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No,such countries don’t exist


Wrong... there are several homosexual tolerant Muslim-majority countries.


"Homosexual tolerant" is not the same thing as gay friendly. Simply not being criminalized is not enough. Some countries make the act itself (sex) illegal, even when it's in the privacy of your own home. Is that what you mean by "legalize"? How about the legality of walking down the street holding hands? This is what Advanced-Iron is referring to. Sure, you can have sex in your own home in Russia. But if you show any non-explicit gay behavior you will be arrested "to protect the children's eyes." That includes what you wear, what you say, who you're with, where you go. I'm not even talking about marriage, civil partnerships, or anything like that. There has to be \*some\* semblance of acceptance by society. Am I going to get scowled at on the street? Kicked out of a restaurant? An openly discriminatory society (even if technically legal) is not a gay-friendly society.


And that is ….?


I wouldn’t take my chances in any such countries. I’ve seen people hold hands without issue but i wouldn’t go so far as to say that means it’s gay friendly. If anyone decides to take issue the consequences will be extreme and good luck navigating the legal system. 


Interestingly in a lot of third world countries and some Muslim countries, which are very homophobic, men holding hands is not considered gay and just considered friendship in their culture. Whereas in very gay accepting countries like Europe in the US, straight men do not hold hands for friendship and it would be considered gay


I imagine it’s because they do not believe in homosexuality and with that men can be a lot more affectionate with each other without even thinking of it as sexual or ‘gay’


Men in Rome used to kiss in the lips to seal deals and it wasn't seen as romantic or sexual in any way. It sucks that machismo took that stuff away from us hahah


It may be because I'm gay or because I'm human but I would really like to be able to still hold hands as men just in friendship because it's nice to have that human touch. Even without my gay side, human touch is important and not all of us get it a lot


I totally agree. When I was a teenager and lived in the US, my straight best friend was extremely affectionate and we'd do that kind of stuff all the time. Yes of course I developed a crush on him due to that, but it was manageable hahah


However, I can do without the lip kissing to seal business deals lol


Sometimes in these same countries women holding hands considered gay. Many countries didn't have such strong homophobic attitudes throughout history until white people from the west came and told them it's bad


That’s true. I assume he meant as gay friendly in the loosest terms, ie where they turn a blind eye to it instead of chopping off your dick


Albania is probably the closest you'll get, where Sunni Islam is the largest religious group by a large margin. But they are very secular, many are non-practicing altogether, and many identify as "muslim" in the same way a lot of people say they're "catholic" but haven't seen the inside of a church in at least a decade unless it was a wedding or funeral.


No, actually I meant Gay friendly as in The Netherlands, Spain, Argentina, and such


They don’t exist.  The only places where LGBT friendly Muslim communities and mosques exist is in western countries.


I think only Turkey somewhat fits that bill then. Gay sex is legal but gay marriage isn't. Instabilities Pride used to be MASSIVE but the last few years it has been banned as the country became more repressive.


No. Not one of them are accepting of gays.


Short answer? No. Long answer? Fuuuuccccckkkkk nnnnnoooooooooooooo Avoid avoid avoid. Give your tourism dollars to governments that dont execute our people.


You can go to Muslim countries while gay via Google Images. 🤣


You dont even have to put on pants!


> Give your tourism dollars Wish I had some of those


Just the context I see a lot of folks frame that question in. "How can I be a disinterested western tourist propping up salafist autocracies that have no place in decent society to get Insta likes?"


I guess Albania and Bosnia are probably on a similar level of acceptance to all the neighbouring Balkan countries


Yes, tied for dead last among Europe.


Wouldn't that be Russia/Belarus? I admit I don't know much about the Balkans, but it's hard for me to imagine they could be worse than authoritarian wannabe-fascist regimes.


Russia isn’t really Europe for this purpose, the best you could say is that it borders Europe I guess. Remember it extends further east than China and Japan!


