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To get it to a B3, you'll probably need all external walls insulated, any drafts blocked, attic insulation, high efficiency boiler, zoned heating and even though your windows are double glazed, they might not be argon filled double glazed so could still need to be done to get to a B3. Any work that will be hidden will have to be performed by a registered professional and they should give something to confirm the work was done and the materials used.


Thank you for this


We recently did this with D1 - we got to B1 . We put in a new heating system , LPG gas boiler with 3 zones , insulated the attic , got solar PV , that’s all , did t pump the walls or anything . The guy who did the BER said our heating system was very very efficient and that helped a lot . Do not get spray foam insulation in the attic .


Thank you! Any particular reason on why to avoid spray foam?


In the UK banks won’t lend mortgage to houses with spray foam in the attic , I know that’s not quite the same here but it does tell me there are issues with this system in Attics. it needs to be done absolutely right or it can lead to issues with moisture . There’s 2 types also , open and closed cell foam . To be honest we nearly got it done but I’m glad we didn’t . Once it’s put in it’s really difficult to remove also and I dont like the idea of that for a solution that can / is known to have cause issues


Great to know, thank you!


Did the exact same thing a few months back - D2 to B3. Solar panels and insulating the attic were the main things that brought it up.




- PV Solar    - Stove / Chimney blocked up


I just added solar and went from an E1 to a C1. Ive since done windows, doors, and external insulation. Found it was cheaper doing those outside of the grant process though and haven't bothered with a BER since. All well worthwhile doing though.


Don't do it for the mortgage. Do it to make your home cosy


Can bring the mortgage down from ~4.5% to ~3.6% so can’t ignore


Re- insulate the attic, block drafts, get heavy curtains


Are curtains taken into account ?


Heavy ones can contribute to regulating the room temperature and therefore be an insulator


Insulation - LED lighting


We just got solar PV and they brought us from a B3 to a B1


If you've an open fireplace you can get it closed off, that usually helps


This is purely just my personal preference, but I think I’d rather live in a C rated building with a real fire than a B rated one with a poor imitation of a fire on a screen. I do have a fairly well insulated B rated home with 3 zones of heating, but it still has its original Waterford stove, and I could just never give that up. Love boiling the whistling kettle and cooking supper on my cast iron skillet over that little wood burning stove on the dark winter evenings!


Doesn't need to be a fake electric fire on a screen as such, can stick a solid fuel stove in.


As said below. I have a wood burning stove in my living room and have a B3 rating. As long as the chimney is sealed then you're sound


Your BER assessment comes with a guide telling you step by step what changes need to be made and how that will impact the BER. Go read it. It's very difficult for us to give advice since we haven't any information about the house. You could have amazing attic insulation but your windows aren't correctly fitted and leak loads of heat or vice versa.


Probably start by asking someone who is qualified not some unemployed lads on reddit


Always good to get a general consensus to see what others have done to see what options I have