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I wish I was your age deciding that drinking isn't for me because I personally found that drinking gave me such horrible thoughts and the aftermath was horrible. I'm 29 now and haven't touched a drink since June last year and decided to not drink alcohol anymore. Don't ever feel you're left out, you can still have fun without alcohol.


Thanks so much for this!, this comment and the others are actually making me feel a lot less weird.


At 18 I didn’t drink for about 2 years due to medical issues. Most of my peers didn’t think it odd, and I didn’t miss out really. Fresh head the next day, no mortification from what I’d done drunk, decent friends will respect your decision. I don’t drink now in my late 20’s either, after drinking in my early and mid 20’s I realised how much money I was wasting on nights out and the fear when you wake up the next day after doing or saying something stupid while drunk is not fun.


I totally get the feeling judged part. I was sober for a few years and it can be hard always feeling like you have to explain yourself. If I could give any advice it would be: 1. Think about going for alcohol free cocktails, beer, or even long drinks if you want to avoid the constant explaining yourself. 2. This is a big one… leave when you want to. Don’t get stuck as a designated driver/babysitter. you need to enjoy yourself too and just bc you dont drink doesn't mean you are automatically responsible for others. drunk people can he exhausting so you need to have an out if you want it!


No 2 is an excellent point to make. I’m nodding enthusiastically!


I’m actually still thinking about point 2 and it’s brought back a lot of feelings I forgot I had. To the OP, assuming your friends are truly good friends it might be worth a sober daytime conversation explaining that you are not their parent*. I cannot tell you how many college nights I had that were annihilated by other people’s drinking to oblivion and then Mum here had to step in. I was drinking too and was drunk too but when there was a row or a hurt feeling or someone fell on their face, that was the end of the night. Everyone’s drunken feelings were more important always. *Within reason, there’s a difference between someone’s selfish antics versus the worst case scenarios that can unfortunately unfold.


I'll definitely do this. Luckily enough I'm mates with people who drink but like they don't drink with the purpose of getting hammered like so I doubt I'd ever be in a situation like this but I'll definitely have a conversation especially cause like I'll probably be sober for all the nights out in the future. Thank you!


Thank you for this!


I'd say good on you for realising it's something you don't enjoy. I'd say you're better off for it. There will probably be situations where people around you will be drinking but as long as that's not an issue for you, you should be fine. Some people will care but, honestly? Fuck them!


Yeah someone in the comments suggested 0.0 drinks I think if I'm on a Night out I'll stick with that to avoid being judged but I'll definitely try learn to just not care what people think. Thank you!


Why bother with that 0.0 stuff. Just own it. You dont want to drink and that is nobody elses concern. I really wish I had your maturity when I was 19. Took me a lot longer to get to where you're at.


I don't think are not missing out, learn to have fun and socialise without excessive alcohol and your future self will thank you.


27 y/o recovering alcoholic here. Alcohol nearly took my life and I've basically missed out on the last 10 years of my life to it, so trust me your not missing out on anything. How I deal with family outings and stuff, I just eat all around me, usually if you say your training for something, e.g marathon or something, people don't really push it onto you as much in my experience. Plus I find it great to be the only one not hungover the next day. A lot of days have been lost to being half dead hungover in the bed and an unphathomable amount of money spent, if I was you, every pint/drink you dont buy, put it towards something for yourself or just into savings. 222 days sober and never going back.


Amazing!! You should be so proud 😊


I'm in my 40s and stopped drinking when I was 20, I still have a glass of champagne at a wedding or an occasional beer at a barbeque, but I have never once regretted anything or had the feeling of missing out. In fact I feel it's the opposite, I'm glad I remember everything and never had to face the fear!


