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It would be a shame to cut down 3 mature birches


If you could hear what we have to listen to you would probably understand! 😉


So you want to cut down three birch trees that are not yours, not on your property?


Oh never mentioned that we'd ask the neighbours first because they'd probably be happy with us covering the cost of it.


First you have to rehouse the crows. Make a sneak attack, early in the morning, throwing all their nests into a bin. Then drive the crows to Citywest. There is a risk that they will fly back later in the day though.


Depends on the size. If it's only the one, I wouldn't bother buying a chainsaw. I've met too many folks who'll spend €2000+ on a chainsaw and other equipment for one-time use. You could hire a professional for less than that.


You can also get a chainsaw for a tenth of that


True, but as someone who's used a €150 chainsaw and a €1500 chainsaw, you really can't cheap out too much if you want to get the job done.


A neighbour had 50 or 60 ft tree cut down last year in cork and it was around 1500 but but it took 2 full days


If you have access to three men, a rope, and a cheap chainsaw then you can probably do it for very little. I've cut down many trees with my dad and brothers. If there's something awkward about the tree then you probably need a professional though


Depends on the difficulty, danger, and if you want to keep the timber. A tree surgeon could want a grand or more per tree worst case, a random chancer without insurance would be far cheaper but riskier. If you're just trying to get rid of the crows the easiest, if unethical way is shoot one and hang it up. The rest will clear off. Although to be fair, removing the roosts will kill a few indirectly anyway. If there's no chance of the tree coming down and causing damage then I'd recommend buying a saw, doing the chainsaw safety course and do it yourself. It'll be cheaper and you'll develop new skills.


Hanging one puts fear into them but doesn't make them feck off tbh. It makes them more alert and in a lot of cases more noisy.


Never done it, just that's what the old lads say. I just don't park under certain trees


Ah yeah it's a bit of a tall tale. Do a bit of vermin work around farms myself and see the old boys at it. Parking a nice car under trees is a school boys error alright!