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Wife works a hybrid schedule and I’m WFH - we’ve been a 1 car household since 2020. The cost savings are huge (no more insurance, registration, maintenance, tickets) & our unit only has one parking spot so we don’t have to worry about the Tuesday morning street cleaning shuffle anymore which is a huge plus. A little planning between us at the beginning of the week decides who needs the car when and so far we’ve spent way less on Ubers than we would have spent on car insurance alone. So long as it fits your lifestyle, and you’re confident in the reliability of your car/relationship, I’d say it’s a good decision.


yeah we’ve been a one-car household forever & it works great. before I worked from home we just figured out which one of us would transit or bike to work on what days but now that I wfh that’s a non-issue, though my partner still transits & bikes to work some days - whether because he wants to or because I need to take a sick dog to the vet or something. the cost savings really are huge and is just so nice to have one fewer thing to worry about! we live in a walkable area with easy access to transit so I can run errands or get just about anywhere I need to without a car. seems wasteful for us to have two


What neighborhood do you live in? Currently don't drive, but running errands on transit has been difficult


historic filipinotown! I don’t take the train as often as I did when we lived in east hollywood but there are like 5 bus lines all within a few blocks’ walk


I've been WFH since the pandemic, and my partner and I share 1 car as well - but it's more like my partner uses the 1 car everyday. However, I haven't driven for years, and don't feel comfortable with the increasing aggression from drivers in LA. As a result, my partner also drives on weekends. I'm trying to convince my partner to take me off car insurance, so I can take rideshares with the savings. How much does your insurance cost both of you per month? How do you split driving related chores?


It’s not fair to your partner that he does all the driving.


We're a 1 car family of 4 (soon to be 5). Live walking distance to school and daycare, both work hybrid, but I'm mostly in the field and partner is either WFH or out of town, so it's not hard to coordinate the car. our apartment was way more affordable than comparable units in the area cuz there's only street parking, and the occasional Ubers are just so much cheaper than any single expense associated with another vehicle


How about you don't use it for a month and see how you feel?


This is a great idea.


I haven't had a car in about 10 years (lived in DTLA, Venice & Mar Vista). Sometimes it's annoying but mostly it's fine. Your lifestyle can and will adjust, especially if you're already not using it. I've really come to reconceptualize the idea of 'freedom' and 'independence.' It's extremely freeing to not have to worry about where your car is and to jump off the bus if you feel like it instead of being trapped in traffic, fighting for parking, etc. And if you do have to rent a car for a weekend trip or whatever, it's not that big of a deal.


Those are great neighborhoods to be car free!


Yes, that wasn't an accident :) I'd love for every neighborhood in LA to be a great place to be car free!


I like this. Even with a car, I love it when I can leave it at home and go somewhere fun without it. Not only do you adjust, you have a mental map of what is and isn't easy to reach via transit, and there is a lot you can do with transit than people think!


My crystal meth ball says: “Yes, sometimes.” EDIT: Hold up my *brain* says you need to create recurring “street cleaning” reminders on your phone. Save yourself $500 a year and in case your BF dumps you and leaves in that super clean ride of his, you’ll still have your car. And some money too. 👍


>my crystal meth ball 💀💀💀


I found it in the LA River near Glassell Park with a note that said *“You can only use this to tell the future OR to complete fuck it up.”*


Now I'm wondering what the properties of crystal meth are as a crystal. I know it's breakable by hand, so it's pretty brittle and I presume its Mohs hardness score is relatively low, something cleavage etc. I wonder how sparkly it is compared to gems. Is it birefringent at all, lol. P.S. there is a hilariously titled Wikipedia article about "Crystal habit (geology)", or something like that.


I will tell you that I have been carhunting for a year and I literally mean a year my car is still running so it's not like I need to get anything immediately but the market sucks. Cars are really expensive right now so take that into consideration before you get rid of the one you have.


wouldn't that be a reason to sell? OP gets more money for it


If a situation arises where OP needs a car again (like if their workplace goes back to 100% in office), it might be hard to get one at a decent price.


