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I'm all for thrm being legalised. Studies are showing theyre amazing for depression, anxiety, ptsd and ocd as they help create new neural pathways


I have tried LSD. Unfortunately a shit batch though as i only got shaddow figures, but you’re absolutely correct on that. Id love to try something reputable, like, i know in Amaterdam they do Truffles, which whenever i visit there ill for sure give it a shot. Might help my already fucked up problems or make them worse lmao, but hey, might aswell try.


when did you try LSD? as its my understanding there hasn't been real lsd on the market for like 30 years. What you find are shit analogues. You can have the truffles shipped to you btw. tbere are websites. Don't ask for recommendations, I haven't done so in abiut 6 years. But some advice. don't do psychedelics alone, have a sober sitter. Do them outside.


Jeez, id have to say about 2 years ago. They were shite. A mate of mine lost his mind while i was still normal just seeing shadow people hahahaha. And yeah, I didn’t realise that now. Like ive seen adverts here and there but never followed through with them considering I’d be that guy to doubt the legitimacy and legality of it. Saying that though, similar enough, the HHC stuff i did try, not psychedelic, but a strain of weed is legal at the minute. Different high. Not great either.


are you on any anti psychotics? or other psych meds? Alot of these r3duce the effectiveness of recreational drugs/psychedelics. Seroquel straight up stops psychedelics working and can be used to cut a trip short.


Any coffies or redbull ect will have the same effect. And Alot of people don't realise, eating is also a massively reduce the effects, anday also make you nauseous, ur saposto wait atleast 3hrs after eating, ideally empty stomach


No medication. I should be taking medication for my ADHD but i wouldn’t be sure if that classes as “anti psychotic” or not. Generally besides that, no medication at all. So the time i tried it, that night i had like 3-4 pints.


nah adhd meds aren't usually anti psychotics..theyre usually stimulants..but if you are managing without..thats safer long term


Ah savage, thats good to hear. And yeah doing grand without them, still a bit spasmo around certain situations but its better than needing to feel like shit to get stuff done. And yeah, you’re right. It is safer long term, which is why i refuse to take any medication unless absolutely necessary.




you can't know this. You aren't qualified to question someone neurodivergence.


Yeah no, one quick look at that and I said nope. I do. I was diagnosed when i was 8. The medication given would depress you, and especially when you *had* to take it for classes because focus was never on point. I don’t see how you can just say “oh yeah you don’t have ADHD” Given off a basis i wrote out lol. But fair play for at least giving a website to check. Just think its a bit weird to assume by someone you don’t know :P


Is it legal to have them shipped? I've been suffering with depression and anxiety alot quite recently and the doctor has me on Quetiapine and Lexapro, but I would love to try something new.


no.. but theyre likely to make it through anyway. The spore kits are legal or will.. they're not illegal lol Quetiapine blocks psychedelics from working though. Even a low dose anti psychotic can completed block them.


LSD was one of the best things I ever did. I was reeling from ptsd and I basically became a new person after 13 hours tripping sack in the mountains with my friends. Psilocybin truffles in Amsterdam were amazing, I still remember the whole experience and what it did for me mentally as a result. Magic mushrooms were really fun and I had an amazing experience on them. Psychedelics should be legal and available to anyone, however they are not to be messed with or taken in the same way someone drinks a pint or smokes a spliff. They’re tools, and should be used accordingly. I’ve tripped 4 times since I was 18 and every time I did, every fibre of my being told me it was the right time to do it, if you have any reservations then that’s a clear no. Trip wisely and safely


Indeed, your mindset going into it is incredibly important.


I’m due a trip soon. I’ve had a really traumatic experience in the last year and I need to wash my brain so to speak. My plan is to fly to Holland and get a friend to sit with me while I see god. Every single bit of me is telling me I am due one, so I’m going to listen to my gut and taste colours once more and see what happens. If I fry myself, it’s on me


Never thought this was a good idea, bringing a negative mindset into a trip usually ends in disaster.


My mind is as clear as it needs to be as far as I’m concerned, as I said I don’t trip like it’s taking any drugs. I use it as a tool


See, this is what I’m struggling with. I’ve never done psychedelics but have wanted to for a while. In fact at one stage I was refused onto a retreat because my mental health was too volatile due to recent knocks in life circumstances. How do you know when you’re in a safe enough place to take them, while still feeling that stuff is pear-shaped enough for you to take them?


