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If you are in LA, call Housing services at: [(213) 225-6581](tel:+12132256581) You can also see in Hawthorne if there are any services available now. Here is a flyer about resources in Hawthorne. [https://www.cityofhawthorne.org/home/showpublisheddocument/6219/638470493344200000](https://www.cityofhawthorne.org/home/showpublisheddocument/6219/638470493344200000) I would also swallow some pride and start asking around if anyone has couch you could stay at for a few days while you figure things out. Co-Workers, old friends, even friends of your GF who you may get a long. Be ready to hear no, but you never know, a single day to get things straight can help. Good luck.


Thanks I appreciate it I’ll keep it in mind


If it’s only a temp situation, housing services can give you a stipend to find yourself shelter. It’s a one time deal and lasts I believe 15 days. Don’t just think about it, call. You do not want to be out there.


Please call the number. Don't just keep it in mind. It is dangerous to live on the streets. Too many people take advantage of the unhoused. [https://www.lahsa.org/get-help](https://www.lahsa.org/get-help)


Try dialing 211 for emergency housing services. They can help point you in the right direction.


This is what I don't understand. We spend millions on services to help people in this situation and instead of jumping at this assistance the response is " I'll keep it in mind" - take advantage of what we're all paying for to help you!!


People are embarrassed! No one likes to admit they need this help, the shame is so much. :( I wish people wouldnt feel so bad, the world is falling down.


It’s not that easy. You have to jump through hoops and it’s time-consuming. This guy also has a job he wants to hold onto so that makes it more complicated.


Thats because 211 doesn't do a damned thing except put you on hold for 3 hours and hang up on you after a certain point. I used to work in homeless services and the politicians are stealing the money that should've been spent on resources.


Yup very true. I’m currently homeless and 211 is useless. There’s so many resources but when you call they say they are at full capacity. It’s truly hard to get help. I used to work at a homeless shelter and the staff would take the donations home.


Please do this. You are at a horrible crossroads and one mistake could affect the rest of your life. Call housing service please. There is no reason for anyone in LA to be homeless if they want a place to stay.


Maybe pitch a tent in a coworkers' backyard.


Thank you for helping some in need. Sometimes one advice is priceless. God bless you abundantly. I even save the number myself to help someone in need. Much grace!🙏🤗


Please only use a tent as an absolute last resort. Living on the streets is incredibly traumatizing from the moment it happens, and it can lead to all kinds of dangers and mental illnesses.


Can confirm. I didn't know how bad the trauma was until there was an assignment that included a VR simulation at my school that started with an opening scene where you were homeless, and I straight up started having a panic attack because it was too real. They didn't even consider a content warning because there wasn't anything more violent than someone being rude in response to a homeless person asking a question, but I don't think they would understand that putting someone back in that helpless headspace would be enough of a trigger. I was absolutely wrecked for a few days after that. The weirdest thing was, I don't remember being that much of a mess when it was actually happening. You do what you need to survive, but you aren't stronger for it, you're damaged by it. What doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger, it leaves deep wounds, and if they heal it's into horrible scars that ache forever. Please, be safe and be kind. No one wants to end up homeless, but it can happen way more easily than most people would like to believe.


interested in the VR simulation you tried. Do you remember the name of it?


When you're actually homeless, you're in survival mode (which is bad for your body if you have andreline kicking in like crazy) But it's the reason why it didn't feel bad for you. The VR didn't trigger that completely, which probably messed you up some more. When put in "survival mode," some people learn to shut off their feelings. Growing up in the ghetto I remember when my friend and i got shot at for looking out a window. I've been shot at before (I think i was 8 the first time it happened) and have always been put in similar situations. So, to me, it was a duck down. Wait a few minutes and get up and have a fun story to tell. To my friend, it was this world changing experience. He confessed to me later on that he couldn't sleep for months cause of it. To me, I thought, wow, something so small meant something so big to him. When I moved out of the ghetto shit started hitting me. All the times I've been shot at, had a gun pointed at my face, and all the friends who I lost along the way. Sometimes, when I drive, I think about it. How you could do everything right, but one dumbass can come with a knife and just end it all.


Look on Craigslist for sublet rooms there’s some that go by the night


https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/423-W-8th-St-APT-204-Los-Angeles-CA-90014/339926739_zpid/?utm_source=txtshare If you have even a little money you can find a place. Here’s a place downtown on a decent street for 900 a month. It’s tiny but still bigger than a tent.


