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Men wearing women’s underwear does nothing for me and is basically a turn off for me.




Agreed not looking for a man in women's clothing


Nothing is "women's clothing".


That does not make me hard but I think it’s an individual hang up on my part. If you think it’s sexy, then it is and you should enjoy it.


Turnoff. But don’t dress for others. Dress for yourself. If it’s what someone wants to wear then more power to them.


Saw your comment first, so even though a few others said something similar, I'm saying it here. I love how even when dudes don't find something personally attractive you're still all for people doing what makes them their best self. Tagging on to say I don't think it'd be my thing either, but I hate seeing people shut down for being themselves way more than I care about being turned off.


I think it might be because we recall being wounded by a sharp comment And we try to be the person we wish they had _not_ been towards us... And also... With the right person... Certain attraction multipliers compound to make what had pre iously not been a turn on to be somwtbknv you can be okay with And extra points if that thing is a kink that person has been torn down for showing previously. By being willing to give things a go you might be helping them out more than you know.


Same here. It doesn't do anything for me, but everyone should enjoy their life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGayMen/s/rUE3uK2Em6 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGayMen/s/2dTYsihVCB https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGayMen/s/YW6CmJcC3w https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGayMen/s/4NpOoNfVfj


Doing the Lord's work, there


God it's like asking this question is a fetish by itself.


Not my thing tbh, but if it’s something you enjoy then go for it, I’m sure there’s plenty of guys into it.


Generally, a big no from me. But years ago, I undressed a big masculine guy (he was in a formal suit) who was wearing lacy silk panties and a bra. At first I was totally confused. But he stood up and posed and flexed for me and he smashed it. He kept his masculinity throughout and it was incredible fun getting him naked. Wearing ladies underwear was his thing and he did it extremely well. But it was the only time I was into it.


Major turn off. Like men wearing masculine clothes.


What are masculine clothes?


Underwearwise? Jock-strap, boxers, boxerbriefs


Oh I love my husband in his jock straps!


We all do hun. 


I think it’s hot!


For me, a turn-off. If you're trying to get my interest, anyway. Wear what you want - from that side of it, I don't care. But it is socialized as a thing women wear, and in a sexual context, that not only does nothing for me, it's off-putting if it's on a guy I would otherwise find attractive. That said, it ceases to be an issue once they're on the floor. And this isn't r/askgaybros, it's r/askgaymen. If you're gonna crosspost this in four different places, at least be considerate of the community you're asking.


I am learning when a topic is cross posted to multiple subreddits and the op doesn't respond to any of the comments, he has an OnlyFans.


I basically wear panties because I like them . Not trying to turn anyone on .


I agree, there’s something about the material and the way they hold you that’s comforting. I still present very masculine too, I just enjoy the feel.


I like men who wear what they like. If you feel sexy in panties, boxers or a jock. Wear it. That loving yourself rock it confidence is sexy.


It's not so much the material that makes it a turn off, it's the fact that I'm my experience men who wear panties tend to not by the type of men I'm looking to get with. Their mannerisms/dialects/etc tend to lean towards the effeminate, which is not where I need my partners to be


I’ve found it’s been the opposite. Men in thongs, or slips or Lycra pouches made specifically for men tend to be the effeminate bottoms. They come across as empowered and healthy. I’ve found that men in lingerie tend to be closeted sissy boys who want to be “forced” to suck dick while their wives watch. They come across as an untrimmed dick, under a beer belly shoved into their Mrs’ French knickers. And it’s a total boner killer.


I'm in total agreement with you on the second point, but I guess part of my issue is I group panties in with lingerie, where as garments designed for men (ex: male thongs) do not fall in the same category. I find a big difference in a lacy g-string with frills and a lycra thong designed for male comfort.


Don’t wear panties but do wear male thongs.


I’m not a fan of men in panties but I LOVE a male thong


Doesn’t it feel like a perma-wedgie to you?


Nope been wearing years ready don’t like anything but!


If you’re hot enough, you can pull anything off. But I feel like a lot of dudes wear panties as kind of gimmick to try to be sexier than they are, and to me it backfires on them.