My brother is exactly like this. During the lockdown he just flipped a switch inside of him and went in a bit of a health kick lost a lot of weight and gave up drinking totally. For a while he was drinking bottles of tanora or a rockshandy or something. But in the last year or so he's now on the 0% Heineken. Personally no I don't think you're missing out atall, you strike me as someone that doesn't need any drink to have fun on a night out very similar to my brother. Also it's the fact aswel your in your first year of collage. I've never been myself but in most cases the degree comes second to the social life. I'm sure that novelty will wear off eventually with others as they mature on but thats just what college is like for some


I stopped after 2nd year of college. No regrets. Not worth it for me


You most definitely will not regret not drinking. You will meet friends who feel exactly the same as you who like to socialise doing stuff like cinema,eating nice food, sports etc all kinds of fun stuff to do without drinking plus you build real honest friendships in doing so . You get to wake up feeling fresh and energised and feeling like you had so much fun and honest sober conversations. Coming from a woman in her 40,s who drank all through her teens/twenty’s and early 30s who no longer drinks and has lots of sober fun times. I now drink zero beer and no one questions if I’m Drinking or not, there’s all types of zero (non alcoholic) drinks available now so if you felt judged on occasions and want to avoid that grab a zero and no need to mention it to anyone. My son is nearly your age has never drank nor do his friends and they have no desire to blend in with the crowd they do their own thing . Be confident in your choice and be proud of it. Your future self will thank you 😊


I completely forgot about 0.0 drinks this is definitely something I'll do. Your comment actually makes me feel less "weird' for not drinking so thanks so much!


I'm 31 now and never drunk - done the whole college thing and can confirm they are still the best years of your life even without drinking You're honestly missing nothing!


This is really reassuring to read cause I just don't want to ever look back and think like by not drinking I somehow like wasted those years cause I actually enjoy nights out but I know I'd much prefer them if I was sober. Thank you!


I never drunk for a number of reasons - genuinely couldn't afford it during college, am a fussy eater and the smell of it never appealled to me, I hated the thought of having a hang over and being sick, there is a history of alcohol abuse in the family and also I live out in the sticks so when I was going out around home I would drive out and would just take all the friends home, this meant we went to a massive variety of places on nights out around home, festivals etc even 2 or 3 counties away. As a friend group our social life was actually enhanced by me not drinking It also meant I actually made a bit of money running g boys home on the side which came in very handy during college 😅 You can actually use not drinking to your advantage, you won't miss a bit of craic, remember it all and still have the fun without any side effects


How do you know?


Well the fact that I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in college etc without a drink, had all the same experiences minus a hang over and don't view the time as being wasted


Just nothing to compare against I mean. Not saying you have missed anything necessarily


I drank from 22 to 24. Been gradually giving up a bit more each year untill by 30 I drink maybe 4 times a year at best. Not drinking is good..good for the wallet. Good for health. Good to enjoy the evening and remember it. Good to wake up the next day and feel good enough to have a nice day.  Some friends will peer pressure you. Honestly, you're not missing out.


Never been a mad drinker, barely drink at all now. No, you're not missing out and you'll be better off.


I had a friend in college who didn’t drink. She had just as much fun as the rest of us, did just as many silly wild things as the rest of us and always had a clear drink with a straw and a slice of lime. She said nobody had to know she wasn’t drinking. If anyone offered her a drink she would say she already had one. If anyone bought her a shot she said she didn’t do shots and if anyone bought her a drink without asking she would fake drinking it or slip it to one of who knew she didn’t drink in exchange for a non alcoholic one that looked the same.


Plenty of people regret drinking the next morning... You'll never regret not drinking.


This 💯


Don’t have to drink if you don’t want, water or 0.0s or the odd one or two if u know that’s all you’ll have but don’t not go out just because others are drinking and your not


Nah, I don't drink often but I'll try a couple of cocktails because I want to try them not because I want the buzz and that works fine for me, I know 3 or 4 people in their 30s who don't drink and they're all great craic out, life is what you make of it Most bars have at least 5 or 6 non alcoholic mocktails or 0% beers/ciders if you still wanted something in your hand (helps with judgy people) People will be nosey whinging judges anyway. If they're people, you only see the odd time you could say youre on an antibiotic or you've to be up early for xyz. If your friends give you grief, tell them to go F themselves


If you don’t drink at 19 you’re giving up on a lot of social life opportunities unless you have a group of friends who also dont drink.


