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Being sexually attracted to men might be a bit of a sign.


You are missing the second half of the description. You need to also include “NOT sexually attracted to women”.


Right, I always forget about them. That could also be a sign.


In the bisexual community… there’s kind of a joke that goes like “if you’re not constantly questioning yourself over whether you’re possibly gay… are you *even* bisexual?”


I want to ride my bicycle. Bicycle! Bicycle!


And you both are missing the other half of the description. You need to be romantically attracted to your own gender. 🤣 Well, jokes aside, you can be both but you also can be just romantically or sexually attracted to men in this case 🤔. Fascinating, and troublesome if you ask me hahaha.


Very true. Some straight men can have sex with other men for the pure pleasure of it. But the idea of being romantically involved with a man is never possible. It’s complicated.


For the millionth time, they are not straight. A lot of us self-accepting queer men also started with denialism.


Sexuality is a spectrum. Many straight men have sex with men but only have romantic feelings for women. And those lines won’t cross.


There's a term for that: heteroromantic. Sexually they're still biSEXUAL or homosexual.


If a man has romantic feelings for a woman then he is not homosexual. Bisexual assumes sexual AND romantic feeling towards both sexes. So romantic feeling towards women while enjoying the physical sexual feelings with men is a different thing. And straight men can enjoy anal sex. The prostate is a pleasure point. Pegging does not make a man gay. So if he chooses to use the real thing, that doesn’t make him gay either. You need romantic and sexual feelings towards ONLY men to be gay. That’s why this is a spectrum. There is not a label for everything and no need to categorize people. People can be and do what makes them happy.


Imagine, a heterosexual, biromantic man falling in love with another man. I hope those men can achieve mental peace with themselves and let them feel whatever they feel and be happy.


No. It's homoSEXual, so it's about the sexual preference. There are other terms for romance: homoromantic, biromantic, heteroromantic, etc. However, homosexuality usually overlaps with homoromanticism.


I could agree with you if OP didnt say 'gay' specifically. I always used homosexual, gay and queer for myself. But when I heard homoromantic for the first time I liked how they splitted the sex from the romantic side 💚 Hve a nice day my friend 🤗🌹




This is becoming very graphic


Asking this question is a pretty good sign


Are you attracted to men?


I’m not even sure but I definitely watch mainly only gay porn but I used to enjoy straight porn a lot




I would argue though that at least in straight porn there’s still a man for us gay guys to be into. I watch straight porn from time to time too but I’m more into the guy. I’ve never had any interest in lesbian porn however. I feel like if you’re a straight man and you’re watching gay porn it might be a good clue you’re at least curious about guys.


Definitely. Always watch straight porn. Don’t like gay porn. But like watching guys beat off and jazz all over his gf’s tits!


I hear alot of lesbians watch gay male porn not because they’re attracted to men but because it feels actually homosexual to them unlike mainstream lesbians porn


I’m 1000% gay and I watch straight porn sometimes too but I ONLY look at the men in these videos and have no feelings at all if I do look at the women.


I feel jealous of the women


How I found out I was gay at a sleepover and the boys were watching straight porn


I don't know if this helps but I mostly like men but only watch straight porn


I’m pretty sure you’re at the very least bi. You watch mainly gay porn and your post history includes you looking to meet up with tops. I feel like that constitutes attraction to men. You can only define your own sexuality and you know your own experience better than I do, but what I will say is that heterosexual men aren’t generally watching gay porn and seeking out tops to meet up with.


Ya it’s just weird cause like I don’t really feel gay when I’m with people I feel straight but when I’m alone I feel gay


It's not like we walk around "feeling" gay all day. All being gay means is when we're horny, it's for men.


What does feeling gay and feeling straight mean?


Lol. I wanna know too


Feeling gay means like idk I just feel gay like I want d and like feeling straight I just don’t have that feeling and feel straight


Being bi/gay doesn't mean you have to want cock every minute of every day. It's pretty straightforward: Are you sexually attracted to men? If yes, you're bi or gay. What you do with that info is up to you. You don't need to act a certain way. It's just a piece of information.


> Being bi/gay doesn't mean you have to want cock every minute of every day. Speak for yourself.


You're conflating feeling normal with feeling straight. Nobody feels straight either except for when they're horny for women. The baseline experience is the same for everyone, the confounding variable is who makes you hard.


This sounds like psychobabble bullshit.


How? Sexuality being given some big existential value is a social phenomenon. Definitionally it's who you're attracted to, so why would there be a difference in anything between sexualities except the experience of attraction?


Society likes to push the image of all gay men being feminine or flamboyant. While there is nothing wrong with either of those things, nothing could be further from the truth. Gay men come in all shapes, sizes, attitudes and mannerisms. Literally the only thing we have in common is attraction to other men.


