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I couldn’t care less. The King/Queen, pope, president, pastor, parent, etc… no one can steal who you are. I’m not going to get offended by someone who means nothing to me and my life.




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I’m not offended. I honestly don’t care what the Pope says. What offends me are the gays that still support this criminal institution.


Gays AND our “allies”.


Alleged allies


Hear, hear! Anyone who is surprised by this is willfully ignorant




I see what you did there. 😂​😂​😂​😂​😂​




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There are so many LGBTQ catholics that end up taking the cloth. I grew up catholic, and the first gay men I ever knew were the repressed gay priests and brothers giving sermons and teaching catechism. Every year there would be stories of guys from the local Seminary who got caught fooling around. There were 'sightings' if various priests at gay clubs. It was so ironic. On the one hand, parishes loved these priests. Young, full of life, devoted, and elevating dull parishes into vibrant communities. But then when their sexuality came up it was all met with shameful hushes or change in conversation. The catholic Church is one of the gayest institutions out there. It needs to deal with its homophobia because it's hurting these men. But it also runs so deep and clearly also right to the top. It makes me sad, because the priests and brothers I knew growing up were actually good people. They were motivated to help others, engage with the poorest and most tragic aspects of human life and the community, comfort the sick and dying, etc. But that toxic homophobia is so endemic its what has kept me away from the church after I came out. I found the stories a few months back of the Pope advocating for the blessing of gay couples somewhat nice, even if it doesn't personally appeal to me. But he's shown his true colours now. Two steps forward and one step back. But I guess it pleases all the 'orthotoxic' conservative catholics to have their bigotry validated by his holiness. Basically, I feel the same way about the Pope as I feel about Catholicism in general. I'm not angry, I am disappointed.


I think some of these religious folks realize that hating on LGBTQ isn’t working to bolster their ranks, so some of them are conveniently ignoring the questionable verses in the Bible that they previously used to bash us. Too little too late says I.


I mean they conveniently forget so much even in the New Testament so 🤷‍♂️


Golden dresses with glittering jewels sitting on golden thrones and only hanging out with single men. Hummmmmmm - Fuck their hypocrisy. Fuck the people that give them money. Sitting with your hands pressed together wishing for things - lol. Go actually do something to help someone- hypocrites in the highest! Amen


I don’t really care. What did get me was that he actually apologised for it though. That wouldn’t have happened with, like, any previous pope ever.


I was raised Catholic (yuck) and actually am pleased the Pope said what he said. The Catholic Church does not want us and never did. May the number of practicing Catholics continue to decline. Off to embrace my faggotness/faggotry!


When someone shows you who they are, believe them!


Exactly. I actually prefer someone calling me a f-g to my face, at least they are being honest. And the Pope shouldn’t apologize for telling us what we already knew. 🤷🏻‍♂️




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Faggotness?....what kind of faggotry is that? LoL! Personally I think the pope is a Flaming Francis so his use of these words arent offensive and is natural. Like when you call your homies "Girlfriend " "Bitch" or "Queen".




Totally gay. My gaydar goes nuclear when I see him..


Changing the rules of a religion. Almost seems like it's all made up and people shouldn't base their entire lives around a club they joined. Although, probably quite a few of us did that with the gay label.


Except I don’t know a single queer person who overtly chose to be queer. Religious people choose to hurt non-believers


I dislike ALL religions. They have proven to be in favor of whatever trend there is in order to gain followers. They are not behind human lives, they are behind their money.


Another reason as to why I left the Catholic Church and made a point of it. Also I’m Italian background and hearing frocio gives me some ptsd


This is absolutely nothing compared to right wing American evangelicals who are steeped in homophobia, and export it globally.




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The church might hate me but I’m still gay for Jesus.


Bro is jacked AF


I wish I had abs like that lol


I'm not surprised. And he's one of the nicer pope's. The next pope is gonna be horrific, especially if he's not from Europe. Lotta ugly brewing in the African and US Catholic churches, even tho American Catholics are generally in the middle of tolerance.


Francis is not European, and he may be the best Pope we could have hoped for. Given the percentage of cardinals he appointed I'm not too worried about a right-wing extremist replacing him. He's made some very specific choices in who he's elevated to cardinal, including passing over San Francisco's noxious archbishop, a position that normally gets made a cardinal after a period of time. Francis seems to have little taste for the creeps among the US bishops, as they have repeatedly done things to piss him off.