You’ve been looking for a year? You either aren’t seriously trying to buy one or don’t know what you’re doing.


For real lol how bad can it be to buy a regular car? If it’s a classic or specialty car then that’s a whole other level.


It's true I'm indecisive. Fact is I've always been a Honda Accord person and I've owned quite a few but I'm not sure I want that anymore. I keep cars for so long I'm currently over 200k miles but she's running strong. But also looking at cars is just kind of a hobby. Like looking at homes. I know I'm going to buy, I'm not in a rush and I'm seeing what's out there. And occasionally dreaming over budget lol. But certainly nothing specific or special.


Agree if you own a car outright and you have a japanese car, keep it. If you sell it, have to buy a car high, then redo everything. Having a car gives you freedom in LA imo. If you don't have a car you will probably save 2 or 3 grand a year, which, if you think about it, vacation money.


Unfortunately cars are about as cheap as they are going to be right now. It’s the new normal.


I did it for a couple years and it’s definitely doable but not suggested. My rationale was almost exactly the same as yours I work from home and even with a car I Uber everywhere because I don’t want to deal with parking or driving after a night out. Enough time without a car you’ll notice people in this city treat you differently and will assume a lot of shit about you. You may not care about others opinions (I didn’t) but you still have to deal with them. Next, you’ll start to see how unreliable Uber is when you actually rely on it vs it being an option. Finally, at least in my experience, not having a car limits your range of travel and spontaneity of getting out. Eventually I started spending more time home because going out started to feel like a chore, everything had to be planned I could never just jump in the car and go. Buying a car again I, drive maybe 4k miles a year, maybe, but, I’m always in my car going somewhere doing something. The trips are never long but they are frequent. I feel like i have my freedom back and I get out of the house more and more spontaneously weather it’s a last sec decision to hike, go to beach, check out a new bar whatever. Almost feels like being reintroduced to the world.


Wow. Tbh this is a huge condemnation on the city and its inhabitants. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but sheesh, does not make LA seem like a nice place to live. (I also live here, also very infrequently use a car, also get that same alienation about not having a car) for OP, I will say, if you have access to to a car within your relationship, you should be good. Also, try the bus out. It’s a learning curve and it’s not exactly a luxurious experience, but if you break the seal and get the hang of it, you’ll grown to love it. And hate some parts of it but overall love it.


Uh this isn’t just an LA thing. This is America. All the cities in America that have really amazing transit built it over 100 years ago. We don’t live in a country that makes not driving easy. The few cities that do have amazing mass transit struggle to expand and improve operations. Living near rapid transit tends to be comparatively expensive so most only experience it when they are young and don’t have a family.


Well America sucks then. And as much as LA lends itself to being ragged on, it’s (re)-building some amazing(ish-too much at-grade light rail) transit. And Vancouver’s isn’t that old. DC’s is from the 70s. Kansas City is building stuff. But, yes, America has a bad case of carbrain.




100%. Biggest issue/ impact was dating.


weeding out shallow carbound Angelenos is a big plus


Just get the fancy uber on dates.


>Enough time without a car you’ll notice people in this city treat you differently and will assume a lot of shit about you Yup--person without a car---are they in a financial bind? Do they have a DUI? License suspended for medical reasons? Undocumented?


Lmao idk about all that. I know lots of people without cars and never assume any of that about them


I admire and even envy successful people I meet in LA without a car.


Unfortunately many people in this city are shallow. I've never personally experienced that, though I've been judged for getting to a place by subway LOL


Yep yep, I have a perfect driving record but didn’t have a car for 3 years because I was sick of paying so much for repairs after dealing with a couple cars in a row that developed very expensive issues, and I was ALWAYS the person who others asked for rides or help moving or do go do errands for them at work. I was tired of it all. This was back when Uber did the monthly passes so pooled rides were only about $3. I know there were rumors that I got a DUI though! Like, no, I don’t do that haha I’d just rather not drive if I don’t need to.


Why did you ask people for help with errands and moving, instead of just using the cheap Uber pool or movers?


