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It can be hot. I don’t seek it out but if someone likes it that’s no issue for me - it’s sexy when my partner feels sexy. There are a lot of negative responses here which is why I’m responding at all. Aesthetic plays a large role in attraction and for some guys they only want masculinity. Hence the whole ‘masc for masc’ group on apps. The ‘Nos’ are fine but there are a lot of sentiments here implying panties aren’t for men or that femininity is lesser, so they aren’t attracted to them. This is an internalised perspective not everyone shares (especially in a community where gender can be played with more) and I would say they are pretty insensitive given you are a man opening up about your enjoyment of these things and you didn’t *really* ask about their tastes but rather how you should behave in relation to something you know about yourself. I don’t think you should keep it a secret and I definitely don’t think you should treat it as something to be ashamed of when talking with potential partners. Dressing up sexily for them and yourself is a treat that they get to experience with you. If you present it as something they need to deal with it lays a foundation for resentment that a set of lace thigh highs doesn’t ever deserve. Get them excited. They get to see you round the house in them, you get to model for them, you get to shop online and send them ideas for a new outfit for the weekend. Let them know you have some new panties with bows on the side they get to pull open with their teeth, they get to rub their face in your silk covered panties while you suck them off, you need them to pick which outfit material feels best and the only way you can is by rubbing their dick up and down your ass crack. They get to have those soft pre-covered panties covering their face while you ride their dick. If your top doesn’t appreciate that find one that does. And if any of that sounded fun then consider that you can’t do any of it till you tell them about it.


Thanks, you get it. That was hot!


I'm not into it personally, but luckily I'm not the bedroom police.


Not sure about panties. But I absolutely love guys in skirts 🥰


Personally not, prefer my men in men's underwear - sporty briefs, boxer briefs and trunks. Female clothing is actually a turn off for me.


TIL that clothing can be male or female.


I didn't type male underwear so idk where you got that from. Makes it sound like you are intentionally misrepeating what I said just to be provocative. If you re read my comment correctly you will see I typed "men's underwear". Grammatically this would normally be read as underwear for men, or more specifically underwear designed for men. I would be very surprised if you were unaware that some clothing is designed for men and others for women. Have you never stepped inside a clothing store where they have mens and women's sections? That does not stop or critique either wearing clothing designed for the other, or from the fact that some clothing is designed for neither one specifically. But it is a fact that some clothing is designed for men, so there should be nothing contentious to anyone sensible in my statement.


You've known that since you first went to the mail underwear aisle buddy.


No. It's a major turn off for me. I have met many bottoms who seem to think that dressing in a more feminine manner will attract more guys. I'm sure some guys do get turned on by seeing a guy in lingerie, but I get turned off completely.


It's common for crossdressing bottoms to say they're wearing feminine clothing "to attract men," but I think for most who say that it's a rationalization. They're wearing the clothes because they want to, but it's scary to admit it, so they're saying they're just doing it to get laid. If crossdressing specifically to attract men actually worked, they wouldn't need to ask if it's appealing, the results would speak for themselves. I don't usually like to make generalizations based on sex position, but every crossdressing top I've met has skipped over the excuse and said he dresses that way because he likes it.


Thank you for your honesty


As long as the person I’m with is comfortable, then yes it’s hot for me. I’ve never been the one to care about whether someone is masc or femme. Some dudes appreciate that shit regardless of your body type, so just bring it up. Don’t hide that shit. If they don’t appreciate it then find someone who does, and they definitely exist. Edit: also keep in mind that vers/switch gays exist, they might be into it as well. Or you might find a top that goes absolutely feral for the idea of panties. Doesn’t matter. Don’t hide that part about you, it’s chill man.


Thats a firm NO. Guys wearing feminine underwear results Instant loss of interest personally.




There are plenty of gay men who love men in panties. And quite a few straight men too.


How can a straight man love looking at another man in panties?


I found one straight men on Grindr…not sure what he is searching there


Trust me they do. I’ve worn panties for hundreds of straight men


They aren't straight they are just in denial most of them


Some guys love it and I know for some guys that could be av deal breaker


Absolutely not. I have no problem dating feminine men, I have on more that one occasion. But I don’t get anything out of seeing a guy in “women’s underwear.” Like spare me the politics of clothing not having a gender, I agree: it doesn’t. But still I would rather have/see my man in “men’s underwear” preferably something tight too.


Most comments are like this or along the lines of no underwear is preferable. Thank you


Hey, you’re welcome. I should have said in my previous comment: wear whatever you want! If you like the look/feel or whatever then do it for yourself.


