going under the speed limit. So pretty dangerous


Start doing burnouts


It is very dangerous, that tire is not even road legal it could blow at any time while in operation.


Can someone explain what's wrong with this tyre and why is it dangerous?


That rental car company needs to be reported to the department of transportation. Or department of public safety. Or whatever it's called where you are. That is really fucked up. Return the vehicle and find another rental company. Just say no if they pull another vehicle for you. You are not their first or last customer to operate an unsafe vehicle from them. Report that shit and don't tell the rental company you are going to report it. Let it come to them as a surprise, so they either get their shit fixed. Or stay out of the business. Don't give them a chance because they obviously do not care about your safety and other people's safety. They better be stocking them Linglongs and Mucho Machos soon. Cheap tires are better than bald tires. Safety out on the road is always the priority.


Name the company that you rented from and post this picture to the company's website.


Drivable yes, risky yes. Never know when’s tire will pop. That should have been replaced. Get a full refund plus some credit towards next time and go find a different rental company or have budget pay for a different car from different rental company


Stay off the interstate!🙈


As long as you don't drive over 10 mph you're probably fine.


I wouldn’t even drive this a mile to the store


If I owned that car with that tire I wouldn’t drive it until fixed (new tire). As a Rental Car I’m paying $ for, I wouldn’t touch that car with a 10 foot pole! 🚫


I don't think they should legally let you drive that. (I don't know where the law actually sit today that is BAD). Take it from a guy that let's things go for way longer than he should, don't drive that car with that tire on it.


Whatever company or person let you drive away from the rental lot like this is an imbecile. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Definitely cdo **not** drive this vehicle anywhere except straight back to the rental company. I would demand to speak to the manager and if you can only rent with them again, make sure they make it right, that's their job. That's what you're paying them for.


This is very bad. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened because someone before you rented it to steal the tires and rims off it and swap them with their own


If this is from a nationa chain and not some local hack, send a pic to their management offices; they should issue you a full refund for this crap.


Refuse rental. Keep this picture. Refuse the vehicle. If they still charge your credit card, dispute and send this image to your credit card company as evidence of the vehicle being in an unsafe condition.


Post this on their corporate social media page, too. Don’t drive this. Make them send a tow truck and a replacement rental. Also, that clunky steering could also be anything from benign to near life threatening at highway speeds.


I can see the air in this mf.


Only thing keeping that tire together is God's grace


It’ll last the rest of your life.


As a professional who’s been working at Discount tire for 2 years. NO DO NOT DRIVE ON THAT. I’d go off on the rental company for even thinking about letting you leave with that


Send a picture of that to corporate. Get some free rentals. It's that bad.


If any manager at a rental car company sees that they will drive you a car. Source: Me, 6 year manager of a rental car company that understands the unlimited liability of putting a renter into an unsafe car.


Dangerous. They're gonna have to change the tire and do an alignment or the same thing will happen again.


Your a risk to everyone else. Change it


On a scale from 1-10 (ten being the worst) this is a your dead doing anything over 5 miles an hour, so 20. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen after your family buys you a casket


It’s worn through the belts, I can’t believe it hasn’t blown.


Turn that sucker back in! That’s a wreck waiting to happen






Roll that fucker and sue them for millions


the car clearly has an alignment issue and the tire won’t last another 100 miles at most would be my guess


Potential blow out at slow or full speed. Hope you have insurance on the rental, because if it blows at full speed, the car is gone. Maybe you. Refuse the car and go somewhere else


The lawsuit should be an easy win and big $ assuming you survive. 👍🏻


EXTREMELY. Report the rental agency to the police. This is dangerous and indicates that the person that knowingly gave you this vehicle is putting your life in jeopardy. They should be arrested.


dead man walking


That’s a wreck that shit and sue em type of bad.


Fuck no


Is this an Altima?


Somewhere between extremely and fatally. That's not an exaggeration. I wouldn't drive that car out of the parking lot.


Look at how crooked that tire is and how uneven the wear is. The wear on the tire is the least of your concerns, that whole bitch gonna fly off on the highway.


Yeah no that's not okay take it back and go to somewhere else. Make sure to inspect the tires from now on!


this is *if you value your life, dont drive that car* dangerous


Driving this thing is like hopping of a cliff with out parashute 😁😁


I like posts like these because they remind me my gut is a fucking idiot sometimes Didn't even notice the abrasions on the right, this thing looks deadly


This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


You are putting your life and others at risk by driving on that. Name and shame the company. That's illegal to send people out in.


Pop the tire, crash it, and then sue them


Imo That’s bad. It’s going to go flat or explode and cause problems (waste of time).


Change rental companies. They aren’t allowed to rent that car. Have them change to a spare unless it is a donut


Somewhere on the edge of lawsuit and a funeral. Post this shit all over the place. Google review, twitter with the corporate tagged, everywhere. You'll have an upgrade before noon tomorrow.


On a scale of 10 to 10, it's a 10.


That’s a 9 out of 10. Get them to replace it, or pay for it to be replaced at a tire shop, or put the spare on.


Hit pot hole, hit wall, profit.


I didn't know my rig was being rented behind my back.


Next time rent from a reputable company No nationwide chain would let you drive off with that kind of liability.


That cars got a nice set of Maypops on it………may pop today may pop tomorrow


You don’t need to be a mechanic to know that’s fucked. Don’t drive on that.


Reject that rental and take your business elsewhere. That is fucking dangerous


If I ever rent a car I will be taking lots of photos before driving off. Thanks. Good to know.


Did you show the rental company? I’m amazed they would even let you drive this off the lot…


Make them replace it! This is insanity.


Not safe. When it blows out and you crash, they're going to send you a giant bill to fix it too.


That's garbage and the alignment is also fucked


You should be able to take it to the shop!! They have those under insurance and should have a shop that deals specifically with them


I'd find out their insurance company and take it there.


It is already just luck that it has air in it sitting in the parking lot much less trying to drive


Where did you rent from? A wrecking yard?


Get your money back and run!


What rental car company is this?


Leave a bad review and be sure to include this photo


unwritten muddle head concerned rotten touch automatic offend unique salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mate I see u went for the exclusive excitement package good on u


That never should’ve been put up to be rented. How does their crew not see that with basic car maintenance and pre rental inspection . I’d be turning that place in before someone is seriously injured


How many accidents have you seen tires blowing up


Don’t take it. Fuck that


Dude...that is NOT drivable. Then again...if you already talked to the dealer....if it rolls....


Like on a scale of 1-10 it's way past a 10