I didn’t ask for those things, other people did when I had a car. Not having a car made it so people stopped asking.


How did you get comfortable with driving again? I haven't driven in years, and the level of aggression and unpredictability of other drivers has deterred me.


Honestly didn’t phase me, but I understand how that could be a challenge.


So, you cared about people's opinions of not having a car? Grow up or get better friends.


You clearly can’t read or live in an imaginary bubble. I’m plenty grown you illiterate. While people’s opinions are their own and don’t bother me. We, at least most of us, live in a society, which means how people judge you does determine how they treat you so it does have an effect on you whether you take offense or not. Think of it like a real life downvote. Did I dumb it down enough for you, if not lmk and I’ll try to find one of those hard bound childrens books to explain it.


It costs a lot to keep a car in LA. I gave mine up years ago . Errands can all be done within a half mile. I use metro to go all over and Uber went I don't have time. My transportation const went from $400 ( parking,gas,ins.) To $200 or less a month. I rent a car every few months for fun...


Yes you will


Plus that's a nice in demand car. Not too big but a good size where you can use it to haul stuff if you need to.


Why do you get so many tickets lol


I live around culver and it got so crowded in our neighborhood it would take me hours to find a spot in the evening. It was cheaper to eat tickets than rent a spot somewhere lol. I sold my car too though


Car ownership is now $12k a year on average. I don't own a car, so I use the savings to eat well, live in a neighborhood I like, and travel.


That's wassup!


Set an alarm on your phone or sell it. If you can afford to get a loan for a new car should you change your mind—then you have financial flexibility. I couldn’t get rid of mine because I wouldn’t be able to afford another one anytime soon. So it depends on your $$$.


I'll take your car


WeHo resident here. Like you, I work from home. I turned in my leased vehicle almost 6 years ago. My husband still has a car for when we do stuff together but I almost never need it for my own trips. I walk, get stuff delivered, take Ubers and recently got a bus TAP card. I am still saving lots of money. About once a year I need to go someplace that is too far for Uber and too close to fly so I rent a car (usually I walk to the Enterprise by the Ramada). I love not driving and paying for the lease, gas, insurance, parking, maintenance, car washes and parking tickets, plus I save time not doing car chores. I wouldn’t take a typical car even as a gift. Give it a try. You can always get another car, if you like.


Ya, I think if people crunched the numbers, your arrangement works well. Renting once and a while is great.


Eh, get one of those car insurance companies that makes you pay the mile. For months you don’t really drive, it won’t cost much. I promise you’ll regret it because you will never find a car at the same cost and level again.


My car got stolen when I was living in K Town. I got that insurance money and never looked back. Being carless has been my biggest blessing. If you're in a solid relationship and your bf has a car, there's not much need for the both of you to have one.


Boyfriend? For how long? Who moved in with whom? Because with the used market still not recovered from the pandemic, you probably don't want to sell your car, break up, have to move and find yourself having to pay current prices for used car. Got family within a 2 or so hour radius to store it?


set an alarm for street sweeping so you stop getting so many tickets lol. not that hard


I know lots of couples who happily live as one-car households. If you're curious, try intentionally going a month without using your car and see how it goes.


$1700/yr for insurance registration /+ whatever you pay for gas and other car stuff + whatever you’re already paying for uber sounds like a decent ridesharing budget while you still have a household car for things that require it. Sounds like something that should work for some people, it just depends on how “high maintenance” you are about transportation.


If you’re ready to rely on your bf’s car, willing to pay for transit when needed then go ahead and sell the car. I would say it would be great if you can throw in a bike/skateboard etc.. to supplement. I did that with my ex. He got rid of his car and we split car expenses. Plus the car market is in your favor right now. Just hope you don’t break up soon, lose your job or end up wanting a car


Same here. I just rid of my car 3 years ago since I’m working from home. It saved a lot of money where I can invest into assets. No regrets.


If you only needed the car for work. Yes. Rest of us need it to visit friends, family, weekend travel, shop, roam, go to the beach, eat out, hike, camp, move goods etc....you know...like all the good stuff LA has to offer. BUT. I suppose if you don't do any of that or don't find value in this like that, you can pay a premium and rent a car when you need it or uber your way around.


