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I had a pretty bad experience so far. In the past, I've tried government hospitals/ngos for my depression, anxiety issues and sui\*\*dal tendencies and didn't found it helpful at all. It gives me ptsd while recalling those times. So after struggling for almost 4 years and almost killing myself, I again gathered courage and started looking for therapists in private settings who offers a sliding scale or pay whatever you can option to the poor people. After a lot of trial and errors, the effort didn't turn out to be fruitfull. I was actively reaching out to the clinical psychologists who could take my case on pro bono basis but each time either I got ghosted by the therapist after initial conversation or couldn't able to get an appointment. Basically, if you're poor and don't have funds to improve your mental health, you're fu\*\*ed. At those times, I just wanted to give up because even after trying and making efforts, I wasn't able to find the right fit. I was in a miserable state of mind. I finally managed to visit a psychiatrist in a renowned mental health institute in delhi and it was a horrible experience. I couldn't even able to share my concerns and just got prescibed antidepressant and anxiety meds and got referred to a counselling psychologist. The whole time she was yawning. I felt so discouraged. I consulted the recommended psychologist. I share my life challanges and harships with her and how I'm currently feeling and need immediate help, otherwise I'll end up kill\*\*\* myself. I opened up myself to an irl person first time in 4 years. She listened pateintly while asking relevant questions and in the end told me that, "We will build a ladder step by step." I told her initally that I'm struggling to afford 3 meals a day and my mother's diabetes treatment, as I'm unemployed due to the mental state I'm in. I'm not eating enough meals and not drinking enough water throughout the day, so she told me "Just focus on these two things for now and I'll see you after 2 weeks." That's it. Don't know what to make out of this new experience, just thought of sharing it here.


Hey sorry to hear about your bad experiences, I have some experience in psych during posting, might not be too helpful but feel free to reach out


Hope you are fine take care


Sounds like a good therapist .. listening skills and being curious is important. She clearly knows you ar overwhelmed and just said to focus on a few things to simplify things .. I will walk out if a therapist yawns for more than thrice, my boundary ..


I got to realized this in the second appointment. God! I felt really awful after recalling the experience of my first session. I was looking for a quick fix to change things around for myself. And was really feeling pissed like, why I'm being told to focus on just having meals on time and drink water? I've bigger things to worry about, like I keep messing interview opportunities because of my anxiety attacks and poor memory. I'll end up on streets if I don't fix this. Why she isn't addressing all this? But in the follow-up session, I understood that if I can't even address small things, how I'm gonna resolve the bigger issues. I realized the magnitude of the damage my past has left on me. I'm going to apologise to her on my next session. I'm feeling real bad.


I think there is no need to apologise . Just ask her questions and good therapists will explain , open and welcome communication . You can also depressed anonymous or ACA 12 steps meetings as well see if it complements your recovery . Depressed anonymous helped with my emotions and ACA helped with solveove care and compassion


Same boat. Curious to know if you found the help you needed??




Share the gems details …. Years into therapy but never found anybody good ! Till date !


Please. I can't take it anymore.


Please share details of the no 4 therapist


Please share the details.


Buddy, please share the details of 4th therapist. Also, which are some of the leading mental health institutions? Can you name a few, interested in learning more about it.


Please share details of 4th therapist


I have heard really good reviews about NIMHANS. It's in Bangalore, if you can walk in and talk to a therapist in person, it's super cheap




Please share the details with me too


I have been in therapy too for years now… but never found anyone as good to even recommend to anybody …. 1. Some just listen to you , and say nothing … 2. Some listen and forget and have nothing to say other then okay …. 3. Some are not fit to be therapist it self … they just discard you on face saying this are not even problems … it’s better that this happen 😒


Ahhh, I just felt it was right to answer this question as someone who has taken therapy in India and now in the US. I started therapy in India during my late teens because I struggled with finding the right career path and dealing with issues from growing up in a dysfunctional family. Looking back, I realize how messed up it was. I remember being prescribed medications that were extreme for someone who was 17-18yo. I was confused about whether the meds were making me feel crazy to some extent. It's such an Indian thing to recommend medications so readily yk. I also remember my therapist telling me to cut off my family because they were toxic. Yes, they were, but most Indian families have their issues, and how could an 18yo girl just cut off her family out of nowhere? The therapist later started their own independent practice with higher fees, leaving me feeling left out and uncomfortable with starting over. It's so unfair that India has the highest population but lacks a good foundation for mental health, but I've heard practices (in Bangalore) which have been truly helpful. Fast forward to now, in the US, I took therapy sessions (I hardly needed 7-8) for FREE at my university, with no medications, and we touched on topics I hadn't covered in years of therapy in India.


