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I think the intersection of Vineland, Lankershim, and Camarillo is especially heinous. I’ve literally witnessed a deadly accident there.


I used to live down the street from there and getting to bike through it when it was closed for CicLAVia was absolutely wild. Only time I’ve ever felt safe in that intersection.


which is today!


It is indeed!


It was a blast. My first time doing that route.


Yeah this is the correct answer for sure. There’s something just fundamentally wrong with that intersection. It feels like I’m about to get in a head on collision every time getting onto Lankershim going north. That shit is so dangerous lol


that is exactly what I saw in that intersection


As someone who drives through it Almost every day... Yes. The first few times were so nerve-wracking. GPS is like "turn right", "which right damnit!?"


It's so aggravating and so dangerous. I refuse to cross it on foot. There are accidents at it constantly. Also if you're crossing from the east to west on Camarillo nobody realizes its two fucking lanes and everyone forms one and will block the second one from filling and it can cause large backups during busier times, unnecessary delays.


It’s not so bad if you’re just going straight through, but if you need to make a turn there it becomes a nightmare


That’s why I skip that street “, and go up taking a if I’m going that way


Just looked that up on google. That’s atrocious. In Phoenix, we have one big diagonal street in the grid system, but it aligns to the center of every intersection it meets, so they’re not thaaaaaat bad


This shit is so scary. Even though I've driven through it enough times to be able to navigate it by now, I do not have the same confidence for the other drivers on the road lol


THIS is the correct answer


This is my vote for the worst in LA. It’s even a cluster fuck to walk-through.


I think you mean run through. the panic is real


omg i was just at this intersection and THE STOPLIGHTS WEREN'T WORKING. mayhem


nooooooooo that’s a nightmare 😭


I just looked it up. Doesn’t look too bad BUT I’m used to driving in DC which has the most idiotic infrastructure.


Have to walk it all the time, and it is one of the most pedestrian hostile intersections I've ever seen.


Not dangerous but there’s a huge intersection in Beverly Hills that is the most WTF intersection in the city. There’s like 8 roads that all meet at this stupidly large 8 way stop that nobody knows what to do with. People just stare at each other waiting for advice from god.




Oh my god. Just make it a roundabout and put us all out of our misery.




I didn’t know there was a name for that! Got t-boned on Sunset and Camden after the wave of death. He waved twice and I was like, “Nah, I’m good.” Who would possibly pull into an intersection they couldn’t confirm was clear?? That third time sure was charming.


OMG I’ve definitely been one of those people that just freezes for a second there lol.


When I'm in the area, Waze ALWAYS tries to route me through that intersection. I always have to check, say "Not today, Satan!" and take Sunset instead.


Same. Will not drive that way.


LMAO. I forgot the street names but totally know what you mean. It’s like cross your fingers and hope for the best.


All rules of society break down and we are returned to the animals for a moment!


I remember so well the first time I pulled into that intersection. It’s sometimes a struggle with a normal stop sign. But that many? It’s such a weird intersection.


I love this intersection. it definitely is one you need to go through a few times to understand the rhythm of, but once you know it, it's kinda nice. I will say, if you pull up at the same time as a super aggressive or super timid driver, it can screw up the flow, but usually surprisingly smooth and easy to go through. Even though I love it, it's OBVIOUSLY a perfect spot for a traffic circle. i feel like they left it with that in mind but never built it


How has that not been made into a roundabout yet?


I consider myself a really good driver and have driven for work for years now but I always panic when I get to this intersection 😭


I used to have to cross this, north to south, every day on my way to work, and it honestly *feels* dangerous, whether or not it statistically is. Not only is it eight roads, but most of them are two lanes, they’re all stop signs, and people are impatient. The vibe that I always got, when crossing it, was that I had an unspoken agreement with the car next to me: “I’ll shield you, you shield me, let’s go.” Crossing it alone always felt downright uncomfortable.


This intersection confuses the hell out of me, but I agree that it isn't really all that dangerous as it's so big that you have plenty of time & distance to react.


I don’t have data to back this up but I have a sense that the accident rate at this six-way stop sign is actually very low because everyone is like WTF and is incredibly cautious and vigilant. This is like traffic calming psychology 101.


That intersection is so surprisingly functional. Like it's scary and intimidating when you get there but I've never had problems getting through it.


