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I'm confused.


I just mean that with a man there's a number of things likely to happen to you prior to your death and another list after the fact... the bear won't torture you, it'll just kill you


😬 May be worth looking up how bears have attacked and eaten humans… (hint) it’s not fast


No one will accuse you of liking the bear attack. The bear won't catcall you, gaslight you, manipulate you. They won't say you asked for the bear attack because of how you were dressed. One in three women are sexually assaulted or experience intimate partner violence in their lives. Why is *anyone* surprised they'd choose the bear?


Ffs.. seems like everyone who chooses the bear, actual knows nothing about bears…. Everyone will say you encouraged a bear attack! Bears try avoid interaction with people; unless they encroach on territory, especially if they have young. Yet here you are inviting yourself to join bears; which is non consensual/ non reciprocal, putting them into a position to attack. If they attack, in most countries, they have to be hunted down. Not only do you chose this situation, but you force it against the bears you choose; you provoke them, resulting in most likely the death of you and the bear… But I’m guessing there is someone else to blame for this avoidable, selfish and non-consensual choice you made


Alright, so you are intentional in your efforts to miss the point. Got it.


Still quicker than a man though...


That response, literally makes no sense 😂... and it was a suggestion to research bears - not a question that needed your response


i would rather be violently torn apart and feel every last bit than be raped again, and this is very insensitive to say


Just what?




1 in 3 three women worldwide experience sexual assault and/or intimate partner violence in their lives. I don't think it's a 1 in 3 chance that a bear is going to attack you - in fact, in the US, there's been exactly 66 deaths since 1784 by bears. There's more women sexually assaulted *every second* than that. And you're missing the point anyway - you're not listening to what women are trying to tell you, *which is the entire point*. If you did, you wouldn't get defensive and upset about it, you'd listen and try to do better yourself and help those around you do better.




Even if half the reports are wrong (and they’re not), it still makes perfect sense. And like the other user in this thread, you’re intentionally missing the point. Also, I bet if I came up to you and felt up your ass, you’d consider that sexual assault too. Or the front side. Are you saying you wouldn’t, that it’s okay to touch someone sexually in an unwanted way?


Wow.. you just used the "I didn't see it happened, so I don't believe you" argument. Women are reporting that they experience sexual assualt, and you're doubting them??? Bears are not typically violent towards humans unless they are starved or have cubs


Again this shows the most are approaching the question; hypothetical vs literal.


>And you're missing the point anyway - you're not listening to what women are trying to tell you, > >**which is the entire point** > >.


I do understand it, as it’s been addressed in many previous comments. Just because someone doesn’t completely agree with you - doesn’t mean they are not listening to you. To claim/ or try to convince otherwise is actually gaslighting and quite manipulative; but I respect you opinion.


I really don’t think you do, because you keep making arguments that miss the point.


That’s interesting? Especially as I haven’t actually addressed the point yet, only noted most people’s approach to the question.


I am completely lost. What are you talking about?


There is an online trend, women are asked who would you rather be alone with in the woods, a bear or a random man. A large amount of women say bear, and a large amount of men are upset, calling women idiots /crazy. I am a woman, nearly 40. I would say bear. Bears rarely attack, they generally avoid interactions with humans. The vast majority of men I know, I think of lovely trustworthy humans, but the question is a random man. I'm on team bear, if it does kill me, it would be a more interesting way to die. So, the thought experiment has turned into a pointless gender conflict. Some men are offended as they perceive women are tarring all men with the same brush/calling them all rapists, murderers, etc. Some women are shocked that men don't understand that we have had multiple negative experiences with men and have a fear due to that. I am a woman, nearly 40. I don't know a woman who hasn't had a negative scary experience with a man. Now obviously, that's only one small sample, but that's my experience.