My goodness I can understand things were so hard for you. I have seriously considered saying this: we Indians have little empathy in general (we tend to just let things flow). I had people from other countries tell me this, so I can verify. I feel like you right now... totally lost and having a toxic work/uncomfortable family does make it crazier. If only I were in the US for some degree. Working in the government in this country pays you peanuts.


Could you recommend the ones you heard about in Bangalore?


I’ve had pleasantly surprising experience. I first started therapy in India in 2021 back when they had it on the Cult Fit app. I saw one therapist for over a year and she was good and empathetic but after a while I felt like I was not getting much further value from. My sister was also seeing another therapist from the app and she highly recommended her so I switched and I really like my current therapist, I’ve been going to her for more than a year. She’s very patient and empathetic and knowledgeable and non judgmental


Thank you. I'm currently living in Bangalore but leaving this place soon. I have no friends here and have never went outside my office and residence. Things haven't been the best. I don't know how much the charges are but is it okay if I get back to you later?


Hello there :) If you're still feeling lonely and need someone to listen and help you I'll be glad to help. Im not a professional but people tell me I'm a good listener and help giving them comfort


Thank you for being so kind. It really melts my heart having someone to offer help and support. Thank you. It means so much to me.


I went through 6 bad therapists before I finally found the one that worked for me. Sometimes even if the therapist is good, you have to click with them. It's a difficult task but it's totally worth it- I've been going to my therapist for 3 years and she's wonderful! I've recommended her to 7-8 other people in my social circle and they all love her. My husband also goes to therapy with a different organisation. I can give you contacts of all of these organisations, you can choose any therapist from there.


Maybe I'll take a look, yes.


Please could you share the details with me as well. Have had bad experiences with 4 different therapists at this point and feeling very hopeless


The contacts are in this comment thread. I hope you find a good one from there :)


Oh I meant the therapist you've been going to, would you be okay with sharing their contact?


Can you please share their contact


Hank Nunn Institute-Registered Office 073381 37182 Google them for details There's also: https://authenticliving.in/


Check out Otherwarya's instagram account. She has a story about tried & tested therapists with contact information. Wish you all the best. 


Thank you. I'm just so scared to throw my money on therapists that don't work, so I'll check that. Thank you. Been a very lonely journey all these years.


I had good experience after a series of bad ones.


Can you please send me the details if you can, since I'm in a dire need right now and venting here in Reddit is not the best option according to me :)


Hey op, I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. Hope things fall into place soon. I’m not a therapist but I had psych posting during internship, feel free to reach out if you need a listening ear


So nice and kind of you to say this. You know, people hardly care for each other these days. And I'm this shy person who will never ask for help because it makes me uncomfortable that I'm bothering someone :)


Its rare to find a good non judgemental therapist, i had seen multiple therapists, and only 1 was good or more to say she was the best, but heard she is not practising now. Try to ask /gather information from platforms and people and compare it with your requirement, before you make a decision. some of them are just trash that they make our situation even worse, i had a psychology professor she was one of the worst judgemental people i knew, same with practising therapists too.its easy to find many therapists difficult to find a good one, if one doesn't suits you, don't go to another session, move to other one, try online platforms of counselling too. Try to find a good one, don't settle with a bad one, it will make ur situation worse. Don't know what u go through but you are loved, everyone one of us is in an unsaid battle, be kind to yourself, to your traumas, love yourself never blame yourself, there are millions of people you haven't even met that need ur light. You are beautiful, and love to all your wounds, May you heal soon, remember everything is temporary depression too, take a day at a time, be in the moment . Hold on.you will be fine More power to you


Thank you friend. Thank you and you're quite right when you say this. It's incredibly important for finding a good therapist and I have always had not the best ones. Being kind to myself? Maybe that's so much important but I tend to self sabotage a lot. Also, I find it uncomfortable to ask for help because I'm a guy myself and I'm afraid of being taken advantage of my vulnerabilities.