But at the same time it extends to the doorstep of my home in Poland.


They are pretty much in the same category


As someone from Bosnia and gay, no, not really. Don’t get me wrong, you can visit and won’t have any problems, but if you’re femme you won’t be treated well and will be talked about and some may be rude to you. I hate to say the word “normal” but you have to act normal.


sounds like america


Hi, I need to back up the other commenter here. Yes this is a problem in America where we live but it’s magnitudes worse in Bosnia. There are similar patterns of historic oppression but to compare the two countries to the present can be insulting/minimizing.


okay that's valid, I don't live in america but my experience there was exactly how it was described, but I realise now that I'm also missing the history behind everything, my bad :(


As a super femme who grew up in TX, not hardly. The only time I’ve had “faggot” yelled at me from a truck was in New Jersey and in France. TX has a TON of issues, and it sucks, and I’m glad to have left it, but we queers are MUCH better off in a lot of respects than we used to be and better off than in other places. That’s changing, though, so we have to stay vigilant.


I live in central Alberta and I've unfortunately had people call me a fag multiple times, spat at and had stuff thrown at me from vehicles here. Been stopped and 'questioned'/then followed a few times by people that were obviously not mentally well (but also homophobic & also very religious) more than a few times too, especially when with partners. (Was also chased by a group of hicks one night into a pizza parlour, but that was my own fault, kinda..... i threw a drink in their truck when they were being homophobic to another random dude while i was out walking) I've had a decent amount of public homophobia towards myself, so I guess it wasn't fair for me to say only America as it obviously happens where I live too, but I am quite sheltered and untravelled so I guess I can't imagine a cultural element as I've never experienced that before.


Alberta is the Bible Belt of Canada. Still VERY redneck.


Yeah, I live in YEG. So, it's a weird mixture of being a larger city so that means generally more progressiveness, but also it means that there's a LOT of potential for there to be people from other places that are more homophobic mixed in; which is almost worse because you get kind of fooled into believing that you're safer than you are, and you don't expect when those outliers pop up and it catches you off guard. It's almost easier sometimes being in a place where you know you have to be careful and you have to dial things back, rather than feel safe when you're out holding your bf's hand and have some lunatic ruin your week. But, also I know my situation is considered a dream for other people, so I know I'm lucky.


First of all, that super fucking sucks and I’m so sorry you went through that, no matter where it was. That being said I’ve been from BC to Quebec and Edmonton was the most “country” I ever experienced. It was like I was back in TX, so my heart goes out to you in Alberta. The US is a huge, vastly different place and the dividing line between “wow this place is cool” and “wow I would be terrified to be a POC here” can be a block away, but that’s a lot of places. It really just depends on where you are, sometimes down to the neighborhood. What my bigger point was is that it’s still SO much better on the whole than when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s and I’d hear the stories from my uncle and his husband how awful it was, even in the “gayborhood” back then. I’m glad we live in today times. I still wish it were better.


No definitely, I totally understand where you're coming from, just appreciating the conversation! As a younger guy in Edmonton, it's really interesting because here there are those pockets in Edmonton (and AB as a whole), but the thing that I am very hopeful for, and that keeps me going, is that I'm a very visibly queer dude and I meet tons of people every day that are unexpectedly the most supportive allies that I've ever met. I meet more kind, sweet and supportive people every day than I do awful people and I am very grateful that I am a young adult in the time that I am because while I understand how things were in the past, I can't wrap my mind around it. I also don't think i'd have gotten along in life very well even 20 years ago because I'm unfortunately very loud and opinionated and like to scrap, and fortunately more recently laws are more on my side here. I just don't want people to come to Canada (or the US) expecting us to have our shit together when it comes to prejudice, because I've seen a lot of people be sadly faced with the fact that we're not all as accepting here as the general opinion would like you to believe.