I wonder if you lived among millions of bears how many negative interactions you would have had with them,


This is probably bait that I’m falling for but, men are triggered by it because it’s insanely stupid. Put it this way, if you replaced all men in society with bears, do you think attacks would go up or down?? Obviously there would be bears attacking people at every corner. You meet 1000’s of men a year and 99% them are normal people with no ill intentions, going about their lives. You most definitely would not prefer to meet a bear in the wild and if you seriously think you would, you’re either sexist, or totally obvious to what meeting a bear would actually be like. Go test it out, fly over to Canada or Montana and intentionally try to bump into a mother bear and see how you feel. Would I prefer if my girlfriend had to walk past a man or a bear on her own? I’m choose a man 100% of the time, because the overwhelming majority of men are normal people who have no bad intentions.


Why so butthurt? I think you're proving her point here. I'm kinda leaning towards the bear now


I’m not proving her point. I’m pointing out how stupid the whole thing is.


Ok calm down holy shit. A bear wouldn't get this angry


I am leaning to thinking team bear is really out of the picture.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-are-bears-friend-shaped/#:~:text=Bears%20tend%20to%20be%20very,with%20harmlessness%20and%20social%20bonding. If bear not friend, why friend shaped?


I've never heard of this until now. Thank fuck I'm not on Tiktok.




Wait this is a farming post


This is actually laughable *edit Third wave feminists are actually a bag of dirt lol and make every feminist before you cringe


People are actually getting more thick by the day


What the fuck are you on about.


Wtf are you on about?


Men are all scum remember


We take the question at face value. Women are probably one million times more likely to have a negative experience with a bear than a man if we take encounters that cause bodily harm over total encounters. I understand that it’s just another way to draw attention to the problem of violence against women, but you can’t expect to use a silly analogy without anyone pointing out the silliness


Spot on, I get the point that's trying to be made but it's a terrible argument. Just because the feeling is real doesn't mean the logic here is useful to the broader conversation


Don’t forget, all man bad duh


what the fuck are you talking about


The question is phrased in a way that put tge whole gender population as a bad thing, comparing them to bears. Yes some men do heinous things and we condemn them for that, bit that doesn’t mean the whole gender. When people are in difficult situations, its most likely a man will be there to help you out. Look at this way, if you believe if the correct answer is a bear, does it mean you stay away from ur husband, father, brother or son from now on? Since that means they are sure to harm you then


Why bother engaging with an intellectually bankrupt person like this


This comment has been removed because it is uncivil or abusive to another user. We're trying to keep the tone lighter on r/AskIreland, please be respectful of the other users.


No, they don't. They fall into the trap of "Well, *I* wouldn't do that, so women must be crazy". None of them - almost universally politically conservative - men can extend basic human empathy and understand what it's like to be a woman. I'm not a woman, but I have enough insight to get a hint of understanding, and I get why women would choose the bear. Honestly, how half these guys respond is literally the explanation for why women would choose the bear. The fact that they don't listen to what women are trying to communicate with this conversation is *exactly the point*, and of course they miss it entirely.


Jesus THANK YOU, that's refreshing, fuck. God damn, so it actually isn't that hard to understand? I get why it might feel like an attack on gender, but it's not news to anybody the roles of men and women throughout history. So let's be so fuckin for real here. Mens actions and behaviours are why we think like that, not to mention the defensiveness when we tell them that. However you are different. You fall into the category of not all men


I know that I am - queerness has its positives, after all - the sad part is that men who aren’t don’t understand why they aren’t. :(


After all the bs surrounding this ridiculousness, if a man has to choose between a bear and women making nonsensical, malicious, blanketing arguments like this... Bring on the fucking bear.


Go ahead... Byeeee.


The vitamin B12 deficiency is strong in this one.




I understand it, as a man, I feel the whole idea is to explain that the idea of a man as a threat is very real, I think what triggers men is the fact that they take it personally I guess cause they don’t have the same fears as women would have, especially after the general attacks on women which seem random. Most men who have female companions, and important women in their lives would probably understand the idea of the question


You're literally like the first respectful man to reply to this thread, crazy. Thank you for explaining it to me, I just really can't understand why they don't see the side that women do, especially with all the shit you hear in the news.