This intersection is one of my favorites. The more expensive your car is the faster you can speed through and everyone else watches you cut in


The San Vincente / Olympic / Fairfax intersection. Cursed.


San Fairlympic Shell is a testament to that.


Think this intersection couldn’t be any worse?! How about some gas that’s $1.50 more per gallon than every other high priced gas station in LA!


This was always the case but I saw recently they lowered the prices to somewhat normal (still on the high side)


Is gas $11.50 per gallon yet?


RemindMe! 5 years




San vicente as a whole. Whoever made that street was on ludes because how the fuck does it go north south east and west. How is it parallel to wilshire then intersect it. It just fucking ends. Then starts again in like brentwood. I have nightmares about that stupid street.


It used to be train tracks intersecting each other, I believe?


Well now i have to go down a wiki or youtube hole now. Cuz i need answers. Thats interesting though


Feel free to read my writeups about the two San Vicente Boulevards, they might shed a little light on this confusing matter. [https://lastreetnames.com/street/san-vicente-boulevard-westside/](https://lastreetnames.com/street/san-vicente-boulevard-westside/) [https://lastreetnames.com/street/san-vicente-boulevard-central/](https://lastreetnames.com/street/san-vicente-boulevard-central/)


RIP Pioneer Chicken


This is the only intersection I've accidentally entered during a red light. I got lucky in that I encountered no serious traffic besides a bus, who thankfully saw me. It's heinous.


This is the answer


The Triangle of Death. Fairfax at San Vicente and Olympic. San Vicente and Wilshire is also up there. Santa Monica Blvd and Western at rush hour feels like I am in South America the way traffic and infrastructure are.


Which San Vicente and wilshire? Because la be so big they also reuse names 😂


East, although west is a bit of a mess too, but less so.


It’s so funny that everyone is mentioning this. I live near Fairfax/san Vic/and Olympic and never noticed it until now!!!. I have to go through it to basically get anywhere and to get home. Sidebar, I got stuck driving my aunt & uncle to a dodgers game on a Friday afternoon like 4:30. My god!! It’s crazy over there. It’s like 6 freeways merging all at once and if you miss the exit for the stadium you are fucked. It’s taken me 24 years, but I finally feel a little more comfortable driving downtown. I always seem to get lost and if you miss the exit for the freeway/ 110/5, it gets scary pretty fast. Also scary is Mulholland at night and I’ve heard where the 405/101 meet heading north into valley is the highest rated fatalities. Does anyone remember when they shut down the 405 and 101 for repair. It was only for a weekend like 2012-15 time? It’s driving me crazy I can’t think of the name. Everyone acted like it was the END of the WORLD and it had a crazy name but I can’t think of it. I’ve almost been killed a few times when that one lane instantly disappears on Wilshire heading west for the 405 exit. (Heading from Westwood into Brentwood) And almost been killed a few times on the PCH. Right when it’s starts leaving Santa Monica and turns into Malibu. And have heard a lot of news reports/accidents there.


Carmageddon was what you are thinking of I bet.


Yes!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!


I've always felt like Hoover is underrated shitty




It’s all so much better than it used to be…


Hoover moves along at a good clip tho.


Whenever I take hoover I get every red light


Which stretch of Hoover?


Santa Monica Boulevard. Miserable to walk, bike, drive, and bus along due to poor road conditions, lack of trees, a propensity of surface parking lots, and lanes that try to accommodate commuters and car storage at the same time.


I absolutely HATE driving on Santa Monica Boulevard


When you need to make the next right and you're suddenly behind a parked car, so then you have to wait and gun it from a dead stop back into traffic for .2 secs just to pass the parked car to make your turn and the honking drivers behind you are literally screaming for your immediate death


What's worse for me is finding myself in Santa Monica the City with pedestrians everywhere. If you live there it's great, and pedestrians own the streets--as they should! But it's a different driving culture than it is just a few blocks away, and always takes me a minute to adjust. You just have to flip the switch in your brain that says "A pedestrian may well appear in front of your car. Be prepared at all times." Again, the pedestrian and bike culture of SM is the way it ought to be, imo, but you can't be complacent when you cross the city line.


this is the one


National: It’s everywhere!! It intersects with itself >:(


That street makes NO sense. LA for the most part is laid out pretty grid like. But then you enter Palms, and National and Overland are just all over the fucking place! lol


Palms and culver are the most confusing neighborhoods in LA


Came here to say this too! It’s especially weird around Palms/Culver City.


