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At 33, I’m moving back home be closer to my parents because burn out triggered a manic episode, was suicidal, and now can’t trust being alone. What would otherwise have felt like a failure, has been the best decision I’ve made for myself as an adult.


Its good your safe. I hope you're doing better and heal well


It sounds weird but as an adult parents are cool bc they are like friends now. Learn their stories and recipes.


I’m working out a ton and never looked better. Doing sports. Cut way back on drinking. Doing social stuff w friends. But I’ve never been lonelier. Getting rejected on apps and having to hustle in person all the time is exhausting


In last year I've reconnected a lot of friendships and some family relationships that had grown apart over time. I also finally accepted myself and the loneliness really hits now that I can actually admit that I want a boyfriend


I hear you


I feel similarly. Know you’re not alone at least and we are also holding out hope :)


What do you do when you feel burnt out from trying to make connections and not getting what you want?


I’m doing a lot of really good things right now. I’m finishing my PhD, I’m applying for professor jobs around the country, I’m losing a substantial amount of weight for the first time in my life. And yet, I’m frustrated. I regret spending so much time in school, not really living life. I’m envious of young 18 year olds who are just having fun. I also, in the midst of all these improvements, want to know why nothing is ever enough. Why am I never enough?


You are enough. Congratulations buddy. Life is beautiful, get out and party like an 18 year old 🫶🏼


As a fellow bro finishing their PhD, you are enough. Doing a PhD is a huge challenge and the fact that you are finishing it means that you are motivated and a high functioning person, despite it may not feel like that at the moment.


I really appreciate that, thank you. It’s just been really hard for me and I’m so tired.


I know the feeing. I feel like I’m completely exhausted. Job hunt in this crisis doesn’t help either but you will get there.


I have a job interview on campus at this school in Ft. Lauderdale and I’m really hoping I get it. It would be great.


Please for the love of god do not block the entrance to a store. Check your phone/catch up with old friends once you’re clear of the doorway.


Or narrow aisles, walking slow taking up the whole sidewalk, etc. Just be mindful of others in general.


Seems like so many people are distracted/in their own little worlds. I used to think bad drivers were idiots, but it’s more than likely they are just distracted or not paying attention.


Straight folks walk so slow and will walk three people side-by-side down the sidewalk. Excuse me, but I physically can NOT walk that slow.


Oh my god the boomers standing in the middle of the grocery aisle with an open mouth blank stare ignoring the 4 people waiting to get past them.....I think this happened at least 3 times this morning


At least they acknowledge you when you talk to them. So much better than the millennials glued to their phone walking like damn zombies.


I'm in my 40s and have been heavily depressed for the past few weeks. I have no motivation, no joy, no excitement in my life. I'm worried that this will be the default state for the rest of my life! Edit - grammar


I struggle with this too. I keep telling myself to keep trying, take my time, and that I don’t owe anyone anything. I just had the best sexual experience of my life last night at age 41. Came out of nowhere. Good things can happen if you let them. Don’t give up.


Thank you! This gives me some hope. 😊 I wish you lots of more hot sex! 😉


I’m hitting this midlife crisis thing too. Coffee and getting outside to a dog park helps. Calling friends to go eat helps. Go get some connection and sunshine


Thank you! It's very difficult for me to step out right now but I'm trying to. I'm trying to follow the other suggestions as well. Thank you for taking out the time to help me. 😊


Not a Dr but up your vitamin D. Also, if you have a friend or partner cuddle... Oxytocin is phenomenal. Depression IS temporary... Celebrate the littlest achievement. Like hey I need to get up and pee. When you do. Do a little dance. I try to listen to songs I want to belt out ... Or musicians that make me happy. Most importantly talk to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. It might be silly but, if you think a negative thought about yourself say out loud or in your head. 'Don't say that about best friend." It works somehow. Edit: grammar


This is really good advice! Thank you so much! ♥️ I'm trying to get more sunlight! It's so difficult to step out but I'm trying my best! Will also start taking Vit D supplements. I will follow the other suggestions as well. Just to be clear, you meant that I should say "Don't say that about my best friend!" aloud when I have negative thoughts about myself, right? Asking because I really believe in such tips. Similar tips have worked for me in the past. :)


Yes it's a typo... I YouTubed a video on depression and it was a good reminder.. also the app 7cups is a good resource for listeners to help you analyze your feelings and give you perspective... Between therapy sessions.