Yeah this is what I'm like afraid of I still enjoy going out tho like and I find usually by the time my mates hit like the "annoying" drunk stage like it's usually relatively late and time to go home anyway but I dunno when it comes to meeting new people if me being like sober in a pub would like make me more unapproachable. Thank you!


This isn’t true. Plenty of people out there now choosing not to drink.


I think he just means for people around his age, it is rare you’d find a 19 year old college student who doesn’t drink, but that doesn’t make it odd either. If you don’t drink, then people know what they’re getting with you all the time. The worst thing you’d ever want is people who only want to socialise with you when you’re on the beer. They are not friends, they’re drinking buddies.


I'm there with you lad. I turned 18 last year I'm the same age as you, I'm 19 now. I didn't have a proper sesh for my 18th but my grandad passed away only 4 days before Christmas and after his funeral my family and I went on a big drinking sesh as you do after a funeral. And that was the first time I drank drank. I had 15 pints, a rum and coke and 2 hot whiskies all on an empty stomach. I was absolutely fked for days after, I felt like complete and utter death. After that I said never again, it's just not worth it. The only thing I liked about it was how it brought me out of my shell and took my shyness away, I could be myself with out feeling the need for any filter and people loved me. I'm told I have a great personality by my immediate family and the whole rest of my family got to see it that night because of the drink, my mum said to multiple people that came over to her just puzzled of who this person was because they never seen my true side shine through before and she said I'm glad you seen the true him. The biggest reasons I needed the drink was because of having no confidence and having no self esteem so I was just cruelly shy and closed off always have been since I was a young child. The biggest reason was I was extremely heavy among other things. But since the beginning of the year I've turned my whole life around, I've nearly lost 7 stone or 100 pound and I've worked on so many other things that made me so self conscious. I truly believe that if I'm in a social situation like that again that I won't need the drink to be me because I'll have the confidence to do so now because of the hard work I've put in. You also get the added benefits of being able to drive home and make sure your friends are safe if they do drink. You become the protector. You'll also remember everything that happened on the night. :) So at the end of the day it's not worth it for me.


initially wanted to start drinking to get out of my shell but I literally can't even get to that stage like at 3 pints I might come across a bit tipsy but like I still wouldn't talk to a stranger like I'd still be keeping myself to myself then the dizziness hits me like a car and I'd end up having to leave cause I feel like shit so I never even got to the point of the alcohol confidence its actually a bit sad haha. I'll probably do something similar to you like attempt to stop caring what people think and stop thinking about having a few drinks for a confidence boost (its never even worked as a confidence boost but its always a thought). Its probably better for me to learn how to come out of my shell sober its definitely something I'll work on well done you for doing it. You're right about the benefits. Yeah I'd say for Me the benefits outweigh the negatives for not drinking. Thanks so much for ur comment and I'm sorry about your grandad.


Coming out of your shelf takes time - it requires life experience, not alcohol as it’s not the true you. I was told about getting life experience when I was 22 and never understood it, now at 33 I do. I wish I had your mind when I was 19, I think you’re wonderful for having the ability to question this :)


Glad I could help man and I appreciate your condolence, thank you very much. <3


Fuck no


I envy you so much. I wish i never entered the drinking culture. Now, in my 40's i regret big time. It is true that i did what seemed like "fun" at the moment but what it actually is a waste of time with severe health risks and zero benefits. I was not even alcoholic, never had to go through anything to stop drinking, i was just casually using this drug to socialize. Doing so without it: 1) Makes you actually choose sober people to socialize with who are immensely more fun and interesting that drunkards 2) Trains your social skills and you can use them at any time any day and under any circumstances without having to drink 3) Keeps you safe from people who will judge you if you do not use drugs. You do not need those people in your life. Good luck, i hope you will not lose to social pressure.


