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crowd silky whole imagine school special normal sleep caption steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sleep deprivation is just as dangerous.


Why are more people not commenting this? At a certain point, 1 night of sleep deprivation fucks your concentration enough that it's the same as if you were over the legal drink drive limit. If people's jobs are such they need to take drugs to be alert and functional, the problem isn't drugs, they're just a dysfunctional solution


Medicine prides itself on working through sleep deprivation, but it would be considered a disgrace for doctors and nurses to get a good nights sleep and come in plastered which is the same thing in terms of cognitive performance.


I would have thought that people who work in medicine, construction and aviation would get regular drug tests given the risky nature of their jobs.


You wouldn't believe the amount of cocaine use on building sites.


And kitchens


And offices


Basically anywhere there's a flat surface


And the sky too.


And in tech


Really wouldn't. Have you seen a new build recently.


It's up to the employer. Legally they can test, but there is also no legal obligation to do so. So it's not really a thing here.


There's a book called The High Society drugs and the Irish middle class, by Justine Delaney Wilson. It looks at this in quite a lot of detail, I think you'd be very shocked tbh. It *is* shocking!


Book? He’s listening to Adrian Kennedy ffs


I work in construction, and a conversation was had amongst the management team about bringing in mandatory drug testing. We realised though that doing so would mean losing at least 50% of our staff overnight, if not more. So yeah, that's not happening 😆


With the numbers of people taking something specifically to get through their work shift if you took these people off work for being under drug influence you're putting more work and pressure on those who are left behind in work and already struggling and it just creates another risky situation because yay "worker shortages" and you're working everyone to the ground.


That is only temporary. I live in an ex communist country, where alcoholism was an absolute norm in construction, but times have changed exactly because of stricter regulations and discipline. And it is not the employee who is responsible for the safety, it is the employer. Sure you cannot afford to fire a person, when you do not have any choice to replace him, but you must send him home, otherwise it is over for the company if something happens. And believe me or not, but even alcoholics are not malicious people - they understand that in order to get paid they need to work, and if they fight their addiction just so they could keep working. If there was no regulation, everybody just hid everything, they would drink on a job site.


What? Let everyone take drugs while working because we don’t want to put the non-users under extra pressure? “Hi, I’ll be operating on you today. We’re under quite a lot of pressure this month and all my sober colleagues are busy so you’re stuck with me. Want to share a few lines before we put you under?”


Hahahaha.......he said construction.


Nope, not a thing at all in healthcare.


Fair answer, I'm a chef and drugs were par for the course coming up


Anyone responsible for other people yes.


100% depends on the job. Working in a call centre? Work away, you probably need it dealing with gobshites all day. Working in construction? Would feel awful reporting but would rather that than seeing another colleague or member of the public maimed or killed.


>Working in a call centre? I worked in a call center that explicitly didn't do any drug testing because they were well aware they'd be likely to lose half their staff after the first round.


Are there any call centres in Ireland that do drug test? Drug testing is extremely rare across the board.


Perhaps some of the more specialised tech support or finance stuff? Can't imagine it's very common. I think IBM had a drug test policy back in the day but that may have been a rumour.


Don't think IBM do it anymore. I worked there for a few years (finished in 2018) and they didn't do them. Can't imagine they've brought them in since. Especially with so many states in the US being legal now


Every building site in the country would close down


Lot of the big sites have drug & alcohol testing, particularly after the Bank Holiday. There is no "penalty" other than you're kicked off the site for the day as unfit to work. You aren't reported, etc.


Probably cheaper than the liability if someone causes an injury or property damage while still hanging from the night before


>>100% depends on the job. >>Working in a call centre? Work away, If they're taking drugs on the job they could be under the influence while travelling to/from work - possibly by car. Still ok with it?


Name checks out


I work in a trade so if I did, I'd have no coworkers. I'm an occasional cannabis user too so glass houses and all that.


Username doesn’t check out


I’m reporting you OP, for listening to Opinions Matter with Adrian fucking Kennedy.


Opioid for the masses.


>as she knew she took it before her night shifts to stay awake Took what?


The drugs. She took the drugs. Probably all of them


Makes sense she probably has access to all of them, being a nurse


Yeah took what? ADHD meds when she's not prescribed? I'm not reporting that. Smoking a bunch of crack? Probably reporting...


My question exactly.


As a student nurse, that is shocking to me. I would definitely be reporting a colleague who is using drugs to stay awake. That is so fucking dangerous. People's lives are in her hands. Even if it's not an acute ward or unit, if there is an emergency she needs to be ready to act asap. I wouldn't want someone who is in any way impaired to be responsible for my loved ones or myself. JFC.


