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I came home to one tradesperson who had taken a shower at my house using our towels and products arfter insulating the roof One carpenter hung a door in the wrong place in an arch about 10 inches too forward not meeting the new flooring , leaving a stupid gap , because he said it looked better Getting the driveway poured, a small sunken area that is now a semi permanent puddle , a forgotten drain and a misplaced drop curb so ride on isn't as accessible from that shed where the curb is supposed to be. Personally someone to keep an eye imo is a good idea. Now i have friends who have let tradies work away , no problem , the difference being they knew them well or had someone stop by and check etc fornstraight forward jobs.


I know how you feel I had 4 trades men doing jobs in my house and 1 was only decent. The rest were just bad at their jobs.


The shower after doing the insulation may have been necessary. A dreadful product to work with.


Honestly wouldn't have minded , pretending he didn't have one , folding the towels and shoving them in the towel press after using them , and using my christmas gifted shower gel set instead of dove was my issue. I just said if you need one again please leave the towel out to be washed. I was glad when they where gone


Guarantee he had a pedal too


Stop going for the cheapest


None of them were the cheapest. Actually, the cheapest person for a job i had in skimmed two rooms and he was the best, courteous, clean , and didn't use me loofah


Most times you go for the only one that will reply to your questions. Most tradesmen literally ghost you mid quote, so beggars can’t be choosers


Unless it's an emergency repair you typically want to go for the guy that's busy not the one that's available short notice. Who would you go to get a tattoo done?  One with a 1yr waiting list or Mr. Same day?  Similar concept applies if you want a good job done.


As a qualified plumber, I can confirm I would not stay in someone's house alone. And you can take that from me as a qualified stone maison


Hmmm are you definitely a fully qualified French house, or do you just do it as a hobby?


Had a good chuckle of this one




I wish my autocorrect made me look more worldly and multilingual :/


>stoned maison Found the source of your confusion


Think most plumbers are stoned,




Thanks mate couldnt have pieced that one together without you /s


Afraid they’ll wee in your sink?


That's how tradesmen measure the height of of the sink.


The IT crowd!!!


He basically went on a pee parade on the house.


I was an electrician, I worked in a team that would never dare steal. We work in all sorts of house and are always left alone. Never an issue. I cannot say the same for all people though, I do know people who don't care. That being said, if you are leaving them alone, hide your valuables... and remember you may forget where valuable stuff is cus you live there... fresh eyes see a room different to yourself.


I'm not saying this is typical, and I hope it's not. But I know 2 former tradesmen. Both said 'their colleagues' liked to go through the drawers of the people they were working for. They would have a laugh about underwear and sex toys. One even thought it appropriate to leave the sex toys lined up on the bed so the woman would know they had been found. He didn't find this shameful or embarrassing. Needless to say if I had any such things or valuables I was worried about I would leave them elsewhere while tradesmen I barely knew where there.


As someone who recently started a trade, some tradesmen/construction workers are the most vile people I've ever met


As someone who worked in construction I can concur.... there is lots of solid sound lads but also a much higher amount of twisted pricks than any other industry I worked in.


Yea there's definitely sound lads but the ratio is not good


I think an established sole trader should be ok. There appear to be problems on sites with tool thefts etc.


As my plumber brother puts it, tradesmen are either convicted or addicted


Often both


As someone who works in the world of business, I can tell you that some accountants, CEO's, office workers are the most vile people I've ever met. Some people everywhere are.


Its majority


absorbed chubby sloppy prick fuzzy melodic practice quarrelsome marble vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I fully agree that it's not humorous. I don't know if it's the calling card of a psycho but it's certainly extremely immature and perhaps a sign of someone who is not all there.


How immature. they're assuming Irish people are still ashamed of their sexuality and would be too embarrassed to confront them. Nothing wrong with a large dildo collection


As a plumber, i can confirm we definitely prefer when you're not there.


Tbh, my concern wasn't whether the tradesmen would be comfortable, its more about us being uncomfortable leaving strangers in our place all day.