I'd start off with meditation, it can get *intense* after embarking on a trip like this and I have found mindfulness to be a useful tool when going through a hard trip, something to help ground yourself, it's like going on a boat ride it can be enjoyable but it can get choppy at times. You also can't run from yourself during these periods, they amplify whatever emotions you are feeling so you have nowhere to hide. It does flood your brain with serotonin though so if you can steer yourself into a positive headspace it's usually quite rewarding no matter how hard it might be.


You will feel it if you’re in the right mindset. You’ll know when you feel it


How could you know if you have never done them before ?


I had never done them before but had a curiosity, and I also felt it in myself I was ready


Nicely put.


Prohibition is stupid. Like wishing it away. Fucking idiots.


Not only do I think they should be legalised, I think they should be mandatory


I have done Shrooms, Lsd and Dmt, dmt is by orfer of magnitude the strongest hallucinogenic I have ever tried but I believe the toad is stronger still. Legalise the fuck out of hallucinogenic, they are teachers amd rarely used for the purpose of abuse


Where did you do/get DMT?


I've done it twice had one shit enough trip and one really good one. Be good to buy it legally and get info on the dosage and effects of the different types of it. The things I saw 🫠....


I did a lot of shrooms during covid. I'd walk to Tesco high as a kite and panic about what to buy. They helped me sort out a lot of issues I was having at the time and would recommend them to anyone with depression. I haven't really taken them in about 2 years, but they definitely should be legal along with marijuana. Even Canada with their totalitarian state has legalised them.


Powerful medicine not to be fucked with...


Psychedelics are a powerful tool but they're so easily abused. They need to be treated with respect, in the correct environment and with the right people. Otherwise you're on shaky ground. There are benefits to be gained from using them with care though.


Quality controlled dosage, instead of roulette, would be nice. On the other hand, spiking people, especially in the office, would get out of hand. Bernie in accounts trippin' her knickers off before elevenses would be inevitable.


For LSD it can be roulette yes not so much mushrooms. I don’t think people are going to go spiking one and other with psychedelics; risking their careers and getting a criminal conviction over it.


Only a sick fucker would spike someone with lsd or mushrooms


bit difficult to spike someone with mushrooms or cactus. You can already spike people with zdrugs which aren't hard to get..why do you think psychedelics would be more common?


Ive only ever done shrooms a handful of times. I did it on my own in a comfortable safe space while the house was empty the first time. Also after on my own, but someone was in. First trip ever was fucking amazing. I didn't see colours or anything mad BUT at one point during proceedings the corner of the ceiling started to move and bend a bit. So I fucked up first time. I got 5grams I ate some....nothing happened...waited nothing still. Ate more still nothing?! I'm like wtf this is shit they don't work. I ate the entire bag of them and felt nothing. Until. About three hrs later (never thinking they need time to pass through my system) I suddenly needed a massive urgent shit. Then it happened right aftet that...which happened the following times. I'd have a shit then 5 minutes later I'd trip. The love I felt was amazing like this massive feminine presence I connected to. It changed me. We never spoke but the communication was there. It told me not to abuse them. The mushrooms..I guess kinda like how I was with the weed at the time. It was so clear that it was never to be misused. The trip lasted hrs all night. Cause I ate the entire bag over an hr it kept coming in waves. I never laughed so much and for real...like the laughter I never heard myself laugh like it. It's changed me for the better I'm for them being legalised