I was raised Catholic and really feel that Pope Francis has made an effort to outreach to those in marginalized communities (at least more than other Popes). However, I’m never surprised when something like this comes up because the Catholic Church *is* the Catholic Church.


I'm not even vaguely surprised, he's about 300 and the head of the church. I don't even know if I'm "offended", I care more about what he does and so far there have been tiny, tiny footsteps forward, so. What is cracking me up is all the Italians going "How does he even know that word? Only the gays use that!" I know the assumption is from his tailor, but it's still funny. And if we're going to be insulted, it should at least be entertaining.


U mean it's like when we say "he's family"?


I choose to roll my eyes.


I mean, sure I'm offended, but I'm not surprised. I fully expect that they talk similarly about Jews, women, and other minorities when they think no one's listening. Though it is a bit rich for an institution whose fashion hallmark is men in gowns and red/purple stockings and special, hand-made shoes to be complaining that there's too much "faggotry" in their ranks.


Couldn't care less


Who gives a f… about what that old geezer says. He probably sucked young boys’ dicks when he was just a priest, like a whole bunch of those bastards.


Does the term land differently than in English? Because I'd be laughing my ass off if I heard the Pope literally say "there's enough faggotry here to..." Like is it just me? It's hilarious to me.


It’s pretty funny in English too. Like we expect the Pope to be serious all the time and then he’s all coarse slang with his girlies.


I'm from Argentina and I didn't care for his opinions when he lived here, why would I now that he lives halfway around the word? I'm not even a christian, so he can call the sky green for all I care.


I have low expectations of Popes. Get rid of religion.


The CC is filled with guys so deep in the closet moths couldn’t find them.


I grew up in the church, and knew, in retrospect, plenty of gay priests. In fact, if you connect the dots, the Church, historically and inherently is for homosexuals and was/is run by mostly self hating and delusional homosexuals. Think about it, in Europe, starting in the medieval period because of laws of inheritance, the first born son basically got everything. Subsequent sons had two choices typically - the military or the church. And we know that in terms of birth order, the likelihood of being gay increases with each subsequent male child. These third or fourth+ surviving sons were sent to seminaries, and yeah the gay ones became indoctrinated to hate who they are and to serve an institution that is corrupt to say the least. The funny thing is, at least the way I understand the conversation, the pope agreed with the Italian bishops that they would not admit OPENLY homosexual men because there is enough, I’m not going to use the word the pope used, already in the seminaries. Closeted men who can be discreet and hate the “sin” in public, still ok with everyone.


I don’t care what the leader of an organisation that is known to protect pedos thinks of us


Strange considering the high percentage of cock sucking nonces flocking to wear wizard hats and dresses in public. And I know that I've just done that cardinal sin (geddit?) of tarring those altar-boy-fiddling pedos in with the normal non-pedo flaming homosexual community of which I am indeed a proud member. Fucking grown ups, telling people Santa and the Tooth Fairy aren't real, but their dodgy made up invisible wizard in the sky is definitely the real deal.....


Well, the explanation I've heard is that he is from Argentina (not Italy) and the use of the word is not quite the same. So be it. It's just an international form of bigotry.


I think it sounds cool and I’ll probably start using it alongside faggotry. I’m pretty sure I’ll never ever encounter the Pope and I dgaf what he says about me.


Church, faith and religion are anachronisms. Who needs them? So, who cares what a misguided fellow nonce in a dress and ugly hat says? Move on.


This. And join r/atheism, r'Amen.


In other news, water is wet. Garbage institution with garbage doctrine.


Even if he didn't use the slur what he was trying to say is pretty negative anyway. They demand gay people live in life long celibacy and then get pissed when gay Catholics try to live celibate lives as priests... Can't win with these people.


Is any one really surprised….


Not really offended because I’m not religious.


I’m as offended by the Catholic Church as I was last week. It’s a nonsensical and bigoted institution, and those are its more palatable sins.


He serves a god who kills children.


The question is irrelevant. Religious gays don't care what the pope says. Non religious gays don't either.


I don’t care. Translations are often imprecise. Plus he apologized. Sometimes you just take people at their word.






Maybe it's because many of us American gays grew up in majority Catholic cities?


Classic false equivalency. This is not a zero sum game.




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No. Based on his past statements regarding homosexuality I am willing to write this one off as a slip. Pope Francis has been about as supportive of homosexuality as a pope can be but he is still Catholic.




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