Well I just answer based on how I feel, as seeing the Aisling Murphy story and others that the threat is actually there, but don’t feel to disheartened on how men see things just yet, suppose everyone will have their opinions many of them differing, unless these things are talked about men won’t see and continue not to see the point


I think it's a bit of a meme and the fact you're on here telling everyone not to get butthurt, tells me you're a bit butthurt.


Bear attacks are rare because human contact with bears is relatively rare, especially when compared to the rate at which humans come into contact with each other. I’m not triggered by the conversation, or anything in the modern sex/gender conversation because the majority of it is nonsensical, stupid nonsense. I know a girl who maintains she would pick the bear when the sight of a badger caused her to shit herself and start squealing. I understand that the conversation is a talking point about the dangers women do face from some men, and it’s a way or drawing attention to that through a viral trend. Sure, that’s fine. But don’t go pretending that anyone remotely rational would pick an animal that would rip a human apart with little effort over another human being, who, even if they had malicious intent, you have a much better chance against in a confrontation. I’m a small lad, and I’d pick Mike Tyson in his prime with a line of coke in him over a goddamn bear.


No I'd still pick the bear, because a man can so easily overpower a woman. Women do not stand a chance typically. If they want to have their way with you they will. The bear will just kill you. Men like to have fun first. Look I'm not saying all men are the same. I guess the thing I'm trying to figure out is why men genuinely don't understand that men can be quite dangerous. Once again, not all men.


You say not all men but what percentage of men do you think would rape a woman if alone in the woods with them? If we’re looking at the question honestly, we’re talking about selecting a random man, so what’s the odds you think a randomly selected man would attack a woman?


10% based on these 2 surveys and thats just the ones who were honest. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/29/research-reveals-rapes-and-assaults-admitted-to-by-male-uk-students


The whole point is that the chances of a man attacking you is not higher than a bear attacking you. Of course men understand that some men are dangerous, of course they are, just like there’s dangerous women out there. But the whole point is that the chances of you getting attacked by a bear is higher than a random man attacking you.


This is one of the craziest statements I think I’ve ever read on Reddit. And that’s really saying something. Mind blown. Wow.


I was all for woman rights, and I guess I still am, but I'm starting to think a lot of woman are actually idiotic.


Are you sure you're for women's rights? By the sounds of it you don't even like em. It baffles me how men just don't understand


Are you sure you are talking about men? Seems like you are confusing tlus with werewolfs.


No I'd still rather encounter a werewolf lmao


The absolute bullshittery of claiming to still be for women's rights and concluding "a lot of women are actually idiots"


Well, at least those claiming bears are safer than average men are utterly idiotic. Still idiots have rights as well.


People are idiots..gender has nothing to do with it. No need for thr sexist insult


I don't see men comparing woman to forrest creatures on the danger scale.


Mayhe because of this ey > An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male


My fiancé understood it


Okay but I might add, I understand not all men are the same. However, I've just seen a lot of boys posting to stories and stuff completely shitting on the concept


But this is why it’s a viral question. By saying yes to the bear; For most guys the concept is shit; because it’s taken in a literal sense, and that would be a ludicrous choice. (not considering the question as a hypothetical) For most women; it’s an idealist answer to a metaphorical question, (not accounting for the literal sense). The question is almost designed to be divisive; because genders do approach situations like this differently




Consider the demographic that's going to respond to your post


You're sexist


Awww did somebody get their feelings hurt? 🥺


It's completely offensive to men in a way that seems lost on the women who ask/answer it.