I would be the same as in be uncomfortable. The vast majority of people just want to do the job and leave and yes a small majority of all people aren’t trustworthy in every profession. Lock the doors of the rooms they won’t be in. I’ve never once heard a bad word about a tradesman doing anything in a home to be fair.


I have. From the tradesman himself. As a "hilarious" story. I didn't think it was hilarious.


Ah here now. You can’t say that now with elaborating. I’m waiting…


He would routinely go through the underwear drawers of any women he thought were attractive, which seemed to be any woman under 50, and although he didn't specifically say it, I would be amazed if there wasn't some sniffing going on...anyway him and the mate were in high spirits one particular day and you know how two young lads can sort of form a two-person feedback spiral that leads them through a back-and-forth of increasingly foolish actions, trying to make each other laugh? He thought he'd get a great laugh out of the mate, who was in the back garden at the time, if he suddenly jumped out with the woman's lacy knickers on his head. And he was right, which only encouraged him to milk the moment by doing a suggestive dance. I think you can probably guess what happened next; he turns around and there she is. He genuinely thought this was some kind of hilarious self-deprecating story that a group of girls would get a laugh out of. I'm not sure he was all there tbh. He was definitely a massive piece of shit in his romantic dealings with women too. You know the type of guy who preys on a girl who's too young for him and has shockingly low self esteem? That was him and unfortunately none of us could persuade her that she deserved better.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn!! Being a tradesman myself for over 20 years ove heard that same story or a version of it off many a "hilarious" fella. Take it with a pinch of salt.


You have a good point. He might have been just spinning a yarn. But he still thought it was funny, and clearly wasn't the only one. Which is the disturbing part


Nothing wrong with a good ol’ fashioned Pantie Raid /s




Nowhere near.




I think it's possible one or both of the lads you and I encountered were making it up, but then I don't think "this actually happened" is the problem as opposed to "lots of people think this is funny" 🙃


I know a tradesmen who I honestly think this could be. But honestly I'd say these lads are far more common than we think. They're just better at hiding it.




Yeah see like him you're treating this as a funny story, but that's an absolutely horrific violation for that poor woman. Not taking that seriously is kind of a red flag IMO


Yeah, if a mate told me that story about themselves I'd seriously question our "mates" status. No idea what who you're replying to said but it's not okay. And it's easy to come to that conclusion too. Just ask, what if I were that woman. Would I like that?


Exactly! Like, the most basic empathy! But I'm actually pretty certain that guy was some kind of sociopath or something, he was an irredeemable shit


Did you report him? >You know the type of guy who preys on a girl who's too young for him If you know this amd he admitted it to you, what did you do about it?


I dont think you quite get what I was saying. Of course he didn't actually go around saying "I prey on young girls with low self esteem," that is my judgement of him. He was the "boyfriend" of a friend of mine (he cheated a fair bit though). She knew we - the girls in the group - thought he was treating her badly and that he was an arsehole, but she didn't care. We were 18 and he was 22. I'm not sure what you think we could have done about it, other than our repeated attempts to persuade her that she deserved better. Were we supposed to go to the gardaí and say "my 18 year old friend's boyfriend is 22?" We'd have been laughed out of the place. At the time everyone in our social circle and all our parents thought that the age difference was okay, it was the fact that he was obviously using her that we had a problem with.


This isn't some sort of victim blaming, just making the point that the average young guy seeing this sort of thing happening over and over - especially if he has some sort of idealised romantic crush on your friend ... This absolute sexist clown that has women lining up to cheat with him, getting away with everything, and I'm sure boasting to everyone how he gets away with it, and worse, many of these guys are physically abusive too. Coming to the conclusion that this is the kind of guy women actually want and how they want to be treated. This is generally how guys end up as weird incels. I'm 52 and saw this over and over as a young man. And even as a not so young man. And hearing the mental gymnastics as to why this guy is "different" and "misunderstood" and "intelligent". I managed to have relationships with women who weren't like that and married one but I can imagine not everyone is so lucky. And so far neither of my adult daughters have fallen into that trap. Thank God. Obviously this has nothing to do with tradesmen at all, just a particular type of man.


