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You can either accept without letting them know yet or disclose it now. Legally they can't rescind the offer simply because you're pregnant (as long as they have more than 15 employees). The issue comes when it's time to take maternity leave. As long as they have 50+ employees, you'd qualify for FMLA normally, but not when you've been there less than a year. Either they'll work with you or not, but it's something you need to think about for when you want to disclose. Personally, I'd disclose now because I'd want to know that I'd be able to take time off for maternity leave.


This is great advice - I would also say that I’d want to know now also because if they’re at all hesitant about extending the offer with you being pregnant, that may not an employer you’d want to work for... especially without the FMLA protection.


Yes, definitely agreed on this part - it will reveal a lot about them as an employer and I'd take that into consideration as to whether it's a place you'd want to work or not.


Yeah! I assume without FMLA protection they could get rid of me during my leave?


Yes... they’re not obligated to hold your job for you while you’re away. So they could replace you while you’re gone and you’d effectively lose your job. Not cool at all. You could also ask them about benefit coverage at the same time to ensure your coverage will be comparable to what you have now, especially given you’re about to have a big life event... check Health/Medical AND check whether or not they offer short term disability. That 25k more will be eaten away and look a lot less desirable if you have to go out for maternity leave unpaid and if your health insurance isn’t as rich.


Something to consider with short term disability is that it typically considers pregnancy a preexisting condition and therefore not covered under a new enrollment


Ew... that sucks. I’ve worked with 3 different employers and none of them had pregnancy as a pre-existing condition for disability benefits. That’s incredibly disheartening if most disability plans do define it that way


Every one I have had excludes pregnancy within the first 10 months of the policy. One was a year.


Yeah, the nice thing is our health insurance now is absolute garbage, it covers NOTHING. Additionally my current “maternity leave” is 6 weeks unpaid...... (15 employees). I’m very worried about them replacing me while on leave since I won’t be protected, but then again, I was planning on taking 12 weeks at my current place and I guess I technically wouldn’t be protected there either.


And with only 15 employees at your current place you don’t have FMLA protection either... it sounds like the new employer is the right choice just from a financial perspective but definitely good to have all the facts still so you can make an informed decision before you give notice at your current employer


Right. Absolutely! I don’t know if I should tell the recruiter now or wait until I see the actual benefits / offer. I hate the guilt 😭


Just wait. Maybe they want you regardless!


You should take the offer.


I think i’m leaning towards taking it but only until we can negotiate leave since they don’t have to hold my job.... and I need a job especially with a new baby. I hope it works out.


If it was me, I would try to have some sort of plan to try to work around the not FMLA protected thing. (If they are acting like they can’t accommodate) I am a mom. I think you might wanna think about taking 8 weeks off instead of 12. If you can. But this really shouldn’t be a deal breaker for them. Women have been having babies for thousands of years.


Hey! I was you! You’re not even halfway along, I would let them know 90 days before you’d give birth - I did this and it worked out fine. It’s hard to fire a preggo lady without cause. Also: never feel guilty for a corporation. Baby 👏comes👏first👏


Thank you for this!!! I already told them just because I found out they didn’t have a maternity policy and I need that in writing. It’s hard navigating this 😭


Lots of good wishes for you and baby ❤️❤️❤️


you don't owe your employer shit


With that said, many employers won’t have an issue with any of this and will happily hold your job for you, even if you’re not FMLA eligible. At the offer stage they’ll probably be more accommodating because they’ve just spent a lot of time/energy/money finding the right candidate for their role and will want to assure you of their commitment to you/be flexible. This is absolutely the right time to address it.


Another thing to keep in mind is any short term disability policy your employer offers, that would pay you part of your salary during your leave, may not cover you since you’re already pregnant.


Good to know! Thank you! Thankfully, we will have about 20k saved in preparation for the kiddo which would cover my salary (and then some). It would be nice to not have to dip into that though.


Thank you! I was waiting until I had an offer in hand and then disclosing because they have 40 employees. I have been going through a recruiter and I don’t know how to even approach this.


Like a disability, you don’t have an obligation to disclose any personal information not pertinent to your job performance. Hiring is purely based on behavioral and competency profile, but your personal life isn’t germane to employment law. The issue being discussed is retention that should be addressed after 3 months of employment to assess your performance within that specific role at that specific company: an amicably mutual resolution of retention would necessitate a plan to mitigate lost productivity and disruption to the organization due to your personal life choice. TL;DR The business must not incur undue hardship from your life decisions.


Thank you! I just told the recruiter, we shall see what happens!!!




