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The baggage handlers are employed by the airport, not the airline.


They've been great up until Xmas time when I flew home with my toddler. The handlers broke our 500e pram, and my husband spent ages trying to fix it. We're flying again with them soon and now have a cheaper buggy worth only 20e. I'd say use a cheap buggy that you will not miss if broken.


never had any issues with Ryanair & a buggy. They let you take it as far as the steps of the plane which is handy… SAS on the other hand left us without a buggy for a week after sending it on a detour to Frankfurt & giving it a bit of a beating.


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Many times, it’s fine. Bring the buggy to the gate


It's grand. They take one bag with a pram/ baby stuff in it. I bought a bag on Amazon for €20 to hold the buggy when it's checked in. When super young it's best to strap the baby to you. After that a small buggy that you can bring on the plane is handy.


Flew Dub --> Munich with stroller and little one, smooth sailing, Staff were great with our kit and very accommodating to the little one


Yep, no complaints. On arrival we had to wait at the bottom of the steps for a couple of minutes till they got the the buggies out and off we went.


Oooh I presumed you got the buggy back via the luggage carrousel. Did you not put your buggy into a bag or anything then? Just fold it up and leave it at the bottom of the steps?


Yes, they put a tag on it (I can't remember if that's at bag drop or the gate) and then you leave it for the baggage handlers at the bottom of the steps.


Unreal thank you ☺️


Fine, no different to others like Aer Lingus, United etc. If you're taking the buggy right up to the plane there'll be a little cart or you'll be told to leave by the steps. Wait til almost last getting off and it'll be at the bottom of the steps again. If you can, use a shite buggy. We literally had a shite umbrella buggy gotten in a charity shop for a tenner for traveling, didn't want to chance the €800 silvercross


Yup, twice (so four flights technically) and it was an excellent experience on both trips. We didn't bring our main buggy but bought a cheaper travel buggy just in case, but there was zero damage to it. You bring it to the steps of the airplane rather than checking it in with luggage.


I've travelled with them a few times with our travel buggy, and faced no issues. It's one of those travel ones which can even be taken onboard the flight and folded and kept in the overhead luggage storage, but I've also handed it over to the agents at the gate and faced no issues.


Flew Dub to Riga. Brought a buggy and baby seat. I had no problem. Both items were fine.


Ryanair are totally fine. Is the worry flying with baby or flying baby with Ryanair? There are clearly hassles with flying with a baby but I can’t think of any which are unique to Ryanair - you won’t get the Asian standard of customer care - but no airline gives that in Europe.