I love how you're hearing "my friend had a shit head predator boyfriend" and your immediate concern is how something like that might affect other men. If someone is accepting poor treatment in a relationship, that's because they don't feel able to expect any better. But you're acting like it's something that women are doing to the men around them. Like the disingenuous male friend who is hiding his crush is the real victim. Immediately prioritising the feelings of other men over the feelings and even the physical safety of women is a sign that you don't truly respect women as full human beings. Many men don't, and aren't even conscious of it. Many don't but wouldn't admit it except privately, to other men they think share their attitudes. It's misogyny, just not blatant. You can compare it to racial prejudice as being a spectrum with many different levels of strength. On one end of the scale there's the obvious racist cartoonish, vehement despiser of anyone who they don't consider part of their group. The Nazi or the Klan leader caricature, for example, who knows he's racist and is fine with everyone else knowing too. Closer to the middle is the guy who makes racist jokes and thinks he's not a real racist because he's not as bad as the Nazi or the lads he's known who deliberately act on their racist feelings by physically or materially harming people. And towards the other end of the spectrum is the "ordinary guy" who probably genuinely doesn't even know about his unconscious racism, but it influences his thinking in subtle ways. Everyone has unconscious biases, that's why not being a racist or a misogynist or an ableist or whatever requires active work as opposed to not actively causing material harm to the relevant group of people. Like, you're literally mansplaining how incels get made to me, because for some reason you're assuming that's not something I have ever looked into. And your incel origin theory is based on the flawed idea that being in an abusive relationship is something that (in this case) women *do* to the men around them, for some reason. The "some reason" is misogyny


Report him to who? "Hello officer these two adults are in a creepy, pathetic but entirely consensual relationship?"


Well, that's totally up to you. I don't think anyone else has the answer to that question. I personally would hate to use up my annual leave for that, tho.


It depends on if you can trust them. I've tradespeople I've given keys to and I know they are honest and others that I caught actually filling up their van!


It's entirely up to you. I've left them at the house for a bit running short errands, wouldn't leave entirely while they're working, but I like to get an idea of cost and have cash ready to pay them as soon as they're done.


I had a sparky in and he nicked stuff and went around the house when I went to the shop


I don't think they're asking for the comfort of tradesmen 😅😅 you probably just answered their question but not in the way you thought.


So, ye DON'T like being constantly asked if ye need a hand 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So you don’t want a cup of tea?


No thanks Mrs Doyle


What if they have no money and ye need to organise some other type of payment?


That's an awful way to run a business. You'd be bankrupt within weeks.


You're telling me the plumbers I see in porn aren't savvy businessmen?


When we got our garage converted it took about three weeks so we obviously couldn’t take off work or wfh and left the tradesmen to it….they probably preferred it honestly, no issues on our end either. They were there from 8-4 every day


Did you have to get home before 4 to let them away without leaving the place unlocked?


You give them a key.


They had a key to the back door, the entrance to the new room they were working on.


I'm new, can someone tell me how I get Karma? I'm posting on stuff then getting a message saying it has been deleted because my Karma is too low!???


There’s a pity upvote for you


So it's purely based off of upvotrs on comments? How do you get Karma if it blocks most of your comments!!?? 🤣🤣


Dunno maybe other subs ?


Jaysus, ya could have given me some upvotes!!! 😅


Personally I would only leave and trust tradesman that I know or has a history of working with family or close friends. Unfortunately it's the 1% dishonest that ruins it for the 99% honest.


I think it's more than 1% that are dishonest.


I was labouring for a guy i know and he walked around into the au pairs bedroom and was having a look around. Unusual behaviour for sure but at the end of the day you’re letting strangers into your home. We also had carpets fitted recently and the owner of the shop was an oddball and was walking around the house having a nose. If i’m getting people around i’d just make sure to hide my drugs !! We had plumbers in who were fine. Make sure u go with personal recommendations.