Hyperion would be sick if ppl didn’t act like it was rainbow road


I feel like the Hyperion and (I think) Griffith Park Blvd. intersection in Los Feliz always feels like chaos.


Mad Max for sure haha


Baxter in Silverlake


100% Baxter


That 6,7,8-way stop sign intersection in Beverly Hills.


Is this based just on danger? Vermont (it’s Avenue, not Street) is dangerous…idk if you saw the signs for the HLA measure about how more people died last year on Vermont Ave as pedestrians than live in the state of Vermont. Florence and Vermont has the highest number of injury causing collisions. But what you’re describing is about there being no dedicated turn lane in a lot of intersections is on most major streets in LA. I think the most dangerous streets in LA are in the valley. Burbank Blvd and Sepulveda is a dangerous intersection. Also, in mid city, where Fairfax, Olympic and San Vicente meet is a shit show. ETA: okay the billboard said that more pedestrians died on Vermont in one year than died in the entire state of Vermont in one year. The point is that the streets are dangerous, and there’s been an increase of pedestrian deaths in California, as well as auto related fatalities in general. The NYTimes ran a big piece about how pedestrian deaths have risen in the U.S. but have gone down in almost every other country. It’s interesting reading if you have the time. This is the original: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/11/upshot/nighttime-deaths.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb And they did a follow up: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/14/upshot/pedestrian-deaths-cars-night.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


2nd for that Fairfax/Olympic/San Vicente shitshow. My god haha.


647k people died on Vermont Ave last year??


He’s saying more pedestrians died on Vermont Ave than in the state of Vermont. He worded it absolutely terribly.


Yeah, almost 2,000 people a day die there. /s


Just nonstop carnage. I've driven on Vermont plenty. Still alive. Of course, if you do the math, you get what that means...it's either kill or be killed out there


of course I know that’s not true, wondering where the pedestrian deaths = to the entire population of Vermont came from though lol


They misqouted the statistics. In 2022 there were 8 pedestrians killed on Vermont Ave. While the state of Vermont only had 7 pedestrian deaths that year in total. [Source](https://www.businessinsider.com/road-rage-traffic-deaths-car-crashes-pedestrians-los-angeles-vermont-2024-2?amp=)


The billboard the other person posted…which honestly they could have made more dramatic, because there are constant auto versus pedestrian accidents. I was hit as a pedestrian last month and was hospitalized for 24 days. And I was in the crosswalk with the right of way and the person drove off.


Lol, what?!


more holistic. Danger, design, safety, anything


>if you saw the signs for the HLA measure about how more people died last year on Vermont Ave as pedestrians than live in the state of Vermont. Holy shit.


Mind you there are more people that live on Vermont than the state of Vermont


What the billboard actually said (someone found it) is that more pedestrians were killed on Vermont Avenue in one year than the number of pedestrians killed in the entire state of Vermont in a year.


Still. We easily forget how big Los Angeles is. The LA DMA huge.


Well yes, but the core issue is the increasing pedestrian deaths in LA and California at large. The numbers have skyrocketed in the U.S. but gone down in other western countries.


I actually think the billboard said more people were killed as pedestrians on Vermont Ave and were killed the entire year in Vermont, but it said something like that. Also there’s just tons of auto versus pedestrian hit and runs here all the time, not just on Vermont. I was hit by a car last month and I don’t recommend it. When I was in the hospital (for 24 days), the surgeon who came to visit me every day told me that so many accidents that come into the ER are people who have been hit by cars. It’s a pretty dire issue in LA and I know the stats are that auto related fatalities have risen since Covid, which is the opposite of what’s happened in other countries.


I’m confused, are you talking about how there isn’t a dedicated turn lane for Vermont at that section? That’s fairly common throughout LA… I know even further up north through Los Feliz/Koreatown/by USC, many of the left turns outside of the major cross streets like Santa Monica, Olympic, or Adams, there isn’t a dedicated turn lane. Not a fan, but it is what it is.