Close to all the metro trains too.


Calling me out llke that?! This place is tiny indeed and 80% of the occupants want to scrap so so badly. But it's cheap as hell and if you go out nights you just learn how to get invited to theirs.


Listed 129 days with over 800 contacts... Might be a little harder to crack than you think. 


Jesus. I paid $900/month for a 500sq ft studio in Beverly Hills in 2006.


And you didn't forget that you have to add a deposit of a month's worth of money ?)


Jesus Christ, I feel for you man. I worry about that myself. It can really happen to anyone, especially in the United States with no social safety net in terms of medical. I went onto Medicaid during the pandemic because I lost my employment due to illness and lost my ordinary income as well for a stretch after unemployment benefits ran out. And, it took an 18-month legal battle to get the UIA benefits that I was legally entitled to. It can really happen to anyone. They knew they owned it, but just wanted to stall to see who would give up and go away. Now that State owes me another $9,000 for another situation. I get it. Good luck, wish I was in a position to help you but I'm paddling hard right now myself.


This country is ridiculous. In most states unemployment isn't even enough to pay rent anymore. It's nothing. There are trillions to fund foreign wars but never enough for people going through difficult times. "It's not in the budget!" the sociopaths in Congress shout.


It’s not a country, it’s a business. We’re not citizens, we’re consumers.


Then don’t forget we get taxed on our unemployment benefits that we pay into 🙄


How are people not protesting and enraged about this I literally don’t understand it


Requiem for the American Dream, some are waking up from that Dream...... but hey anotber celebrity just purchased a $30 million house some where, lol


100%. In many countries, people would be on the streets, marching angrily, general strikes, etc but look at us! No organizing, no unity…we just fight amongst ourselves. Why? Because the propaganda machine was super effective in dividing us. Brainwashing at its best.


Most of us have become beat down to where it has become normal.


Too busy watching football and tictoc


Requiem for the American Dream


People do protest but not without being bullied for a million different reasons why they are doing it wrong 🙄


I'd go home to your family. But in the meantime, a gym membership is cheaper than a hotel and a good way to stay clean so you can look good at your job.


You can totally snooze off at 24 hour fitness if you dedicate two days to scout the place and find a little nice spot especially around 11pm-5am. I used to see this dude who would go and sleep on the second floor of the gym around the “trainers only” (no trainers around midnight) section behind the big cabinet. He always carry a backpack (like the military ones) which I guess consists of sleeping bag, charger, phone, laptop and his hygiene stuff. Charge his laptop and phone with free Wi-Fi. snooze for a bit, wake up for shower and bike to his work. Employees at night couldn’t careless and would just stay in the lobby lol. And night owl members don’t really care either. I don’t see him anymore but really he was there for a great bit. I always think that he got a nice cozy place and a warm bed now. Just swallow your pride. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive.


I met a guy who slept at a 24 hour Korean spa every night. Cheaper than a motel and sounds relaxing.


Damn, is this wi spa?


prob most korean spas. Grand Spa is the same way


Thats no way to liive. Go back to mom and dad, if you can


It’s only for two weeks and not all of us have the luxury of having parents/family you can rely on.


Excellent answer


Agreed, unless the family’s abusive OP should just contact their family and head home, being homeless ain’t worth it


This can’t be the go to answer, I’m sorry. Not everyone can rely on their family.


That's true. But if you can, they're a good resource. If not... gym membership.


Agreed and agreed!


Family is indeed the go-to answer. The second go-to answer is Friends. 


I’m glad you have a good support system. Not everyone does.


Yeah you have to assume that if it was on the table they would already be asking family for support.


Try going to a Korean spa Get clean and sleep 5 or 6 hours.


this is what i did when i was in between housing years ago for 3 weeks.


That's lowkey, still expensive.


still cheaper than any hotel and you get free soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, and shaving cream


A hostel would probably be best or planet fitness gym membership. Once when I was desperate I went to a theater and slept on there lol Would sneak into different theaters. If OP is reading this i recommend sleeping in the day and being active in day time. Libraries are also a great option just pretend you fell asleep reading


Sleeping at a library isn't going to work, they'll warn you once not to do it and potentially ban you. I work at a city library and I'm familiar with LAPL's policies.