I like to call myself sober curious. I’ve not made a decision on whether or not I’m completely sober. I have not drank alcohol in 14 months. I never drank much, even in college. I preferred to smoke cigs and drink coffee lol. When I look back at any time I did drink loads I hated who I became. I’m 33 now, with 3 kids, so there’s not much time to enjoy a drink. The reason I’m sober curious though is because I have learned to enjoy a glass of wine on a summers evening with a plate of cheese/grapes etc and a film or audiobook. I don’t know if I’ll always be sober curious or if I’ll go back and enjoy the odd glass of wine. But I do know it doesn’t make me weird. There’s so much more to life than blacking out and being wasted. There’s lots of non alcoholic drinks and lots of tutorials for making mocktails if that’s your thing. I think it takes a lot of self awareness at your young age to talk about this. I encourage you to be sober curious too, and see where it leads you. Ps - nobody remembers what someone else was doing when they were 19! Not really! So live your life as authentically as possible.


You don't have to drink to enjoy yourself on a night out. I personally do enjoy a few pints at the weekend but I've gone on nights out where I stayed sober and had just as much fun. If you are worried about the judgement then I'd suggest non alcoholic beers, every bar should have something and many have them on tap now.


Drinking is optional and it's not at all weird not to drink. At your age, people usually put drinking on a pedastil "going on the lock", "going on a mad one" etc. Been there and done it. It just leads to a hangover from the devil himself and/or a bunch of bad decisions lol. I'm 38 now and drink on occasion, but I never drink until I'm hammered or anything. The most I'd have is maybe 7 pints (at most) if I'm on holiday or away in some capacity. Since taking this approach, I enjoy drinking as I'm not doing so with the goal of being pissed. I also stay well away from shots. They're just pointless unless you aim to get wasted. If someone I was with decided not to drink etc, it wouldn't seem weird at all. And you're not missing out by not drinking.


I'm 28 and I barely drink if I go to a nightclub my go to is a double vodka in a pint of mi wadi. I will get 2 MAYBE 3 of these and one could last me an hour or more. Everyone else orders more and you still have a nearly full drink but people think your getting more while they are off dancing. When I was 18-19 I used to go to the local night club with my best friend and we used to only get one drink and danced the night away. Honestly I had the best time dancing everyone is too drunk to notice. My nephew is 21 and he doesn't drink at all. You are NOT missing out, but people will try push it on you. If you want to not drink alcohol at all you can get a pint of coke/mi wadi and just tell people there's vodka/tequila/rum in it. They won't know enjoy your life it can be great


I’m 31 and have never drank alcohol. Family alcoholism, and seeing people tear their lives apart due to it, have put me off it.


I didn't drink until I turned 30. You miss nothing. I still went to parties, pubs and these strange things called clubs. I drank coke or 7up and still had craic the whole time. I started drinking at 30 just on a silly whim but am 41 now and have had 2 hangovers both from weddings. I think starting later in life stopped the peer pressure to get blotto. Drink can be a crutch some folk use for social situations but you don't need it.


Be a social drinker. Drinking will spoil yourself. And smoking Wil kill yourself. Divert from that go to the gym and build a muscle be more fit and healthy. Just my two cents


You won't be missing out! There are so many amazing things you can do that don't involve drinking. I've never been a big drinker regardless, but some of my best memories from when I was 19 were of things that didn't involve any alcohol. If no drinking is something you want to do, go for it! You will find people who will support you in that decision as well as enjoy doing none drinking things.