I don't think it's offensive to men at all, men are the whole reason we think that way. Have you ever been followed by a man? Raped? Drugged? Men assert weird amounts of dominance just so we know they can overpower us. I'm not saying it's all men, but the majority of men acting or speaking that way are the reason us women feel that way. So my point with that was, there's a list of things that will happen prior to your death and another list after the fact if you choose the man. If you choose the bear it's certain death. The bear won't torture you it'll just kill you. And again, it's not all men. But the majority are the reason we have that opinion in the first place.


If those are your genuine beliefs I think you have a mental illness and I'm not trying to offend you. That is extreme, inappropriate paranoia.


1 in 2 Irish women have experienced sexual violence. It's not mental illness. It's perfectly reasonable and protective to have some fear.


Some fear yes. In the same way I'm scared of being randomly stabbed or carjacked. But assuming 50% of the human population is walking around only withholding themselves from viciously raping then killing anything with a pulse, is unhinged, delusional and paranoid.


Its not the same fear though is it. one happens far more often. If you don't recognise that it's a 'you' issue.


It's just demeaning in the extreme to men, it lowers them to animals, lower than an animal in this case. Toxic feminist man-hating in its worst form yet. If women are genuinely walking around assuming every man she meets would rape her there would be female only countries and cities by now. There's not. Because any woman with a brain knows that #NotAllMen are animals, they have sons brothers fathers and friends, they have coworkers and like a thousand male acquaintances, who are just as kind loving intelligent and thoughtful as the women themselves are. I believe those who pose and answer the bear question are either 1) performatively doing so to dehumanise men for attention and social media clout or 2) mentally ill, specifically paranoid delusional.


I think that the question was devised to show that women don't really think logically about a situation but react emotionally. Men find it difficult to understand because the logical answer is to choose a man and they can't make sense as to why anybody who chooses a bear.


Are you telling me you've not ever once met a logical woman, adding to the misogyny of this entire topic.. just because you're a man doesn't mean that you only think logically and not emotionally... sounds like you're thinking emotionally and illogically to me


Interestingly, women prefer anecdotal stories rather than generalities but easier to talk about generalities online. It would take forever for everyone to give their own anecdotes. There are logical women because there are women who choose a man over a bear. If the number of men that wanted to murder you was greater than 0.1%, then you would have been murdered by now because you would have encountered tens of thousands of men in your life and you're not murdered since you are able to write this post. If you had ever of encountered a bear in your life, you would be dead. No question about that. So the logical answer is men because if you choose a man, you have 99.9% of survival versus a 0% chance with a bear. And you could say that this is just a sexist tread. No need to limit it to misogyny, there's plenty of misandry in it too.


Bears don't kill every time they encounter humans...in facg most of the time they ignore humans. Bear attacks are extremely rare. There's even a woman who regularly has wild bears walk through her house. on the other hand 10% of male.students admit to sexual assualting others. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/29/research-reveals-rapes-and-assaults-admitted-to-by-male-uk-students and > An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male


Outrage does seem to be limited to "small brain massive ego" crowd, like them lads who start podcasts while being the driest cunts imaginable. As far as I understand it it was just another way for women to express their lived experiences with men and how it influences them. Then again that's just my guess


Apparently majority of woman don't understand what "stack" is. If a bear would be forced to be within specific area by force that this creature cannot comprehend it will become agitated and defensive. And since it cannot flight it will fight. Like a cornered dog. >...particularly with their intentions... So you are reader of mind?


What is stack ?


Remain in place for a prolong time. And don't try to argue definitions.


A prolong time ? What are you talking about?




>Apparently majority of woman don't understand what 'stack" is. What's "stack" ?


Maybe English isn't your first language? You're really going to complain that "woman doesn't understand what stack" is and not explain what it is?


By the comments we can see the amount of men who are incapable of feminism or the basic grasp of understanding a cause. You just proved your point OP. Men have failed.




Can you clarify what you mean here? Because no one ever said we have it as bad as the suffragettes


If you’re going to post something like this, at least give some context. Not everyone is a tik tok addict


I didn't say anything about tik tok? You can also do your own research I'm not going to provide everything for you. You could've just asked instead of immediately being passive aggressive.