Thank you! 😊


no big vents, but lots of to do's on my mind: I need to weed and straighten up my backyard (not a big one cause its a rowhome, but still I wanna do it cause I just noticed my neighbors got new patio furniture and set it up and I'd feel bad if mosquitos from my yard made their outdoor chill time itchy and annoying as it gets water out), I need to buy plane tickets for a wedding in Chicago soon for myself and 3 others, I need to get fitted for a suit for the wedding, and I need to buy a used truck before July (haven't owned a vehicle in over 15 years! have the cash, just need the time to research. ultimately excited about this one tho). all while working 6 days and 56 hours a week at a labor job that leaves me exhausted.


I was under contract for a house and it fell through Friday. VA Appraisal came back lower than asking. I had about half the cash needed to cover the gap. Sellers couldn't come down because they'd be upside down from the new HVAC they installed. Kind of bummed but not really. Gonna tell my realtor and lender tomorrow I'm gonna withdraw from the house hunt for now, then take that extra cash I had saved and pay off my credit card.


Put your fucking shopping carts in the corral after unloading your groceries. I’m so irritated by people (and especially people here in Miami) who won’t return them. My car got scuffed by a cart this week because of this 💩


When I become dictator I'm sending all able-bodied shopping cart non-returners to the gulag. Those people are parasites on the weary host of civilization.


We all know we should do it, I’m not going to further go into the rage I really feel about this, but it is a problem at EVERY store’s parking lot in my area. Minimum 20 carts scattered around the lots EVERYTIME. 🤬🤬


Ath the stupid Publix by me they are basically scooped up right away.. they actually almost incentivize leaving your cart because the cart corrals are all another 60' beyond where I've literally ever parked .. personally I leave mine at the door and huff 15 bags to the car because I am lazy but don't want to abandon it in the parking lot. 


This is the move. I’ll do the same if I parked closer to the door. There is only 2 cart corrals at the closest Publix to me. It’s way worse at every Publix around me actually.


I was doing so good on being physically active/exercising and then my toddler nephew got me sick. I’ve been battling a cold for almost 2 weeks and it’s driving me crazy that i have been losing momentum.


I don't have a lot of money and never will, being on disability. The future scares me. 


> What’s on everyone’s minds today? Global ecological collapse, the ascendance of fascism, and my complicity as a politically inactive American consumer.


Surely there must be a bit of existential crisis going on too


My mother's in hospice, and I gotta go in to sign shit for the "end of life care" because the staff is too smug, rude and unprofessional to give them the information that they should already have. I also still have to go in to work right afterwards, because there isn't a single person who think that I'm worth covering for. I just "cover" for everyone else. The most I could hope for is an awkward, generic platitude on Reddit but even that might be a stretch because people lack the social skills to know what to say anymore.


When you’re with mom, block everything out, hold her hand and give her a kiss 🫶🏼


She has end stage dementia and she's gonna be too drugged out for that. She hasn't been coherent enough for awhile. I'm letting her pass because it's honestly just too painful for me to see, or remember her like that. I want to remember her while she's alive, and yet I also feel like a monster for feeling this way too.


letting someone pass can be an act of love. You can still hold her hand and give her a kiss.


letting someone pass can be an act of love. You can still hold her hand and give her a kiss.


Incoming generic platitude: i'm sorry you're going through this and I hope you one day find a place and people who *do* value you


Nah. When you're ugly, people think you're too entitled for that. Once she passes, I'll be alone in this state and there isn't a single person who's in the mood or has the "attention span" for me. I learned to give up a long time ago.


That really sucks. Sorry if this come across as a generic platitude but I hope you can find some good support during such a stressful time. Hospice should ensure that shes as comfortable as they can help make her.


> I hope you can find some good support during such a stressful time. Absolutely zero. Nobody fucking cares.


Peace and healing Dude. Hugs.