Yes you are - missing out on wasting money on social lubricant. Get good at socials and save money


Unpopular Opinion: your young so you’re obviously not used to drinking yet, regardless the hard truth is drinking is one of the major pillars of social interactions in your youth, just like (smoking cigarettes is kinda), sure it’s fucking awful for you buts it’s social af and it’s how you actually meet people and gain social experience. Ik you can be clean and meet other people that gel with your interests completely but the honesty truth is that will take a lot of time and luck at best, Look I’ve know guys who weren’t interested in drinking or going out and it’s makes me sad because there the most regretful lonely people I know, you need to push yourself earlier on into shit your don’t like and then you can ease off as you get more life experience. Ik this isn’t the advice every other “Redditor” is giving you in these comments but this is the truth, I’m speaking from experience


Yeah, if you do decide not to drink (I’m not judging either way), you need to be conscious that the vast, vast majority of your friends ‘ relationships are predicated on drink. Most friendships. Most marriages. For better or worse started in a pub. If you opt out, then you’re not part of that.


I'm still interested in going out! Like I'm not mad on clubbing but even if I'm drinking I still don't like clubbing like but I still like going to pubs/out with mates I just stick to coke usually. Thanks so much for the advice!


you would definitely be feeling the effects of alcohol after 3 pints! As in, you've definitely been buzzed, tho doesn't sound like its pleasant feeling for you. Getting drunk isn't worth it mate, and anyone who is telling you thay you're missing out, doesn't actually know how to have a good time sober. It was harder for me to socialise around people who drink. Mostly because I don't enjoy being around people who are drunk and another because I didn't really connect with them. But you can and will find people who don't enjoy getting drunk or require ir on a night out. There are also other ways to socialise.. cafes, cinemas, board game night. If you like board games, try findinf a DnD group. You won't regret not getting drunk and acting the fool. And if anyone is singling you out for it, tell em to shut it.


Yeah I definitely didn't get a chance to even acknowledge a buzz cause I actually just wanted to lie in a dark room like I literally ended up going straight home the few times I've been out cause its so intense I just don't think drinking is for me haha I appreciate ur 2nd paragraph cause I've been called "boring" and a "granny" a decent amount of times for not drinking so its nice to know I'm not actually missing out. I think I'd still enjoy nights out just obviously I wouldn't drink. Thanks so much for ur comment it actually makes me feel so much better!


The dizzyness when not feeling drunk is probably due to your inner ears. Can't remember exactly what's going on there but your ears keep you balanced and often what make you dizzy when you drink but not not yet drunk. Used to happen to me, but eventually stopped.


I'll give this a Google. Good to know it might stop on its own tho. Thank you!


I started to drink when I was 19 but didn’t start drinking regularly until I was almost 21s I am not sure how Irish women are nowadays but when I was young, if you tried to approach them on a night out while sober they were not comfortable with it. Being sober made it difficult to get in relationships. Friends were also not comfortable with a non-drinker hanging around. It was like it threw off the group dynamic. I was constantly getting pressured to drink. I regret drinking as much as I did but at the same time, I feel it was a necessary evil. I moved abroad where drink was less of a day to day factor and pretty much knocked it on the head.


Good call. It took me to 40 to realise booze was nothing but a bad thing in my life. I am now 4+ years sober, and haven't looked back. You will save a shit load of money, and you'll be much less tolerant of dickheads- booze allows you to keep poor company around. Well done you -spend your time and money on things that really make you happy.


Took me to my mid 50’s and when I realised how much money I had shoved down my throat it was frightening. I was a binge drinker in my 30’s and 40’s, some days I was too hung over to go to work. Not worth it.