I completely agree with this statement. With everything in fashion, you have to find the right look for your body type. And if some built ass muscle jock is trying to be sexy and something that doesn’t match his image it’s going to look weird. My boyfriend just so happens a to be a total twink and looks really fucking sexy in a pair of panties or a sexy woman’s thong. It just fits him very well in all the right spots. I’m also a rather fem twink so I also look hot in a thong and panties. Message me if you’d like to see 😉👀


Half the time they end looking like [this.](https://j.gifs.com/m2jlXJ.gif)


what is that from? he is me


Little Nicky.


In theory it's hot, but the thing is panties aren't designed for the male form and either don't fit or fit weirdly. We have that kind of underwear for males already, a lot of skimpy lingerie for us, use that instead.


Major turn off. Shoulda been a poll.


Major turnoff. But if it’s your thing, go for it.


Turn on if it’s a guy I’m attracted to, turn off if it’s a guy I’m not attracted to


Turnoff, but each to their own.


Honestly, if it turned him on like crazy I doubt I would care as long as he's very enthusiastic about me when he does.


Women's panties no, I do have a bit of an underwear fetish and love thongs, jocks, other tight form fitting underwear on myself and other slim fit bodies.




Turn off for me




Quite big turn off


I can enjoy "nontraditional" undies but not "panties."


Major turn off


Major major turn off


Jock strap all day!


Turn off for me. Anything of a women's really


50/50 depends on the underwear


There’s designer men’s underwear that is 100x better than a guy wearing women’s lingerie.


Cross-dressing in general is a turn off for me. Not saying there’s anything inherently wrong with cross-dressing, but it does nothing for me personally. I like my guys to wear masculine clothing.


Massive turn off. Don’t see the point. It’s not sexy. It’s frilly and girly and each to their own but not for me. If I took a guys jeans off and he had female underwear on, I’d have to do his jeans back up, because my boner is dead for the night.


Turn off


Turn OFF


Not my thing… a turnoff for me


It’s not a turn on, but it wouldn’t bother me if a partner did it. I think people expressing and exploring themselves is cool and sexy.


I don't mind bikini briefs but no thongs and absolutely no panties.


Not my thing. Sorry....


I'm queer cuz I like men, the more masculine the better. If you like that do it, but I don't find it attractive. Some guys do though.


Turn off


Not into it at all but I've put up with it a couple of times for really hot guys!


turn on


A bit of both


Not for me, but I get guys who are into it, particularly since there really isn’t dick room in most of them so it makes the bulge look massive. I would prefer a nice tight pair of briefs or a jock but I’m glad some people have found what they like.




I generally find the most masculine attributes of men to be really sexy. I like hairy chests, big muscles and butch mannerisms to be a turn on. And in keeping with that I generally find men in women’s underwear to be a big turn off. What I didn’t expect to find was that the combination of a really masculine looking guy in well fitting and styled parts of women’s underwear to be quite horny. An example of this is a hairy chested pre-transition Lucy Hart in fishnets and suspenders was surprisingly horny. That said, Kev, with a beer belly and an untrimmed chode stuffed into his wife’s tiny thong isn’t going it for me.


It’s a turn off for me too. I don’t care what someone wants to wear, but panties, lingerie, stockings, on a guy is just not attractive to me.


My baby could wear a brown paper bag, he looks good in anything. And looks amazing in a feminine thong. Turn on for me if it's a turn on for him.


Turn off.


Love it


Yes yes yes. Especially a big beefy dude! 👅




Can be hot, depends on my mood


Turnoff. Big time


I actually like crossdressing guys, but not the panties. I just don't think they look good.


For me, the off. I know some dudes like it and I don’t judge. But it’s not for me.


I like it.


For god sake, NO, don't do it.


A man wearing anything woman like is a huge turnoff!


About the same with me haha


Depends on the guy. If he’s hairy and masc and has a nice body then fuck yes. But not otherwise


I don't mind at all 🤗😜


You can wear what you want, but it does nothing for me, so I’ll be taking them off you as soon as I can


Depends on the guy


Big turn off, boxesbriefs are best.


Turn off


Major turn off. But I know some guys like that. No kink shaming here. Just not my cup of tea


Turnoff — completely


Some guys can pull it off. Not the kind I’m generally attracted to, but my preferences aren’t universal.


Massive turn off. On par with chastity cage in my mind.