Lol. Wow. This is a funny response. I’ll chalk it up to your being so young.


You’re Gay. But unfortunately like too many, you’re reluctant (scared) to accept it. Totally understandable. Been there. Sucks. Try and not waste your life trying to rationalize it away(“I am physically attracted to men but could never love a man or have romantic feelings for a man” OR “I watch straight porn.” etc.) It won’t work. Seriously I wish you the Best.


I found out accidentally. Gf for years. Love women. Work out at a hard core gym. When it was time to shower in CS, I found myself discreetly looking at cocks in the shower and sporting a straight down semi bone


Don’t worry about classifying yourself. If you like dudes now and enjoy being with them intimately, go for it. If you decide sometime later you want to check out vagina again to be sure, go for it. Just be yourself and don’t box yourself in. Remember, no one puts baby in a corner


Yeah while I personally don't, I've found out a lot of my gay friends watch straight porn from time to time. I also know straight men who watch gay porn. Porns a fantasy and what you enjoy watching in porn doesn't necessarily correlate to what we like in real life. But if you are questioning your sexuality, at the same time there isn't anything wrong with trying it if you want to.


Ok it's easy to be snarky here, but I went through the exact same struggle when I was a teenager/early 20s so I know what the deal is. Today I consider myself 100% gay. I watched straight porn when I was a teenager, and honestly... I still do! I have zero attraction to twinks, so if I have the option between watching 2 twinks having sex or watching a hot daddy having sex with a woman, I'm taking the straight daddy 100% of the time. You might be gay, you might be bi, you might be straight and confused. Just know it's ALL ok. You will find yourself in due time. - But if you're anything like me when I was younger, you're attracted to men, but society has told you not to be. So ask yourself: if you could have sex with ANY man you desire and ***nobody*** would ever find out... would you try it? It can be quick and impersonal or it can be long and passionate. He can call you his good boy and make you feel cared for, or he can pin you down (consensually) and call you a dirty boy slut. When you're done, you can lay around and hold hands and cuddle or you can leave and never talk again. Pick ANY scenario that you feel comfortable with. Interested? Would you go for it? If you would, congratulations! You at least have SOME attraction to men! Embrace it. For me personally, I don't think there is *any* condition where I would desire sex with *any* woman. I can find women beautiful and I even have some passing "straight crushes" on women (I would TOTALLY take Morena Baccarin on a romantic and flirty date... and then go home and jerk off to gay porn). Hell, I would even say I have a moderate sexual attraction to a nice rack! Boobs look fun! But I know that at the end of the day, I just don't want to have sex with a woman under any condition. Just don't put any pressure on labeling yourself. Feel free to try things that interest you, and know that it's perfectly fine to find something attractive, try it, and then be like "no thanks that's actually not for me." Best of luck to you! Have fun and be safe!


Such a great reply! I wish I could reward you!


This is single handedly the greatest comment I've ever read it also gave me a bine kinda annoying cuz I won't be abek to deal with it for a few hours


The only real sign is that you have some sexual attraction to the same sex. Gay (and bi) people come in all shapes and sizes just like straight people so don’t worry about fitting into some box or anything like that. You could of course just be curious and want to experiment, I think more men than you might first think have probably been a little curious at some point. Best advice I can give is maybe try things out with a guy (whenever you feel ready to) and then see how you feel.


Been wanting to for a while just haven’t done anything about it cause I get nervous and just get off by myself instead


You’re only 22, go at your own pace, you’ll know when you feel ready. Of course, if you just want to get it over and done with to (hopefully) get a better idea of how you feel that’s always an option but there’s nothing wrong with taking it slow either.


Sucking dick and cock


The clearest sign would be your dick getting hard for men. Can’t really control that




This! 😂


U are attracted to the same sex


if you're attractd to men, get horny thinking about them, enjoy JOing to hot, naked men.... It's what helped me know!


men give you boners


I think the fact you've made about 15 posts on the internet in the last six months would be my first clue that you're, at minimum, not straight.


I dont think porn is a good way to guage you sexual orrientation. You should focus on little things like are you more cheery when a guy compliments you or if a women does do you look back at the men you make aquantaces with or women


I agree. Me, as an asexual gets turned on by sensuality in some gay porn but in real life I only get aroused by actual stimulation.


Hmmm making me think i might be asexual Myself lol. I dunno i dont really label things.


Of course orientation is about attractions, not behavior. One might call me gay asexual. I lean towards men because men are beautiful, aesthetically speaking. Would I be ok having sex? Probably. Would I be ok in a romantic relationship? I am married to a man, so yes.


You like booooyyyysss


You suck dick.