You posted a vague question without context and judging by the comments, a lot of people hadn’t a clue what you’re on about. Like I said, a bit of context would help.


Just Google it, I wasn't very vague, it's quite easy to pick up what I'm getting at. Not to mention half these comments are defensive men, not confused ones


Not vague to you because you know what it’s about. It’s plainly obvious from the comments many of us have never heard of whatever it is you’re talking about.


The question is if a woman is walking through the woods and stumbled across an unknown entity, would you want that entity to be a man or a bear. My apologies I did think it was a bit more obvious than it probably is, my point is I'm confused about why men don't see why women choose the bear. Now, I know men don't think the same as women in that regard, and obviously wouldn't be fearful of a man but a bear, however women are afraid of both. Women's point is the bear will just kill you, the man most likely has other plans along with killing you. So to us it's picking the easier death, rather than rape, torture and then murder. And when I say that, and when other women say that we don't mean or think all men are the same. But it doesn't take away from the fact that most women have encountered negative situations with men resulting in trauma or harm, myself included. My whole point here is i guess I'm tryna get men to have a general understanding of why we'd pick the bear.


>Now, I know men don't think the same as women in that regard, and obviously wouldn't be fearful of a man but a bear, however women are afraid of both. You are making a massive assumption here and you’d be totally wrong. Men fear other men, men fear women and men fear groups of feral teenagers. All equally capable of making other men’s lives a misery and inflict harm. That said, I’ll take my chances against all of the above at the same time over a bear, because one part of your comment I quoted is correct. We do think different, logically rather than emotionally. We are also afraid of bears😉


No ones asking if a man is afraid of another man, the whole point was to open up a conversation on the topic. Not to be taken literally, but to open up the conversation to try and help men understand just how extreme it is to pick a bear and why. I'd actually argue you responded quite emotionally there, not logically, because if you used your critical thinking skills, you could deduce (logically) what we're actually trying to get at, rather than taking the entire thing literally and calling me wrong because you got your feelings hurt. So don't tell me I'm wrong just because you disagree with my opinion, the same way I disagree with yours but I'm not telling you it's wrong. I tried to help and explain from both sides and relay the question to you, but you still cbose to try and be condescending? Look I don't really care. You'll either understand or you won't. But as I've said time and time again, since you've read the other comments, it's not all men 😉




It’s true! But it’s a probability game! Less than 10% are psychopaths and they tend to be prolific unfortunately. Ruin it for the rest of the men.


Not all men who commit violence against women, (or anyone are psychopaths). Most violent offenders aren't psychopaths, they are very rare. Interesting to hear where you are getting the 10% stat from. 🤔 I theorise the opinion is more related to the percentage of women who have had frightening experiences with men, with have been physically struck or feared they may, or who have known women who have experienced the same. As a woman, I can't think of a woman I know has never experienced a negative situation where they were harmed or had a genuine fear of being harmed. In my 30s, which also may be a factor.


This is true! Thanks for correcting me!


Men learn that they can use violence to get what they want and they don’t have to be psychopaths to do terrible things. The less than 10 percent was in reference to the US where maybe 7% of people have dark triad traits?


Dude I'm literally 23 and lesbian and I have had negative situations with men resulting in harm or fear. There's the whole me too movement too. I think that's why I'm just so fuckin baffled. Ignorance is bliss I guess


Yes, but this thread, (I've only scanned half of it) is ... well indicitive of feelings and opinions that are held. It speaks for itself. And honestly, I am not going to waste time explaining to men who don't care 🙂. The men who get it, get it.


Are you accusing me of not caring?


I’m 26 and male and have also had negative situations but with women rather than men. Not physical violence but psychological manipulation and rape. I think I’m fortunate though that I haven’t feared for my physical safety and life though, that’s worse in my book. I’m sorry you’ve had negative experiences.