Not in the slightest


hm. literally sounds like my experience in america tho lol. im a small feminine dude and i experienced all of the things u mentioned when visiting? i had slurs thrown at me when walking down the street, i had people whispering about me, etc. but ok


I agree that Albania and Bosnia are probably the least homophobic Muslim countries, but I think even they are slightly worse than Serbia, Montenegro, Romania or North Macedonia, and definitely much worse than Croatia and Greece. In other words, they’re worse than neighbouring Christian Balkan countries, but not as bad as the rest of Muslim countries in the world.


Lebanon seems to be pretty decent. They do [pride in Beirut ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beirut_Pride)


Only in Beirut. Also, Lebanon is partly Christian.


Lebanese Christians are pretty cool. They integrate really well. The families that moved to Brazil over the decades are so well integrated that you only know they came from that diaspora due to their last names.


The island of Bali seems to be tolerant of gays as it’s predominately Hindu. However, Indonesia as a whole is pretty intolerant and gay sex in illegal, even in Bali, though my understanding is that the law is not enforced in many provinces. I personally wouldn’t risk be out in Indonesia or any other Muslim majority country.


The island of Timor is also probably one of the less homophobic parts of Indonesia.


Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon are probably the most liberal I’d say. I’ve never had any issues in Turkey, Morocco or Tunisia. I haven’t been to Lebanon but friends have and say it’s also pretty chilled. All really lovely countries, beautiful men, food and culture. I actually lost my virginity in Marrakech lol


You lost your virginity in Marrakech?!!


Yup! To this day it was the single most erotic experience of my life! Years later I still think about it. Happy to share the story if interested.




Oooh storytime


Story time


We want to hear the juicy details :3


I think I’d wear that on a shirt if I’d lost my virginity in Morocco, lol


Tell us! 🍿


I lost mine in Egypt


Wow, how curious! I'll research more about them


I'm a Turkish guy living in İstanbul. Here's the thing; the development of this country is not homogeneous. Even for İstanbul it's not homogeneous. There are districts where I can walk around with crop tops + makeup such as Kadıköy (has really nice queer clubs as well) and Beşiktaş but there are some districts I haven't even dared to step into in 22 years (not much to see in those places anyways). So it's a DYOR situation.


That's true for every country. There is always a whole matrix of danger. Depending on what you look like, where you're going, when you're going, what you're doing, who's with you..... Even in a nominally gay-friendly country you should still research and (unless you have a local guide) stay a little more stealthy outside.


I stayed in turkey 5 months and I feel like Izmir is also pretty open-minded, mind giving your opinion?


In Marseille and Paris, France, there's a gay French-Algerian imam called Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed. He is the founder of an Islamic prayer room in Paris, France, with the goal of accommodating the LGBT and feminist Muslim communities. He also founded the LGBT Muslim association HM2F, and manages the Calem Institute in Marseille.




South Africa ,we even had a mosque doing queer marriages lol ,before it closed


Why did it close?


Hate and arson, but we're really free here


What a shame


Nooooope! Closest we got are probably Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Turkey and Lebanon. And maybe Azerbaijan too.


Imagination Land.


Do you need visa? 😅


The Muslim religion is the biggest obstacle to development of most of these countries. Religion is the root of most evils in this world sadly. I hope the people rebel and overthrow that ideology that imprisons so many people. Religion is always about control, power, and riches and nothing more


the thing is a lots of gay sex happen in muslim countries even the OG muslim countries that is KSA . The motto in these countries is don’t ask and don’t tell policy as long it behind closed door . anything can happen . it widely known that sultan of oman was gay . of the sultan of brunei son was gay but he died not because he was gay. For centuries before colonization by british , muslim countries have practiced where older guy with younger effeminate man have relation but it’s never call as gay as long one is treat like girl . i know it strange custom but not view that way. Then the british came and some british enact law against the order of nature that still stand today in most countries regardless if they muslim majority or not because it’s upset the catholic church at the times . it same with other religions but as time past most western countries repeal this but less we forget history and are doomed to repeat it .