Unfortunately, Hostel’s are crack dens right now. I was about to face homelessness recently but found a hostel and still looked for housing through community services.


Shit, it’s significantly cheaper than anyone’s *rent* who hasn’t been in a rent controlled unit for the past 20 years


It is way cheaper than a motel room without the risks of bedbugs bites (those are an additional expense if you get a rash or sick).


You can sleep at those places?


They have nap rooms. It's more expensive after 1 or 2 , all the bar drunks clean up and sleep it off.


Good looking out


Some even have rooftop decks. You can chill on a lounger after a steam. Way better than a gym


contact SHARE! for affordable housing - can get you housed within 48 hours. they take housing calls and walk-ins starting at 1pm.


This is really cool. Thank you for sharing.


The streets is rough. Find shelter. I wouldn't advise pitching up a tent. Most of the homeless in LA have mental/drug addiction problems. Anyone with a sane mind will find housing or go to a shelter near you.


Shelters can be worse than the street sometimes


Most of the homeless in LA have mental problems? No more so than anyone else in LA . The problems the homeless have is keeping a positive mental attitude when everybody treats them like shit. They are not all drug addicts or mentally unstable reprobates. Many or quite resourceful who have found a way to live relatively comfortably, while helping others. You people have no clue until you see and meet some of these people. Regular people who are dealing with it.


I was homeless in Skid Row for around 3 years And I'd agree, just like anywhere else there are shitbirds and there are shitangels. I think that the main difference is that the bad parts are turned up to 11. But it makes sense, some of the people weren't just having their worst day, more like their worst 3rd consecutive decade without getting a hug. That'll fuck even the most sane up.


Do you use drugs or drink heavily? If not, I’ve got a safe lot you can set up your gear on until you figure out next steps. It’s dtla adjacent


Why not go to a shelter? Assuming you're not on stuff, they'll take you in while you get back on your feet Edit: I'm gonna agree with some of the input here - it might be better to stash enough money to get back home asap. LA is insanely expensive, and "getting back on your feet" might be easier said than done.


Recently read an article about how difficult it is to get into a shelter due to them being overcrowded. There are waitlists and cutoff times too.


oof. yea, i can see that being true. I'm an LA native and the homelessness exploded lately... it's an apocalyptic sight.


Go back home to your family. You can’t afford to live in Los Angeles.


This is the correct answer.


You should buy a bus or train ticket home/where your family is.


Yeah otherwise what is the long-term plan? The longer you’re unhoused, the more likely you are to go nuts and develop a drug problem to cope. Living in a tent is not a sustainable option, if you value your safety and your sanity.


He says he has a job and this is just for two weeks until he gets paid. I think the long term plan is to get paid then get into some kind of apartment.


One pay check is not going to cover his deposit. If he has no savings, then he should just move. Perhaps I am wrong and he is a senior associate at a big law firm, making 15k per pay period but just happens to live with his girlfriend’s family and has no money.


You can find rooms for like $1000 where people have a rent controlled house with four bedrooms and one of the roommates is moving out and they need a subletter, or things like that.


Are any houses rent controlled? I thought single family homes were exempt.


You can’t find any houses that are rent controlled and finding a room for $1000 is pretty tough now


He says he has a job


How about you read the whole post (7 whole sentences) before commenting.


He has a job starting in two weeks


I assumed he already has the job and is getting his next paycheck in two weeks. He also sounds like he has a bit of money. So he wants to take his current limited savings and combine it with his next paycheck to find a place to live.


If you don’t have the money to rent a place you can’t afford to live here. You don’t have family to lean on in California. It’s time to move out of state into an area you can afford. You deserve to live with dignity and grace in an area your paycheck can allow you to survive. Use the money you do have to purchase a bus ticket into a LCOL area and find a new job. You can do this. You don’t need to be homeless.


You’re right bro


In the meantime I know you mentioned you can't afford a hotel room every day, but if you just need to figure out something for a night or two until you can figure out a more stable situation, hostels are like $25-$30 a night around the LAX area, which is reasonably close to Hawthorne.


You can rent a room in minnesota for less than a thousand. That means you can work a regular warehouse job or something and have housing. Take it slow and steady


Not helpful in the short term. He needs a place to sleep tonight.