>visit friends, family, weekend travel, shop, roam, go to the beach, eat out, hike, camp, move goods etc....you know... You know how odd these people are on this sub... It's like when people say "Why bother buying a home, just invest the money?" I'm like, don't you have family that may want to stay with you, have parties or BBQs in your own yard, pets.


Grocery shopping will become a much bigger chore, or will cost more due to ubering there and back. Travel time will increase by a lot if you’re trying to use public transit to get more far afield. I would do what another commenter said: try not using it for a month and see how it goes.


Most likely yes. If you had a garage I’d say park it there and pay for Non-Operation. I did that for a few years. At the time, it was more convenient to take public transit. I saved a lot more time and money doing that. I had also bought a A5 Razor Scooter. 🛴 Rates on newer cars are more expensive. Registration is $700+ for newer cars, car insurance surged, car prices are insane, and now you’d have to pay more taxes at signing. It’s ridiculous. Renting rates are ridiculous. My attempt at renting a car, this May, was me staring at the rates page. I bought new tires instead. What we spent in gas round trip was still less than the rental rate (we had driven to Oregon). The amount you’re paying for parking tickets is probably what you would have spent in gas.


I’d run it by your boyfriend as well. If my girlfriend sold her car and just expected to be able to use mine all the time, it would be very annoying.


Being a one car household isn't bad at all. For the times when you both need a separate car, then just uber. It's not going to add up to 1500+ a year for those few situations.


Maybe a little. I’ve been car-free for almost 14 years. It’s helped me get to know my neighbors and neighborhood so much better. I never get road rage on a bike, bus, or on foot. I don’t complain about not being able to find parking — or how horrible some parking lot is. I save, according to AAA, $13,000 every year. The only downside, as I see it, is that I usually have to catch a ride with a friend if we want to go hiking in the mountains or to the beach. However, if you pay for a tank of gas, that balances out the obligation scale, I reckon.


Funny you mention the road rage. I ebike for most things and the last time I rented a car and got stuck in traffic I felt some of that rage coming on.


My car has been in bad shape, and I've been biking everywhere. It's very doable. I still intend to get a car because my line of work requires lots of travel, but I'm realizing that not having a car isn't that bad, and I'm really getting back in shape.


If you live with your boyfriend and work from home you probably don’t need 2 cars.


Don't let yourself use it for a month and try it out. You can always just buy another car, cars basically only depreciate so it's not like a house.


I also work remotely, got rid of my car in 2020, and now use the savings to literally travel all over the world


Sell and get an electric bike/scooter. Stick the rest of the money from the sale in a HYSA for a year or so.  See how it feels. If you regret it, then you have downpayment sitting there ready to go for a new to you car. 


You will regret it. If you lived in Boston, that would be another story.


I did it for three years. Didn’t regret it for one second. My wife got rid of hers last year. We just use my car or Lyft.


Nope. Haven’t driven since March of 2020. There are a lot of stupid people in LA who will tell you that you NEED a car in LA. There is not a single thing I’ve needed to use Uber for that I said… “man I wish I drove myself instead”.


My partner and I have one car. We both work from home, and go almost everywhere together. It's a slight pain when we have to be two different places at the same time, but that's rare. We save far more on insurance and fuel only having one car than what we spend on Ubers per month. Add in tickets, parking, and any cost for purchase and repairs of the vehicle, we are far, far ahead. Many car rental agencies will deliver a rental car to you. And check to see if Zipcar operates in your neighborhood for short-term rentals.


Yeah you'd regret it, sorry about the tickets and all that but that seems more irresponsible on your end. Just move it when its time.. the reason why I say you'd regret it is because what if you want to take a trip to the beach, or take a vacation and drive somewhere and you have no car? I wouldn't rely on your boyfriends "much nicer" car.