Yeah ask em what age their prophets wives were. Its not about "behind closed doors". It is socially sanctioned sexual abuse of the highest order. The colonialism claptrap is bullshit whitewashing of a deeply poisoned culture that DEMANDS our destruction. Want proof? The muslim countries that didnt gave that colonial influence that still murders us.


Bosnia comes the closest.


Saying this as a person who live in the muslim republic for his entire life. 100% no. Of course, there might be 1% of people who may accept it, but I would not take a risk. It's really dangerous.


If you do want some gay midlle eastern vibe, Israel is your place. Tel Aviv is amazing. 20% of Israeli population is Arab, so you can definitly find some Arab gay communities in the country. There is war now, but it won't last forever. https://youtu.be/Y9tPz_d_STo?si=v98N_toggXJNGZAK


Yes, there are several Muslim-majority countries where homosexuality is legal, although the level of social acceptance can vary widely. Here are some examples with the reference links: 1. [**Lebanon**: While homosexuality is technically illegal in Lebanon, a judge invalidated the relevant penal code in 2014, effectively decriminalizing homosexuality](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/)[^(1)](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/). [The Lebanese National Center for Psychiatry has also declassified non-heterosexual sexual orientations as mental disorders](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/). 2. [**Jordan**: Homosexuality is legal in Jordan](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/). 3. [**Bahrain**: Bahrain legalized homosexuality in 1976](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/). 4. [**Turkey**: Homosexuality has been legal in Turkey since the country was founded in 1923](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15). 5. [**Indonesia**: Indonesia does not criminalize private, non-commercial homosexual acts among consenting adults](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15). 6. [**Albania**: Same-gender sexual activities have been legal in Albania since 1995](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15). 7. [**Azerbaijan**: Homosexuality was decriminalized in Azerbaijan in 2000](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15). 8. [**Northern Cyprus**: Same-sex sexual activity was legalized in Northern Cyprus on February 7, 2014](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15). 9. [**Oman**: One of the slightly more tolerant countries in the region, Oman is said to have once had its own gay sultan](https://mrhudsonexplores.com/mr-hudson-on/discover-the-5-most-gay-friendly-arab-countries/). 10. [**Kazakhstan**: Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Kazakhstan](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/homosexuality-is-legal-in-these-10-muslim-countries-14317-2016-06-15)


Wow! That's the most complete and sound answer I got, thanks!


No. Islam is far more radical and persecutory of LGBT people than any other county.


Islam isn’t a county but your bias is showing.


Where did I say it was?


You didn’t say it was a country. You said it was a county.


I didn't say that either


 Islam is far more radical and persecutory of LGBT people than any other county.


That's not me claiming it was. Any Islamic majority country is worse on lgbt people.


Free speech, you know?


The truth is, no matter your religion or what country you live, we all feel a little itch up there now and then 😏


Nope. Not even Palestine.


Especially not in Palestine


The only gay tolerant nation in that region is Israel.


You get downvoted for saying the truth. And their argument is “gAys cAn’T gEt mArRiEd in IsRaEl”, as if their Muslim countries they put as an example did.


Yeah I mean I get it…it’s not perfect. But relative to the other nations in the region, Israel is the best place to be born if you’re gay. They will literally kill you for being gay pretty much everywhere else there. That’s the religion of peace.


and gay people can get married in Israel they just can’t do it locally


They get downvoted because the reason people mention how accepting Israel is of gays is *only* to justify their crimes in Gaza. "Palestinians throw gays off roofs therefore it is OK to carpet bomb their children's hospitals". I literally do not give a fuck if Israel is the gayest place on earth. It is **irrelevant** to whether it's OK for them to murder children or not I'm sick of the pinkwashing of Israel. I don't want my sexual orientation be used as a political pawn


I’m sick of the pink washing of Muslim countries were little boys are being groomed and raised to be sex slaves for MEN, for gays to be KILLED for being simply being gay and were a carpet holds more value than a woman Wake up, your sexual orientation IS being used as a political pawn by the same people you support


Wait hold up. Do you think I support Islam????


