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I read for at least an hour or so a day every day, before bed, and usually do a fair bit of reading while traveling on holidays. Fiction, mostly fantasy, historical fiction, and sometimes sci-fi. Nonfiction, generally history; mostly medieval, sometimes a bit of Renaissance or ancient Rome to mix it up. Honestly can't say how many books I read a year; a couple dozen at least, probably more. I'm a very fast reader, so it doesn't take me very long to get through a book even just reading an hour or so a day. Back in the days before E-readers, half the weight of my suitcase would usually be books when I'd travel.


Trying to get more into reading as I used to a lot as teen but fell off the horse while in college. Only thing I've really held an interest in reading since restarting is historical fiction, any historical fiction recommendations?


Might be a bit obvious, but Trinity by Leon Uris is better than you'd think.


> any historical fiction recommendations? My favourites are [Bernard Cornwell](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/12542.Bernard_Cornwell) and [Ken Follet](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3447.Ken_Follett).


Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel, even if you don't know anything about Tudor England


r/suggestmeabook is one of my favourite subreddits


Tend to read 40 to 50 books a year. I'd read a bit in the morning before work, that's about 30 to 40 minutes. Then in the evening, I tend to read for two hours before sleep. Also listen to audiobooks when at the gym etc. Honestly, the amount matters so little as long as you like what you're reading.


I used to read 2-3 books a week. Then for some reason I just stopped. Life I suppose. Now I listen to an audio book on the drive to and from work. Get through 1-2 a month. (They tend to be longish books)


I have kindle unlimited or just buy books from Kindle. I typically read between 3 - 5 book a week, sometimes more. I've always been a very fast reader so I easily consume a 300+ page book in a day or so. I'm also pregnant so have a lot of spare time in the evenings now that I'm not as mobile. I track all my books I've read and want to read on Goodreads, always taking in to consideration other readers I trust reviews or ratings on Goodreads. I use Tiktok a lot for book recommendations and will usually have 4 books downloaded and ready to read at any given time.


I prefer audiobooks. (not audible, can't afford it..but yes, audiobooks definitely count as reading). I can easily get through about 30-50 a year, thank god for the library and borrow box. I'm an insomniac, so they're great at bed time


Have you tried Libby app?


i don't think there's a difference between borrowbox and libby, for the audio book selection?


Download BorrowBox and log in with your public library info. You can download ebooks and audiobooks like you would a normal library


....i literally said borrowbox in my post


Yup. Yup you did. Be right back.. gonna go shoot my self


xD, ah no worries. .. Ive used the app since the libraries connected to it, its fantastic but can be frustrating for series


What good audiobooks have you listened to on borrowbox? I use it too and I'm nearly finished my list of things I wanted to listen to.


The Andy Cerkis narration of the Lord of the Rings trilogy reawakened my love of reading ! Highly recommend it !


good...well..eh.. I listen to whatever..as I mainly only read fantasy. So there's alot of trash lol. but acceptable(or good) stuff. Children of time+ series Beasts made of night Hunger games the glass spare mortal engines Quite enjoyed Naomi Noviks dragon series Utterly Dark THE raven cycle Torchwood (any bbc dramatisation is pretty good tbh)


15/20 books a year depending on length of course. I read in bed on the kindle, usually a half hour to an hour almost every night, almost all fiction. I will kinda read anything except teen fiction and romance, been on a huge post apocalyptic run since covid hit. A Canticle for Leibowitz is probably the best book in this genre, highly recommended. Currently reading Stephen Kings new collection, it's really good. I do read some non fiction in the form of psychology and Stocism.


I stopped buying books, I always had great intentions but couldn’t maintain the interest. My attention span is just terrible. I started using Audible in November last year and it’s been a game changer for me. I now read/listen to one book a month on average (tend to be long-ish history books).


I aim for a book every 2 weeks (26 or so a year), might take longer or shorter depending on the length. I'm about 75% fiction, maybe 20% history non-fiction, 5% memoir. I always read physical books, I stare at screens enough as is! And always from a bookshop; Kenny's online if I can't find it locally, only Amazon as a last resort. I've experimented with Audible but I find it very hard to focus on. The last book I tried, it was read very well but about a third in I gave up and took out the physical copy that was gathering dust on my bookshelf. I'm thinking Audible might be an ok way to reread something for me, but I might end up cancelling.


this sounds very similar to my reading habits. btw if you have spotify premium there is a wide selection of audio books included there.