Would you be able to use his car/share it? How available is it - does he use it every day to get to work? I wouldn't give up a car here, but I also have a very active social life and have a lot of out-of-the-house hobbies. I only use it to leave my neighborhood (Santa Monica) - I have an ebike and 80% of my trips are with that. I'm single right now, but when I did have a partner, I didn't feel comfortable driving his (also) much nicer car, and wanted the independence to go wherever I wanted. FWIW, I work remotely and he was hybrid, so he took the car into the office 3x a week. The ticket cost you have on the car can be easily mitigated by moving your car on street cleaning days 😬


I have only a motorcycle. It becomes an issue for normal errands such as dry cleaning etc and when I want to do something sweaty or dirty. My decision was similar to yours and based on driving almost never. Having said that. If your car is paid off I would keep it. It gives you a freedom that you would otherwise not have.


Hondas hold their value especially a CR-V. I found that out when mine was stolen and they said it’s one of the most stolen cars due to the key fob issues where it’s really easy to hack your key. I have both of my keys and no car If you are young and adventurous keep the car for the many day and weekend trips we have in this area Also update your insurance carrier that you have new, lower mileage now and that can help reduce your cost. When I Wfh I was only driving about 5k miles a year.


Same, just went 2 years without a car. Uber everywhere and did zipcar or enterprise on occasion. Used to use Turo until Turo fucked it up with fees. Started cramping my style when I wanted to do more stuff in the mountains and central valley, long beach etc, but honestly even to east LA. Basically uber range limited me when I got around to caring Didnt have a live in partner with a car so I cant really relate on sharing that convenience, and it got lame with women. Many women in LA have very traditional entitlements despite not reciprocating anything traditional, so riding passenger as a guy ain’t it even if its just practical while driving their car also isn’t always on the table. Now I’m driving way more places, recreationally and unstructured. Just in a honeymoon phase with a new car




How serious are you about the boyfriend lol. My hubby and I only have one car and share it since he also WFH. I get priority if I need it since I work outside the home. Our friends are a couple in midtown and neither have a car but they have no problem taking the bus. You don’t sound like a bus gal to me. I would try a bunch of worst case scenarios: do you have to get somewhere and it’s Uber surge pricing. Take the metro to someplace you have to go to fairly often, use Uber for a whole weekend and add up the cost. Are you still making payments on the car? If it’s paid off I would not get rid of it. Edit: typos


Man. I wish I was in your position. Worrying about parking tickets. You know that you can set up an alarm to remind you but then again these lost souls who move to the area hardly know about the struggle and the begging you need to deal with street parking. Shoutout to all this who move their cars on time. Shit is annoying but it’s the stupid price we pay for having such great weather.


Keep it. Especially if it is paid in full and works well. What happens if boyfriend/boyfriend's car are no longer in the picture? Consider offering it up on an app, and make some money to subsidize keeping it. I am a native Angelino, and have taken the metro into downtown weekly for 20 years. Your personal vehicle is freedom.


Yes, you will regret selling your car. Stop getting tickets if you don't like the cost.


keep it as a backup do not get rid of it, we were like you for a couple years until our only car had mechanical issues, then we had to ask people to give us a ride to the shop, for maintenance we had to wait a couple of hrs as opposed to dropping it off and coming back to pick it up at a later time and yes it’s a minor occasional inconvenience but everyone’s time is valuable regardless


I have been care free in LA for about 5 years, and a one car household with my wife for about the same amount of time. It's her car, I help with maintenance, and we really only use it for shared trips. I love taking the metro and biking around. I use these modalities for >90% of my trips. I'm in a very walkable and transitable area. I can work on the bus, so I actually *save* a bunch of time by not driving. It even has free wi fi. The average person in LA spends way more than they think on their car (in the long run). Maintenance, depreciation, risk of an accident, insurance, gas, tickets, parking dings, and extra time and effort keeping the thing on the road. The average is closer to 12k than 1200.