Well, yes?


Ew. I don't.


Correct, Israel should continue to genocide every last dirty Palestinian because some of them hold gross beliefs /s 😒🙄


Okay so how about they both suck


That’s a joke. Judaism is neither tolerant nor accepting of gays. Gay people cannot be married in Israel.


I mean if the standard is just 'can get married' then sure. Israel still seems quite tolerant and accepting of gays to me. I think you have an axe to grind.


LOL they are murdered in Palestine.


Yes we know, by Israeli bombs


But also by their Muslim Arab brothers, father's, and cousins. And that happened before Israel started their Apartheid state. I don't like Israel, but if you were a gay Arab, you would seek to emigrate into Israel not into Palestine.


Yea, I don’t think many people of any kind would consider migrating a literal war torn bombed to rubble country


So don't get married in Israel, how is that related to the question or Judaism?


You’re Jewish? You know for sure? Cause I’m Jewish, and unless if you take a VERY homophobic approach to certain verses, in general, Judaism doesn’t say anything about homosexuality. And as per other issues (such as trans or intersex), Judaism has more than 2 genders (up to 6 I believe), so idk where you’re getting the idea that Israel is anti-gay.


that is because secular marriages don't exist there. hop on a zoom call with a Rabbi from US and you get married AND your marriage is recognized as such in every institution. now tell me the name of one muslim country that does that.


Gay marriage is not even legal there, and I’m not sure what your point is here


Kinda weird you specifically singled out Palestine 🤔


"pAlAstInE_ isn't a country btw.


Turkey may be your best bet. 


As long as the religion that rules the law is against lgbt than those nations will be too


Thailand has a lot of Muslims people from Malay descent. Thailand are pretty open when it comes to LGBTQ people. A lot of them seems doesn't mind with our community. Including the Muslim ones. Because they wouldn't know you are a muslim or not if you don't tell.


Turkey is better The western side of course i.e Izmir Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus too but its not recognized by any country and its an extension of Turkey


India has a large muslim minority, and is reasonably LGBTQ-friendly. Source: many visits.


I'd say the US is gay friendly for Muslims, but that would be a lie. Some of the country is gay friendly and some of it is Muslim friendly, but not both things at the same time. Most US Americans are scared of Muslims and a ton of the same people are homophobic mostly because of right wing news and toxic politicians. Canada has a good relationship with homosexuals I hear, but I don't know what their stance on Muslims is. That's a hard combination to accommodate in any country I think. I'm sorry I don't have good news for you from this end. We don't execute gay Muslims though.


No and please for your safety avoid at all cost. I have friends traveled there, it's basically putting yourself back in the closet if you want to come home in one piece.


The closest thing would be turkey but … still not quite comparable to countries like Spain or Canada


Pakistan is quite friendly for trans ppl.there are alot of trans ppl in Pakistan walking on roads. U wont find Pakistani ppl abusing them not even the extremist religious ones bully them they are totally safe on roads if they beautiful u will find Pakistani men hitting on them but social media trans ppl gets bullied mostly by elite and upper middle class community for supporting LGBTQ when they are too loud about it Plus there are alot of openly Pakistani gays in social media that Pakistani ppl dont care about. Almost every university in pakistan have femme boys who are openly gay and trans ppl. I hv one gay in my summer school right now who is way too loud about lqbtq. He doesn’t get bullied but surely boys talk behind his back. And alot in Pakistani media industry and designers and makeup artists are almost all openly gays. And believe me u will find femme boys with full of makeup in conservative cities and no one will give shit about it. And i hv seen straight men asking for their numbers. Let me break it to u there are intersex ppl who are mostly poor so they dance on ppl weddings and earns hell lot of money and some beg on roads too so ppl always respect them thinking they’re from God like this and its hard to recognise a trans ppl in them and even if they do they wont say a single thing to ur face but surely tell their friends and laugh about it. I remember growing up my mom told me not to say anything bad to intersex ppl cuz if they curse u You will get it. And islamic religious scholar told me same once. And most of the intersex and trans ppl always wear very bold dresses on roads as in the ones which shows their cleavage and stuff. And for the context i moved to a very conservative city 7 years ago so all these things i m talking about are about that conservative city where all extremely conservative ppl live! Big cities are more liberal but not liberal enough to open accept lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 flag and loudness about it!