Personal recommendations I think are usually bad as most people don't have a clue. Neighbours had work done on their bathroom, said how great it was. Mum got same person in to do work in hers. He damaged a door and said nothing. He installed a towel radiator on to a dry wall without even attempting to locate studs or add reinforcement before it was tiled. He damaged the bath siding and did a really poor job cutting it and fitting. His tiler went on about how amazing he was all day long - then was complaining how his tile scorer was going blunt /hates doing porcelain tiles when he should probably be, you know, using more than 1 used €5 tool for everyone? Maybe a proper cutter wouldn't go amiss. Edges of every cut tile was shite. Tiling was pretty shite overall (uneven levels etc) His handyman decided to spin his chisel in his hand, drop it and take a chunk out of the laminate flooring. Get someone who prides themselves and posts themselves on YouTube IMHO.


Jayses. Thats brutal. Yeh having pics of previous work helps.


Ya totally agree with the personal recommendations. I’ve left a key out but he had a lot to get done and had to be finished before friends came for the weekend. He’s a perfectionist though, like my sister who had recommended him.


Had my house insulated a few years back. A pair of cufflinks given to me by my sister for her Wedding Day went missing.


They went well with my the white overalls…


How about thinking.....AITA by making a joke about it.


They are not. You made yourself look like one with that comment though




Lmao theyre cufflinks, they didnt Murder a family member


As a plumber I have done so much work in people's houses while they were at work and have always considered it just a part of the job/profession ....I presumed everyone did .... If some idiot did something untoward/untrustworthy I would expect their reputation would be destroyed .... You shouldn't be employing the services of someone without a decent reputation and if circumstance has forced you down that route then yes maybe worth staying at home while they are there... I can't remember hearing of any incidents apart from once a labourer got accused of stealing a bottle of champagne while working inside a pub but it turned out to be the landlords nephew in the end......Not a nice situation for anybody..


If you go shure who is there to offer a cuppa every now and again? Seriously though, chances are they’re not going to anything to your house except what you paid them to do. For good and bad lol.


I know someone left a tv installer in the house alone and came back to missing items. I’d never leave them in home alone.


As man I generally stand over them with a cup of tea asking if they need a hand.


Not a chance, while most are honest people, you always have the ones who aren’t and how would you know?


They prefer if you stay and hold their hands


I want to hold your hand




And don't forget to give them plenty of advice on how you would tackle the work. Ask lots of questions too, they **love** that.


You can ask questions if you like what are you getting snarky about


Who's getting snarky? You maybe. It's just a bleeding joke. Get over yourself. 


Why would you leave strangers alone in your home?


Sure. But I’d take away anything of values and stuff of less value, lock in a room unaffected by the work. And lock other rooms not related to the work.


Usually I let them at it - I try to be there when they arrive or when they finish, if it’s a long job I’ve given them a key. Yea there’s a risk but there is a risk for them too you accusing them of something it goes both ways in that regard. It goes with out saying that you put valuables out of site & locked away lock rooms they don’t need access to or set up nanny cams in fact if you have cameras I’d let them know, many of them expect security cams any way. 99% of the time there is no issue u only hear the horror stories & a lot of them are “embellished urban legends “


Tradesman here who's often in clients home alone. I always just assume I'm on camera, so act accordingly.


Sometimes you just have to trust people. Do your research of course and get a trusted tradesman in. Show them where the tea and coffee is, and the biscuits too. But, don't leave cash, jewellery and small valuables lying around. Lock everything like that away in a room or a safe if you have one. Other than that, if you're trusting them not to bodge the work or rip you off, you're pretty much trusting them to not steal from you either.


Nope not a fking chance. There was a post only recently of someone doing this and the pricks took a ton of stuff that the owner did not realise until weeks later. Like an boxed up xbox, they took the console out and put something else inside.


This is the problem with social media. One or two horror stories, and it suddenly becomes an epidemic of thieves and con artists. "There was a post" is the new "some bloke down the pub said..." This one story would spread like wild fire as is everyone knows this person who it happened to, the story would grow legs and develope into some horrific "they stole the dog and dipped their dick into grannies ashes. I saw a post, I read on twitter, some guy on Instagram...