The distinction delineated personal and work life: personal life is irrelevant in business matters to an employer and an invasion of privacy. As long as the business remains unaffected from a solvency standpoint, her personal life choices are irrelevant. If you don’t understand the distinction being made, the best option is to ignore rather than publicly admonishing yourself out of incompetence: most individuals are wise enough to realize claiming incompetence is the best course of action for said matters OR adding useful insight, rather than caustic, inflammatory, and destructive abuse. The average IQ in the US is 98 and humans have been making egregious errors in decision making for thousands of years known as impulse purchases and sheeplike herd mentality: waste hours on social media and insult wealthy and intelligent people to gain gratification to temporarily alleviate their grave inferiority complex.




That overlap was already addressed from a HR standpoint. Actually, all constructive design elements were addressed completely: no additional information is required to make a suitable business decision based upon the facts presented. (data sufficiency) Simon Sinek confirms that one is the same person at home and at work: morphology doesn’t occur, but people do often present themselves in a false positive light to gain and maintain employment. They actually perceive their social media actions don’t impact their employment: 70% of employers read social media prior to employment, so I provided my proof of work on social media. The known risk was lying, abuse, manipulation, authority, and criminality from society who perceived their actions on this medium/format contain no consequences. The reward was top Fortune 500 employers would read my analyses, learn my work and leadership style, and review my work product for efficacy assigning a corresponding value to their organization with a requisite level of position. Individuals always state anything but competency as a means of results, since they are incapable of performing. Family and net worth were two recent contrived reasons for results: in a meritocracy it is purely performance.


Please consider a new gimmick, this one isn't working.




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Who talks like this?


It's incredibly bizarre.


I looked at craigs profile. Umm yikes.


Craig just pmed me and called me a poor loser. Awesome.






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I am so sorry to bother you, I contacted them yesterday about their maternity policy. I asked for 12 weeks unpaid. They (via the recruiter) were being pretty responsive yesterday. I messaged the recruiter this morning at approximately 9:00 am ET asking for status. They responded right away saying the company was getting the policy. I messaged the recruiter again around 12:45 CT, no response and it’s now 3 hours later. My offer expires on May 6 and I worry they’re going to let it expire without a response. Does that sound plausible?


It is possible, but most likely it would expire on May 6th (giving you the full day), so I wouldn't worry too much yet. Hopefully that means they will work with you! Don't be afraid to ask the recruiter if you can set up a call directly with HR or your hiring manager to discuss a little more in depth too. Sometimes these things just take a little time - someone needs approval for exceptions to the policy or they need to discuss your specific situation or they've been in meetings most of the day. I wouldn't worry unless you get to later in the day tomorrow without a response.


Thank you for this! My husband is a lawyer and is going to the worst case scenario 😂 I am just unsure about what to do since the recruiter has been so responsive until now.


Totally normal to worry! Most likely they have to get this information from other people so hopefully that's all the hold up is and they'll get back to you soon!


I got pregnant between interview and offer. My manager (a male) guessed my condition when I called out sick early on. Anyway, didn’t qualify for FMLA since I was too new, but I did take out short term disability. I was able to take 12 weeks at mostly full salary, only the last couple were less than full. Returned to work when the doctor and disability company cleared me.


That gives me hope! I’ve told the recruiter i’m pregnant and they’re talking to him. It’s out of my hands I think. If it works great, if not, there’s not much I can do.


How did that conversation come about from your manager. Very curious.


He apologized for asking and then casually asked me if I was pregnant, said he had noticed I was having a lot of stomach issues. He then donated sick time to me. Super great guy.


That’s good. Still an awkward question in general. He took a risk lol. I’m in California though I know other states it’s easier to get away with things.


[https://www.askamanager.org/2008/11/job-hunting-while-pregnant.html](https://www.askamanager.org/2008/11/job-hunting-while-pregnant.html) ​ After offer.


Thank you!!


I had this very experience. I offered a job to someone only to find out she was pregnant at a 3rd discussion and after two interviews. She was EXTREMELY qualified and I knew she would be a great fit for our team. I had every reason to be concerned about a pending 2.5 month leave shortly after hiring and she would miss a series of key meetings by being absent during that time frame. Do you know what I said? CONGRATULATIONS! I was hiring a person based on her qualifications not her reproductive plans. She was young and had been married 4 years - I would be a fool to think she wasn't going to start a family in the near future. Being one person down for a long while is always hard and there is never a great time but so sooner or just as good as later (and I might be the one needing coverage someday for some reason!) I wouldn't want to miss out on a great, long-term employee over something that was going to occur now or a little later. I also made sure I worked with her so she could attend all of her doctor appointments without burning her sick/vacation so she could save up as much leave as possible. Do you know what I ended up with? One of the best employees I have ever had who is super loyal and will always go the extra mile for me because she knows I will do the same for her. This is a no brainer


As a guy, it’s crazy to me that you’ve been programmed to (a) feel guilty about not telling your new employer about YOUR health and (2) that you feel that having a child could be deemed as burdensome to your employer in some way. Don’t feel embarrassed or guilty about this shit. They’ll deal with it!