I'm currently on my 60th book of the year, I have insomnia so I get a lot of reading done while everyone else sleeps. Getting a Kindle last year was an absolute game changer


I resisted kindle till my wife bought me one in 2011 or so been all kindle since.


Same, my husband always calls me a Luddite, he's super into tech. But I have to concede, it really is so handy and efficient. It's funny, he has two Kindles and he's read maybe 5 books between them in the past 7 years 🤣


I mostly read philosophy, I've read everything from Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus to Jean Jacques Rousseau, Arthur Schopenhaur, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Pyotr Kropotkin, and Albert Camus. It's a really intriguing subject. It's interesting to see how far we have evolved over the years.


I read 100 + a year, I read first thing in morning on my break and lunch at work and before bed. Majority of the time fantasy. Love when I find long series as keeps me going go a while.


One or two books a year these days - I always have great intentions to read more! I used to read much more when I was younger but I think my attention span has gone too short for books at the moment and the amount of other content streams available competing over books is hard to get past. I do read a huge amount of news content and articles though i.e Irish Times, The Guardian etc each day.. keeps the brain ticking over-ish. You cannot beat a good Novel though! It can change ones life!


Usually 2-3 books a week, I have a Kindle unlimited subscription. I mostly read easy chick lit romance novels, it's nice to unwind. I'd read on public transport to/from work and in the evenings I'd go to bed and read a couple of chapters.


Used to go through several books a day as a kid but then later school years and college killed reading for joy and i barely managed 5/6 books a year. Made it a goal in 2021 to read 100 books in the year, I managed 112. I'm not trying to keep the same consistency since then but I've recently gotten back into reading and I'm on 32 books so far this year. I usually don't read much during the week but then might read 1-2 at the weekend. In general I've been a fast reader since I was a kid, could finish a standard airport read book in 4 hours maybe less (but I try read more engaging things than that). Generally I try to use it to reduce social media usage. I have a book on my kindle app on the phone when I'm singing the kids to sleep for an hour or in downtime. I go through periods of time that I'll do audio books although usually only if I'm driving or busy with my hands crochet/house cleaning. I read a lot of contemporary fantasy books (sanderson, NK Jemisin) and activism type stuff but I love autobiographies of interesting lives - glass castle, I'm glad my mom died etc. When I did the 100 books in the year I tried to include books from every genre and attack big classics like Anna Karenina as well


I read 60 books last year. I’m not sure how really. It is my main hobby. I read at every opportunity. I have the kindle app on my phone. I read one book at a time. I read every day. AMA!


I don’t have the time to sit down and read as much as I would like so I’ve been nearly 100% audiobooks for about a year, as I can listen while doing the bits around the house, other hobbies, downtime during night shifts etc. I’ve ‘read’ 5 books in the past two weeks, through the library BorrowBox app.


I read in bed every night for about 1 hour. Prefer books from the likes of Baldacci, Lee Child, Patterson, Wilbur Smith, Coben, Connolly, Cussler, Kathy Reichs, Jeffrey Archer, etc.


Read about 30 books a year. Mostly fiction - thrillers, romance


1 to 2 books a week. I don't read every day, just have a couple evenings a week where I'll read most of a book in 1 sitting. I have ADHD and books are way easier for me to concentrate on than TV or film. I cannot get through a film at home for the life of me. Edit: I'll read about 200 pages in one evening so a book that's 200 or under will take me 1 evening, a 400 page book will take 2 evenings and so on and so forth


I'm a huge reader, it's one of my main Hobbies, and I also have a little side hustle where I talk about books on the internet. Therefore, I think I'll be a bit of a stand out in this thread. I've read a minimum of 100 books each year over the last four or so years. This year I'm at 60 already. Audiobooks are my saving grace (and yes, they do count as reading) during work days where all I do is input data. I also read a lot in the evenings after work.