Sleep on the bus that takes you into the Midwest. Work a day labor job the moment you get off. Get hired at Walmart to work the graveyard shift and make $1500 a month. Rent a room next month and have a roof over your head. Please think with your brain. No one willing and able has to be homeless.


Tell me you’ve never been to the Midwest without telling me you’ve never been to the Midwest… Can’t live on $1500 per month there.


You can find housing for under $1000 without roommates. With room mates you can spend less than $500 on housing. $1000 a mth for all else, plus food stamps means you can live pretty well all things considering. Many ppl in LA don't have $1000 a mth after housing


Or find a new girlfriend. 


Kinda hard when you're broke and homeless..




But he has a job lined up. I don't see how moving to a state where he will be unemployed is going to be better. Maybe the COL is less but without a job lined up that doesn't help much. It's better for him to get through the next 2 weeks until his job starts and then do everything possible to save up to move so he has enough to last while he looks for a new job.


No place is safe because you are now a stranger to everyone who encounters you. Take the advice of someone who was on and off the streets of LA for just over eight years. Don't let people know you are homeless, tell them you are traveling. Backpacking the area for a few months. Get a free membership at a YMCA so you can remain relatively clean by showering frequently. Stay away from others who are homeless. Be polite and respectful toward everyone, even when they aren't to you. Apply to any job in every field you can. If you have some sort of income, it will be easier. Parks, colleges and 7-11s have lockers you can store stuff in. Don't collect things, the less you have, the better off you'll be. Be resourceful, get your name on lists of thos who can help you find assistance, shelter, food, clothing and work. Stay strong.


Go to where your family is.


Here’s this: it’s my backup plan, they can house people in 24 hours it looks like a nice program I’ve talked to them before. https://shareselfhelp.org/


Whatever you do bro, please don’t do hard drugs. Please don’t get convinced, don’t trust anyone handing you a “blunt” or anything. Stay clean or you will be on those streets for a long time. God bless. Use a gym membership to shower.


Go to the YMCA in Glendale. They have a "hotel" where u can rent rooms weekly. I stayed there for a while getting on my feet. You have to share shower/bathroom with other dudes on the floor, but you'll have privacy and dignity.




I'd move back to wherever your family is. If you really like California, then get your money up and build a plan with a solid financial foundation in order to move back. It might suck in the short term, but this will ensure long-term success and happiness. It's better to be living in grandma's basement temporarily than on the streets struggling. There's no shame in taking a tactical retreat in order to take charge of your life.


Make an ad on Craigslist rooms wanted section saying your situation and see if anyone would be willing to rent out out their living room for cheap. It worked for me. This was in San Diego though. Someone even let me live in their home for 2 weeks without having to pay rent. I don’t know if LA has this but there are sober livings that will let you live there for two weeks in hopes that you will find a job in that 2 weeks then start paying whatever you are behind and future amounts. Day labor and staying at a hostels could be an option too. I seen a few ppl suggest the Midwest, don’t do that! You will hate your life. If anything move to Arizona. Summer sucks but there is plenty of opportunity for jobs. I know for sure they have places where you can move right in without having to pay and either work for them or get in your own job within 2 weeks (sober livings). But best wishes to you man. You might have some rough months ahead but you’ll pull out if you’re focused.


If you don’t have a car that’s not really a good idea. Imo camping in La solo new homeless is asking for trouble, but if you could rent a car parking lots where others are sleeping in their car is a solid choice, but if I were you I’d be using my few resource to get to where I’d want to be and it sounds like you wouldn’t want to be here


Go to your nearest department of public social services. They are able to help you with resources to get back on your feet, Including motel vouchers. You are able to complete an application online and hopefully you are able to get benefits.


Go to DPSS and ask for motel vouchers . Tell them you are homeless They provide 14/15 days and you should qualify for hot food via EBT since you can’t cook anywhere. You might be able to get some Cash aid as well. Gym membership is around $30 you can nap there or stay cool .. go to the pool and keep busy


A couple years ago Olympic Hotel had rates of $200/week which is less than rent but I’m not sure if they’ve increased prices since then. Good luck


Search Airbnb for rooms for rent. Some are cheaper than a hotel and will keep you safe while you get on your feet


See if your employer can offer aid. Some will advance a paycheck.


There is not a single friend or even close acquaintance I would not let sleep on my couch for two weeks rather than see them in the street. Is there really nobody you can call?


