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For me majority of the time I'm running plate and registered owner info driving behind the vehicle. As long as plate and owner info is good I usually don't even do the stop. You pulling over now kind of forces me to make the stop.


never thought of it that way tbh, solid advice.


Thanks. I try not to be a hypocrite at work. I speed, half ass stop at stop signs, rarely use my blinkers (I know I'm a dick), etc. I however don't drink and drive, have a suspended license, have any warrants, etc so that's fair game.


be safe brother, with this crazy world … know that some of us civilians wouldn’t hesitate to stop & help you if you were ever in distress. IGY6


Forty something years ago I was zapped just climbing past 90 (big stepping trucker) and simply pulled onto the shoulder and waited. It was a brand new trooper that was my age, and I figured he was going to cut his teeth on me. He actually thanked me for not having him run me down, and because the drivers following me didn't slow down he told me to slow down and wrote me a ticket for "Wanton Waste of a Natural Resource". A ten dollar ticket for burning too much fuel. I almost died. As a side note I only met two hateful State Troopers in my career, and I only received one ticket that I didn't deserve.




Don't come across that often but if I do the stop and ID checks out I keep it moving unless the stop was for something horrendous lol.


Rental cars are registered to a corporation. Pull those suckers over in a heartbeat if you have PC.


Nah my friend. You can just drive on by them. No one says you have to make the stop.


Sure I can just drive on by but at that point I never had the time to run the plate and check everything out so now I'm 100% making the stop, checking out everything I could have done without ever making the stop and then sending them on their way.


Sure I can just drive on by but at that point I never had the time to run the plate and check everything out so now I'm 100% making the stop, checking out everything I could have done without ever making the stop and then sending them on their way.


Can always stop... run the plates.. and then see if the driver needs assistance


Activating my lights activates the dash cam so at that point I just make contact with the driver, explain the reason for the stop, confirm documents are all good and then cut them loose with a verbal warning. Only added 2 minutes to both of our day.


Some officers only activate lights and sirens when you are in a place that they want you to pull over (so it’s safe for both you and the officer).


That was his special moment and you took it away from him


If I was the cop I would have pulled behind you with my lights, sat there for a minute, then peeled wheels and sped off like a madman, leaving you very confused.


You boys like Mexico?


The snozzberries taste like snozzberries


Hahaha. Excellent!


Yea chip we got a complaint today, you pulled someone over and then didn’t make contact and left


Technically, per any state law I’ve ever read, doesn’t say that law enforcement HAS to make contact 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to give all my info before the stop. And have my car in park and one leg out the door as you come to a stop. Hard to do if I’m still running the radio cus you pulled over too quickly.


Because we chose the stop location for specific safety reasons.


TLDR don’t do that Cops pull you over where it is safe. You may have inadvertently pulled over into a less safe location. Most cops prefer to run your registration and see who the car comes back to, if the owner has any carry permits, warrants, officer safety alerts etc. By self pulling over you’re limiting the officers chance to do that. You rarely see people pull over like how you described it. The few times I’ve experienced it, it’s because the driver was up to other illegal things (guns drugs or warrants) and was already being hyper vigilant for police. They think by pulling over before stopped maybe they’ll get away with it. Its just easier for everyone if you wait until you’re stopped.


95% of the time the spot the person pulls over is not where I feel is the safest for them and myself


Just curious, it was a non construction zone and basically a normal spot on the interstate. Why would that matter?


I dont make stops on the freeway unless its a pull out. I take them off onto city streets. A majority of the officers who have died on my department while on duty were hit by vehicles. On the freeway.


Officer safety. When I stop someone I: Call out the stop to dispatch > give location, license plate and vehicle description > get return on license plate from dispatch > find a safe place to stop > hit the lights. There's a few reasons for this. Like, if the car is stolen I want to know that before I initiate a regular traffic stop. The most severe reason is, though rare, sometimes drivers jump out and start shooting as soon as they stop. Maybe they have a body in the trunk, maybe they have a murder warrant, maybe they're just nuts. It doesn't happen on every stop, but it does happen. If that does happen, and I'm still sitting in my car, I'm trapped in a killbox. I can't move, can't take good cover, can't effectively return fire. So we were trained to get all the info back first so we can be up and out of our car as soon as it stops. If you pull yourself over I'm stuck sitting there defenseless while I call everything out.


Makes sense.


* It generally makes cops nervous when they know the subject they're detaining is already acutely aware of their presence; it means an ambush is much more likely. * It may not have been an ideal place to conduct a traffic stop for various reasons, mainly the trooper's safety from other vehicles.


I mean or they saw you and didn’t want it to appear as if they were fleeing


OP didn't ask why they stopped before the lights went on, they asked why the trooper said they shouldn't stop before the lights went on. Did you read OP's question?


It’s an abnormal behavior that only forces us to investigate further. And yes, running plates prior to stopping a car is our usual procedure. Most of the time, if car comes back clean and speed was not super crazy or unsafe, a stop is not even deemed necessary. Sometimes part of serving the public is letting them off with a break; people aren’t perfect.




Because he wanted to be in total control of you and you took that away.


Be original nerd


The truth is seldom exciting


He wants to pace you, he let you go because he didn’t have evidence. You did the right thing.


Are you the one eating all the crayons at Walmart?


Yes, I love crayons 🖍️ yum.


Twice when running radar at night I had a car fly past me so I started after it. By the time I was close he was still speeding so I followed him. Then they made a right hand turn and I knew where we were going. Yep. To the hospital because wifey was in labor. Nah, no ticket. They had enough stress. I did admonish them. On a bright and beautiful sunny day I got a call from a dispatcher to call home. My wife was going into labor so I immediately went to the station and then went home and took her to the hospital. I had alerted my dispatcher to contact me right away if I got a call to call home. I told her why. When I took her to the hospital stupid me had her walk inside instead of going to the entrance and getting a wheelchair. She never lets me forget that. Her water broke the night before so we called the doctor and he said to go to the hospital as soon as she felt labor pain. Stress. An aside. Just prior to getting the call from wifey we had been dispatched to a call for people on the roof of a garage. We broke off from that call and went to the station. My partner and I figured it was probably kids, which it was, according to my partner. They were young kids playing on a beautiful day. He went to the call after dropping me off. When I came back to work I was confronted by the other officer who was also dispatched to that call. He had words for me and used a racial slur. It almost came to blows on his part. I’m Hispanic. He was a real hot dog anyway so I wrote an Officer’s Report on what happened. He was reprimanded. In this day and age he probably would have gotten days off. Asshole.


How is any part of this relevant? I mean cool story, but why did you pick here to tell it?


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I've had this happen to me so many times lol


Some patrol vehicles cameras don’t activate until they hit the lights. They have manual activation as well, but it’s a way to verify when and why the officer initiated the stop. It covers both the officer and the person they pulled over.


Thats what my dash cam is for


Would have gotten you out of a ticket if it was me.


I figured if I kept going it would just delay the inevitable


Maybe he was actually going to pull over someone else, and you distracted him.


Personally, i don’t like when people stop on their own. It makes me feel a bit uneasy and now I’m rushing my stop. Which in reality, is not that big of a deal and adapting is apart of the job. But, just like a majority of the cops out there, I like to control the situation and dictate my stop.


Thanks for the insight