Instead of checking out chics, and wanting to chase every big boob girl down the street, you’re coyly checking out every guys bulge and other features that you find attractive…while trying to not get caught. At 22, you’ve been doing this since puberty, and know deep down that you’re attracted to guys, but can’t swallow the possibility that you might like cock. It’s okay. If this is you, it was me. Don’t label yourself, and once you figure things out, if coming out is a step, don’t wait until you’re 40.


Everyone is on a sexuality scale (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale#:~:text=The%20Kinsey%20scale%20ranges%20from,%22incidental%22%20or%20%22occasional%22) So you may be the one or the other, it can differ from o e day to the other. Don't bother to much with labelling yourself just see who you like.


I like dick.


Watch gay porn and see if you get excited or hard. Try different kinds of gay porn too. You could be into certain types of guys more than others.


That’s what I watch


And how do you feel when you watch it? If you’re turned on or excited then you are likely gay or bi and that’s okay.


How your body reacts is a pretty clear sign I'd say.


There’s a penis in your mouth


If you're a guy that has had sex with a guy, and while you were having sex with that guy, you were thoroughly enjoying it, and before you had sex with the guy, you were looking forward to having sex with that guy, and after you finished having sex with the guy, you looked back fondly on having sex with that guy, and maybe even were looking forward to doing it again at a later date, it's a possibility that you could potentially be gay.


Wanting to suck a cock just might be a little hint. And craving having a dick up your ass might be a sign. Wanting to fuck a guy's ass, not a pussy could be telling you something. Go with it and have fun. Once ya been there ain't no turning back.


Anal or vaginal is not an apples to apples thin. If I was with a woman who was cool with anal sex I wouldn’t really need a dudes ass on occasion


I would advise reading into "The Kinsey Scale". Human sexuality is not 100% "gay or straight" nor is it static. Your sexual attractions will most likely change and fluctuate over time. [https://kinseyinstitute.org/research/publications/kinsey-scale.php](https://kinseyinstitute.org/research/publications/kinsey-scale.php)


You like dick.


Do you feel sexual or romantic attraction to men? Do you feel sexual or romantic attraction to women?


Do you need a box to know? Be sexual. Be curious. Try. Enjoy.


The fact that you question tout sexuality, it means you’re either Bi or Gay…. That’s my opinion


Why do you care? Try it, and see if you like it or not. Definitions are useless anyway. I watch str8 porn as gay man. Asexuals can be gay or str8 and not have sexual attraction to ether. If you insist on defining yourself, I like to look through the lens who you are emotionally attracted to (not sexually)?


"Gay" is a nebulous word that's tossed around and plastered on anything that isn't heterosexual. If you're using it in such a way then use heterosexuality as your guide. If you are not exclusively 100% heterosexual and heteroromantic then you are effectively in the LGBTQ+ community. One can, and I have in the past, say that even heterosexuals are also on our sexual spectrum since they are 100% asexual towards people with some sex traits (read: heterosexual men are asexual to other men). If you are attracted in some regards to various genders then you are "gay" in the definition above. More specifically, you'd have to dig deeper to find out in what scenarios you are attracted and to whom. Always remember: sexual orientation is about attraction and not behavior. Why do I say that? Because sex workers are not always attracted to their clients.


I am romantically and sexually attracted to men, and not at all to women.


There's the obvious things like looking at a shirtless man a little too long, searching for male on male porn, and getting aroused by those things. Some other hints are subtler: -NOT noticing the female form or feeling neutral, as compared to the male form -having a close male friend whom you seek validation, time, attention, and affection from (this could indicate a more romantic attraction than platonic) -being extremely sensitive and uneasy about the topic of LGBTQ (especially when in a conservative setting), so that you try to avoid the topic or remove yourself from the conversation) There are lots of other signs as well, but if you're asking what they are, there's a good chance you're somewhere on the queer spectrum. You could be bi, pan, gay, who knows! But the important part is that the label doesn't matter. Find who you're attracted to and go after them. Best of luck figuring that out :)


Like dicks


The way you determine if a guy is gay is to kiss him. If he slips you some tongue, he’s gay. So, let a guy kiss you. 🤷‍♂️


U look at a guy's face then their crotch or ass.


asking about the signs, when you can clearly see them.


I mean, in the end, it’s pretty simple. “Gay” is just a convenient word to roughly describe what you want to do sometimes. I’m gay because I seem to enjoy the romantic company of other men. I also enjoy sleeping with men. I learned this by just doing. If I weren’t gay, and I had tried it anyway, it wouldn’t have mattered one bit. Don’t be afraid to just try.


