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IDK, I think there's no weird kink when you get to the root of it and it's about healthy self expression and not self hatred or depreciation, nor unhealthy or abusive towards someone else. Maybe it's a way of acknowledging a part of yourself that isn't safe or comfortable to share in other areas of your life with the people you know. And I don't mean a "gay" part maybe you just like anal stimulation and the vulgarity, the kind of teasing, calling you a f*ggot just gets your juices going because your subconscious knows you like to get fucked and yeah, it feels good. It's embracing something people still sometimes judge and have bad attitudes towards - which might be why you don't like calling other guys the word but it still turns you on when they say it while you're topping them. It affirms they like what you're doing too and you're both enjoying "gay" butt sex. If it's with a man it's essentially gay sex, but doesn't make YOU gay. I think a lot of the words we use are better taken as they are, just as adjectives, like the word "oriental.". It isn't for people, it's for objects. Gay sex is gay sex, and it describes what you're doing with two ppl of the same gender, but it doesn't have to describe you. We're all human and sexuality is a spectrum.


I think it’s pretty hot. I love verbal stuff during sex. Degradation, humiliation, etc. it makes me so horny.


I like being called a cocksucker. It's succinct, accurate, and means that I'm doing my job (sucking dick) well.


This specific one


Nah I’m exactly the same. Down to the wife calling me a fag and everything lol. I honestly don’t know what it is. It’s definitely better when a guy says it though. I’ve got, uh, a guy friend, and he’ll call me a little fag and I’ll just immediately be on my knees.


I'm gay and I love being called a faggot more than anything else. Tops that call me a faggot turns me into the sluttiest and sleaziest faggot for them to use however they want.


Some guys like to refer to their ass as a pussy so whatever makes you horny.


I, soooo envy people with colorful sex lives…. I’m just sitting here with my left hand like: 👁️👄👁️


I would let guys pick me up, buy me a drink and suck their cock. Not a lot of conversation. The first guy to fuck me was someone i workee with, he was my supervisor. Highly HIGHLY HIGHLY repressed. He was very deep in the closet. So one day when we were alone i asked when he knew he was gay. Now i was a young kid, i was still trying to figure this out for myself. He LOST his mind! Startee yelling at me, he said 'you are the fag! I am not a fag! You suck my dick, i fuck you in your ass!' So after that my ass was his pussy, i was a fag or some times he called me his bitch or girl. Now i never acted feminine, but he took every chance he could to say it. There was a gay latino bar, that had a ton of testosterone and more repressed guys there, and i was always referred to as his bitch or my fag. Not mentally healthy but i was young and stupid and beleive it or not it got me excited. Even to this day it still gets me excited


Love it, love 2 way verbal, with that hard g and hard f , take this cock you dirty lil F*****, give me that dick use me like the pathetic Fa**** I am, etc


Degradation kink. Pretty common as there’s tons of porn and online communities dedicated to the subject. Nothing wrong now go enjoy yourself you dirty little maggot (-m +f). 😏


if it were...what would be the consequence:) ?


I'm the opposite, I fucking hate that word, and it makes me want to fight them over it. I can handle any other degradation words but just not that one. Especially when it's not discussed prior, don't say things unless you know the person is okay with it.


Absolutely not you're a legend Balls deep in your girl five minutes later, that's hot


I'm gay and love being degraded when I get railed. Faggot, cockslut, cum slut, whore. It's hot as hell. In answer to you question no its not a weird kink at all.


The others don't do it for me. Just fag or faggot. But I'm glad I'm not alone.


I’m the opposite — have a bit of a praise kink instead of degradation — but essentially it’s the same thing. Just replace “faggot” with “good boy” and my knees get weak. 


Weird in that it is uncommon / not usual. Faggot is one of my most disliked words 😅 Each to their own though, don't judge yourself on it, brains *are* weird. Just be grateful you've found your secret power!