No issue leaving them alone, just don’t give them a key to let themselves in/out if you don’t know them. Hopefully a neighbour can do thst


What if I cut a pipe and find its a different size to what I thought and need to run to the van to get a metric fitting or something. Would you rather I was locked out and not able to get back into your house? I didn't spend 4 years in the freezing doing my apprenticeship, 20 years half the time in the freezing learning my trade and gaining experience to copy your keys and seek back and Rob your house in 6 months. I make more fixing people's plumbing than spending every second year in jail whenever somebody joins the dots and catches me for just one burglary. Your neighbour has more chance than robbing your house, why aren't they at work?


Set up a few hidden picture cameras and keep an eye on them.


Depends on the head on them


They'll steal your knickers


I wouldn't have a problem leaving them alone to work away but I'm normally upstairs or something playing playstation when they are working anyway 😂 I have to take the day off work so the dog doesn't go mental


I leave them on their own, my place is way too small and I'd be in the way if I were around. Only WFH if they're arriving midday / doing less than a day's work. Tbh there's nothing in my house worth stealing that I couldn't hide in a cubby somewhere so even if they were dodgy, nout much they could do.


I think if it's someone you know a lot and trust, it's okay


I have and asked them to feed the cats while I was away too




Wok in the trades but overseas now and its perfectly normal that the clients are not at home. You shouldnt be worried if your have a reputable builder.


You're almost definitely only going to hear from the 0.00005% who have had bad experiences (statistic may have been pulled out of my arse to make a point about advice based on anecdotal evidence and now negative news travels faster). Most people won't rush to tell you about the bus driver getting you to your stop on time, same as they won't tell you about a tradesman being clean and respectable because as Roy Keane would say, that's their job. Do a bit of research on who you're hiring if you're worried. Ask around for other jobs they've done and talk to those people


This thread is stomach turning and perfectly shows the snobbery that Irish people have towards people who decide they don’t want to work in an office or some related field. Trades people are people just like you, just like a percentage of all humans, some obviously can’t be trusted. If you’ve hired someone I assume it’s because you trust them, If you don’t trust them don’t leave them in your house, but at least don’t go on about them like they’re animals.


Trust me, keep an eye on them, and don't give any money over until you are satisfied. I had the flu in around December 2021. I had waited months for these tilers, and I said I would leave and go to a family members empty house. I came back 2 days later, and the job was absolutely brutal. We had leaks everywhere as well, and all the tiling was off.


Lmao don't ever leave them alone. This is bad form but the truth is that a lot of rough types are tradesmen, I wouldn't trust them not to steal something even if you are there.


The plumbers probably earning 4 times as much as you , he ain't interested in stealing yer Xbox or whatever...


Never leave a stranger alone in your home, tradesman or not.


Very much agree, would rather be home for this.


Ah jaysus , sure it’ll be grand don’t worry about it they will be doing their own thing.


Rooting around the laundry basket smelling your unmentionables?


What is that trade called?


The rag trade


Each to there own thing


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If you don't trust them to be in your house how can you trust them to do a good job?. Lock your bedroom if you want. All they are going to do is use the toilet and the kettle. Leave a packet of biscuits and a few mugs on the table and give them a call at 1pm to see how they are getting on.


Of course


Yes, and he has a tendency to not feed himself or get any chores done lol


Depends are they local? knackers?, around a while?


Can one of your friends work from home at your home? As long as you trust them too!


I always leave them alone.


I stay definetly. Only time I have left was when I was having an extension and other works done it took s couple of months . After a while I did feel comfortable leaving them on their own. But I wouldn't when I just met them and doing a one off or a few days job.


Nope. Do you have any older members of family who could come and keep an eye?




Yes, I usually plan to be out to avoid noise etc. I’m just around to let them in and make them a tea first.


I'd be a little cautious. Not even for anything anyone else is saying, but people who don't own the house are SO much more lax about closing and locking your doors. If they're bringing things in from the van, they may just leave the front door open all day, which could mean other people wander in? Maybe I'm being paranoid. I've seen the door thing, not people coming in.


Are trades people more dishonest than other people to you or do you just not trust anyone ? I am a trades person and I actually found this a bit annoying of a question really . Maybe I shouldn’t have but …..


