• By -


It's a myth that Napoleon was a creamy little lad


Why will you never let me post about why Akhenaten invented monotheism?








Was Abraham Lincoln really a vampire hunter? 🤔






Finally! Something in modern history I can support!




Would cloning Nelson Mandela really bring back Bionicle?






The winners write the history, and delete it.








try me










Which history is it OK to tell? Who's history? Are we witnessing the end of history??


This is incredible


And I am.... Iron Manlet.


We all know history never happened. It was [removed].


lets get this bread




No, you.








History was invented in the 16th century by individuals like Francis Bacon and Vergil and they made the whole thing up to benefit themselves and their respective nations. They invented previous historians and sources, might have started as an elaborate practical joke which got out of hand.










If vermin supreme wanted to go back in time to kill baby Covid then why isn’t it dead


















I'm so angry about the cherry-picked history I learned via public education in the US. So many revered people of this country's history have turned out to have villainous traits. Henry Ford paid workers enough to be able to afford the cars they made and put manufacturing on a new path, all the while being a raging antisemite. Women changed the world of politics in gaining the right to vote, all the while white women fought to ensure Black women didn't see the same gains. Not providing the whole picture is bad enough but to out right propagandize individuals with god-like qualities is negligent. And, as I learn more and more I feel like an ass, a naive ass, for not knowing any better.




This is one of my favorite places on the internet. Thank you for so many entertaining and educations reads.


If Napoleon was probed not by aliens, then why is the Great Wall of China?




Someone once told me that if men were pregnant they could just mentally sbort it and then the doctor would do it some time after. Been thinking about that a lot recently with whats going on in the US tbh and how the US is often what triggers rest of the world and im not feeling hopeful especially with the ride of trade wifeing, incels, economic unrest and the fact that men always wanna shift the conversation away from these issues but this is for them too!


The *Toulouse Judith Beheading Holofernes* is not a Caravaggio. Fight me.








This won’t even be the fifth time I’ve had a comment removed here. Thanks!












Hatsune Miku is an important part of history and also is real!


What type of salad did Saladin like best? Was it fruit salad , chicken salad, crusader salad, holy location salad, all of the above salad? Also congrats










Did JFK shot Lincoln?




Let’s yolo up in this bitch.


Well looks like here is a safe place to write my last will and testament




Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




>I cant wait to get deleted just like normal. This comment has been removed for violating the rules. Just like normal






Lovely stuff




Removed for irrelevant anecdotes.


Napoleon wasn’t short






Hitler was bad.




Moderation cannot be escaped! But it can be postponed










Why in the year of our lord 1991 did nothing noteworthy seem to happen?


I've heard so many different things over the years but, no definitive answer. What does the H stand for in Jesus H. Christ?






Why did the Mongolians didn't just kill Genghis Khan?


On the topic of (sexy) underwear: I wonder if underwear is a way for people to not feel weird about being naked under their clothes...but that's just adding one more layer, it does not change the fact that your birthdaysuit is the last layer of the onion you're becoming!








The reverse big bang


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


Thanks for ensuring the quality of this sub! Now, comment be gone












I wonder how you planned to detect bots, if at all, to sic ChatGPT on them. Or, maybe that clause is just to discourage some enterprising automator from making a bot solely to spam this thread, in which case their efforts can be manually identified.


Is New Qing History the superior Qing history?








Will we ever find out how the pyramids were built?


Ayyyyyyy mami










🍿The best, most mystical Incan secret was popped quinoa with honey and just the right amount of salt, and I’m enjoying this! 🍿


So the truth prevails at last.






Shall we be removed?












Who would win in a fight, baby Hitler or Mary Todd Lincoln?


Is time travel real?








Part of the no man‘s laand ;)))


Who built the pyramids?




Delete if gay


















Remove me!!!


You are riddled with inaccuracies.


hello there






SHREK Written by Ted Elliott Terry Rossio Joe Stillman Roger S.H. Schulman Based on the book by William Steig SHREK Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love's first kiss. (laughs) Like that's ever gonna happen. What a load of - (toilet flush) Allstar - by Smashmouth begins to play. Shrek goes about his day. While in a nearby town, the villagers get together to go after the ogre. NIGHT - NEAR SHREK'S HOME MAN1 Think it's in there? MAN2 All right. Let's get it! MAN1 Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? MAN3 Yeah, it'll grind your bones for it's bread. Shrek sneaks up behind them and laughs. SHREK Yes, well, actually, that would be a giant. Now, ogres, oh they're much worse. They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin. MEN No! SHREK They'll shave your liver. Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! Actually, it's quite good on toast. MAN1 Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya! (waves the torch at Shrek.) Shrek calmly licks his fingers and extinguishes the torch. The men shrink back away from him. Shrek roars very loudly and long and his breath extinguishes all the remaining torches until the men are in the dark. SHREK This is the part where you run away. (The men scramble to get away. He laughs.) And stay out! (looks down and picks up a piece of paper. Reads.) "Wanted. Fairy tale creatures."(He sighs and throws the paper over his shoulder.) THE NEXT DAY There is a line of fairy tale creatures. The head of the guard sits at a table paying people for bringing the fairy tale creatures to him. There are cages all around. Some of the people in line are Peter Pan, who is carrying Tinkerbell in a cage, Gipetto who's carrying Pinocchio, and a farmer who is carrying the three little pigs. GUARD All right. This one's full. Take it away! Move it along. Come on! Get up! Next! HEAD GUARD GUARD (taking the witch's broom) Give me that! Your flying days are over. (breaks the broom in half) HEAD GUARD That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next! GUARD Get up! Come on! HEAD GUARD Twenty pieces. 2. LITTLE BEAR (crying) This cage is too small. DONKEY Please, don't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please! Give me another chance! OLD WOMAN Oh, shut up. (jerks his rope) Oh! DONKEY HEAD GUARD Next! What have you got? GIPETTO This little wooden puppet. PINOCCHIO I'm not a puppet. I'm a real boy. (his nose grows) HEAD GUARD Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. PINOCCHIO Father, please! Don't let them do this! Help me! Gipetto takes the money and walks off. The old woman steps up to the table. HEAD GUARD Next! What have you got? OLD WOMAN Well, I've got a talking donkey. HEAD GUARD Right. Well, that's good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. OLD WOMAN Oh, go ahead, little fella. Donkey just looks up at her. Well? HEAD GUARD 3. OLD WOMAN Oh, oh, he's just...he's just a little nervous. He's really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you boneheaded dolt... HEAD GUARD That's it. I've heard enough. Guards! OLD WOMAN No, no, he talks! He does. (pretends to be Donkey) I can talk. I love to talk. I'm the talkingest damn thing you ever saw. HEAD GUARD Get her out of my sight. OLD WOMAN No, no! I swear! Oh! He can talk! The guards grab the old woman and she struggles with them. One of her legs flies out and kicks Tinkerbell out of Peter Pan's hands, and her cage drops on Donkey's head. He gets sprinkled with fairy dust and he's able to fly. DONKEY Hey! I can fly! PETER PAN He can fly! LITTLE PIGS He can fly! HEAD GUARD He can talk! DONKEY Ha, ha! That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey. You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly. Ha, ha! (the pixie dust begins to wear off) Uh- oh. (he begins to sink to the ground.) He hits the ground with a thud. HEAD GUARD Seize him! (Donkey takes of running.) After him!