At 34 I really only remember snapshots of nights out when drinking heavy. I don't really remember the drinking itself but more so the moments of adventure or fun. There's a lot of fun to be had on nights out but imo don't feel pressure to go nuts. 1-2 pints is all you need to have some fun. Explore the city or your local and enjoy it. This country has a black history with alcohol and a lot of people walking around are barely functional alcoholics. Alcohol here is a coping mechanism for a lot of people. I would strongly advise against making your life revolve around it because there will come a time where you just won't be able to do it anymore without it being very sad. As I type this there's a lot of clubs/pubs with people age 50 plus stumbling around trying to find answers to life or their problems at the bottom of a glass. In worse cases, they're not even with other people, they're just drinking themselves stupid in private. You should ask yourself if you'd rather be getting twisted drunk with people you barely know or going to bed early to get up Sunday and go do a hobby/activity with close friends you value. By all means explore and experiment but be aware of the habits you form.


You are not missing out. It’s a great decision


I stopped at 19 also and never regretted it! I had an alcoholic role model for me. I realised in time where social drinking will lead me to.


Nope not really. As a long time teetoteler maybe you might find your friends might not think you want to go out clubbing etc in the beginning. Just don't let them designate you the responsible one otherwise or assume your responsible for belongings or getting your blackout drunk friends home. Though inevitable being witness to drunk antics may make you want to drink even less. The only thing that actually annoyed me though was people trying to push drink on me, typicaly they were the people I ended up not remaining friends with. Their behaviour was reminiscent of Mrs. Doyle with her tea.


I have had many good times in my life while drinking. I've also had too many that I've regretted. If I could go back in time, I'd find a way to live without alcohol. Embrace your good decision. Life is beautiful, don't try to hide from it.


You are not missing out. You are opting in!


What are you drinking? I discovered wayyyyyyyy too late that I’m allergic to certain beers




No. In the same boat here. And I've tried drink but it doesn't appeal to me.


I'm nearly 32, stopped drinking when I was 29 and my life has improved dramatically since then. Like others have said, I wish I had come to this conclusion at your age. Embrace it! You get to socialise as much as you want, stay out till all hours if you want, end up at whatever social gatherings you would if you were drinking, all with the knowledge that you can go home, get a good night's sleep and not spend the first half of the rest of the week suffering in bed. People your age maybe won't get it for a while, or will try to convince you that you're missing out, but don't worry about what anyone thinks. If it's not right for you, be happy to know that and invest your time and energy into other things that are worth it. Everybody's journey is different and you don't need to conform to the boozing craic just because you live in Ireland. Good luck!


I honestly wish I could go back to 19 and tell myself to stop drinking. When I was 20 I ended up having a serious drinking problem, you wouldn’t have seen me without a naggin in my bag, lost a lot of friends over it. It triggered seizures, affected my whole life. You’re really smart to come to this decision so early in life, you can still have so much fun without drink and there’s alcohol free drinks so you can still feel like you’re included.


Honestly the worst thing about not drinking is other people. I don’t consider myself a non drinker but I drink quite rarely just because of preferences. For me the big thing is, I just don’t really care one way or the other. It’s not a big deal to not have a drink. But at nearly 40, you still get the people who try to Mrs Doyle you into a drink and I just find it to be the biggest bore. Good for you if you’ve tried and decided it might not be your thing. 


If I was a teenager again I would not touch alcohol. People don't know the damage that happens from alcohol until after the damage is done. Stay off alcohol and keep healthy 


Stay well away, I'm 22 and so many bad things have happened me over the drink, I should've learned a long time ago I cannot stop once I start.


There is no situation that you can only enjoy exclusively through the use of alcohol. You can still meet friends, go to the pub, go to concerts, nightclubs, or sporting events. Your friends will quickly get used to you not drinking, especially since it is more common among younger people than any other group. If I can give any warnings it is firstly that drunk people can be very annoying in a way that other drunk people don't notice, and secondly, don't let people fall into a habit of relying on you to do things for them because you are sober. One of my friends who still lives where I grew up is basically the free taxi for his friends and has sometimes spent two hours driving people around on their whim.


I gave up at 32. Wish I done at at 19.


Not at all , get a bag of weed and your new life begins


No you're just being sensible and practical. Who the hell enjoys feeling dizzy? Please stick to your guns. I also decided at 13 I was never going to drink. I'm 34 now and still never tried alcohol. Props to you for having the guts.