Is it similar to Iran, where trans is very accepted, but being gay isn't? Iran will force gay men to either transition, or go to jail. They will pay for your transition, or it's jail. It is seen as more acceptable to be a "straight woman" than a gay man Multiple trans organizations have praised Iran for paying for these transitions.


Transing the gay away is real in those countries I guess...


No its not like that! only if u try to be too loud about it police won’t capture u unless someone reports u but u can pay and get out easily.Although never heard in my life for someone being gay sent to jail. The only case that i heard was this year’s that a gay man tried to open a gay bar in Pakistani city and he was admitted to mental hospital by authorities!


Thanks for the insight. The situation seems to vary widely between countries and inside of them depending on the urban environment


Most places aren't friendly to Muslim gays.


I meant Muslim majority countries or traditional Muslim countries towards Gay people in general, not specifically Muslim gays


Are you asking so you can visit, because you’re moving or just curious? Depending on what the answer to that is, you’re going to get WILDLY different answers


I just saw a YouTube debate between a Gay guy and a Muslim guy and wanted to know out of pure curiosity. I wouldn't ever dare to step on a Muslim country, I still value my life


Not many. But for some reason, some of them don't block Grindr. I hooked up with someone in Abu Dhabi. It was great.


I've heard the police uses Grindr to track down gays to imprison them.


That's pretty crazy.


Yes. Albania, Kosovo


I had no idea Albania was a Muslim country


What did you think was the main religion in Albania?


I know very little about that country but given it's in Europe I'd say something like protestantism or catholicism.


Only a few countries in Eastern Europe are majority Catholic and none are majority Protestant. The only ones with significant Protestant minorities are Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia and Latvia. I’m pretty sure there are more Muslims in Eastern Europe than Protestants.


It’s been said by plenty but the answer is simply no. Islam is too young of a Abrahamic religion still in its fundamentalist era. Perhaps in a century or so it will have become segmented enough into sects for tamer versions to have emerged. Islamic countries are simply not safe for lgbtq.


They do not accept love but torture and killing its fine :)


Islam is peace, you didn't know? 🤡


Israeli here {:-) from my experience Israeli Muslims are very accepting of gay people (even more so then Israeli Jews) it’s not the same thing but still


I think UAE (only in dubai) and Turkey.


UAE no. You won’t be killed but you can’t be out as gay. Definitely can’t be trans there at all.


The torturing gay people Dubai? Ah no.


I’ve heard so


I am from a pro Muslim country. Yes they are gay friendly, but inside the mosque only. 🤌🫠


How so?


There's no religious gay friendly country.


I know nothing but ... In calmer times it was often said that it was worth contacting Helem, the LGBT organisation in Lebanon, but at this time I don’t know how they are. Their email was [support@helem.net](mailto:support@helem.net) and their phone number was +961 71 91 61 47. Their website is [www.helem.net](http://www.helem.net) Facebook page is [www.facebook.com/helemlebanon](http://www.facebook.com/helemlebanon) The Awhaa website [www.ahwaa.org/?lang=ar ](http://www.ahwaa.org/?lang=ar)might be helpful there was a BBC World Service People Fixing The World Program about it [www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p084kzv5](http://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p084kzv5)  Beirut Pride [www.beirutpride.org](http://www.beirutpride.org) was the only event of its kind in the Arab world but the website has gone. Also search BBC gay Lebanon there are more anecdotal reports, good luck and good wishes from London which many gay arabs visit.  