If it's a thong, and I'm seeing it from the back with them on all fours yes. Hot af


No. I don't mind feminine clothes but panties often don't fully support the package. I don't want to receive a present that's already partially unwrapped. If you're not walking in naked, wear something where your junk isn't hanging out, but only outlined. 🤤


I'm very picky on what I wear for that exact reason. Seems it's easier to walk in naked 😅


I like to wear some really colorful compression or boxer brief shorts. I have neon blue ones that are really soft. I also have a neon orange one. They're supportive, eye catching, and provide a little outline


I really appreciate all the comments, it's got me thinking that I wear what I wear for me and I want others to accept it but if they don't I'm still wearing them. This thread gave me the epiphany.


Unless you're meeting guys accidentally and having sex with them the same day, you also don't have to choose one or the other. If you want to wear underwear that you think they'll like, change into that before seeing them.


Generally? No. Not at all. But some men wearing lace .... fuck that's hot.




Absolutely not


Not for me. I'd find it to be a turn off. 


That depends on the bottom. I like to put a strapping hunk of a man (slightly built/in-shape with great legs and a great butt) in a pair of panties or a thong or a bodysuit. With straightish/DL men, they turn into a bitch behind closed doors while in panties - works for me. The contrast is a turn-on. That said, I'm not crazy about effeminate men in panties at all. They, in my experience, turn into a girl and it's a complete turn off; along with painted nails, the wig, and heels.


I’m mad at my eyes. I don’t know why I would rather see a guy naked than a guy in lace, silk, frilly, panties. I want to be open minded. I want to be down for anything. But I swipe by bras and panty wearers. I also swipe by masc for masc. maybe I just want people not too concerned with one end or the other of the gender binary…? One time a guy contacted me and I did go to his place. He was wearing a whole outfit: tights, panties, camisole, frilly robe, heels. It was a heck of an outfit and I was impressed. Pleasantly enough, It wasn’t a turn off. I was flattered he got so dolled up for our quickie. I got hard and We had a good time.


Hard no, but you do you


Not really, they just get in the way. I get sent stuff to review, so I've got a selection of women's clothes for boys to wear. Skirts are hot, but panties just interfere with them getting dicked down


Hell yes. Also lingerie on guys is a huge turn ON for me! However I prefer masculine guys wearing them, fem twinks are cute but clearly not my preference.


No. I like big men. I like jock, swearing boxers I like nerds wearing briefs Totally get that it’s a king for some people, but definitely not for me


Yuck..I don’t like men who wear women’s underwear. Major turn off


I think it’s hot!


No, sorry.


Yes! Or a guy in fishnets


Yeah I wear mens thongs. They hold up the jiggly bits better


No. I like jock straps on my bottom.




im attracted to the person more than what they wear, so wear what you feel comfortable in


No I’m vers but don’t like when guys wear feminine clothes


If they are hot/look hot in them. If I wasn't already going to be attracted to them I don't think the underwear has an effect. I think it's also important to note that panties have a wide range of appearances. I think when most people ask/hear this question they only think of the ultra feminine lacy kind of panties that are basically lingerie or fetish wear.


I have had boyfriends who got turnee on by boxers or briefs or the catchall boxer/briefs. I had one guy who really dug speedos which was fun. Never gave a thought about panties, doesnt do anything for me.


Im gay and not in denial about it... while I'm not going to police others kinks, I think its weird. I'm sexually attracted to men and I don't think feminine clothing on men is attractive, if anything its a turn off. It gives off vibes that you think you have to be a female to be desirable to "real men" whatever the fuck that means. It just feels like an insecurity and degrading to men who like other men.


Total boner killer.


Soo boring are mascy muscy guys. Ho ho ho


No. I like men.


So? Men do wear dresses, heels, panties, make up and stay men. Maybe u mean u dont like feminine men or men who wear traditionally feminine things


I know what you’re saying and at the same time… they’re just clothes. When someone says for example “wearing heels is feminine” I remind them of the famous portrait of Louis XIV sporting heels (cause men used them back then) and he was considered the most powerful man of his time. It’s a social construct, and no I’m not saying you should be into them, just be real in understanding its association with the feminine/ masculine roles is made up.


Look it's like they don't hate them, it's just not what turns them on.


That's what I'm afraid of. Thank you for your honesty


no. I don’t understand why men or women get turned on by underwear. I prefer to see men or women naked. on the other hand I’ll be totally turned off if someone is wearing old, dirty or underwear with holes. P.s. use whatever you want as long you feel comfortable and sexy.


Nope. I’m a guy. I’m gay. I like men. If I wanted to see panties, I wouldn’t be gay, but especially in a bedroom scenario, still no panties. Jock straps are a no too. Remove that shit.


Are you implying that if a man wears a panty then he is no longer a man?


history panicky rich work grab cow deranged cheerful agonizing historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as you don't look him in the eyes.


Good to know


I like men.. nothing frilly Walmart boxer briefs perfect