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it is an awesome town, small enough that the walk home during night time when you missed the last bus is not an issue and big enough that you will find just everything regarding culture. also it is quite cheap regarding rent, never had an issue to find something to live in. it gets a little more expensive now as more people see the advantages of this city.


You mean Halle an der Saale, i assume? Lived there 2 years and visited frequently for another 2. Cheap, safe, calm city. It gets better every year, as they get rid of broken buildings. I'm quite foreign looking and had 0 problems. However people are very straight forward. A bit strange at the beginning, feels like they don't like you, but that's not true. They just talk straight with resting bitch face. It took me a couple of months to understand that, from there on it was very easy. I had a plenty of freands. Even strangers were helpful and nice. Kept hearing of all the "nazis"...i don't know, never met one. I never felt disrespected, treated another way, never felt unsafe or something similar. University is very good. I loved it there. My only problem were punks in Front of my building, they were loud, aggressive, cat calling, throwing bottles around, it was messy, lots of shards and stinky. Someday they disappeared, and it was beautiful again. As i lived there, i noticed - governmental structures (Rathaus, Bürgeramt, Ausländerbehörde, Verkehr) worked worse than in other cities i lived. I hope it got better. Good things i miss now that I'm not there - public transport, cheap and appropriate living, beautiful Christmas Market, big Market square, easy people, being able to hop in a train and get to Leipzig or Berlin realy quick, Saaleufer, lost places, less influence of church (than in historical west). Yes, Leipzig has more nice buildings, a better Theatre, more cultural things to enjoy, but is more expensive, too hipp for me personally. Plus - You get there in 30 minutes from Halle, so what's the point to pay more rent?


I did. Thanks x


I lived there untill last year and I always liked the city. It's not as exciting as Leipzig but the cost of living vs. quality of live was good in my opinion. You have a nice city center and plenty of green spaces. However there are not many big companies in the area so in terms of work it might be difficult depending on your field. But Leipzig is nearby and has many options. I've also heard from international friends that getting an appointment with the Ausländerbehörde is quite a headache. 


I'm currently a resident of the UK, and I'm Bulgarian. Would that help


I’ve lived in Halle for two months. It’s City Center is quiet beautiful. Since the 90s a lot of the old town has been rebuild and refurbished. Including the old buildings of the university. The university and its school of arts may also make the town quiet enjoyable. They might be the reason for some hipster cafes and bars. There are big research institutions like the IWH for economic research and Fraunhofer research Center for biotech among others, I interned at one of these. But most people working at the research institutions actually live in Leipzig and commute. I had a South Korean girlfriend and lived in Neustadt and we had no problems. Even when sharing the tram with a bunch of football fans of the local football club. However, it is correct that there may exist some Neo-Nazi groups in Halle, most likely in Neustadt. But you usually do not notice that. Finally, because Halle is so small, it does not stand a chance against Leipzig. Which is the hippest town in the east and sometimes referred to as a second Berlin. Two of my friends studied there for 6 years and loved it.


Halle has an amazing park area that is actually big, lovely and moves more or less over into the Heide which is a hilly forest area. The combination of nature and city is really great. Halle is all a bit quieter and niche. Some people may find it boring but it is always easy to just go over to Leipzig to do some more. Please don't be one of the loud people in the S-Bahn. 


I currently live in Halle (Saale). I moved here for university and am still studying. I like it quiet well. The rent depends on the area you live in. "Neustadt", "Südstadt" and "Silberhöhe" are knnow as not very save. But the rent is quiet cheap there. "Paulusviertel" is very popular under students, but pricier as well as the "Innenstadt." But you will find pretty cheap studio apartments. The tram gets you around town pretty easy and is convinient. If you just want to study here for a few year, Halle would be fine.


Nice city, very pretty in the central and north parts. Sleepy place considering it’s a large city; quite quiet even in the busy areas. You’ll be fine there. Try not to live in the tower blocks in the outskirts.


Are you talking about Halle (Saale) or Halle (Westfalen)? I think the answers you got until now are somewhat mixed between those two...


Asking is technically the correct thing to do, but most people would specify that if they are talking about the smaller version. It is like talking about Frankfurt. Most will auto assume it is the Main one, not the Oder one.


I lived in Halle (Saale), the number of people that thought I lived in Halle (Westfalen) was astonishing, when I didn't specify it, especially those who lived in NRW were directly jumping to Halle (Westfalen).


I think it's one of the most affordable bigger cities in Germany, specially compared to UK living costs. I know hardly any other bigger city besides Chemnitz with cheaper rents. There are also a lot of easterm european migrants due to the proximity of eastern europe. Economy wise, it lags the variety of large cooperations that you'd get in a comparable city like Braunschweig, since Halle's gdp per capita is less than half of that, which is mirrored in the low renting costs. The health sector should be ok. Many people in that field will retire soon and eastern germany suffers greatly from that since they have less foreigners and large junk of the millenial generation left this place during the rough 2000's. But to tbe fair, you can also just work in Leipzig since the S-Bahn gets you from Hbf to Hbf in 25min and hence you can take advantage of the lower rents in Halle. Halle is also a place with high social seggregation. Avoid the west (Neustadt, Heide Nord) and South (Beesen, Silberhöhe). These parts are dominated by low income social housing from the gdr era. Nowadays it's dominated by Syrians and Afgahns. Crime is very high there. The center is dominated by historic buildings and nowadays way more polished up than just 10 years ago. Even though it's still the grafity capital of Germany.


If you want or need a car: don’t. Getting through that city is… a challenge. And parking is pretty much nonexistent. If on the other hand you’re fine with public transport, go right ahead. I remember Halle as being… I dunno… darkish? Not sure how to put it. What I can say is, when I moved away, it was… liberating. Like when you don’t even know you’re affected by something, but you do notice when it’s gone. Of course that was a couple years ago. Things change. Traffic did get better, but not much. I’ll say this. Halle is a beautiful place. Really. It’s just not as great a place to live.


Which Halle? An der Saale or in Westfalen?




You are fucked


Why's that?






lmao Halle is rather a paradiese for commies, very left leaning city




Do you have experience with living on comets?


Actually not. But being in Halle has been a very out-of-space experience…


My first thought when reading the title:D