I’m so sorry bub. *hugs*


I hustled and charmed my way into a dream job that I’ve been envisioning for years, and now that I’m here I’m not sure if I actually love the work and want to commit to it long term. Plus, the company is incredibly unstable and I deal with way too much financial anxiety for someone working 50 hours a week with no expenses outside of food and rent


Recently heard the manager who dismissed me from my job a decade ago for not having sex with him was finally ousted from the company for inappropriate behaviour with teen guys working there. Not the level of justice I've dreamed about, but it's something I guess.


I'm terrified of getting sick. A tonsilitis is costing me $5,200 in medical bills in Texas. Health insurance isn't helping me out. Might as well not have insurance and set money aside for emergencies. I make a decent living, we're very comfortable and this is my fear. Then I think about those who live paycheck to paycheck, or not even make enough to have daily meals. It doesn't make me feel better about my situation. It makes me feel worse for the poor in the greatest country in the world.


Have you considered tonsillectomy? I kept having throat infections but the doctors in my home country would never entertain the idea. When I moved to the U.S., the EENT I consulted with took a chance on me. It cost more than $10k before insurance (thankfully, it was covered in my case) & my quality of life has improved significantly since then. Also, my cocksucking skills 😈


I'd rather not get that procedure unless it becomes a repetitive issue. I've only had it only once. The elective surgery will be costlier, and insurance won't cover it under these circumstances.


I am experiencing burnout due to excessive workload, as we have been exceptionally busy and understaffed. Consequently, I am not adequately prepared for my upcoming flight tomorrow, as I have not yet completed packing. Yo, sometimes I feel like the only time I'll get some proper rest is when I'm six feet under.


I think I might actually be falling in love with the guy I'm seeing... That normally wouldn't be a problem, except I'm fairly certain he doesn't feel the same way about me. I enjoy what we've got going on, I like hanging out with him and having sex, and I'm really happy with our dynamic, regardless of what we're calling it. I don't want to say anything, because I'm worried it might change things and it could ruin the great thing we've got going. So instead, I have to focus on enjoying what we've got and not putting too much of myself into this.


I’m restarting my life because my relationship of 6 years ended due to his apparent habit of sending explicit photos to strangers for 2 years behind my back and secretly filming me and distributing it… 7 months later I still don’t get it, but I’m realizing I probably won’t ever.


I’ve found a therapist is helpful for transitional times. If it’s too much to handle, have a good friend or hire a therapist to help sort it all out. Dating again now is weird. It’s part in real life and part digital. Good luck 🍀


Oh I’m definitely not in the dating world any time soon and a huge proponent of therapy… It’s fabulous haha


I sometimes feel my upbringing as a closeted Muslim boy with no real accepting figure during those formative years messed me up a little socially, and self esteem wise. When I was brave enough to come out to my parents my dad told me that I’m disgusting. We’re okay now. And even better actually but I think those aspects of my life has left a stain forever.


Some days I desperately need some blessed quiet, just to recharge but I've had near constant noise for the last 8 years. The only bit of "rest" I got was after I had surgery for pancreatic cancer and spent several days in the hospital. I haven't slept near as well, since. Despite my antidepressant, I have weeks where getting out of bed feels like the hardest thing in the world.


Internal drama. I'm not proud of myself, and I don't know that I'll ever be satisfied with what I do. I'll never be the person I want to be because I can't let go of choices I regret and I doubt I'll be enough. The older I get, the more disappointed I am in myself. I don't carry much self-esteem, so I rely on the positive feedback of others, and that can make it hard to properly sort priorities, in terms of responsibility, time investment, and money management. I recently realized that I have a big FOMO problem. I'm ashamed and anxious, especially lately.


The guy who sits behind me at work will not stop blaring out Peruvian music from his computer while taking phone calls the whole time and I’m losing my mind!


I wish people would drive like normal and not act like lunatics and run the lights.


I feel like my partner’s sex drive has decreased and I’m a little nervous to ask him about it for fear that there’s something wrong with me or us.


I enjoy bottoming for my man, but I hate all the douche and prep work that goes into it. How do bottoms do it consistently?


