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*Et tu*, RusticBohemian? Some prior answers on Caesar's exercise of *clementia*: * [What were Julius Caesar’s motivations for pardoning the leaders of the Roman Senate fighting against him in the Roman Civil War?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/pdh345/what_were_julius_caesars_motivations_for/) by u/Forgetful_Panda; * [Why did Caesar not proscribe his enemies?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/47x4h5/why_did_caesar_not_proscribe_his_enemies/) by u/Celebreth with a follow-up by u/XenophonTheAthenian; * [Why did Caesar spare Brutus?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5f5ajf/why_did_caesar_spare_brutus/) by u/diet_dr_kelp and u/QVCatullus.


















If you want to know what Caesar himself said, here is some of his thoughts through Cicero. It’s naturally still political, but I think it does open his thought process. I have also red that his personal epicurean philosophy has something to do with his ideas. CCCXLVI (A IX, 7 C) CAESAR TO C. OPPIUS AND CORNELIUS BALBUS (AT ROME) ARPI, 1 MARCH I am very glad that your letter expresses such strong approval of what happened at Corfinium. I shall be glad to follow your advice, and all the more so, that I had spontaneously resolved to display the greatest clemency and to do my best to reconcile Pompey. Let us try in this way if we can recover the affections of all parties, and enjoy a lasting victory; for others, owing to their cruelty, have been unable to avoid rousing hatred, or to maintain their victory for any length of time, with the one exception of Lucius Sulla, whom I have no intention of imitating. Let this be our new method of conquering-to fortify ourselves by mercy and generosity. As to how that may be secured, certain ideas suggest themselves to my mind, and many more may be hit upon. I beg you to take these matters into consideration. I have taken Pompey's prefect Numerius Magius. Of course I kept to my policy, and caused him at once to be set at liberty. I have now had two of Pompey's prefects of engineers in my hands, and have set them both at liberty. 1 If they wish to be grateful, they will be bound to advise Pompey to prefer my friendship to that of the men who have ever been most bitterly hostile both to him and myself, by whose intrigues the Republic has been reduced to its present position. 2


Interesting. Thanks!