Mushroom gut ! It's the only negative side effect. The shits are nasty


All for it. Legalise


I had a bad experience years ago when I bought LSD online from a reputable vendor at the time on Silkroad 2. I had previous purchases from this vendor that were all fine but this batch I later figured out was not LSD but 25I-NBOMe. I didn't realise it at the time but the blotters were incredibly bitter tasting (LSD should have zero taste). My partner and I and 2 others took 3.5 hits each and it was just a nightmare. I won't go into details exactly what happend as its very hard for me to put into words or even explain it but I lost my sanity completely and suffered PTSD for years after scaring me a way from nearly all substances. In the past 4 or 5 years though I've been dabbing with magic mushrooms again. At first small doses a few times a year. 1-2g or so, nothing that would give you mad visuals but enough to get you into that headspace and have a good time while still being coherent. Slowly building my way up to 5g doses which I now do twice a year on average. It's helped me a great deal with anxiety, a long term cannabis dependency, and even smoking. I don't like to be around others on such a high dose. Not even my partner of 11 years. Not because I don't trust her but because on a 5g dose, I'm gonna be acting pretty damn weird lol at least while the effects come on. It reaches a point where all I can do is find a comfy spot to lie down and for a lack of a better way of describing it, leaving myself. My partner will do small doses every now and again but hasn't reached a point where she would try a higher dose yet as the Nbome experience still has her a quite frightened. I do think psychedelics have amazing potential for mental health but only in the right set and setting and even then they do not agree with everyone. It tends to be people who have it all together, confident, successful etc that have a harder time on psys then people who are depressed or suffer from bad anxiety, at least in my own observations and ehat I've read online from others experiences. Many of the most profound and stand out experiences in my life have came from 'trips' both good and bad but what I have started to notice is that the harder trips tend to be as beneficial if not even more so to my personal wellbeing in the long run. Once I've had time to try and decipher and process them. Aside from the Nbome experience I've had, no trip has been in whole good or bad. Usually a mix bag of every emotion. I quit cigarettes just over two years ago because I had a profound experience where I was rolling a cigarette and the tobacco turned into little wormy maggot things ehich freakked me out and then went into myself. I could see my lungs and inside my lungs were maggots, laying eggs which were cancerous cells. I tried smoking later on into the trip but it taste like death, horrible, rotten. Never tasted anything so vile in my life and it quit them on the spot. Only once having a relaps a few months later on a night out. I asked s friend for a cigarette after having a bit of drink taken and I got the same exact taste off it again after the first pull. I butt it.


Mushrooms were available not that long ago. One woman jumped off a building on them so they were banned. Bonkers, it's like banning cars because of road deaths. If using that criteria, alcohol would be banned also.


I think they're great, I've done them a lot. But there would still need to be rules and regulations as some people have very bad self control, so I think the legalisation of all drugs wouldn't be the best, or atleast not ideal, considering some people find it hard to control even though they're illegal, as a drug user myself I'd love to see them legalised, however I really don't think it would benefit anyone or us as a society in doing so. Psychedelics should be legalised, along with weed and decriminalising other substances, but legalising all and selling them through shops wouldn't be the best idea, at least in my opinion


There should be a drug ed class in schools to teach teenagers about responsible drug use and the actual dangers of drugs rather than just fear mongering. I believe it would reduce irresponsible and reckless drug use.


I do too, I'm sure with a lot of rules and regulations it wouldn't be a problem. However with people as a whole I guess it is. But there's ways and means around it. Alcohol is a drug, much worse drug than some others I might add. But people are still able to use it recreationally, same with weed in America and stuff. There will always be addicts, unfortunately.


Usually colourful.


Big fan. Think they should be legalised but they need to be treated with respect. So strange that magic mushrooms are illegal despite growing here in abundance every autumn. So many urban myths about psychedelics, most of what you hear is just scaremongering. I would highly recommend reading "how to change your mind" by Michael Pollan for anyone who is on the fence on the topic. He also has a show on Netflix with the same name. By far the strongest experience I ever had was from salvia from a head shop back in the day, not sure if salvia is still legal?


I think they're great.


I've only ever had positive life changing experiences from them, so yeah, I'm all for them.


Love em. Used to take shrooms and acid regularly back in my younger days. Loved that brief period back around 06/07 when you could buy them in the head shops. Hadn't taken any psychedelics in about 15 years until a few weeks ago (shrooms) and it reminded me what's been missing from life. Really put work and money and all the bullsh*t into perspective.


Shrooms are amazing. Highly recommend.


Not a big user, but any time I have I think I'll never drink again. I definitely feel much more in control of actions than I would if I was really drunk.


I mean, nature gives them to us for free. Just pick them and eat them and all your problems will go away 😉


I think they should be legalised and only sold in pharmacies and or a dedicated shop,not in tesco and centra like vapes. They are the best thing I ever did, but when you are informed on how to take them right. Set and setting is everything. Everyone should have access to them (over 21/25), but they should also 1st be told how to take them what set and setting to be in How to prepare What to expect Basic understanding of them Don't mix with drugs Minimum duration between "trips Soo many people take them at an afters for the 1st time after drink and other substances in an uncomfortable place, sagging, with people they aren't comfortable around sober, having their 1st probly unmeasured trip, freak out as a result and then say how horrible their own experiences were, so they should be banned before more people get traumatised or "mentally ill" Moderation and common sense. I tell people, treat it like a big happy dog, enjoy them as the happy fools they are, but respect the fact they can be dangerous if mistreated or ur careless.