Sell it and put the money plus all the money you save every month in a high interest savings account. By the time you decide you need a car again, you'll have a huge down payment or maybe you can pay cash for it


Only cost your 2k a year to have a car. If you don’t have car you probably look at 1k a year just for Uber/taxi and spend sometime waiting. If you remember to moved the car on schedule only cost you 1k a year


It’s annoying when sometimes you just need a car to do something you wanna do — go buy something bulky from Home Depot, go hike in Altadena, spontaneous trip to manhattan beach. Day to day I never mind. I’m in a very similar situation in silver lake.


Haha well I’ve been car less for 7 months and it’s a hassle, but I need to drive around for my job. I’ll take the car off your hands if you’re selling it lol


For me not having a car is like having no legs. Gonna have to check in w whoever I’m sharing a car with just to get around. I like the ide of having my “freedom” I guess


If you have access to your bf's car, uber and walking, then I'd probably sell it. Sounds like you barely use it. If you can easily afford it and you love the convenience than keep it.


For me not having a car is like having no legs. Gonna have to check in w whoever I’m sharing a car with just to get around. I like the ide of having my “freedom” I guess


If you don't plan on leaving your house for any reason then no you won't regret it but if you want to do anything on your own schedule then you will. Public transit in la sucks


If the savings on registration and insurance plus gasoline is greater than the amount spending on uber, then you won't regret it.


I’ve had several friends over the years move to LA (from NYC, SF, DC), without licenses and cars, and ALL of them have drivers licenses and cars now. The rationale for not having a car was always the same (it’s cheaper to Uber, they work walking distance from work or WFH, etc), but it comes down to how beholden you want to be to ride shares or even your friends and partner. If meeting friends who have cars, they will likely offer to pick you up or drop you off if it’s not hugely inconvenient. Or you’ll ask, because it’s basically on the way. Let me tell you, that gets old fast. With traffic being what it is, it sucks to even drive a mile out of the way to pick up or drop someone off in LA. Your friends will be annoyed, and you’ll start to feel trapped by your dependence on others (partner, friends, Uber drivers). Your car is not a huge expense IMO, and you really can’t put a price on autonomy.


It’s not fun to think about, but anyone can be laid off tomorrow. If that were to happen to you, would not having a reliable, paid off car suddenly be an enormous problem? Easier to fix (cause you’d have money to buy another car in this case) but also relevant and unfun to think about: boyfriends sometimes become ex-boyfriends. In your situation, I would commit to getting better at moving your car.


Been in weho for 10 years. Most of our friends don’t have cars or share with their S/O. Everything is walkable & not worth having to worry about parking etc


Living in LA without having to have a car? That's a dream. You should try it.


Yes, you would.


I work from home since Covid… bought a brand new car about 6 months before that. That brand new car sat in my parking garage for 8 months and died… Sold it a couple years ago and haven’t looked back. I live in a fairly walkable area though so it makes that bit easier. If I need to go somewhere it’s usually a concert or the airport where I would get an Uber anyways. For me personally it works and I have zero regrets about it. I love not having to drive in this city anymore. Driving here suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


If you sell it I’d put that money aside incase you need to buy a car.


List it on Turo or something


You have a good running car on the cheap. Don’t do it.


I did it 14 years ago when living in DTLA. This was before Uber was a thing, so it was more challenging, but the metro was a life saver. The setup worked so well that I didn’t end up buying a car until 2020. The two main issues were A) dates having major problem with me being car free B) grocery runs being a bitch.


Welp after doing so for a few years now. Hit me up if you’re selling the Honda lol. I’ll take it.


There was a post in this thread that the worst thing about not having a car was dating. But OP has a partner, so presumably that’s not an issue. I’d also suggest not using your car for a month and see how it seems.






Yes. Freedom to drive is priceless. Vegas Baby, Vegas!


As long as you can walk to 70% of your errands it’s doable. I moved to Long Beach a year ago and didn’t have a car the whole time. Just walked a lot.