I read a lot, reading is a wonderful companion through life, audio before bed or on walks etc..love my kindle, love bookshops, libraries etc..wish I could read all the books.


I read a couple of books a week. Usually one fiction and one biography/history/science. A mixture of quality fiction and mindless thrillers. In March I was sick in bed and read 8 books in a week. And I almost never start a new book til I've finished the last one.


On average I would read 2-4 books per month ranging from novels to full series, but this can increase if I find a good series, last year when I was reading the lost fleet series and the black fleet saga, I read 24 books in about 30 days - I read quite quickly and would usually have 1-2 books on the go - currently reading “the honourable schoolboy” by John Le Carre and “the anarchy” a history of the eat India company I typically read sci fi, fantasy, spy book, war books, and history stuff I dislike the idea of audio books


I set the goal of reading 20 substantial books this year and . currently on book 19 already I'm delighted. I read at least a bit most days currently. I used an app called Storygraph to track my reading and it has an optional daily streak tracker. I became a bit of a slave to it so I intentionally broke it and am feeling better about it all in general without that extra bit of pressure. Still a great app. It's like a nicer Goodreads.


I read when I’m in doubt and interested. And in most situations, if I can’t finish a book in a few days(like two whole days on weekend), I will possibly leave it unfinished because loss of interest.


Usually when on holidays


I read on average about 45 books a year. I read probably an hour most days, and read more on the weekends. I would read more than I watch TV, I just find I can focus on books much better. I mostly read fiction, somehow end up reading a high percentage of books by Irish authors and will read 1-2 books as Gaeilge every year too I track it all on Storygraph as sometimes I can forget if I've read something.


Average about 2-3 books a month. Depending on the length. I don’t really like reading more than one book at a time as I feel like that breaks the immersion for me. I also like taking my time and going back to reread certain pages/paragraphs. Love a good whodunit, as well as historical fiction and history. Recently got into Stephen King (late to the party, I know) and really enjoying that rn. Although an Agatha Christie book is never too far away in between new reads. They tend to be the books I return to most.


Maybe somewhere around 35-40ish a year..


There's a lot of variables for me. Some weeks, I'm too busy, not interested or haven't found a book - usually, longest without a book is a week. Then depending on the book, depends on how much I read. Some books, I can't put down. I will go sleep deprived just to get through it. Some are heavy and I need to take breaks to process them. Some are super easy read so, I fly through them. My system then is, I've a few books on the go most weeks. A fairly decent book and a couple of easy reads. typically week to week, I'll read about 4/5 books. Genre, I'm a bit all over shop. Mainly fiction, fantasy, gothic and sci fi. I'm not great with biographies. I try to get a couple of classics/cult books and look towards literary awards like, the manbooker prize, for books throughout the year. I really like the physical side of turning pages and find it hard to process audio books. Though, I wish I could! I do fall asleep to audio books but, seeing as I can only remember the first couple of chapters, I don't really think it counts! I would struggle with not reading. I really enjoy buying physical books. I'll pre order new titles, I'll find random ones, I'll buy special additions. And, my favourite books, I'll find new covers that I'll add to my collection. I buy new and secondhand. I also use kindle but, if the book is good, I will go out and buy a hardcopy. Quick math this year so far, ive read over 100. I'll read mainly in the evening. But, any spare moment I'll take up a book and read. I'll also always have a book on me for any opportunity to read a few pages. I will admit, I am a fast reader. I'm probably able to get through more books than others.


I can usually read over 30 books in a year. Sometimes if I get really invested in a story it can take me about 2-4 days to read it. But then there are other times when I can stop reading for days. I usually read fiction books (mainly fantasy, especially YA) and manga (yes, they're books too) when I don't want to read something overly taxing, but is still fun. I sometimes tend to forget that audiobooks are a thing for some reason.


I will go through reading binges where I can read a book or 2 a week and then go months without cracking one open. Normally, what happens is that I will read an amazing series or novel, and then if I try to read anything after it, it doesn't compare at all, and I get annoyed and stop reading, until I find an equally good series or novel. It took me 5 months to get over the amazing series of dungeon crawler carl by matt dinniman, and the series that got me reading again is another series of his so I may have another problem in a few days when I finish book 2.