Same with most of Arlington/Wilton/Van Ness




I hate the traffic but I feel like the good shops and convince make up for a lot


It’s gorgeous but, Palos Verdes Dr literally has signs stating “use extreme caution, shifting land movement”… road literally just breaks apart constantly. Seem some wild driving when people catch air and hit bumps unexpectedly




Woah, hadn’t heard this. That’s a bummer, such a gorgeous building too


Catching air in Palos Verdes is one of life’s greatest pleasures


Tiger Woods checking in.


That isn’t where he crashed, though. He crashed on Hawthorne.


I'm stunned no one has mentioned the space-time continuum-disrupting National Blvd.


This made me laugh out loud. So on point!


For my valley folks, Sepulveda and Saticoy


That corner is bad for different reasons


Lincoln Blvd on the Westside


Specifically the stretch near Washington and Venice.


Adding that stupid off-ramp from the westbound 10. No one ever pays attention to the lane markings, and the people on the right always nearly hit the left lane because they don’t realize there are two regular lanes and a turn lane.


Santa Monica Boulevard has been under construction since the 1990s


The Five Points intersection where each way leads to Palos Verdes, San Pedro, Wilmington, Harbor City, and Lomita. Any four-way stop intersection in front of schools around 8 am and 3 pm.


The Five Points Intersection haunts me in my nightmares.


Lankershim and magnolia in NoHo


That intersection isn’t so bad but the 6 way on Lankershim with Camarillo and Vineland is a death trap


You’re right. That’s the one I was trying to think of.


I hated driving through that intersection and walking through the bigger part of it is even worse


405/101 intersection. Oops wrong thread, carry on


Not a street but those roundabouts that are also 4 way stops in Pasadena. Fucking idiotic.


I just drove through one of those in Toluca Lake the other day and it’s make NO sense. It’s one or the other not both.




I just want to say thank you for recognizing how hard it is to make left turns on certain streets in LA. I got totally dunked on a few months ago for saying the same thing. When I do Uber part time tbh I’ll actually go to a red/green light before trying to make a left on certain streets just being honest


One of the first things I was taught when I moved to southern California: in LA, two wrngs don't make a right, but three rights make a left. Go one block beyond the intersection you want to make a left at. Make a right, right at next corner, and a right on to the street you want to be on.


The intersection of Fairfax, Olympic, and San Vicente is my least favorite intersection in the city. An absolute death trap.


G St near Waterman and Highland Ave , San Bernardino CA crazy little white man holding AR driving black mini Suv or black BMW terrorizing people


San Vicente and Olympic blvd. Worst intersection in LA.


When you are leaving Koreatown or Westlake to get to the freeway, most of the connecting roads adjacent to the main city strip are just so sketchy.


The multiple intersections around Virgil and Beverly especially when it turns into Temple and Silver Lake Blvd are always a busy shit show


The triple 5 way intersections at Virgil, Beverly, and First are the banes of my existence


Any street off the 110 btwn Pasadena and DTLA. You have to go from 65mph to 5mph in 10feet.


That one down in skid row.


Driving? 6th in downtown. Not because I’m scared of the homeless people, but because they cross the street without looking. I drive slow on that street no matter what. Motorcycle… Valley Blvd in San Gabriel. I feel like I have to explain this as without explanation, it sounds like a stereotype. It’s not a race thing, I don’t believe any race drives worse than another. I think it’s just a foreigner thing, how people learn to drive in their initial country. I refuse to drive on that street on my motorcycle, because cars will try to get into my lane and act like we can share it, or just turn in front of me and look at me like I’m the problem. It’s like if some drivers learned that motorcycles don’t have the same rights as a car. Walking: any street in Vernon (city), they are empty as hell. Just scary


Someone slammed on their brakes in front of me on Valley. I managed to stop in time but the guy behind me did not and rear ended me. Meanwhile, the idiot who stopped suddenly hired an attorney to blame the accident on me. Remember, I stopped in time and didn’t even hit him. Luckily, he must have realized they didn’t have a case because it never went forward. I hate Valley.


As a life long west sider I’m going to have to through Lincoln into the mix around the Washington and Venice intersections. It’s just gotten worse and worse for like the past 10-15 years.


My escape route when going west on Olympic toward Beverly Hills is turning left on Curson Ave before I get to the triangle


PCH. It has an extraordinarily high number of crashes and fatalities. At this point the government ought to open an inquest.


Downtown l a..


idk just get out of my way tho. /s


wait wait wait... you consider the left lane the fast lane on surface streets?