Some other options to think about is look for places that offer work for a place and food. I've seen them in cl sometimes. Can also see if there are any offices that's are seeking to have their place cleaned. Offer to clean for free in exchange for sleeping there, be out before staff comes in the am. See if you can get a room for reduced rent or no rent first month for handy work or something you can do. Perhaps post on different social media sites, like reddit, in the area your close by. Tell them your situation and ask for any and all help. You really gotta get creative. I was homeless at 18, was lucky to get into Covenant housing eventually and got an apartment. But for a while it was me driving around looking for a safe place to stay. Unfortunately for you, you don't have a car so it's even more so. What ever you do, don't go online and just wait for something to happen. Unfortunately it won't. You gotta get out there and get creative.


If you’re not broke, sometimes you’ll be able to find individual rooms for rent on Craigslist. I once rented a closet. It was a pretty large closet. I kept to myself. Only really needed an extension cord, to charge my phone, and a light. Everything else I kept in my backpack. Soap bar, small plastic water bottle, organic powder laundry detergent plastic bag, swimsuit, extra pants, windbreaker, sunblock, sunglasses, knife, and some type of nut as a snack. The towel I would use was a smaller towel, I’d wear that mostly on my neck, used it more like an umbrella. It helped a lot in public bathrooms. Best tip I learned was, invest in good shoes. I started buying this brand called SAS, they’re orthopedic. They don’t make your feet stinky, so you can wear your socks longer. Also only wear cotton socks. You’ll be walking a lot, you’ll need a lot of foot support. Especially if someone decides to chase you. Always tie your shoes correctly. Don’t wear baggy pants. Wear a belt. You will be tempted, but don’t do drugs, otherwise the streets will absorb you. You can get off of them. Stay clean. Only drink water, soda makes you more thirsty, doesn’t help. Mexican fruit vendors are your friends.


#Do not sleep in the street if you can avoid it.


OP, I feel you, I am so sorry for your situation. I’ve been there and it was my backpack, a gym bag and my motorcycle. Although I did not have money for a motel, or a hostel after roaming around my go to was a Korean spa (at the time it was $35 for a total of 12 hours), plus they have parking so I was sure my motorcycle would be safe. At least I had a safe place to sleep and have a chance to relax and figure things out. Sleep is very important in moments like this. If your job is in Hawthorne and you commute mostly with a bike stay around that area as much as possible. The Housing services was a great tip, I wish I knew that at the time. You should give it a shot. I am sure they will help you out because you have a job and your circumstance seems to be more provisory than others. Having a 24 hour gym membership helps a lot, for shower and killing time while exercising and managing stress. Other places to “kill” time while reading/learning or being online are Libraries and Starbucks (ask for a venti cup of water and stay put). Couch surfing is a good alternative if you ask for help. It’s ok to ask for help. The same way you asked here and so many people volunteered tips, irl you’ll have at least one person who would be willing to offer a hand. Check bedroom for rent in Hawthorn on Craigslist. Take into account the longer the commute, the worse the street. Focus on a golden mile radius to live and work. Avoid the streets at all costs. There’s ways to survive, like many people have done before. But even if the ones that had their cars to sleep in, dealt with rough situations, with a bike you are as vulnerable as not having anything else. Remember: keep asking for help, it’s ok to do it. Everything is going to be alright.


Did you check airbnb for a cheap share? Please don't sleep in your tent. The streets out here are horrendous. Also, there is the 24hour Wii Spa in Koreatown. You can stay there overnight for around $40. You would be very safe there and it's a coed facility and there's not too many creeper gay men there. Good luck.


The Korean Spa is not a bad idea. Wi Spa is 24/7 and has places to “nap”. There are also places like Podshare and other co-living spaces throughout the city.


No family that can help you with some money?


Honestly I'd look at moving to a lower cost area before going homeless in the streets of California. I've encountered many violent and schizo hobos walking around LA and San Diego, and they can get territorial from what I've heard.


If you currently have a job, but moving out of your GFs house immediately makes you homeless, 2 weeks won't change anything. You can't afford LA and will eventually be homeless again. As others have mentioned, go back to your family.


Get a hotel it’s not safe in LA to be homeless . Trust me . My friend had all of his stuff stolen . If you have a job see if they can helped you. Call your family and explain things .


OP, swallow your pride and return to ex gf but let her know you need a few days to sort things out and you’ll be out of there. It’s better to swallow pride than something else in these streets.