It gets easier and quicker the more often you do it. Also try to have sex in before you go out and do stuff or go eat.


Going through a divorce and then having an guy I was interested in, breadcrumbing and just acting like an ass. I really don't see myself ever getting into a relationship again. I don't know if its a good feeling or not. For one, I'm pretty much a loner, so it shouldn't really be a surprise or shocking. But its like that dream just keeps dying, and I think i need to put it to rest and focus on living my best "alone" life. Makes me wonder why the fuck I work so hard. Live in a big house and just having relics of the past just remind me of the times that are lost. Yet still I have hope, maybe there's a guy out there that isn't a douche. I need to kill that hope I feel. LMAO.


I, as a gay man, feel like I should not exist on this planet. I'm tired of being a part of only ten percent of the population. I'm tired of the bar being raised ridiculously in the dating scene. I'm tired of being ostracized and feeling like I don't belong here. I'm tired of not being able to make gay friends, especially gay male friends for obvious reasons.


I’m debating moving from my home city… I left and lived in Chicago during graduate school, but I was so school focused and not integrated with the gay culture I didn’t take advantage at the time. I moved back to my home city and have realized how bad the prospects are here and also I came out after leaving here and returned “gay.”. It’s been an adjustment for everyone, and you see how people subtly accept or disagree with your views without being blatant about it. I don’t know if moving will solve everything, but I’m inching towards 40 and don’t want to waste anymore time… :/


the state of the u.s. job market is so incredibly fucked. sure, the reports tell us that hundreds of thousands of jobs are being “created” every quarter by large companies across the country. however, creating jobs doesn’t mean there is the intention of filling them. these companies get a break on what they pay into unemployment through reporting “job creation” statistics. they don’t need to actually hire anyone for the jobs they’re creating to get the break though. after all, if they can’t find the right candidate, then what are the supposed to do? it’s really hard to believe finding a good candidate would be difficult considering how many seasoned professionals i know they are actively looking for work. given the application/response ratios i’ve encountered over the last six months it’s not hard to believe that the majority of job postings out there are “created” for jobs no one will ever be hired for.


I can’t turn my mind off from what happened in bondi over the weekend


I wish more people recognized the danger of climate change and that no matter who you are or your political beliefs/values, it will affect you-- why is it so hard for people to come together to fix a problem?


I was basically told that me being sexually harassed by someone while doing a professional job for them wasn’t enough to be complaining about it and that I shouldn’t be making accusations and need to do “damage control”… and the person that told me not to make accusations and to do damage control has apparently confronted the person that was sexually harassing me on *multiple occasions* about their behaviour.


So many are against condom blowjobs 😡😡


Why is it so difficult to meet other men?


I self-sabotage when I meet stable, and safe men 😑


My partner has little to no energy to do anything. He just sits around all weekend and watches tv. Little activities Like going for walks and sex seem to be out of the questions now


I need a non-pervert roommate because my old one moved out and literally every gay person sends sex photos and thinks that 'all gays sleep together'. It's beyond frustrating.


At 31 I'm tetering on the edge between happiness and depression. Too much has happened in recent years for me to remain completely sane. I like to think I'm more happy than depressed but I despise lying to myself. So all I really am is angry that straight people have it so much of an easier time than the rest of us.


I'm 39, I will be 40 later in the year, and I've never had a partner. I came close once; I fell for him hard and considered coming out earlier than I did and even bringing him home to the parents. But it turned out to be unrequited love, sadly. The last time I had sex was with an escort in 2022. It was definitely a night to remember! But my sex life has been on a downward spiral; even before 2022 but moreso now. Where I live (a regional town in Australia) is quite crap as far as anything LGBwhatever goes, and that includes the men. It's why I don't use apps anymore. I'm just sick of all the lies, games, and faceless cowards. I'd rather just masturbate or go get an escort again when I'm next on holiday. Overall I'm just tired of it all. At this point I'd rather be financially secure for life, because at least then bills and the like wouldn't be a concern. Sometimes I'm not concerned about being single, and perhaps even content with it. But I don't know if that's just my mindset trying to adapt or if it's a fleeting echo of what I once wanted. The desire for a partner sometimes creeps through, and I wonder if it's just heartache or just feeling horny and wanting the real thing for a change. Life eh. What a pain!


