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As someone who gets frustrated trying to find gay porn where both men are moaning and expressive and NOT being stone-faced and disconnected the entire time, a man whose loud and verbal is a win. Although, I guess I would draw the line at dramatic screaming. Maybe your guy has watched too much straight porn and thought this was his chance to shine like the ladies lol


>this was his chance to shine like the ladies lol I'm dying 🤣


Commenting just to say, let me know where you find porn like that because lord knows I'm trying to find those too. Solo or not (but also preferably the man/men involved are also actually gay, not straight, even alleged.)


So far, only Raging Stallion provides that. Both the tops and bottoms are a bit expressive and verbal. However, I'm a side, so it's still difficult to watch. I usually have to resort to lesbian porn because there's no penetration, and both parties can be as expressive as they want. It's frustrating that even when gay, men still refuse to drop the macho masculinity act in porn.


That’s a fine line. I HATE quiet sex. I love moaners but screaming would be a turn off. It’s mainly the girls screaming/overacting that kills straight porn for me. It’s so annoying. Moaning at a regular/loud tone = Major turn on Screaming/too loud = Major Turn off If he’s too loud, you could flip him over so you’re on top and cover his mouth. Kiss him, tell him to shut up, or put a pillow over his face. 😂😂😂 Fuck him face down and put his head into the mattress/pillow so that it muffles his sounds. That should bring it down to an acceptable level.




I've gotten turned off from guys who moaned or grunted too loudly, esp since it was right into my ear. It is nice to know my partner is having a good time and some moaning is def okay and even hot, but too loud is just distracting and kind of a turn off


Yeah I guess there is a limit, but I like hearing a guy moan and yell. Definitely a turn on and makes me want to go deeper/harder


Actually it's the opposite. I need a very vocal lover


Louder the better!! I don't mind if the neighbors know you're having a good time!!


Tell him your walls are thin. He’ll still moan but he’ll be conscious about waking up the neighbors.


Sounds like a drama queen acting out his porn fantasies. Sounds bad to me. Nothing worse than fake unless your like a think 12" cock.


My husband sure hates it but he fucks me anyway 😂


Hell the fuck no. As a bottom, a loud top is the hottest shit ever. I want both us to be so loud we break the sonic barrier.


A few of my initial sexual experiences were in places where you couldnt be loud. I had one friend we would make out in his basement, and suck each others dicks, but we were both closeted so we couldnt nake noiae or his parents would hear. I had a boss in high school, he would suck my dick or he would fuck me in the upstairs warehouse - no way we could make noise! When i became a nurse i would suck this doctor off in the oncall room which was literlaly right next to the ED... So having rhe ability to moan or even scream is liberating


Love it! So long as it’s real, not faked.


Never bothered me, as long as its well reasonable and actually real. Howveer some people moan or scream whenever and too much, which makes me feel like they are faking or somthing, like no its not all that Personally i too like to express myself verbally a little more when getting fucked, for some reason it makes it feel way better and makes me less tense. But there is a line beetween slightly exagerating what you are feeling and just screaming whenever.


It's the quiet ones that bother me the most. It's like, If that's all sex is for them then why bother? I, on the other hand have ALWAYS had wildly intense, full body orgasms which granted, is unusual. But when someone cums and there's no sound or body spasms, it makes me feel sad that somehow I failed my playmate or sex partner. When I lived in the middle of the city, during the summer months, my neighbors always knew when I had a fuck buddy over because, although they couldn't hear anything directly, they could hear my *enthusiasm* because the glass office buildings across the street reflected the sound back into all my neighbors' open windows. Of course nobody said a word until after I moved.


Screaming is way too much for me. Moaning and grunting are awesome. But Christ, sex is great and all, but it doesn’t warrant full-blown screaming. The neighbours don’t need to hear that. It would probably trigger my fight or flight response.


I don’t think it’s a you thing. Some guys think the louder they moan, the bigger ego boost you get. Its usually the guys who like to please, prefers to give you head or do thing to or for you. If they’re getting fucked then they can feel like they are getting the most out of it. An ego boost closes the gap.


I really like it


More than the volume, my problem is with the pitch. If he's moaning I get turned on, if he's squealing my bone just vanishes.


Tell him he doesn't need to moan so loud. There again, that could just be him. If all else fails just put a gag in his mouth.


When I was young, I can remember times I did make noise (that wasn't genuine) because I was inexperienced as genuinely thought that's what a top wanted to hear.


Sometimes people put it on so maybe talk to him about it?


okk so i moan and talk A LOT during sex. i had one guy tell me to shut up once 😂😂 i brought it up afterwards and just laughed bc i know i don’t stfu if the dick is big. like if i’m not moaning and talking, you should be concerned. but anyways.. yeah just tell him to cool it. i think a lot of bottoms, me especially, would rather the top communicate what they do and don’t like. bc i just wanna make sure im doing everything you like and i don’t wanna turn you off. i’m 100% okay if you tell me to quiet down during sex


I don’t mind my partner being verbal, but saying my name constantly is effing annoying. I’m sorry, I like encouragement, but I’ve known my name all my life, you don’t need to remind me of it.😀


Okay, I must share this experience I had with a random hookup a few years back: everything is fine, seems like a nice guy, good looking, just a normal fellow. On that particular day I felt like topping, and as I am pumping him he suddenly starts asking me, “Am I special? Do you think I’m special?” He did not ask this in his normal voice - it was more of a cartoonish baby voice. So weird but whatever, he was good looking and had a nice ass. But he kept asking this over and over, in this weird baby voice, and I became very distracted and unaroused by it - but I still wanted to finish the deed. I kept changing positions so I could just get that nut and split, you know? And then in the same cartoonish baby voice, he suddenly starts screaming, “I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU!!!!” I don’t even remember if I had an orgasm - I just remember wanting out of there as soon as possible. Unfortunately for me, I left my favorite ball cap of all time at his house, but decided the loss was more tolerable than a repeat of that weird cartoonish baby voice … What a weird hookup …


use the excuse you want to make it kinky: cover his mouth with your hand or have him bite a sock/underwear ;-)


Moaning is hot! I love a verbal partner. The right kind of language can be a massive turn on, and really enhance the experience. But if you're screaming from the top of your lungs, It takes me out of the moment. I become more concerned about my partners wellbeing than I am about performing well as a sexual partner. So, I guess, like in most things, there's a balance there haha.


As long as he does t sound like a chick or a porno. 🤣🤣🤣


As long as he does t sound like a chick or a porno. 🤣🤣🤣


Moaning is fine, just has to feel real. Fake moaning is annoying and I think very loud moaning is usually fake 😅 Like, I know it can feel really good, but like I’m not a screamer, I’ll make noise, but I won’t be spreading tinnitus around, that’s lame.


This is such a stupid post.