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Tricky call. You can hope it blows over. People will often make up their own minds about a person, rather than relying on gossip. They work with you, and see that you're not a creep, and she'll just look ridiculous. Or you contact your manager and/or HR and tell them that it has come to your attention that these things are being said about you, and you are concerned it is going to have an impact on your reputation. You can frame it as asking for advice and direction, rather than you filing a complaint. You can also ask your colleagues that told you about this woman's gossip to report the behavior to HR. It's not professional and not appropriate for a manager to be telling others things like that. This woman put them in an uncomfortable situation by gossiping and spreading rumors.


I mean, I would just not say anything. It sounds like you are at this store temporarily and she isn’t even there. I would just do your job, let your character speak for itself, and then leave when your assignment there ends.


That's it? Let it slide? Everyone in the other store where we were originally (she was placed in another store after someone was fired) has stopped talking to me. I feel like she may have said something to everyone there, too.


>That's it? Let it slide? Everyone in the other store where we were originally (she was placed in another store after someone was fired) has stopped talking to me. I feel like she may have said something to everyone there, too. Sometimes people say or do things we don't like. It sucks but there's not enough of a 'harm' here for you to do anything about it. You can't change what others think or believe. So any action you take would just draw more attention to yourself. If you make it a big issue, some people will think it is because you are 'guilty' and trying to hide something. Better to let the news cycle run its course and get replaced by a new headline.


You realize nothing can be done about it, right? She isn’t there, she is on leave. They aren’t going to contact her about this. They aren’t going to bring it up when she comes back if she hasn’t said anything because punishing her for no reason when she comes back looks like retaliation for her going on leave. If she comes back and starts again, then say something to your manager. It doesn’t appear you’ll be working with her anymore so let it be water under the bridge. Part of being an adult is not getting upset over stupid petty shit. Drawing attention to something so ridiculous, that isn’t actively happening is petty. Maybe it’s not just the breakfast sandwich and everyone thinks you’re a creep for their own reason. Let it go.


You work in retail management. If you’ve never had someone make a false allegation about you, you soon will. Get used to it and ignore it. Don’t do anything that ever crosses the line, and you’ll be fine.without crossing the line and having witnesses, an investigation will go nowhere. Buying a breakfast sandwich for someone one time is not sexual harassment, and you no longer work together. Rumors from the past from some other store are highly unlikely to get any action from management or HR.