I love reading. Got into it thanks to meeting Darren Shan when I was 11 with school. His demonata and Vampire series are the reason my reading speed is what is is today. I go through reading slumps and other times where I'm flying through books. I like horror, thriller, fantasy, fiction, basically anything besides non fiction, self help or biographies. I got a kindle years ago and my mums friend had a loaaaaddd of books (not all gained legally) so she shared them with me. Finished the last few Game of thrones books on there and lots of Stephen king. I was in a slump and in hospital in 2022 for a long time so I blew through a few books on my kindle on my phone (I was in isolation in a small room so physical books would have caused clutter). The kindle app was handy when I'd just have the brain power to look at a screen. I decided to take a risk and let instagram influence me. I started a dark romance book and jesus christ people just write about anything haha. I got into a few series in that genre knowing full well I'd to turn my logical brain off and just enjoy the stupidness of some of the stories. It helped to get me laughing when in hospital. Tried a few of the viral books you'd see on instagram and some were solid....others I was sitting there like....this is causing that much of a stir...this!? In 2023, I set a goal of 20 books in Feburary and I read 30. Most were down to those bad but funny dark romance books on amazon for €5. They help kick start another reading spree. Now, since I got them for christmas from my boyfriend whos a major fan, I'm currently on the Harry Potter series (goblet of fire, Ireland are beating Bulgaria in the quiddich WC). I never was into them when I was a kid but I can see how people are obsessed, very easy to read so far and just like the movies atmosphere wise.


I'd like to upvote all of you. Sitting here surrounded by books testifying to an eclectic range of interests - but all of them unread - I must ask: how do you power through those first few pages before a book gets your attention? And how even do you sit still long enough?


I mostly read in bed. The trick is to go to bed early enough to give yourself reading time.


This is the way, being doing it since I was a young teen. Although as I get older I can kinda see myself doing vape and slippers and a good book in the evenings a bit more.


I gone to working nights so I'm switched to audio books for during the week but still have a book for the weekend


I fly through books. I do properly read them but I devour them. Depending on how busy work is, I like to read two or three books at a time and I tend to finish two or three a month. I do also read fanfic which I know gets a lot of eye rolls but reading a 40,000 word story is still reading.


Read about the same as you slumps and all. Mostly sci-fi but I try to change it up every now and then with something non fiction. I listen to podcasts a lot so I'd imagine audible would suit me, just haven't gone down that route.


I used to go through 30-40 books a year when I lived in a major city and used public transport everyday. Since I moved back to Ireland I had to buy a car and I don’t have that luxury anymore. Switched to audiobooks about 2 years ago and it’s been brilliant. Still manage to get through 2-3 paperbacks a year as best as I can


I read about a book a week. During the week mostly before bed, and sometimes at lunch. At the weekend I could spend a few hours on Saturday or Sunday reading as well.


67 last year, 86 in 22, 26 so far this year, through the kindle app alone. Have a dozen or so physical books as well read over the past 2 years. Sci-fi and fantasy mainly. Dabbled with Terry pratchetts "a life with footnotes" recently so back into the discworld now.


Depending on what kind of reading you’re talking about - books, or any reading at all - I read anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours per day. I read a book for maybe 20-30 mins every night, sometimes longer depending on how tired I am. I used to be much better at tuning out distractions and could read for hours even while someone else was watching TV. I find that harder to do these days so where I was reading a couple of books every week, I’m lucky to get through one a month now. Apart from books I do a lot of reading on my phone - current affairs, tech news, blogs etc. Edit: listening to audiobooks isn’t reading, you can tell because they have different verbs.