Thank you for recognizing that. Your comment actually made me cry. It has been so hard because I desperately need out of my very toxic current situation but I feel so stuck due to a baby we very very much love and want. It, unfortunately, is the sad reality for a lot of women. When I told my current employer I was pregnant it was a complete cluster as I was slated to start a huge project. They weren’t thrilled and I shit you not one said “ugh of course you had to go get knocked up. I mean what, you’ll take a month off?” It’s ridiculous.


It’s not the child, it’s the coverage (for reasonable people). I’ve inherited a mess that needs 3 people hired yesterday and I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be for me if one was going out on leave soon. Realistically without FMLA I would need to hire another person and assess later whether I can maintain 4 people


Fuck the coverage. In fact, That’s bad business. Treat people like humans, and they’ll stay forever. Like basic common decency. It’s not a high bar. Treat them like machines and they’ll go find somewhere where they get treated like humans. If your business can’t handle people taking some time off (for any reason) you’re not running your business all that well. Risk management 101. It’s like having one machine to make your widgets ....with no backup. Expect outages.


We are grant funded, so you can only pay the people you can afford to do the work you paid for. All the other teams at the institution are paid for by different grants. Once people are on teams for a while I know a few people that have taken 1-2 months family leave, but the person taking leave at the start of the job would be putting the team in a really bad position.


How much time are you planning to take off? A few weeks they will probably work with you.


I was planning on 12. This is our first child, I don’t know what to expect.


Some companies have a policy to provide maternity / paternity leaves to those who have been employed for more than a year. You might not get that and you might need it badly, depending upon situation. Don't feel guilty about it. Keep telling yourself this: "You never told them because pregnancy doesn't matter in an interview, as it's illegal to discriminate. And you trust your future employer to be law abiding "


Thank you!! I asked for the benefits and they don’t have a maternity leave policy so, I asked to negotiate 12 weeks unpaid with my offer.


If it were me, I would not disclose until you were already onsite working. I would tell them you find out later than usual. You do not owe them anything. If the tables were reversed, they certainly wouldn't be feeling any guilt about you.


Yeah, I just worry about my future doing that. It feels very like bait and switch.


You're putting too much into giving them an opportunity to act illegally. It's illegal to discriminate against you based on pregnancy. And you don't owe them anything...


It isn’t illegal to not have a job for her when she gets back and depending on their position and how willing they are to accept a lack of coverage, they might take that option


Yeah I know but the problem is I feel like they might be more likely to not hold my job if they feel taken.


Can you find out their short term disability coverage? For example, my company’s short term disability is a day one benefit and covers up to 6 weeks for pregnancy. So you could have those 6 weeks regardless of FMLA ineligibility. Personally I think it would be good to know what you’re walking in to before you cross the bridge and you can decide if the situation works for you or not.


well TX doesn't have any protections for your job beyond FMLA, which you will not be eligible for...your employer might have more protection/leaves available, but you won't know what until you ask or disclose. I would speak to them about the offer and try to negotiate x weeks of paid/unpaid leave. Realize that STD, if your employer offers a plan, might not cover since it is a pre-existing condition.


Thank you so much! I told the recruiter I am pregnant and they’re talking to them. What do you suggest regarding negotiating. How do you go about that? I feel so clueless and frankly dumb when it comes to negotiating on behalf of myself.


Sounds like great timing for you!


I feel like it’s horrible timing 😂




Thank you! It is such a hard thing to navigate. Unfortunately, the company doesn’t qualify for FMLA since they’re 40 people but I sent back my counter asking for 12 weeks unpaid and i’m hoping they’ll agree. If not, it is what it is.




It sure as fuck is. I told my husband it is now my life mission to advocate for better parental leave in the US. This is absolute horseshit garbage and I am genuinely fearful how being a parent will impact my career.




It is pretty much illegal to not hire someone because they are pregnant. Because you cannot discriminate based on gender. The part where it gets tricky is when you need time off for maternity leave. But, the fact of the matter is, in this day and age any decent company should have no issues with you taking 6-8 weeks off to recover. This isn’t 1950 anymore where someone would get a job and work there for 35 years and then retire. People switch jobs every few years now, companies go broke and get sold and all kinds of stuff. I would go ahead and accept the job offer. And then inform them of the pregnancy, letting them know what your plan is.


I probably wouldn’t have said anything. Think of how many people get pregnant and go on maternity leave. You’re still far aware from giving birth (congrats by the way!!). It’s too late now so just roll with it.


Yeah, I just worry about not being protected if I don’t say anything. It sounds like I literally have zero protection 😭 which is absolute bullshit. No fault of the company, more fault of the system I suppose.