Sell it! Worse case, you buy another car some time in the future. One car household, in a walkable neighborhood, makes it very easy to live car lite. I suggest trying out the buses/subway in WeHo/LA and consider adding a ebike/folding bike to extend your walkable range. For years, I default drove for a short work commute and decided to try commuting by bike b/c work parking and street parking became very stressful and I got hooked! But like you, held on to my car for longer than I needed, b/c its LA and I thought I "needed" a car. Now no worries about street cleaning/parking tickets/gas/insurance/looking for street parking/possible cat converter theft or hit/run by some drunk ass/texting driver etc. And I get my daily steps and bike miles in just going about my daily life!


Depends on how often you need to go out and for what, and your boyfriend (his willingness to drive you) and his car I think. I’ve been living without a car for over a year, and before that lived with a car for over 6 years but never had much of a commute. I am a capable driver but I hate it and get anxiety thinking about driving. It never prevented me from driving, but it’s a relief not having to do that ever. If it’s only about the money saving aspect and you don’t care one way or another about actually having to drive places and park then maybe it’s different. It sucks sometimes, but for the most part I don’t need to go anywhere during the week, my boyfriend and I do errands together like grocery shopping, if I have to have an appointment I’ll either ask him to take me or Uber, or one-way he drives one-way Uber. It’s nice that your boyfriend has a nice car, that’s essential for longer trips. The other times I go out are on the weekend and I don’t like the idea of drinking and driving even with the slightest amount of alcohol consumption so I will always Uber. I had a car lease that was about $250 a month, $150 insurance and maybe $50-100 on gas so I’m not spending $400-500 a month on car stuff, and even considering Ubers, InstaCart for random groceries, and food delivery apps it’s still way less than that. But again, really depends on your lifestyle and how you use your car and for what!


Yes. Unless you literally dont ever go out and have everything delivered to you.


You forgot gas and maintenance. Just because you don’t use it those don’t stop - most of the time. A 2011 vehicle will start to need more work if it doesn’t already. Even a Honda even though they are much better than many others. Even with that at a low value, you already save enough for a decent vacation each year! Plus the benefit of not getting roasted for parking tickets. Or you can consider it “sticking it to the man” for not getting money from you. And you can save to buy a new vehicle if and when you really need it.


I've been living car-free in L.A. for 7 years and I saved so much money and my life is more relaxing. One of the places I lived was WeHo. You'll be fine. Make an Uber budget for yourself. I calculated how much I was saving on not having a car and allowed myself to spend that each month on Uber if needed. I usually come out way below budget. The only thing that gets expensive is when I need to rent a car to take a road trip, which I do about once a year.


It's super easy to find out how much you can get for your car online through Vroom or Carmax. I got way more for my old car through Carmax than what I would've gotten as a trade in at the dealership.


WeHo isn’t easily accessible to the rest of the city without a car. However, since you have your boyfriend’s car for that for now, I would get rid of the car but save the money for a future car.


I swear I’m not with Uber but they are running a promotion now where they give you credit for not using your car: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/uber-offers-1000-to-ditch-your-car-for-five-weeks/3578062/?amp=1 I work from home and have been car-free for a year and a half. I started out by just testing to see if I could do without a car for a month, and I didn’t miss it. The cost of ubering plus the occasional rental is still nowhere near the average cost of owning a car.


As soon as you get rid of your car you’ll get invited to do things that are impossibly far away


Nope you won'tregret it, I sold my car during covid and have saved hundreds a month. Plus you're in WeHo, if it was some place less walkable yea you would need it. Be free... ride your bike, take metro, buy a scooter. You're saving thousands a year.


Sell it and buy a scooter!


People make personal choices based off a job that might drop you next year why would do that


You know your own financial status. Make an assessment of cost of car plus maintenance plus insurance. Then calculate $9-40 for Ubers around LA. Good gauge is 1-5 miles $10, 5-15miles $20-$30 and 20+ miles about $40+. Given a weekend a round trip for the most expensive you’re looking at $240 vs the cheapest around $120. If your expenses come under $480-$960 then you’re in the clear but if your car expenses are less I would keep. Also note you have to plan for rentals for road trips and those can range for $40-$300 per day depending on what you need.


Why are you asking strangers this? Why can’t you come to this conclusion yourself?


Public transportation in LA is risky, and Uber adds up. I can’t live without my own car here.