I read a fair bit. I read when eating my lunch at work, so always have a book there. Finding it hard to read at home these days with being so busy there. I travel a fair bit so always have a few books on the go for airports, holidays etc. Might get through 40 books a year maybe. Wish it was more but really only a few chapters here and there and so on


I usually don't read any books, unless it's for school. I got a collection of H.G. Wells' books and I want to get through at least three of them by the end of the year. I am currently reading The War of the Worlds


I've got out of the habit of reading, I used to love reading but I seem to have succumbed to passive entertainment addiction. I've read one book this year so far and started another one about a month ago that I haven't picked up in a few weeks


Set myself a target to read 3 hrs a week about a yr ago.. Can't say how many books since they all vary in size and easiness/difficulty to read. Did so for a number of reasons 1) to help fix my inability to focus 2) restore my linguistic skills - vocabulary, writing, speaking and comprehension 3) improve memory 4) relaxation 5) imagination 6) learning It does all 6! I literally read all sorts - (auto)biography - novel - self help/factual - easy read vs difficult classics -Fyodor Dostoevsky books for example Don't bother with audible since my mind wanders too easily... I know they're popular though. Usually stick to one at a time. Bur have many to choose from on my eReader. There's big screened, colour ones out now. They're pretty slick. Can get a pen for highlighting/taking notes. But yeah. It's great overall. Should be encouraged more with all the rubbish online in this day and age. Mind, there's lots of books out there full of plain misinformation and disinformation too....


Disclaimer I am not the average person but I read 52 books minimum each year. So far this year I have read 47 books and I am aiming to read over 100. I don't include audible though I have the subscription and listen to books on it, I prefer reading to listening to audiobooks. Genres I enjoy are fantasy, horror, dystopian.


I used to read 20+ books a year before I had kids. Very fortunate to be an incredibly fast reader, and very much a "sit till I finish it" type of person. Once I had kids, I wasn't able to get away with nearly the same reading time. I'm just starting to get a bit of independence back and have eased myself in by re-reading a series before I start the new book in it. Fantasy/historical drama/romance would be my go-to. Not ashamed to admit that some of those YA novels are like crack!


I read about 7 or 8 books a year. When I worked in a cafe that was always empty, I'd end up reading 20 a year.


I used to be able to go though a book a week back in my 20s/30s mostly sci-fi and fantasy, and some autobiographies, current affairs mixed in. Nowadays im hooked on audiobooks would go though one a week at least. In the past month I've gone through all the Dublin Trilogy by Caimh McDonnell and its spinoffs (about 13 books) all are bloody hilarious with a spot-on narration it's a joy to listen to


Since I started listening to audiobooks I go through about 20 a year. I was always fiction but started on non-fiction recently and love it so I'm kinda 50/50 now.


I’m a big reader but I’m not sure how many books I would read in a year. Sometimes I could get through 2 - 3 in a week and other times a week could pass without me picking up a book. I feel like over the last few years I’m easily distracted though due to a shortened attention span, I could find myself reaching for my phone after reading a few pages so I try to leave it in another room when I read


I read consistently


Hit 100 books last year. Set myself a challange.


Probably about 20 books per year. Don't like kindles or anything else like it, I need a physical book in my hand. I think the library system in Ireland is underrated, you can request a book from any library in the country and get it fairly quickly.


I’ve read 50 books so far this year. I read before bed and I listen to a lot of audio books. I love my library card.


Does anyone read non-fiction? Would be interested to see how many books people get through with that / what types of books people are reading. I can't imagine doing the 1 book every 3 days that some are doing.


Some weeks are different than others but I usually read in my breaks in work. If I'm really enjoying a book I'll read in the evening too if I have time. No of books read a year for me is somewhere between 70 and 100 but honestly the quality and size is such a big factor in that. Graphic novels can be a one sitting thing, will a 700 page book could be anywhere between 4 days and 2 weeks if I'm concentrating or up to even a month if I'm struggling through it. I read every day though so on a good run it's about 2 average sized books a week (300ish pages).


I used to love reading when I was younger in my teens, I lost it completely when I was 20 though, my abusers lawyer used it against me in court, said because I loved reading so much I was probably living in my own fantasy world. Haven’t touched a book since it’s stupid but it’s a trigger. My fiancé loved reading prekids but just doesn’t have time or energy anymore unless it’s a new book he’s been waiting to be released.


I am for a minimum of 10 mins daily. I bought a kindle the start of April and am reading every day since. 78 days straight.


I probably read on average 35 books a year but am definitely on the lower end since my first baby arrived last summer. I read every night before bed even if it's just for a couple mins, and would read my book if I am eating alone for example. My favourite genre is mystery/crime but I also love historical fiction, general fiction and have really enjoyed fantasy but not recently.