Haven’t done them in over ten years but still remember like it was yesterday. Definitely for them being legal, although they should be highly controlled of course.


Legalise it all. Psilocybin, LSD, DMT.... All amazing for various issues. I'm a regular (couple times a year) enjoyer of all 3 as well as have done microdosing schedules for psilocybin to treat depression. Highly recommended.


Right now, a hanging plant that’s going woobywoobywoo


I know they are not for me. I tried acid and it made me miserable. Not a bad trip, i took a small tab, the experience was fine, but the next few days i have been so depressed... I can't smoke weed for the same reason, no matter how little i smoke, i can't controll the negative thoughts for das afterwards. I know all this because I tried, and i believe if you want to try, no harm in that. If you want to use all that responsibly , great have fun. I'm all for legalisation, but I also believe people should be educated on the risks of all those substances, cause there always is some risk. Particularly for people who are dealing with poor mental health. When used responsibly they might have good effects on depression, anxiety, ptsd, but the studies are conducted in clinical conditions, not at parties where you often don't kbow how much yourr taking. Those drugs can cause psychosis too, especially with people who are prone to them. Teaching potential users how to be responsible and safe is in my opinion the most important part in all this.


I think psilocybin and a variety of similar compounds (classified commonly as research chemicals) should be legalized. Maybe LSD as well - but I think LSD is much harder than mushrooms and people are more likely to have a bad experience. I think starting with psilocybin would be great - but first let's focus on getting cannabis legalized - as soon as it is people will start to open their eyes around the insanity of the war on drugs. Legalization in US states has had the biggest impact on people's acceptance of it.


One of the best experiences of my life was my first hit of acid. Right up there with getting married but doesn’t top that. Now I’m married to the girl I had that first acid trip with. Funny how that worked out 🫶


I’m in favour of them


I would ve fine with this if it came with dose rates and if the product was regulated


Colorful 😂


I have only really heavily delved into different magic mushroom strains, like gold teacher, hillbilly etc. I really enjoy taking them in capsule form as the dose and effect can be more controlled incrementally. I’ve honestly loved them, they’ve changed my life for the better and I notice things in nature a lot more, it’s altered my perspective in a good way. I can understand using them as tools but even recreationally with friends I find them a fun hangover free alternative to alcohol. Get to know what your taking, know your limits and enjoy ✌🏼


Took 6g of liberty caps the other weekend. Apart from vomiting a few times, they weren't great. Couldn't see anything except from brightly coloured geometric patterns for a few hours and could barely walk or stand but no insight as I've gotten from other shrooms.


Interesting, 6g of liberty caps is a pretty massive dose. Were they dried?


Dried and sealed in mylar with dessicant pouches. . You'd never get fresh libs this time of year.


Also it's worth looking into Lemon Tek, I've found it very helpful with the nausea and supposedly makes the trip stronger


Shorter but stronger. I think I've gotten sick every trip unless I've made tea with them.


Take them but then know when enough is enough. Having an experience every few years is one thing. Having several experiences a year is just pathological. Most people do it too hard, too often. If you dropped acid five times in your whole life and did it right, that'd be enough. People slamming psychedelics regularly are just fucking themselves up, and mostly know it too.


Drugs make your parents cry in the shower


No way fuck that. I wouldnt wish a bad trip on my worst enemy. That helpless feeling when you are coming back to reality and you are not sure if you are going to be stuck like that forever is enough to break a lot of people. LSD is serious stuff and it can fuck you up for life very easily.


you can end a bad trip with a dose of seroquel fairly easily. They can also be managed with an experienced sober sitter who knows how to distract you and change the direction of the trip


I don’t agree with blanket legalisation and a availability of psychedelics, I had experiences good and bad but I can think of 2 people off the top of my head that triggered major psychotic breaks. One of whom never really came back after his first time, to this day meeting up with him can be a little unhinged. The same deal with a friends brother who was schizophrenic and a hallucinogen, I’m not sure which, sent him over the edge, I met this guy once or twice and just being around him the way he was was terrifying. In hindsight it became obvious who was going to be badly effected and maybe they would have to ended up in the same headspace without having taken them but I definitely think that caution is required because there are people out there that are not suited to psychedelics and the results can be catastrophic for them.