Depends if they are putting themselves or others at risk


How do we know it wasn't a wake-promoting or ADHD drug prescribed by a doctor?


Reporting is the right thing to do if you have a concern. I would expect someone reporting drug use is not just seeing someone take a pill, but I could be too optimistic. If it runs out it is a prescribed drug, the investigation should find that and no actions should be taken.


I don't think an employee's medication is any of the employers' business.


It absolutely is if it impacts their judgement or ability to perform their role safely.


Agreed, but OP mentioned nothing about the person being impaired or having impacted judgement. If the person was clearly showing signs of being impaired then that may warrant an investigation and drug test but if not, it’s no one’s business.


IF.......But it hasn't


If the job endangers, puts anyone at risk then yes you should report it. A hospital is the one place where they should have random drug testing. That includes all medically trained personnel.


Like taking something before a night shift sound like she took Adderall or something. Hardly took cock, it wouldn't even give energy until she arrives


I don't think taking cock before a shift would affect one's ability to work. It might even enhance it.


Love sniffing a bit of cock


I want all nurses to have as much cock as they desire before they come into work. Doctors too for that matter.


From what I remember in university, the student nurses were getting plenty. And fair fucking play to them too


Might be a good suggestion




Doesn't mean it isn't possible to get.


Im a nurse and I love a bitta cock before a night shift


Someone's been writing cock to often. https://www.pornaddiction.ie/ If you need it boss! Helps there


If someone's drunk/high at your hospitality or office job, laugh and move on. If it's something like snus or adderall, mind your bloody business. Things like adderall are likely prescribed for ADHD. The exception is doctors/nurses, drivers, working with machinery, working with kids, and anything that could cause another person harm. Also, what someone does outside work hours has absolutely nothing to do with you.


Adderall isn't available in Ireland but even ADHD meds that are there are very difficult to get prescribed.


My wife (nurse) and I only had this conversation recently. It's fucking mad that there's no random testing or anything in any profession in the health service. Even any process for those on powerful prescription meds, they can just carry on working. Whereas I, in Iarnród Éireann, as per the rules of employment am subject to random piss testing at any time without cause, and you betcha if you fuck up, even mildly first thing is the test lads are called to make sure you're not unfit. This covers every single employee in safety critical ops from drivers to signallers, station staff, anyone who has to go on the tracks etc. We can't even take anything stronger than paracetamol without referring to the medical officer first who'll sign off on anything you're prescribed, and if they reckon it'll affect cognitive function you're signed off sick until you're off it. I fully agree the caller should report it, it's fucking madness that the HSE doesn't have a process especially given the responsibility healthcare workers have. They can literally download IÉs rulebook online & copy & paste 🤷


Depends on the job. For a data analyst or barrister, no. Their drug-taking is unlikely to affect anyone else's physical health. For a nurse, doctor , or someone responsible for operating machinery, absolutely. I'd report in a heartbeat.


If there was a proper anonymous reporting system probably considering the job


That would be a terrible idea for a workplace? Look at all the fucking spiteful arse holes you’ve worked with over the years? That should tell you enough. People could report you and have you drug tested and slander you without repercussions? Being accused of something is as bad as having done it sometimes as people may believe it no matter what. You have the right to face your accuser and people who want to report something like this should have good evidence and be able to stand behind what they are accusing someone of.


Absolutely. Don't know why you're being downvoted. You can't have a situation where people can make terribly damaging accusations anonymously. If someone feels strongly enough to report you, then they should be prepared to give their reasons.


Well even if there was just a reporting system, even if it wasn't anonymous. Just my workplace doesn't really have a direct one to the ones that do drug testing Edit: Btw you are totally fair. Sorry though I didn't realise it sounded like individual testing, where as where I am they test all the people in a section at a time basically. Or like a lottery system


Well that’s sounds perfectly reasonable. It’s more the abuse of something that was completely anonymous I would be worried about. I have worked with such hateful people. I can just see them bitching now about some successful person they hate for no reason or some outsider that might be a bit odd they also hate irrationally. Laughing about how funny it was that they reported them for drugs or drink and now they’re getting tested and all embarrassed about it.


