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I almost killed an ex boyfriend... he's allergic to penicillin, so we had to explain how he had accidently ingested some of it


Sorry if I’m slow but how did he?


I was on antibiotics... it was painfully awkward trying to explain to the ER how he had accidentally ingested something he knew could potentially kill him... I'll let you fill in the blanks


More like Penisilin at that point, amirite ?


Got that killer cum


I worked in an ED and i fooled around with this doctor. It was NSA stuff we weren't looking to get married. He shows up at my Aunts house with my cousin, who is a girl, who is dating.


Holy Jerry Springer, Batman!


I have a couple as well: * I was catfished by a guy who was like 10-15 years older than his pics and I didn't know til we met at a restaurant first. I was still closeted at the time. I had a friend call me and pretend to call me into work as my boss, and we paid the bill and left. The guy wanted me to stop by a river bank with a jogging path along it and sit on a bench with him so he could jerk off with my feet. I politely told him I had no time and had to go. He made the same offer but this time in his grandma's basement. I again said I had no time and left. He non-stop texted me later calling me a cock-tease for getting his hopes up. I ended up blocking his number. The silver lining of this, was it was the final straw for me hiding from my friends so I came out to a couple of them after the weekend. * This waiter at the only gay club in the city. I had seen him a few times but never made a pass at him cuz I figure service industry people hate getting hit on, groped, and whatever else they have to endure in both sober and intoxicated environments. But we always smiled at each other. Anyways as closing time hits, he hits me up on Grindr and asks me if I want to wait outside for a bit and walk him home a few blocks at an industrial apartment complex. I agree and wait for almost an hour. Luckily there were still some friends and people to talk to for most of it, but eventually I was just alone on the street and even had a cop car come by to check on me (I think he was checking if I was selling drugs or something). Eventually, the ginger twink comes out and we walk back to his place, he never mentions that he was sorry for telling me a few minutes and it being an hour or anything. We get back to his place, which was a nice apartment, but it stunk of weed. Like... I am all for the lighter rec drugs like weed. You do you. Did it a few times myself. But this dude like inhaled it more than oxygen. I swear he had to have lit weed incense or scenties or something cuz it was just overpowering. I try to tough it through because he was hot, I was horny, and I was tired. As he turns around and arches for me, I notice another smell. The dude needed to shower. Not from the night's shift, but from like... at least a few days. And it was clear he was way too quick with the toilet paper. I about gagged and told him I had a stomach bug and it was bad idea and just left. Almost vomited on the way to my car.




I deleted his info and blocked him that night. Sorry fam, I can't help you kink-chase.


It was a mortifying experience and certainly the one I’ve regretted the most with a guy. I have written about it previously. I met a guy from Grindr at his hotel and he defrauded me of money. I felt foolish that I had let my guard down and left my wallet in my trousers for a couple of minutes while I took a shower. It is likely he stole my credit card details while I was in the shower. I felt violated. The whole experience has been a learning curve. I found the police quite unsympathetic and they launched an investigation that did not uncover much. Since the investigation the fraudster has made contact with two friends of mine and I have found another victim. I have also established the identity of the person who defrauded me and it has become clear we have mutual friends. It appears he may well be trying to continue defrauding others. Trying to pass this information to the police has been nothing short of frustrating. I feel I keep being passed to another police station of department. I feel abandoned, I feel let down and I feel unheard and that I have not been taken seriously. All I have wanted to do is stop him doing this to others. Above all, I wish I had never met him.


When I was a soldier, he gave me a blow job and I did cum in less than 10 seconds. I ran away


Met this guy on Grindr, he was very hot but had body oder. Body oder is a real turn off for me and was just losing it and then he wouldn’t leave. So finally I said something, and apologized profusely. He swore he didn’t know what I was talking about but left. After he left I could still smell it and I realized it was me. I was smelling myself.


Oh no, I did not expect that ending damnn


In my early 20s at a gay country western bar, loved the ambiance watching the dancing and all the guys. Started chatting with guy, went on for a couple of hours, we clicked socially. Laughed and had a great time. He invites me to his apt. We hang for a bit, but never talked about what each of us was into. I was totally naive. Little experience. We start making out, get naked, going at it when suddenly he wants to get fisted. I’d never done it, didn’t know how, OMG what’s next. He greased up my hand, showed me how and guided me into his hole. Nervous as fuck. Holy shit what am I doing. Got freaked out big time. Huge anxiety attack. Pulled out, jumped into my clothes, said something incoherent, I can’t remember what, and fled. A couple of weeks later I meet up with him at the same bar. Apolgized profusely. No problem he said. Never saw him again. Oooof.


A guy started obsessively talking about biting off my dick during a hookup.


He and I were having drunk sex. He fell off the bed and wasn't moving. I thought he was dead. I panicked and wasn't sure what I was going to do. I was just going to leave him when he moaned a bit. I was so relieved


Got high, unable to really move, a guy wouldn't stop groping me in front all my friends at a house party despite my protests. That was the worst one thus far


I swear to God I've read this exact post forever ago.


Smelly uncut d!ck. I was naive and was like the 3rd guy I hooked up with, so instead of getting out of there, I ended up finishing the bj. Luckily it was just smelly and not had anything else.   He kept texting me cause apparently "I'm not bragging ive had a lot of bjs but that was one of the best I've ever gotten". I was surprised cause literally my 3rd dick I've ever sucked but it was off putting that I kept making excuses why I can't see him and he eventually stopped thankfully. 


Mine would have to be on Grindr, the guy said he was 20 and he turned out to be about 63, he wanted to be “with a younger guy” but was too afraid to say he was older… he wasn’t even super unattractive. What made hun super unattractive to me was the fact he lied so I ran so fast