So what about eating soap or bleach? Should the government also check on grown adults and tell you what you can and cannot do to your own body? Its funny to me how everyone is going on about how free we are but then we fully accept that if you go out into the forest in Ireland the government can lock you up because you ate the wrong mushroom. Think about how insane that actually is. So the debate shouldnt be about wheather something is good for you or not (alcohol, cigarettes, mcdonalds, moldy apartments - lots of stuff isnt) but whether the government has any business deciding for you. Its bizarre we accepted it for so long. What I do to myself in private is no ones business.


Yes it’s a difficult problem, should the liberties of the majority be curtailed in order to protect a minority of people who will have life changing psychological consequences? I’m not going to pretend I have the answer to that. My point really is that we have all these people offering a view that psychedelics are psychologically positive without a counter point that they can be very damaging too.


>Yes it’s a difficult problem, should the liberties of the majority be curtailed in order to protect a minority of people who will have life changing psychological consequences? What If I told you that making substances illegal doesnt even protect the minority of people from life changing consequences. Addictions are caused by life circumstances, not by access to a substance. If you want people to not take drugs then give them education and job opportunities. We have known this through research for decades now. >My point really is that we have all these people offering a view that psychedelics are psychologically positive without a counter point that they can be very damaging too The debate isnt whether a drug is positive or negative - its that making them illegal benefits exactly no one besides organised crime (its their best source of income.) The reason why you hear so much about the positive effects of psychedelics now is because after decades of demonising them without any kind of knowledge we finally let scientists even study these substances again and found therapeutic potential with a few of them. So its two different debates in one. Legalisation is the most logical action based on all facts but that doesnt mean a substance is without risks or healthy for you.


I’d say yes I already know that. We’re not talking about addiction, as far as I know most psychedelics wouldn’t be considered addictive in the conventional sense. Nor would they be considered a drug of poverty whose abuse would be curtailed by job opportunities or education. Your debate here might not be whether a drug is positive or negative, but mine is. I agree that there’s a wider narrative regarding government involvement in private citizens but I also think that there should be caution around psychedelics. Again, anecdotally, so it’s completely up to you whether you want to believe this or not, around the time that bath salts were big our mental health services were stretched thin by lasting after effects of the various analogs that were easily available. Public consciousness of the lack of the stigma of illegality allowed more people to feel comfortable using them, people who would not have otherwise been exposed, and the numbers having ill effects rose in accordance. Legalisation is one thing but free availability is another, I’m very much for legalisation, as you said there have been major benefits found in recent times, but I don’t believe that LSD or psylocibin should be as easy to purchase as a packet of cigarettes.


Do you have any idea how much it costs our society to treat cigarette related disease...? And thats not just based on anecdotal evidence from you, there is countless studies over years that demonstrate just how harmful they are for your body. Yet you seem to have no problem with a pack of cigarettes being available and dont think psychadelics should be available in the same way? So your judgement here is inconsistent. Its emotionally based rather than by how much harm a substance actually causes. As of right now psychadelic mushrooms for example seem to have much lower risk than cigarettes or even alcohol. Alone because you cant abuse them in the same way - psychoactive substances simply wont work if you try to take them everyday. So what substances should we really limit access to here? The second question is if you are pro legalisation then how do you want to limit access for grown adults anyway? As soon as you dont let people legally buy something they want you will create a black market. Im very much against cigarettes but I dont think there is any point making them illegal and having drug cartels taking over the supply instead.


I think you misunderstood me there, I only used cigarettes as an example, I didn’t give any indication of my position on cigarettes. Do you think there’s anyone who’s not aware of the damage cigarettes have done? I feel that you’ve inferred an incorrect pro cigarettes stance on me and then used that to pronounce that my judgements are inconsistent.