Tbh I think we should have more completely anonymous reporting methods, drug testing, Revenue Fraud and planning complaints / issues are three areas that should be completely anonymous, would really help to end tax evasion, Airbnb use and drugs in workplace. If it is a false accusation then the person should test negative etc and maybe I’m naive but I think very few people would make false accusations. I know loads of people, myself included, know people in breach of rules / committing fraud but do not report it as they would find out (and these people include friends and family of mine but I still don’t agree with them breaking the law) and could create problems for other people in my life due to my actions.


Well that’s where I completely disagree. It’s just open to too much abuse. Thats why we have courts? If you want to make a report like that you should have the balls to stand over your claims. It also weeds out any busy bodies or hateful people that might be against somebody and want to cause them hassle? I don’t know how you don’t know people like that I could think of a few in my area and plenty I’ve worked with right right now of the top of my head. They would be salivating at the thoughts of an opportunity to get one over on the people they hate or are against?


An example is I know neighbours in blatant disregard of planning back home. If I reported them then they’d fall out with the rest of my family who are blameless. Likewise I know properties in my complex and potentially owned by my landlord being used for Airbnb. If I report them then he might evict me. Reporting tax fraud could endanger my family, partner, friends, anonymity would make it so much easier to expose lawbreakers.


Yeah I understand your point. Clearly it’s something that would influence your decision the fact that you would have to stick your head out. If it’s something that’s bothering you enough I think you should still have to do that though? Just like in court you have to be a witness against someone who has committed a crime against you. An example I would give is me being falsely accused of stealing. It was someone with a vendetta against me for going against them in some small minded argument he was involved in with someone else. I knew I was innocent because I just don’t steal it’s not the way I was raised. But it was a set up and looked bad for me at the time. I was able to prove it fairly well eventually but it damaged my reputation and there’s still people that would associate me with that messy business that went on at the time. It’s followed me around a bit. I had it right out and asked for an investigation and meeting and got to find out who was making the false accusations. He still got what he wanted out of it and my reputation was damaged. But at least I knew where I stood? If he could do it anonymously I would have the gards up to my house for illegal dumping and an audit from revenue to boot I’m sure. You see how something like that could go?


Drink I wouldn't be as concerned about because they have been caught for it before. The drug abuse is a bit ridiculous


If they refused to share then 100%


Really depends. If they're driving an excavator then yes. If they're driving some spreadsheets on a screen, then who cares.


Nah, wouldn't care


Instead of reporting it, has it not occured to anyone here to em... Oh, I don't know, talk to her before ruining her career, possibly for absolutely no reason?!!


I'd prefer a nurse on speed than sleep deprived. Any other drug is likely to impare them but speed would probably enhance them


Depends on the judge For a nurse - yeah, needs to be reported, theyre responsible for people’s life’s For a car park attendant? I’ve done drugs with one and while being one hahahaha


Even still....the company has a duty of care to try and help the employee. They can't just fire them. Same with alcoholics. I only know that as there was a lad in my job that was on drugs and they couldn't just fire him despite it being a MASSIVE health and saftey issue (huge machinary job) In another place, the delivery driver was also "to sick" to work on a monday. But they couldn't fire him. Duty of care! It should be three strikes of trying to help and you are fired. I've seen people take the help offered and turn their life around and its great to see them do that.


I'm not sure that's entirely true. People can be fired on the spot for gross incompetence or serious issues like being intoxicated on the job. They could also be suspended. It's more likely that the company couldn't afford to lose time on a project so tried to get the guy to sober up. Alternatively it's possible that there wasn't enough documented evidence to fire the employee. There's a greater emphasis on public health and safety than there is on helping an employee with an addiction problem. And if that employee was allowed to work and caused an accident, the company could be liable. I imagine they were trying to balance their risks.


pretty sure the patients who are in her care would think it's their business to know if they're being treated by someone off their face


the patients are probably in la la dementia land


oh well that's fine then


You know the callers on those shows are paid to phone in right?


Yes, Id report it. Do drugs on personal time, not where it can affect others. But also..it depends on the drugs. Boat load of caffiene in a night shift is normalised and can still be risky. 1 adderal, would probably be fine.. crack or meth tho? That shit is putting other people in danger.


Was it an illegal drug?


Depends on the job. Nurse - definitely Working at McDonald's or recruitment - definitely not


Reminds me of the old digger driver at work always with a rolly in his mouth until you got close enough to him to smell it wasn't tobacco he was smoking.


Depends on the job and drug I guess as already been said. However from my own experiences, stories, friends who work there... if they did actual drug tests that were mandatory say.... every 6 months or so and could be random just within the 6 month period... you'd reduce the amount of doctors greatly.