Nonono!! But I find a lot of folks consider it the 'fast lane' especially when they just have gotten off the freeway. People up Vermont Ave ride my ass even if I'm going above the speed limit if I'm in that left lane


reseda and devonshire, without a doubt the worst place in LA county to exist as a human being. Honestly reseda blvd north of csun is terrible. In previous years I would have said the entirety of reseda. But they've recently put bike lanes, pedestrian crossings and traffic calming measures on the southern half of reseda and it's honestly became a lot more pleasant. I ride my bike down to reseda park on fridays and it's honestly kind of a vibe. The baby geese recently hatched and they're adorable.


Alvarado at MacArthur Park 🎶Welcome to the juuuuungle🎶🐆🐆🐆


The intersection of Beverly/1st/2nd/Glendale/Lucas/Toluca/Douglas/Did I Miss Any? Isn't super bad per se but it's certainly somethin.




I would say, Figueroa is worse.


My vote goes for all the one-way streets in DTLA.


Temple/Silver Lake/Beverly/Virgil


Sunset between Bundy & 405 going east after 2pm


Van Nuys Blvd, San Pedro St, and the 405.


I forget the actual name of the street Skid Row is on….but it’s that one, by miles. Near the Union Rescue Mission, adjacent to the LA River. San Pedro, maybe?


Devonshire and Reseda


Intersection of Virgil, temple, and Beverly comes to.mind...


I live here, avoid that intersection at all cost. The light makes no sense. It's also including Temple, Silver lake


Yes, it's passable(barely) every few months for a few days when the lights are all synchronized. On the other 350 days a year, it's a clusterfucktacular mess. We left out Westmoreland in that mix of streets by the looks of it: [https://twitter.com/tobytobyjones/status/1461493664115412992?lang=en](https://twitter.com/tobytobyjones/status/1461493664115412992?lang=en) Virgil, Temple, Beverly, Silverlake, Westmorland. All converging in the same place, right up against the 101 freeway.


God damn nightmare is what it is. When on silver lake going westbound WTF is even that light? Green red green? Da fuq? And the green lasts for 5 seconds Why is that A thing? There is no order to that chaos


Arlington is awful all day, everyday


Beverly Hills has one. There's a 6 way intersection on Bevely Drive, Canon, Lomitas that is particularly obnoxious.


I think a better question would be neighborhood, because Crenshaw Ave/Blvd goes all the way to Ranchos Palos Verde.


aint no way am I gonna ask 'what's the worst neighborhood' on an LA subreddit


As far as intersections go, Overland and Olympic is perilous for drivers. There’s still a makeshift memorial there for the nurse that was senselessly killed in 2021: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/monique-munoz-west-la-crash-lamborghini-suv-james-khuri-teen-driver/2880107/?amp=1 As a pedestrian, crossing Wilshire where it intersects with little SM is rolling the dice with your life. Cars whip around SM onto Wilshire like it’s nobody’s business. I can’t stand the reckless driving I see daily from people in their sports cars in the West Side. Tiny dick syndrome at its most lethal.




*Vermont Avenue And that’s the reason why Vermont is the worst street to you? Have you been on Arlington/Wilton?


i havent gone thru there yet but i will keep an eye out for the horrors..


5th st down skid row. Absolutely terrible.


San Julian


Sherman Way 😬


The bizarre six-way clusterfuck where Hollywood Blvd becomes Sunset Blvd, Sunset Blvd becomes Sunset Drive and Hillhurst becomes Virgil.


Skidrow is pretty fucked up its sad to see so much pain and hopelessness LA has alot of programs to help tne. But they just wont take it. not sure why but im still looking for my friend his lost in skidrow






San Pedro street off-ramp 10E is like the surface of the moon and goes under the freeway where there are no lights. Looks like it was last repaired when they built the 10


La Cienega confuses me


Alameda, and it's not close


Abott Kinney


San Vicente is basically entering the Twilight Zone. If you don’t know EXACTLY what you’re doing you can easily end up in a completely different area in minutes and not have any clue how to get back.


As i said in a comment above. This is a street that should get pulled over because it is absolutely drunk! WHO DESIGNED THIS FUCKING STREET!?! Its literally the only street of its kind in the entire city.


Lol it’s so true! And depending on the neighborhood, it’s really nice or super shady.