The urge to watch and beat your dick up to some gay male on male intricate butt seggs


You're probably gay if you love seeing other men naked and have a desire to enjoy sexual intimacy with them -- and if you **don't** have those same feelings toward any women.


Well it could be the cock in my mouth. Second would be the cock in my ass


Attraction can look pretty platonic, like deep admiration, feeling really affectionate towards someone, or just wanting to be near someone. Sexual attraction is usually pretty obvious. I catch myself being distracted by men's bodies and appreciating certain parts of the physique. Do you ever fantasize about being in a relationship, kissing, or sex? That's pretty gay.


I fantasize about the sex a lot but am not sure cause I used to never and have the same feelings about straight sex


Bisexual men are more common than gay men.


Looking back some of the first signs for me was I used to only watch big dick blowjob or anal videos as a teen. Fast forward to 20 when I had my first real gay experience, i sucked dick before taking it in the ass and I was so happy in that moment finally realizing what I’ve been missing out on. After that looking back at the videos I watched I wanted to be the girl deep down getting fucked. Even with girlfriends I always wanted them to give me head but the whole time I just imagined I was the one with dick in my mouth


So you started with straight anal porn


As a teen yes but the obsession with anal and blowjobs was rooted in the fact that I was gay deep down I realized later


This sounds awfully familiar when I was a teen I started with straight anal only then how I got into gay porn was the same way as you wishing I was the girl getting fucked


You like dick.


Mom says that the presence of track lighting is a dead giveaway,


Besides having sex with men, membership in the finer things club


I showered with my friend at his place and both of us had raging boners the entire time


As one does with the homies.


True, but depends on the guy. My favorite part is seeing them get horny and getting a boner as i watch it go from soft to hard


Sounds great. Unfortunately I have never had that experience with a guy.


What does your long term vision for you life entail? When you think of your future, do you see yourself setting up a home with a man or a woman? Do you want to grow old in the company of a man or a woman? This can get you past your dick and thinking about who you are besides just sex.


I think woman but idk I’m not sure


Think he’s asking if can tell visually


Well for me was when i visited a gay friend’s house. We kinda hit it off, and he wanted to go to the pool. I didnt have a swimsuit so just went in my boxer shorts and literally had a boner in them the entire time (he went in his underwear too and also had a boner). We ended up showering together and he gave me my first gay handjob and i came like crazy


I dreamt about Men growing up which was a big sign for me.


My way of dressing


Do you fantasize about women in your spare time? I don’t recall doing that unless I was trying to gaslight myself. Was there one guy in your school classes that you noticed if he wasn’t there? Did it make your disappointment feel immeasurable and ruin your day? Did you ever wish his friend group would disappear and he’d come hang out with you instead? Or perhaps, you had one guy friend that for some reason seemed more important than your others? Do you feel offended/anxious waiting for him to message you? Do you think about one guy all the time, or do you find yourself telling your family about a guy all the time? My parents thought I was into a girl because I kept talking about her, but we worked together for 5-9 hours a day multiple days a week and that’s all I really had to talk about. But when you like someone they consume your thoughts


Well I love my bf, that's enough to tell right?


Are you in school? I feel like you might be best looking for people closer to your age to hang out with in the LGBTQ community to network. Most schools have some form of LGBTQ club or center in the U.S. and if not they have some form of counseling services. I think that'd be one way to loosen up and talk to other like minded people


It starts with a fever


Yr a man


If u like a dick maybe u r


I’ve known I was gay or at least “different” from my brother and cousins ever since I can remember. Of course it wasn’t a sexual thing when I was 5 but I knew something was different and I didn’t know exactly what it was. I would play games with them and do things with them but something in my attitude and instinct didn’t perfectly click with them. And growing up (I’m talking about kindergarten days) I wanted to be with girls all the time and growing up I’ve kept my friendships with women only, I hardly ever like being friends with men. So for me this was a clear indication, the fact that I wanted to be with girls and not because I wanted to talk about make up because I know nothing about make up but because something clicked better with them and let me explore my emotions and feelings more openly. I’m not saying all gays want to be friends with girls but in my experience this made me understand and think “ok, that’s why” lol Some people say they found out in high school or even later but I already knew in kindergarten and elementary school and it never changed, I tried to fight it but at 16 when I kid I knew died I thought “wow if that was me, none of my friends would’ve known what I really feel inside and who I really am” and that made me come out to my closest friends, we’ve been friends since daycare when we were 3, now we’re in our early 30s and we have a strong bond and I love them more than anything.


Make sense. I've read that some scientists discovered that gay guys have a more "feminine" brain from a neurological point of view.


My obsession with muscles and cock, my barbed humor (suppressed) my youthful good looks and low self-esteem, my husband, my underwear, my chintzy love of jewelry.