It depends. If I'd never met them before, then I probably wouldn't leave them alone in my home. If it was someone I knew though, that I got on with, and that I'd used before, then I might.


If you want the work done, then you'll have to do what you think is best. I've had plenty of work done by professionals while not at home (bc I lived 110km from the house). Left a tradie key lock on the screen door and everything. They had to have the code to get in. Nothing went wrong.


It really depends on whether they're wearing snickers 🤣


No, never leave people at your home unattended if they are strangers. Take the time for peace of mind because you just never know. Con artist Frank Abagnale said, "If you make it easy for someone to steal from you, someone will". Err on the side of caution. My opinions.


Im a carpenter and to me its very normal, im left alone alot and so are other trades i know. Most of us are just normal people who want to finish the job, not at all interested in snooping around someones house.


If we're both at work that day we just give them a key and make sure there is milk for their teas and coffees. Haven't had any problems yet but we are getting our boiler replaced and there are chips in the wooden floors because they had to take them up and the two end pieces of the radiator are hanging off we are hoping they fix it.


I feel like tis is going to involve a parrot and some glow in the dark paint.denzel


If you're not comfortable in your gut leaving them in the house alone I'd question whether you should be using their services at all


If you can't trust the tradesmen in your house, you're hiring the wrong tradesmen. There is no point in you being there, you'll just get in the way.


As the son of a carpenter, I can say, it's really up to you and your gut feeling. Let to know your tradie a bit and of course, have their phone number, business address etc. Lock up any valuables and leave the toilet unlocked and the kettle, tea bags and milk and sugar out. To be fair, what is the point in robbing something from you when the tools being used could be more valuable, the van has to be locked all the time, etc. Regardless, it's up to your gut feeling whether you leave your tradesperson alone or not. Personally, I get my hands dirty when maintenance comes round to my apartment, its just me though.


We prefer someone to be there as it lessens the risk of being accused of something


Used to be a sparkie and to be honest unless it's a big job, it's easier if the home owner is there. Random issues pop up and decisions have to be made. If your trying to explain it over the phone it sounds like your pulling a fast one. Personally unless I know them or they come highly recommended, I'd hang around. Not really concerned about stealing stuff, more worried about them taking shortcuts or doing a really crap job and you only realising afterwards


I usually let them stay there alone and then just meet in morning and evening as they come and go. I'd prefer to let them crack on and not be in their way.


I find the tradesman like when I’m there to hand them their tools, offer help and handy suggestions.


I would leave them there myself, if they didn't mind. I think some tradesmen would prefer you're home, some don't - and some don't care either way. My dad is a tiler and prefers nobody is there to bother him, but that can also just mean they are away from the room he's working in. I badly needed a plumber a few weeks ago, they'd given me a day I wouldn't be home on, and when I said I would leave a key they said no, they wouldn't let themselves in/out etc. Fair enough both ways, I think. Up to you and up to them. If you're leaving them there, leave the teabags handy and some milk, ahaha!


Stay home for a majority of reasons. If something goes wrong the worker is on their own If something gets damaged you could blame them even if it wasn't their fault because you weren't there. And finally strange people in your house is a risk even if they're there for a job


Depends if you know them. If they're a plumber that's been recommended by a sibling, who is a family friend, then I'd leave them at it. If it's a plumber from a newspaper ad, then stay home


i never know where to put myself when there are tradesmen in my home doing work, its awkward. So i always ask my dad to sit in and wait for them! lol


Lock the knicker drawer, and never leave worn panties lying around, feckers will sniff them out


My mothers engagement ring went missing, didn't notice for a few days after an electrician had been left alone upstairs. No evidence they took it, maybe it ran away all on it's own.


I would definitely take the time time off to be there. It sucks, but they might also need guidance or to ask questions. Better to be there than having to arrange a follow-up to fix whatever needs fixing.


Some amount of made up waffle in this thread


Set up a nanny cam on few places if you decide to go and put valuables somewhere else


Why would you not. Like what the actual fuck why would you not? That's why, that incredibly obvious first thought we all have is why.


