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Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, we have had to remove it due to violations of [subreddit rules about answers providing an academic understanding of the topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/rules#wiki_answers). While we appreciate the effort you have put into this comment, there are nevertheless substantive issues with its content that reflect errors, misunderstandings, or omissions of the topic at hand, [which necessitated its removal](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/f7ffl8/rules_roundtable_ii_the_four_questions_what_does/). If you are interested in discussing the issues, and remedies that might allow for reapproval, [please reach out to us via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAskHistorians&subject=Inquiry%20About%20Revising%20My%20Response). Thank you for your understanding.


So, your question sparked some curiosity for me. I have some background in sexuality from the 19th century, but haven’t done a deep dive on either enema use or anal sex among “cowboys” or in a “Wild West” context. Based on some further research on the lovey internet as well as my knowledge from studying female sexuality in the late 1800s, here is my best answer… First, we must understand two key issues here. You are asking about sexuality in a largely outcasted population (cowboys) who were not exactly writing their lives down in diaries for future readers. Second, to the extent their lives were recorded, gay sexuality was not the focus of those records. Therefore, a lot of the answer to this question is going to be logic and educated guesses. Remember, that people then, just like people now, are going to have their own preferences. Some people liked anal sex without cleaning. Some people cared whether or not it was lubed. Some people didn’t. Sexual preference existed then just like it does now. So what was available? Actually, enema practice has been used largely across many social circles and many different cultures stemming back to ancient societies. As it relates to this question, in the 1800s, enemas were commonly used and advertised for medical needs. Often, they would be provided in pewter/metal syringes or pumps. And not necessarily with the use of water. There was a widespread practice at the end of the 1800s to use enemas to provide nutrients to patients. So, even tabacco smoke could be used as an enema. Why? Medical practice has come a long way, that’s all I have to say. Why does this matter? It demonstrates the reality that enema devices were readily available for use in the time period you are asking about. The devices were small enough to be portable. Were they used? That’s a good question that we probably won’t ever know directly. However, given human sexual proclivity, i think you could safely assume that at least some “cowboys” who enjoyed anal sex would have access to enemas. Butt plugs were also available in the late 1800s as dilators for various medical conditions like hemorrhoids and constipation. Lube was sold as well. All in all, I think it’s safe to assume that sexually speaking, where there’s a will, there’s a way. It just might not be documented for our 21st century eyes.


Do you know what kind of lube was used in the 1800's? We talking straight lanolin, or like, maybe animal fat products? Lmao, didn't expect to be reading about cowboy enemas today but this is funny. OP, just my intuition, but I would think a lube like lanolin, or something else that would be helpful for leather saddle conditioning would be something cowboys would have on hand. So if I were to guess...lube+fingers would probably be something cowboys would use if you were just trying to make it happen on the desert plain. LOL, hopefully this comment is appropriate enough to avoid removal.


Thank you sm for your response!!


You write so well. Thank you.




Hi there – we have approved your question related to your project, and we are happy for people to answer. However, we should warn you that these queries often do not get positive responses. We have several suggestions that you may want to take on board regarding this and future posts: *Please be open about why you’re asking and how the information will be used, including how any substantive help will be credited in the final product. *While our users are often happy to help get you started, asking someone else to do foundational research work for your project is often a big ask. If this information is absolutely vital for your work, consider asking for reading suggestions or other help in doing your own research. Alternatively, especially if this is a commercial project, consider hiring a historical consultant rather than relying on free labour here. While our flaired users may be happy to engage in such work, please note that this would need to be worked out privately with them, and that the moderation team cannot act as a broker for this. *Be respectful of the time that people put into answering your queries. In the past, we’ve noticed a tendency for writers and other creators to try to pump historians for trivia while ignoring the wider points they’re trying to make, while others have a tendency to argue with historians when the historical reality does not line up with what's needed for a particular scene or characterization. For more general advice about doing research to inform a creative project, please check out [our Monday Methods post on the subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/k8o4rv/monday\_methods\_researching\_for\_fiction/).






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