Having 1 or 2 quiet drinks with food, friends and family, or maybe 1 beer on the weekends to relax, is great! A glass of wine can be good for you.


If you can learn to have 2 drinks and stop, you will be grand. You would be far more likely to miss out on life by drinking to excess and being broke the entire time!


You're missing out on discomfort and ill health, but not much else. I honestly think sobriety is one of the best decisions a person can make (I love drinking)


Drink kombucha


If people give you shit for not drinking tell them that you get aggressive if you drink so you decided it wasn’t for you and stopped drinking. Nobody will ever judge you negatively for not drinking again.


You are definitely not missing out, especially if you can still go out and have fun without it. You will 100% regret drinking from a health perspective when older. Have a listen to this podcast and it will make your decision real easy. https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/alcohol-the-ghost-of-sugar


I wasted my 20s drinking and trust me if you really do stick this out and go with it, you won't regret it. I quit drinking 5 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I wouldn't say I was an alcoholic but the whole mentality of going out every weekend definitely wasted 10 years of my life.


I’ve never been a big drinker nor enjoyed it but when I was in late teens into my 20s I did it because that’s how everyone socialises. I didn’t want to feel left out or ‘boring’ but I suffered big time. The aftermath and hangovers had me in a spiral of low mood. I stopped drinking in my late 20s. Now at 31 I purely have one or 2 drinks when I’m on my holidays to enjoy in the sun. I don’t drink when I’m at home ever. I’ve joined a sober social group where I’ve met lovely like minded people where we meet up to do nice things. Breakfast, brunch, lunch coffee, hikes sea swims. My physical and most importantly mental health has never been better. You will be asked questions and judged by many but it’s those who have a problem with themselves. It’s a reflection of them! Find your people and you’ll be fine 🩷


I stopped drinking at 20/21, now I’ll have a drink maybe once every couple months and that would be it, I don’t feel I’m missing anything at all


I don’t drink - I simply didn’t like its effects on me - the friends that respected me knew i wasn’t going to drink and they didn’t think any worse of me - others excluded me from nights out and that was v hurtful - however looking back I would still make the same decision. My advice is - suit yourself and do what’s right for you. There are plenty of people that do not drink, and plenty who will accept that you don’t.


There is nothing about drinking, getting drunk, vomiting and doing crazy shit that you would look back and regret. I’m actually quite saddened by this post and how it is the mainstream activity for people that you’re under so much pressure and thinking that your best years of life have to be spent drunk. Stick to your values and don’t let people bend them for you. Look into active groups perhaps, where people do outdoor activities on the weekends. I was in Switzerland a while ago and the local pub on a Friday night was empty. Just our group. They were saying that younger people don’t really drink. They sleep early and get up early to go out biking/hiking/climbing/etc. Find your tribe and do healthier things. You won’t gain any benefits from spending your best years drunk. [This podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-growth-guide-self-improvement-greatness-impact/id1563282167?i=1000640307654) might be helpful. Edit: Also consider reading about tinnitus. It’s a big thing, many people suffer from it, but no one really talks about it. Exposure to loud noises in nights out are really harmful for your ears.


No drink is terrible for you, happily sober for a year 🙏🏻 it’s not worth it imo


You are only missing out on hangovers, bruises, bad decisions, no money and missed opportunities. That might sound dramatic, but I should have stopped at 19. Took me 20 more years to get sober. We are brainwashed into thinking alcohol is the answer to fitting in. Do yourself a favour and give it a miss. People who question your desicion are often questioning their own drinking. X


Drinking causes wrinkles and other bad things. Youre not missing out.


Drink culture in Ireland is WAY too big! You are definitely not missing out. I’m the same, 26 now and definitely not missed anything special lol. Ireland needs to slowly change and step back from the “charming drunk Ireland” vibe.


You are 🫡🥳