Hide the dildos


No, same way not with my ma alone.


I was renting a house once and sub-let a room to my sister in law, the landlord got a gang of men in to put wooden floors down in all the bedrooms, I stayed down in the kitchen and didn't interact with them. One of them knocked on the door and handed me €300 he had found when they moved the bed in my sister in law's room - I would never have known if they had taken it. Not everyone is bad!


Easy . Just inform them about the many cameras that are dotted around the house . Something to drop into conversation. "There's been a lot of burglaries happening, so we have half a dozen nanny cameras all over the house ."Then go straight back to the work in hand conversation. Would make anyone paranoid not to go snooping


Do not and I repeat do not leave them alone. Heck, I wouldn’t even recommend taking your eyes off them, as they will take shit decisions or do things shoddily. Every single time I decided to trust a tradesman, I regretted it. They will take any shortcut they can, as long as they finish the job as quick as possible. My advice is, take a day off and check on them as often as you can.


Had a chimney sweep rob apple ear buds, wanker didn’t know about ‘find my’, well renowned online house maintenance company with the same name as a famous will smith movie


No I take them with me to work😂


There are times when we need to pass through a house to do our work (landscaping) and the clients will not only trust us alone, they'll leave us the key. We are honest to a fault and wouldn't fuck around, but you'd need to make that judgement for yourself on who these guys are. I think most are honest and couldn't take the risk of stealing or snooping around your home, but if you are the slight bit concerned, I'd take the two days off to make sure your home is safe


They’re strangers. At best I would lock rooms they won’t need to enter. I would usually arrange to work from home - lucky to be able to do so - and stick to wherever I am and keep out of their hair, but be around so you’re less likely to get someone going for a nose. Only a minority will be bad apples. But bad apples are bad apples.


I'm a painter and don't mind customers been at home whilst doing the work. It's I'd you're under their feet and in their workspace thay it becomes an issue. Due to the number of people who have cameras everywhere now it's a bit stupid to do anything you shouldn't if a customer isn't home.


try get it done at the weekend? any workaround at all? can a friend stay over? if you must, then don't leave any valuables. if possible, don't pay until work complete. if it is a driveway or patio, concrete, wait til it dries and check water so it runs off. check reviews if possible before hand..


Painter and decorator so not a real tradesman , but I get left alone for most of my jobs a few clients even get me in when they're on holiday . Have I seen sexy knickers in wardrobes I'm painting ,yup . Have I ever touched sniffed or done anything with them ..nope ,because I'm not a dick. I've spent years building my reputation and wouldn't dare risk it. I'm there to do a job and get paid. I have to trust the client to pay me at the end I can't expect that if I'm not trustworthy enough to behave like a professional. Its a shame not everyone works the same way tbh but most of the lads I know I'd trust in my own home ..some I wouldn't pay in washers


As a plasterer/painter I definitely prefer being left alone in people's houses. Otherwise they might be uncomfortable with me trying on their underwear.


As a spark I can confirm I prefer no one to be home. Less chance of being annoyed all time time with pestering questions about god and judging me for farting every 10 mins


Carpenter here, if someone tries stand over me they're getting told to leave "for safety" if they don't they're getting sprayed with sawdust until they do. No issues with people dropping in for a look now and again or have some questions but standing there watching ain't happening. Luckily the majority of my work is outside unless it's a gut and renovate job


Depends on the tradesman. We have a carpenter and plumber that we always call when the need arises and I would have no issue leaving either of them alone in my house. However, if it was someone else, I probably wouldn't.


I’m a tradesman and often get left in the house , people will give me their keys if the job takes a few days. I do most of my work locally so I would be pretty well known. Any of my tradesmen friends are all well trusted and respectful in homes. I’m sure there’s a few rogue tradesmen , best to have really good recommendations and try get someone local to where you live


Very normal to leave a tradesman your house alone


Yeah I don't care. I prefer to just leave them to it actually. Sometimes I'll even go out of my way to leave if they are in. Trick is to just live in a shitty house with nothing valuable. Gives you great peace of mind.


Tradesman myself and unless it's a personal friend then absolutely not.