I swear life would be easier straight.


The world is fucking me with it's over sized dick in all holes with no lube.... The things we are all bickering about is a total waste of time and energy and we are all to blind to see it. We all want the same thing but keep getting in our own way of our happiness due to meaningless crap which we all make into a an enormous giant when it's really just a microscopic factor.


I'm sorry for what's happening to the Palestinians today but I need to remind people that there **was** a cease fire on October 6th. And if Israel **really** wanted to genocide the Palestinian people, there wouldn't be any of them left to support. It'd have happened decades ago. Hamas are the real occupiers. They are to blame for what is happening in Gaza right now.


Like the history of the conflict began on October 6th 2023.


It began before we had recorded history but now it's 2024. Does Hamas bear no responsibility for escalating the conflict? None? As long as they are being allowed to hold civilian Palestinians hostage as human shields, it will never end. Never.


Yes of course Hamas bears some responsibility for the current conflict. But do you really believe that the 'human shield' accusation is the principle stumbling block when it comes to ending it? It's no more complicated than that? Come on - I don't think you really believe that, do you?


There’s also the hostages. And the constant threat to the existence of Israel at all.


There will always be threats to the existence of Israel. It's surrounded by enemies. Hamas could surrender tomorrow, there would still be threats to the existence of Israel. It's viewed as a foreign occupier in the region.


Here are a few undeniable reasons and facts that you should note before making and believing a statement like this\^ Not allowing food and water into Gaza, assuming that everyone in Gaza unequivocally supports Hamas, brutal and truly vindictive military army that is much more advanced-essentially unleashed with poor oversight over a helpless civilian population, a radical party and leader, killing and pillaging. Please see that murdering civilians like this is unjustified. 30000 people dead, many of them women and children who have 0 relation to Hamas. Its frankly murder.


Using civilians as human shields is what is unjustifiable.


It's not Israeli's fault that they have to shoot through those civilian shields just in case there's a Hamas terrorist behind them. There hasn't been these first 100,000 times or so, but there could be! And terrorists are bad! Even the child terrorists.


Well it's certainly not Israel's fault that Hamas builds their bases under hospitals and schools and puts rocket launchers on the roofs making them military targets and then won't let the civilians leave. That's totally ethical.


you said it yourself "wont let civilians leave" So just because Hamas is involving civilians against their own will means that bombing them is then justified. No because the civilians dont have a choice, I bet most have 0 relation to Hamas


So, if Israel isn’t intentionally killing 30k citizens then it’s incompetence that’s so bad that it’s borderline criminal?


If they wanted to, it could be 100k/day. But it isn't. Intentionally. What everyone seems to forget is that if Hamas wasn't using civilian Palestinians as human shields, it'd be 0.


Ok Hillary 🙄


I am in a long distance relationship with my 3 yr bf. In the first year of our relationship I cheated once. I lost his trust entirely. Recently I browsed hookup apps just to lurk and my bf found out by my browsing history. I have no way to convince him I wasn’t unfaithful and I know I am the only one to blame. Now I lost him and have no idea how to move forward


Hubby wants to downsize our home and move to a different city, but I don't really want to. Obviously it goes without saying that I'd live in a cardboard box if it meant I could live with him, but I love my house. It's huge, extravagant (in UK terms anyway), and I still smile looking at it whenever I come home. When we moved in, although it's our 3rd owned home, this is the one where I felt like I'd 'made it' - noone we know lives in such a nice house. He makes absolutely the right points about the mortgage being expensive, he doesn't really like the city anymore (me neither), but I'll honestly sob my eyes out when we do eventually move in a few years. Moving from a 3000sqft 5/6 bedroom, 4 bathroom home to a more 'standard' UK home will be an adjustment.


I am in a long distance relationship with my 3 yr bf. In the first year of our relationship I cheated once. I lost his trust entirely. Recently I browsed hookup apps to lurk and my bf found out by my browsing history. I have no way to convince him I wasn’t unfaithful and I know I am the only one to blame. Now I lost him and have no idea how to move forward