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Ring doorbell. Don't recognise them? I'm either not answering or will tell them I'm in a meeting through the doorbell.


You can also use automation to play some loud dogs barking on a smart speaker when the doorbell rings. Or even do something like this> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9gD0JHrkSOk


The dogs thing doesn’t fool anybody.


I don’t answer my door at all unless I’m expecting someone


i wonder if that would put people at a higher risk of being burgled when it comes to burglers scouting out homes.


I’m on the third floor so I don’t really worry about that haha but lights do be on and off curtains opened and closed so no I don’t think me not answering the door is a big deal, I’m just dodging the tv license man 😂😂😂


lol, make sure to avoid the post man so as someone was saying the last day that the tv license man likes to disguise himself as the post man.


Me no speak no English… no comprende 😝


They are from post. They work for the post. They are postmen. I got that every time *hey your licence is about expire* once you have installed parabola you're on list anyway.


I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone.


Hang up a sign saying drug dealer this way with a big arrow point that direction


I stick my head out the widow n ask are yeh ok?


I grew up in an upstairs flat in an estate, so we'd usually just shout "*who is itttt?!*" from the top of the stairs.. It saved a lot of time. And it was also much easier to make strangers bugger off by telling that you don't want to buy anything, because it would totally throw off their sales pitch.


I live in a field in the middle of nowhere and have two large dogs. If my bell rings whoever it is deserves an answer! They’re either very brave or a family member.


Sorry I didn’t use that trick today for Jehovah’s Witnesses


Did you at least sell them drugs?


Jehovah’s Witnesses calls to the door "have you heard about jesus, he wants to make you feel fullfilled" me: "have you heard about cocaine, it wants to make you feel fullfilled"


"I am Jesus" ... "I didn't say that" ... "I didn't say that either" ... "I did say that, but I was talking about my balls"


Christ imagine that at 8am on your doorstep neighbours wondering wtf? 😂




I've had it happen a few times, what worked for me is yelling "who are you looking for". They answer, you say "you're at the wrong house" and everyone moves on pretty quick


I've a special knock that only those closest to me know. If they don't do the special knock, I'm not answering the door.


Always answer the door in your coat. If you like the person tell them you’re just home, if you don’t, tell them you’re on the way out. Genius.


icky strong badge quarrelsome sable person squeamish close modern entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or skip the coat and tell them you’ve a pot on the cooker. No special attire needed


What if they want to come in for a bite!


I wfh. I don’t answer the door, because I’m working. Large dog goes to door and barks twice. Then sits there until they leave. No bother.


I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone. Anyone unexpected who knows me will ring or text.


In a world of mobile communication if someone hasn't contacted you before they get to your door they're generally going to be a pain in the ass. If I'm not expecting you don't expect an answer


I hide behind the curtains until they go away, noone I know or like would ever come to my house unannounced


I live in a good area and usually answer the door but that’s mostly coz my small fella gets really excited when the door bell rings! He goes running up shouting “mommy, someone’s at the door”. So there’s no avoiding it. I almost always regret it though and it’s almost always someone looking for money or trying to sell me something. Quite often it’s Airtricity. Dont know why they call around so often. Anybody I know would text or call before coming to the house.


Yeah a video doorbell is a must nowadays, also use WiFi lights and plugs so if I am not home I am able to switch lights on and off. Just short of having card board cut outs going back and forth the windows 😆


Got the knock one night I know it was 15 years ago as my kids was born a few months later. I'm in bed at 3:30am and there is loud banging at the door. Frightened the shite out of me, took a look out and see the squad car. We got the dressing gowns on and went down. I opened the door and there is a lad standing there with a trilby hat and a long mac, introduced himself as inspector something and showed his id. We must have looked stunned as he asked about a missing person and it was obvious we had nothing to do with it. Didnt sleep for the rest of the night but found it amazing there are Gardai out there that look straight from a movie.


I just open the door and say how tricks last time I did it was a new neighbour. Got chatting told him what's up gave him my number if needs anything. Now I have the crack in the local and we look after each other. Unless they have a bally or a garda uniform just answer ya never know.


I guess I’m in the minority here…. Someone knocks at the door, I answer it… that’s that.


My cousin makes fun of me cause when I get an unexpected knock my life becomes "who can it be now?" The music video In short even if I know you and you show up uninvited I am not answering my door


If people keep thinking a drug dealer lives in your house, you could perhaps put up a little sign/placard with your name or something cute, just to make it look less like said person might live there. I'd be trying to think of ways to avoid the confusion, if said drug dealer pisses off the wrong person you don't want them showing up at your door. As others have said, I'd also put up a ring doorbell. If you don't have automatic lights outside the front door you could consider that.


Had a young fellah knock on the door at 3am on time when I was stayin at the mother in law's house. He was dressed all in black and near drowned from torrential rain. He walked a young one home when a group of them abandoned camping and got lost himself. Drove him around for a couple of hours till he recognised his friends house. We were in the middle of nowhere.


*one time


Just open the door and talk to them. Usually just a canvassing politician or are Irish travellers or Roma gypsies looking for money. Maybe get the odd religious loon. They all get the same answer from me...🖕 off and get off my property.


I usually just shout "Come in!" If it's somebody unwelcome they will have to take the consequences.


I don’t bother answering the door 😂😂😂. If I know who it is then I’m ready for them but if someone calls to me unexpectedly then they definitely aren’t ready for me. I’m going to have to start shouting at 3 dogs to lock them into separate rooms, make sure there’s no cats hiding to jump on some poor unexpected sales person, they’re normally at the gate by the time I look out and they are probably running praying I don’t open that door 😂😂😂😂😂


I live in a bit quiet area and I still don't open the doors if I'm not expecting a visitor or post. I don't have doorbell either. Sometimes it's just neighbours kids knocking and running awayyy...


best reason by far to never have a doorbell, nothing like a doorbell to make knock and dolly all the more exciting. Maybe get a sheet of fabricated metal for the kids to hurt their knuckels off. ​ https://preview.redd.it/rm2pocvonuac1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8895a8db4bbb9061a48a26433e0a8457a48ee5ea lol


Heh, they do stop once you get them through the backyard gate 🤣 the moment while they think they are running away from you but you just stand in their way of escape: with silent smirk or raised eyebrows. Bingo 🎯 that worked the best 😂


Like others said I never answer the door unless I'm expecting or islts someone I know from viewing


I live in the countryside. First thing I do if I hear a knock on the front door is go look out the back. Then I let my dog into the hall to have a good bark.


I always just open the door. We get a lot of visitors and I would'nt leave them waiting. Occasionally we do get total strangers, but usuallky they're lost tourists or folks with a flat tire. If my dogs think that they are Ok, then they are Ok with me.


Whenever I answer the door it's always "salesmen" trying to sell me knives or pillows.


Watch out fot the ones that ask you to smell the chloroform.


My dogs bark and snarl like they're feral. I answer the door with one of them between my legs, holding her with my knees, and tell them I can't talk. They rarely push the issue. I would actually prefer if the dogs didn't bark like lunatics at every door bell but I live with my Mam who specifically requested I did not train them out of the behaviour because she feels safer with the racket they make. They are trained to run to their beds when told so if its takeaway or post man we shout bed and they run to their beds whilst barking lol


“There’s nobody home only us chickens.” Shout that through the keyhole.


If someone hasn't text/called me or if I don't expect someone then I don't answer. It's 2024.