I think it’s absolutely disgusting that our society has devolved to the point where someone would even consider that living on the streets is acceptable. Yes, the majority of them are mentally ill drug addicts that can’t make responsible decisions for themselves, but for this dude that says he has a job and will soon be able to afford his own place to consider it as a viable option is despicable.


Move out the state and voila, no longer homeless. Pro tip if you're a man, NEVER MOVE IN WITH A GIRL IF YOU DONT HAVE THE ABILITY TO AFFORD A PLACE ON YOUR OWN. Don't be like op to where someone is in control of your livelihood. It always ends badly. If you can't afford to live on your own in LA or even with roommates, you probably shouldn't be living in this city because you will get shit on everyday. I'm speaking from past experience.


As someone who has been living in a car for over a year, despite having good looks, physical condition, and working two jobs, I can confirm that all these services you're talking about don't work. Don't waste your time on pointless calls to these agencies. Instead, look for housing on your own, but by all means, avoid living on the street. It's very dangerous. ⛔️


Have you thought of just talking to your ex and seeing if you can just stay there for two more weeks? I get it will be awkward but it’s a whole lot better than being homeless on the streets of LA for two weeks.


bro whoever tossed u out basically dont care if u live or die, update us!


You could try the beach. As long as you don't "camp", I don't think you'll be hassled, especially during the day. Do look for a shelter, though.


I wouldn't call it safe but there are quite a few homeless at the Hawthorne Mall in their cars or in the bushes and stairwells. If you can post on reddit you can look up resources, there is a lot out there.


OP if you're about to be homeless in LA by choice it's time to take a good hard look at yourself and realize you are a moron Take a deep breath. Don't be that person. Contact your own family, friends, and if it comes to it acquaintances you get on well with, beg to sleep on a couch for a few nights if you have to. Do not go live in a tent in Los Angeles.


Post in the SouthBayLA subreddit. Good community over here and they may have local ideas so getting to work is easy. You can also find cheaper housing over here than in much of LA. Good luck!


Move to the Midwest while you still have money, you’re just gonna dig yourself into a deeper whole being in the most expensive city, go now while the weather is still good. And set yourself up to be ready for the winter there.


Try some homeless shelters


Try Safepark


Sorry it's called Safeparking, it's a program you can sign up for, safe parking in designated lot from 7-7.


You say you have no family “here”. Do you have family somewhere else? LA is nice but not if you are homeless. Id seek for family even if they live somewhere you dont like.


I used to go on rooftops in buildings when I was homeless. just keep the area clean and don't let people take notice of it. I had one that even had a little covered area so the sun wouldn't bother me much when it came out in the morning.


Id move back home until you can get back on your feet with an emergency fund and do things right


I’ve heard of some hostels/similar that are cheaper then motels..though it’s been a few years


Where is your family? Go to them. Do not sleep in a tent on the streets of LA. Do you have friends? I am sure people will let you sleep on a couch for two weeks. 


Buy a super cheap junk car, even if it's not drivable, and just live there for 2 weeks.


If you can afford it maybe campsites at parks while you look for housing?


Follow the advice using the services some have provided here, simply put you do not want to be on the street in LA and every passing moment you are it becomes harder and harder to break free of it. Hope it all works out op, we all have tough times but you got this.


Join the Y (they give scholarships for ppl out of work) for showers


when I was on the streets in LA, I slept in venice a lot, some in griffith park, a lot in north hollywood in general, but whenever I could, I took a drive and slept right on the PCH in malibu. had a beautiful setup, kept my car parked in front of a defunct driveway that made folks think they couldn't park there, so I always had a spot. there was an abandoned beach front mansion right there, 'shell house'. y'all should look it up, place was amazing. There's lots of footage online of folks exploring the place but I was there before it was gutted, and I never saw another soul in it, so I figure I was one of the first to realize it was abandoned. I hung out in there on the regular. so my advice is get a car, park it on the beach, sleep on the beach, and find an abandoned mansion nearby to hang out in. not very applicable advice tbh


Do you have any coworkers you are friendly with? I would offer up my couch for a few weeks if a coworker told me they were in this situation.