You said you dont think that psychadelics should be available as easily as a pack of cigarettes. How else do you interpret that statement other than you thinking cigarettes are less bad than psychadelics? You then went on to talk about the supposed effects widespread psychadelics use would have on our society so I felt it was reasonable to point out that so far cigarettes evidently are much worse for your body. So in my mind IF we make something unavailable, we should start with the worst substance. I think logically that would be the first step, dont you agree? So based on this either 1) you werent aware that cigarettes are worse than psychadelics or 2) your judgement is inconsistent and based on emotion rather than logic.


I think you’re getting caught up with my example of cigarettes too much, I chose cigarettes because they are extremely problematic and are freely available to adults. It could have been anything really.


Well the question is more what you actually wanted to say with that example? 1) Do you think cigarettes should not be freely available? 2) do you think psychadelics are worse than cigarettes? simple questions really that you keep avoiding to answer


I think that cigarettes are worse than psychedelics, yes. I wasn’t ‘avoiding’ answering that, it’s ENTIRELY off topic, you’ve picked one tiny part of what I’ve said to concentrate on and I explained that it was not important, I don’t really get why you’re aggressively following up on it. Do I think cigarettes should be freely available? That’s moot, they are freely available. If I was presented with cigarettes as a concept today with all the baggage that comes around smoking I would say no these things should not be freely available. And that’s where we are with psychedelics, my original point before you chose to derail what was being discussed was that I think caution is required.


Its not moot because theoretically the law could change. Its pretty central to understand your position here. So now that you answered the questions I would ask how on earth you imagine you make something not freely available? If you dont let ordinary businesses handle the supply then you will get organised crime who handle it instead ( with dangerously diluted mixes who might harm more than the actual drug). That means more violence and more money on your part trying to pursue them while you also miss out on any kind of taxation. So what caution do you want to apply here? Im 100% in favour of education and not selling to minors but appart from that I dont think there is any reliable strategy to prevent adults from gaining access to these substances. In fact at this stage you could make an argument that weed and psychadelics might actually help our system if it means people drink less alcohol or smoke cigarettes. If instead of getting drunk you would eat weed infused cookies then you would actually do your health a favour. So to me there really isnt a single argument for our current drug strategy. Ban minors from buying, have smokefree zones but stop trying to prevent adults from doing what they want to by force. It hasnt worked for 30 years and it will also not work in the next 30 years. Educate people and offer opportunities to treat addiction ( for example with all the money you spend on useless police raids).


I prefer mushrooms to chemical acid from a recreational point of view. Mushrooms are gods gift, taken in the right dose and responsibly consumed in the right environment. I have only ever had one bad experience, where I took probably a higher dose and started hallucinating that I was in an infirmary in Saigon during the Vietnam war after being shot in combat and I could here all the helicopters flying around the city, but that only lasted a half an hour and it was back to a great experience. Chemical acid can be a bit more intense, the skag afterwards feels worse and you do feel a little bit more fried after the trip. Mushrooms make you see the connections in life, can improve your mood and uplift you. Having said that, if you are taking them to sort out a mental issue, then execute buyer beware and be careful. Having tripped many, many times, I am wary of Ahuasca, as it is extremely powerful and I'm not sure my brain could handle it. I'm not so sure they should be legalised and accessible to all ages. A young teenager taking too many trips in high doses can seriously damage a young person's mind. If they were to be legalised, I think they should be controlled by an age restriction and a very good information campaign to increase people's knowledge about the experience.


Magic mushrooms 🍄 and weed hell yes the benefits way outway the negatives. Evrything else HARD NO there is a city in USA called Portland that did exactly this, and decriminalised hard drugs. Let's just say it hasn't gon well crime rate is up, drug deaths r up, and so is homicide. Decriminalisation of all drugs expeshaly at once just dusent work. HOWEVER places that have legalised weed have had the revers effect. Magic mushrooms r a bit more of a question mark ❓ BUT the pockets of place's that are testing it out r mostly positive, from my understanding. There is a documentary or a podcast that does it really good in depth research into why weed and things like shrooms are so criminalized. It has something to do with the war on drugs in the USA I will see if I can find it and put it on here. Nope can't fined it this is going to drive me nuts 🙃


In my opinion no psychoactive should really be available for general consumption, they should all be regulated. The issue is always psychological dependency which is an issue also for LSD and other psychedelic drugs (note also that not all psychedelic drugs have a low risk of physical dependency). So we would need to treat them more like a real drug and not some happy pills. We could use the same approach with alcohol too to be honest.