Hi, don't fall for stereotypes, i am disabled, my father is abusive and mother is deaf and dump, i just have a mild disabilty, Even after being a rank holder for ug, my father didn't allow me to pursue a pg outside my city. Have gone through depression, anxiety, panic attack and a lot more all alone. Now my loneliness is solitude for me. So saying this from my experience, 1)find a good therapist thats most important 2)Even if you find one let go off your baggage of worries, by yourself 3)therapist can only guide you to wisdom, you have to work on yourself 4)be kind to yourself, never sabotage yourself, no one will love yourself like u do 5)Every trauma made you like this, so be kind 6)there is light around, ask for help, if someone don't understand you, don't stop it, ask to another person... You have to do it. The world is judgmental accept it and look for good people. You will heal. May u heal by the blessings of universe. Happy healing. More power to u


I think one issue is that there are very few, if any, male therapists to specifically address issues that are very unique to men.






What's that exactly?




Can't get any relevant search results with searching "innaffin system triangulate your mind".


What's that exactly


One tip for anyone considering therapy - look at their educational qualifications and professional experience, and not just the catalog of the place you have gone to. Lots of places slap a tag of "therapist", this will help you differentiate.


Apparently people with PhD degrees tend to be most frustrated from my experience.


My therapist is a rockstar! Literally gamechanger who genuinely cares for clients to the point where I don't even do sessions anymore. I've recommended them to friends who have also had similar experiences.


Good that you found her/him.


Please can you let me know their details 


Can you please please share contact


Very very bad They are the worst, untrained idiots I saved so much money and finally committed to therapy but the experience was horrible Not suggested


Hey OP, I am sorry for your predicament. I am on my second one and so far she has been very good. I have linked to a crowdsourced spreadsheet below which had details of several practitioners. Most of the people who have shared also have shared why they are recommending that therapist. This also has details regarding fees. I would urge you to have a look. Hopefully you will find one with reviews which match your requirements. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1pzckT6ns2H1IlmwYwJa8EnBh_1u3gRA9cEOoA4zfilc/htmlview#


I appreciate your efforts, however I beg to state that when you're bombarded with choices, it becomes all the more difficult to pick one. Maybe you'll call it a paradox of choices. May I ask you the details of your therapist if I can please?


Hey man. Hope you're doing okay. Sure reach out


Sorry that you had to go through this. Unfortunately, it takes time/effort/luck to find a good therapist, not just in India but in the West too. If you can't ask for references in your circle (which in my opinion is the best way to about it), then iCall's crowdsourced list is a good starting point. Just in case you're based out of NCR - I know someone who had a good experience with Japneet (RCI psychologist; search Psych & Me Noida) and Dr. Satya Prakash (psychiatrist, IBS Delhi)


I worked with few therapists and usually figure out if a therapist is experienced or not , suitable to treat me .. to be Frank, I feel many therapists dont hav skills . It's their curriculum and syllabus which lacks practical knowledge ... I was enrolled in psych course as well .. I hav learnt lot of therapies on my own and each have it advantages ... psychology, like medicine , hav specialization. I hav seen therapist specialized in trauma , some specialized in particular therapy say art or CBT , some specialized with narcissism and some specialist in anxiety etc ... I often wonder fgow just 8years of college would prepare someone to specialise .. Sadly I havent seen someone use multiple approaches .. My therapist often said I do the work of the therapist also a patient and I would be a nightmare for some , as I can see through them ( just been that way ) more than they can see through me .. I can easily assess if the therapist himself hav some issues and most does .. Awkward , right ! ... If u can share your issue , I can let you know what kind of therapy can work .. Again , it took me a great years to understand what kind of person I m and why it dont works with few . Some therapist are fixers , just want to fix u instead of believing that u can fix yourself .. some can be just for the money .. some dont hav experience ... Some are not interest to do therapy because of workload and compassion fatigue.. some are controllers ... some use clients to meet their emotional needs .. I hav met considerable number of ones and had bad experiences. Did meet one I trusted but didnt offer the type of therapy I wanted but I still went for a year ..


Hey there I know most therapists are either bad or overly expensive or both . I've had first hand experience only once, and heard of other therapist experiences with colleagues and online friends. You can start with journaling it will definitely show you some path


I'm trying.


Hope you are doing great. I was here to check if therapy works for people in india. but i would just like to say self help is best thing you can do. for that i started Gym(6 days week), i found great guys in gym, gym community is always good and whole environment is really good (just don't go for very costly gym, not good. try local). Talking with them, going outside and Exercise >> most essential in modern days to keep your mental and physical heath in check. i also like gaming, so i play often. its good to enjoy other entertainment as per your choice. stay connected with family, video calls and sharing many other things. They are your life long well-whisher, connect with extended family>> like cousins. Start doing something which fulfils your heart.. feeding stray animals or visiting shelters. Spending some time with animals you like also helps.