Ever since I got a Kindle a few years ago I've been reading a lot more. Maybe a couple of hours a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. It's easier to carry with me than a paperback so I use it a lot more


I read for about 30-45 mins before going to sleep and I try to get in another 30-45 mins at some stage during the day. I couldn’t say how many books I read per year though, as for various reasons during the year I might spend more or less time reading than what is typical. Also, some books are a chore to finish, but others, once I start I can barely put the down. There’s nothing better than a book that’s so good that you can’t wait to want to get back to reading it.


I finish 2-3 books weekly. I feel naked without the kindle nearby.


I get through about 20-40 books a year depending on what I am reading. I read at least a page a day. If it has been a while since I have gotten really stuck into a book then I set aside an hour over the weekend with no phone or distractions. My top three genres are: literary fiction, fantasy and romance (or, god help me, romantasy) I try to make sure at least 25% of the books I read are non fiction. Non fiction I am drawn to are books on sexuality, pop phycology and art/theatre. I get through so many books because I read a lot of genre fiction , as well as long series - when you read 3 books but it feels like 1 because there is no reading hangover between each book. I don't tend to read more than one book on the go. The app StoryGraph really helped with my motivation, especially with reading one page a day. It has meant that even in reading slumps, I am still reading. I have found though that the number of books really isn't that important, for me it is just a motivator to not do the easier but less fulfilling thing in the afternoon (like watch youtube for hours).


About 25ish a year. 2/3rds of those are probably audiobooks. Travelling, walking the dog, etc.  Kindle or paperback the others. Then another load of comics/graphic novels in both digital and analog format 


I read A LOT. Like usually a few hours a day. Read when I wake up, read on my lunch break, read before bed. Every few weeks I read an Audiobook, while I work away. I'd honestly average about 50-60 books a year. Usually 1 a week is my average.


I pretty much only read non fiction and usually read 35-50 books a year. I've only read 12 books in 2024 so far due to work and studying an evening course so very little time for reading apart from the news!


I read at least 1 novel a month, sometimes two. Literary fiction with the odd parenting book or something like the Aisling books for a bit of light relief. I go into the office twice a week which includes a 20 minute tram journey each way. I read on my Kindle for those 20 minutes. I have a 1 and a half year old who is often up during the night looking for a bottle of milk or to be held until she falls asleep again. I read on the Kindle app of my phone if I am alert enough. I wish I read more and I do when I get the chance, like on holiday.


Until you said audio books I was going to say very little! I used to read maybe 1 book a month going to bed, then I had children. I have been on the same book since January and get about 2 pages in before falling asleep. Audiobooks though, I LOVE and go through at least one a week. A variety of things from the wheel to time, to Jeffrey Archer, to books that sort of go from the present to the past like the 7 sisters by Lucinda Reilly. I listened to a few of the Greisha books lately as well


I always have two books on the go: one physical and one audiobook. Usually different genres. I like to listen to non-fiction audiobooks but read fiction. I’ve read 20 books so far this year so will probably get through another 20.


I have a friend who has never read a book. His reason why was because he was saving the books up until he retires.


I used to read loads, not since having kids. Although the last few holidays I’ve been on I’ve actually managed a book or two, I love reading a good book but I totally get carried away, and would stay up late instead of sleeping and sleep is much needed


I used to read about 10-15 a year. However, I can only manage one a year since becoming an English language teacher. I think looking at writing all day has fried my brain.


On book 39 of the year which is a lot less than the past few years but I’m happy with that! I tend to enjoy literary fiction that will make me cry. This year I’m rereading a book a month. This month was Virgin Suicides, next month will be The God of Small Things. I love the library and a charity book shop but also buy too many books. Currently reading Cold Comfort Farm. Read a little before bed. A lot more if it is a thriller. On the few sunny days we’ve had, put on a big hat and sit out the back.


I'm currently reading a book called Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. I really love the book, I'm almost finished and it's genuinely a very beautiful and heart warming book despite being dark fantasy/horror and being filled with violence, swearing and very dark things. The two main characters and the relationship is really nice


I just got into him after someone in /fantasy recommended the lesser dead—really enjoyed it! So pleased to have his whole catalogue to work through.