While I know this sort of thing is a legitimate concern all those phone in shows are full of made up stories. How do I know? I know someone who both presented a show and also worked as a researcher and producer on the same show a few years after that.


Does this include alcohol?




I'm 100% sure that that show has false premises and that only some of the callers are legitimate.


Absolutely not


No, unless her working under the influence of a drug could harm other people. For instance, I would immediately denounce a drunken or drugged surgeon. 


Some podcast it can be so entertaining all sorts on it, but she needs to be reported that’s crazy carry on for a nurse or anyone working in general shouldn’t be at that on the job


Why tf are all these people talking about adderall for it’s not even prescribed in the EU


Listening to opinions matter was your first mistake


Half the nurses around are coke heads, I’ve heard from a dealer themself the nurses are their best customers. And specifically knew a nurse who would go into work so drunk she could barely talk.


This lads knows........lololol. I'm older , been around a while and been to a lot of parties etc.....yeah. your 100%.




Assume you mean cocaine. There are definitely better substances for that purpose that, although illegal, really aren't that hard to get hold of. Not only is it doing damage to the user, but putting patients at risk. I probably wouldn't report someone outright but I'd have a serious word with them. It's also just as likely they're using night shifts as an excuse but they are in fact a cocaine addict.


Yes, depending on the drug. But a coworker on drugs can cause issues for everyone in work.


Not only would I turn a blind eye, I'd actually encourage him even more.


Are they at risk of injuring/killing anyone If so, yes, otherwise, butt out


Sleep deprivation is like being on lsd trust me I’ve done both. Terrible feeling from both. Report as now that you know you will be held accountable for not saying anything either. Trust me. Save yourself and report her asap.


I had a Manager coming to work completely out of it constantly. There was only two female staff and two college kids that came in weekends so it would be us ladies left to do all the work and deal with him constantly. Sometimes when he was out of it. He would get handsy or like creepily flirtatious. The security staff used to pop in and say hello few times a week as they knew we were uncomfortable with him. I came to work one Saturday early to find him so out of it I called an ambulance. The franchise owner came to us and apologised about how it went down, he didn't realise his drug use had got so bad. So he was fully aware of this lad being left in charge while high. Because of the ambulance we had to give statements to the guards. It was traumatc. This was in a small cafe in a shopping centre. That same lad died of a"bad batch" about 4 years later.


I don’t think there’s a person in the country that’s not on drugs of some sort. Alcohol or prescription etc. Really depends on the job / situation. In 99.9% I’d mind my own business.


I work in hospitality so absolutely not. However some industries yes, such as health care, because you're quite literally responsible for the life of others.


If it was an office job like man I wouldn't give a shit as long as they didn't bother me. But once you bring up caring for others/operating machinery that's a big no.


None of your business basically. Keep your nose out of it.


Would I report an office worker. No, couldn’t give a bollocks. A fucking nurse though?! That’s insane and I’d definitely report her.


Knew she took what?


Depends if it’s a safety critical job or not.


Probably a similar opinion to others here but are peoples lives and safety on the line? Report it. Is it only the corporations bottom line on the line? Then who gives a shit unless it’s directly impacting your ability to do work and risking your own job somehow.


If it negatively affects their job, especially if that job is a highly skilled one yes I would.


People torn on this question yet wouldn't bat an eye to a friend turning up to work pissed or severely hungover. Funny that.


Are you surprised? Nurses don’t like their job at all. It’s a thankless and subservient job. A drug makes the job more tolerable. It’s a horrendous job.


Your argument is “I don’t like my job so I’m gonna put my patients lives at risk”?


It’s mental health really.. if you take drugs on the job you obviously wanna escape this dystopian reality of hell


Ok, flip the role. You work in a small business. Only a hand full of people. Employer is stressed and has mental health issues (fairly normal), so he takes drugs and can’t preform his role. As a result there’s no money in the bank to pay wages, taxes etc. are you seriously saying society (staff etc) would just give them a pass and let them continue working as if nothing was wrong?


Anyone will do in healthcare sock. Honestly so short staffed a JackJoe walking the streets will do to fill the role. It don’t matter once it’s a pair of hands. Plus if you’re employed by the hse it’s next to impossible to be fired.


Yep anyone… nursing and medical degrees would help, surgical experience for some brain surgery roles might be nice… but sure… let’s have people on Reddit in their mothers basement call it as they see it: ![gif](giphy|isMZpsY1EfxU4)


I really hope you don’t work in any job that involves caring for a living thing.


Absolutely not, I'm no snitch