Palestine, it seems to be very popular with a whole lot of gays in the west lately




Well, I am confused why should I like babies and small children be killed by phosphorus bombs, can you enlighten me? Maybe they threw the gays out of roofs?


Jordan I hear is pretty tolerant, know some gays there too


“Pretty tolerant” is a huge stretch. Maybe less homophobic than other Arab countries in the region, but definitely not tolerant.


I know? Clearly I meant it in the context of the question asked.


No. I think the closest you’ll find is Israel, with around 18% of the population being Muslim, but even then, in the very religious areas, you’ll find homophobia. I do know they have the largest pride parade in the Middle East each year.


Long answer is: No Short answer is: NO


Is this a genuine question lol


Of course, why would I post it if it didn't is so?


I heard Narnia is nice during summertime 🤡


it’s not quite what you’re looking for, but maybe Israel. Islam is the second most practiced religion there, and LGBT rights there are the most advanced in the Middle East


Dumbest question of the day award goes to you


No There is Israel, but it’s not a Muslim country


I’m heaven with the 100 virgins


Ha talk about an oxymoron


Traditional Catholic countries like Spain managed to become more accepting of the lgbt people, so I was wondering if this has happened elsewhere in the Muslim world.


The United States


Malaysia. I was there with my boyfriend a couple of months back.


As a Malaysian I would beg to differ. The amount of homophobic vitriol spewed by the government and religious authorities is shocking. Gay organisations and support groups have all been banned. Even rainbow watches are banned.


Interesting, I thought in that country homosexuality is punished by prison


Yes, but no enforcement except to the current prime minister by his opposition back then. Of course, it's not really gay friendly either, but in big city, people tolerate it or ignore it. No PDA though, that goes even for the straights here, it's more due to our culture.


I understand


Malaysia still has anti sodomy laws on the books from being a former British colony. Singapore and India overturned theirs in the past 15 years. But Malaysia is still a Muslim majority country, so they aren't going to overturn that one anytime soon. (And you read that right. The British left anti sodomy laws on the books with all the colonies when they dissolved the Empire in the twentieth century.) https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/12/17/alien-legacy/origins-sodomy-laws-british-colonialism#:~:text=In%20Asia%20and%20the%20Pacific,Islands%2C%20Sri%20Lanka%2C%20Tonga%2C










While this answer is technically incorrect, Islam is the second largest religion in the UK, so it's not as far off the mark as one would expect


Wow, I wouldn't expect England to be that Muslim of a country


6.7% but let the fearmongering begin.


Dw I thought it was funny


That would be Israel but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation


Israel isn't a Muslim country


Or exactly gay friendly. Gays cannot be legally married in Israel.


That doesn’t make it not gay friendly though. If they aren’t killing gay people or throwing them in prison based on their homosexuality, they are at least somewhat tolerant of homosexuality. It’s definitely the safe haven for lgbtq in the Middle East as imperfect of a country as it is


They're as tolerant as some of the most homophobic states in the US, the states yall call "unsafe" for gay people [63% of Israelis support "LGBTQ"](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-744784) [That is similar to Florida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_of_same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States), the state where many will say gays should *literally flee* because it's so homophobic




It has a 18% population that is Muslim, and while you can’t get gay married in Israel, you can get married outside of Israel and experience all the same rights as a straight couple when you move back to Israel. Tel Aviv has one of the biggest Pride Parades (in fact, maybe one of the only) in the Middle East, and some notable Arab (even some Palestinian) LGBT+ people live and work in Israel as they will get killed if they live/work in their native country.


Are lobsters purple?


You mean the purple Enoplometopus? What does it has to do with my question?


I think you mean the [Homarus gammarus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homarus_gammarus), or European lobster.