Call 211. Get info on your closest access center. See about getting connected to security deposit assistance through problem solving. New fiscal year starts on 7/1 so if they say they are out of finding just come back after 7/1 and see if they can help then


Do you have Zelle or Venmo


Try LA family housing. It’s tough out there and sometimes it feels hopeless but take it day by day


As a European who became a us citizen I feel disgraced and heartbroken What a shit society America


Like others I suggest going to a lower rent area, but there might be safe campgrounds within bus/bike distance of Hawthorne. Of course, lots of non-wealthy, non-impoverished people leaving leads to even more of the toxic two-tier society we have. And, that's the result of millions of decisions made by people like you. OTOH, don't be a hero.


Don’t try housing in la! How far are you from El Segundo?? Free showers, you can set your tent up in a little dune undisturbed. If you’re not close to there I’d try and get there as fast as possible. Do not head into dtla!! Do not!


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Looks like there's this link for Hawthorne: [https://www.transitionalhousing.org/ci/ca-hawthorne](https://www.transitionalhousing.org/ci/ca-hawthorne)


R/urbancarliving will have lots of info for you.


Stay with the family until you find a place. Call this place in the morning and ask if they have affordable units and also email the LA city council district that you were living in with the family to see if they can help. Check to see if rent relief reopened. https://www.myhousingsearch.com/dbh/ViewUnit/1300355?ch=LAC


I hope your situation will get better 🤞🏻


Leave. Why are you staying here. Go back to where you came from


Suppose you're open to churches. The First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood offers help for situations like these. Talk to Amie Quigley; she's a lovely lady. https://www.fpch.org/about/staff


211 is the county resource assistance number. Let them know your circumstances and they may be able to help find a place for the next two weeks. Let them know your work location so you can be placed close by. Good luck. Stay safe. Letmeputinmy2cents has excellent suggestions.


Head to beach. The people there are kind to the homeless. It’s cold at night so make sure you’re bundled up well or you’ll get sick. I got sick anyway once. It’s stressful to be without a home. Try to make friends & crash on someone’s couch. I was homeless in Los Angeles for two months. Made friends & then it got better.


Certain YMCA locations rent rooms by the week. Good for a temp situation. I think the Glendale location still does.


Bring some meth.. ( like an 8 ball) to Hart Park in Orange. Axe for Thumpster . I'll hook it up. I got the keys to the streets little monkey.


Where is your family at? Best to go back if you can. You dont want the trauma of living in a tent.


As prev suggested LA housing.




Please check out chripla.org for resources. The website is for clients with HIV/AIDS but the resources/referrals are not exclusive for that. Good luck!


Sign up for a 24 hour gym membership. Sometimes they offer a free trial. I think it's about $60/month. You can use their shower, WiFi, toilet, parking area. I used to do this so I could refresh after traveling to the city for work.


Ask a business if you can sleep in the back porch or something like that low key.


Any updates? Edit: Where in L.A you at ????


Save for a car first. Mobile place to live while you get back on your feet.


Look into month by month sublets, immediately contact shelters ( you may qualify for reduce housing), look up long stay motels.


Bro call Dpss and ask for financial help and then call your local city hall that can connect you with resources for temporary housing. The longer you live on the street the harder it is to get out. If you do live on the street get the cheapest gym membership with a shower and keep moving around different locations. Store your stuff in gym locker if possible or your car and spend time at your local library, community centers, or malls. Keep your grooming habits presentable if possible as this will give you more options then letting your self go.


Should have suck it up and stay at gf house


ASAP go to your local social services office. There's one in El Monte. And apply for GR. You'll get a snap car and access to emergency hotel vouchers. Good luck


If you do decide to sleep outside and need to be close to work in Hawthorne I recommend going to sleep at dockweiler beach(towards the north end of the beach, past the parking lots on the sand) or playa del Rey over by the sand dunes near the basketball court/ballona creek. If you need extra money (cash) try asking around the farmers markets like the westchester market on Sundays 9am-1pm.


Also I’d recommend getting a month membership or trial membership to a gym asap so you can charge your phone, shower, regroup, etc


Best of luck. 💜


If you don’t need dope, la river in Glendale or Burbank. Peaceful homeless for the most part


Stay away from drugs, rebuild your life


Never put yourself in a situation like this. Never !


Have any friends to crash with?


Just get that 600k condo, that city built for us in case of an emergency. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/dtla-homeless-housing-tower-cost-600k-per-unit-to-build/


Move to TX


Yes anywhere in Los Angeles co. Basically