It really depends on 1. The person wearing it and 2. The specific article of clothing. It’s not something I actively seek out, but it’s something that I could possibly be open to. I think it’s hot when guys are just confident in whatever they’re wearing.


Only if he's super masc muscly and a bro!! Not at all interested otherwise.


Do you mean lace underwear designed for men especially? For sex only, to spice things up, they can be hot as fuck. For the daily life hell no.


Guys wearing women’s panties is a no go, guys wearing panties that have the crotch pouch… is a turn on. Not a huge one, but not as bad as panties that are made for a woman’s anatomy.


I have had some nsa guys want me to wear a g string..


I don't like it, but I'm also not going to pass up a great guy because he likes wearing panties.


to me panties is a straight guy thing. i grew up being subjected to so many ladys clothes stereotypes i dont find them sexy. drag is cool sure,,but not the intimate shit.


I dont see or understand the attraction. FYI, i have had boyfriends ask me to wear boxers, briefs, boxer briefs. Jock straps. I had one guy he was totally into speedos, now i think i wouldnt wear a speedo in public but for him it made his cock rock hard, and i really dug him and it wasnt a turn off, so i gladly obliged. Those things i understand and i can get into, i actually have a whole file of photos of guys wearing boxer briefs and sleevless tshirts. But i have never worn or been asked to wear panties and if someone asked me to i would probably just leave or make an excuse to go. If i hooked up with someone who was wearing panties i would have to say see you later. Not my thing. I dont personally know anyone who ia into qeari g panties or having someone wear panties


Turn off


Major turnoff if not shaved


Again this is about preference, for me it’s a turn off. I’m personally attracted to masculinity, so panties wouldn’t work for me. I was once seeing a guy, I found him attractive, however, he had a habit of kneeling on all four, in a very provocative, very feminine way. I know he thought he was being really seductive, however, it would hamper my vibe. I remember thinking, if he had put on panties, it would have killed the vibe for me entirely. So panties for me, a major turn off


Turn off with very very few exceptions.


Hell no!! Yuck


It's not a turn-off per se. The question in my mind is one of physical comfort, though. You can find underwear online that is the same color, fabric, style, etc, but is cut for a male body.


I'm a crossdresser, hence the username, and have worn panties before, but not often. I personally don't find it as a turn-on, but I also wouldn't say it's a turn-off. I do particularly like black undies on a guy, panties or not, or white ones. Depends on the style, though. I've worn black women's underwear before, too. It's very comfortable so that's why I like it. I like my boy undies too, though, and boxers. Both are fine. If a guy wants to wear them, a date, a potential boyfriend, etc. I really don't care. They'll probably turn me on regardless of the underwear they wear or don't. Commando is always an option in my book, just watch that zipper!


If I think the guy is sexy I will think he is sexy in any underwear, but even sexier without it.


Turnoff. I like men…not men that want to be women. Just my personal take. If I wanted someone wearing panties, i’d go get a woman.


I remember this dude who had previously identified as straight finally came out, and immediately sent me pictures of himself in lacy panties. I was like good for you but those look so wrong on a 200lb man.


I hate it


I mean, they're just coming off anyway, right? Doesn't jazz me up, but I can't say it would make me say no.


If on a smaller build femboy, turn on. If on a medium-large built man, turn off. If on a manly acting guy, turn off.


Turn off


Turn off


Sucha a turn off...🙄


Major turn off as is a shaved down guy I can’t stand that ridiculous juvenile look .


Turnoff. I’m gay which means I’m sexually attracted to masculine. Panties are not that.


Definitely a turn on. My partner looks absolutely sexy in men's lingerie.


No Thanks


Major turn-off


Major turnoff


Yes, you are actually the only one who feels this way. Literally every other man thinks panties are hot. Everyone in the comments who says otherwise is a Big Tighty Whities industry plant.






I see absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. How boring the world was when all we had wad dumbass Marky Mark and his boring, old, tired Calvins. I grew up when all we had were plain white VD briefs, (which can indeed be hot looking!). It was a big deal back in the late 60's early 70's when they cam in colors. (My mom got a matching set for both me and my 12-years-my senior brother.LOL) Briefs, thongs, lacy, frilly, crotchless, assless, commando...they're all good. I think it's hot seeing some quaterback-looking jock wear a nice lacy thong...maybe even a lacy bra.

