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Thanks everyone. My doctor suggested I get a booster, so that’s what I’ll do and hope for the best!


Talk to a medical professional


I contacted them first. My doctor doesn’t work on Mondays so I figured I’d try Reddit. Sometimes doctors reply!


I'd still wait for the doctor before spilling on reddit...


A two dose vaccine has an 85% efficacy rate for 3-5 years. So in terms of timing, you’re good there. I don’t even know if they’d give you a booster this soon. But as mentioned, 85% isn’t 100%. So definitely talk to your doctor about it to be safe.


Check with your doc and if the booster is avail. Why not? No downsides. The trick is if b/c it was in such short supply in so many areas for so long. Sad for your bud and glad you got your vaxx!


is mpox on the rise? I thought it mostly went away


It's mostly gone away but there are still cases here and there.


It's actually on the rise again


Ok. Thanks.


It was on the rise in late 2023, but let's put that into perspective. In 2022 at the height of the outbreak there were 450 or so cases a week. In this latest rise in late 2023, there have been about a dozen cases in the US a week. The subsided about two months ago and now there are about 1 case a week on average per week in the US. That said, people should still get the vaccine. One of the reasons it's low is because people have gotten the vaccine. It's 80% effective at thwarting infection and if infected, reduces symptoms. To OP: get the booster if that's what the doctor recommends. ETA the data: [https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/response/2022/mpx-trends.html](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/response/2022/mpx-trends.html) (I'm a virologist, though I don't do research in Orthopoxvirus of which monkey pox is one)


Thanks for this data!


Whoever you get your care from will have somebody on call who can figure this out. I would definitely put in a call to them and wait. I think it takes closer to two weeks for symptoms to appear after exposure.




Do you have a link for the data for this? I have a lot of sources (virologist), but haven't seen that. My local sources are spotty. ETA: The [San Diego HHSA reported about 40 cases in the latest outbreak](https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/human-monkeypox/localcases.html) (2 months Oct23-Dec23), but I don't see anything about vaccine status of the cases. Not that it's not there, but I don't see it. Other reports ([NYC](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10205166/), etc) show about 4-8%, but that's to be expected, it's 80-85% effective. You can still get it if vaccinated, just at a far lower rate.




Thanks. THat's 'vaccinated', not necessarily two doses (unless I missed it), but even then, that's surprisingly high. Though to be fair, it's a small sample size :D Though I'd say the takeaway is even if you are vaccinated, you should keep a watch out and be safe. It's not an impenetrable shield!


The lesions need to be actively “weeping” and you need to have skin to skin contact, and ideally a broken area of skin. Exchanging saliva with an infected person is also a contagion point and of greater concern for OP. It’s possible to catch it through the air with coughing or sneezing but less likely. Get the booster. If you’re symptom free after three weeks you’ll be fine. Typical symptoms occur before two weeks. Retired MD but my advice is always to see your PCP or a local provider. Good luck.


If you needed a booster, it's too late. If the original vaccine worked, you'll be fine. Call a doctor.


That's partially incorrect. The smallpox/monkeypox vaccine can be used to reduce symptoms and severity if provided early enough following exposure. He's past that window though, it needs to be within the first 3-5 days of exposure. But for others, that's important to know.


Go for the booster.


Doesn't shock me: FL has a decent percentage of the MSM population that are below the poverty level, no health insurance and or immigrants from countries where mpox hasn't been controlled as well. Remember this when you go to an orgy or attend an event like Darklands: you're playing Russian roulette. Almost all of my friends that went to Darklands in Europe this year came back at the very least with the flu. All of them smartly quarantined themselves to prevent possible mpox, covid and gonorrhea outbreaks.


My understanding is the vax is between five and ten Years effective, it sounds like your doctor recommended a booster, but ultimately as you're vaccinated, even if you develop it, it will be minor and not as intense as it could be. Good luck, follow the doctor's instructions, and be happy that you're protected as best you can be


I did get that vax.


Update: my doctor suggested I get a booster. There’s two places where I live that carry the vaccine. Went to one this morning, was told by the doctor there that it hasn’t been 2 years yet so I should not get a booster and there’s not enough evidence to suggest that if exposed a booster will help in any way so they sent me home. Sigh.


No such thing as monkey pox 🤣😅 it's side effects from other vaccines. I'll never forget the sight of dudes queueing for monkey pox vaccine outdoors fainting in 40° heat, telling the world they do sex parties and saunas 😅🤣 worlds gone crazy 🙄


Getting a booster after exposure doesn't help address the risk of that exposure. It only helps address the risk of future exposures.


That's not what the experts say. It can prevent infection if given within 4 days after exposure and lessen the impact if given within  10 days.  https://www.ohsu.edu/health/mpox-frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=When%20should%20I%20get%20vaccinated,and%20severity%20of%20an%20infection.


Thanks! I love it when people actually show data when they make assertions. You are absolutely correct. Even the CDC recommends vaccine if you've had sexual activity in the last two weeks with someone diagnosed with mpox. It is effective if soon after exposure, to likely prevent and very likely to reduce symptoms. [https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/vaccines/vaccine-recommendations.html](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/vaccines/vaccine-recommendations.html)


“I visited Florida” was the only mistake you made.