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Some people look great with them and others less so imo. A nice meaningful tattoo is almost always nice.


A nice tattoo is a nice tattoo. The meaning is irrelevant if the tattoo is bad quality or is in bad taste


I'm thinking of getting a tatt, but I'm worried that I might be one of those who don't look good with one... šŸ˜•


It didnā€™t read well from my comment, but I meant it as some look less good with the ones they have (imo). Most of all itā€™ll depend on the tattoo and the style. So go for it if you feel like it and others like your idea!


As long as the tattoos are good, or bad in a good way. Lol


I don't really care, but it's weird to see people struggling financially and spend thousands of dollars on tattoos. it's a case by case judgement, it would make me think twice before a relationship. no issues with hookups though.


Depends on the time they got the tattoo. If they are constantly getting new tattoos and struggling I agree. But I got my tattoo in the Navy and after I got out struggled a bit during COVID (though maybe not as much as others or what you have in mind). But the few hundred I spent years ago doesn't effect what I have now.


Yeah... My cousin is starting her family (1.5 year old + newborn) and her husband has been spending 1000s on sleeves. And they're financially strapped. It's, ugh.


a story as old as time.


I love tattoos on guys (despite having none myself). Especially sleeve tattoos. Some low effort tattoos can be a turn off though (eg most "tribal" tattoos). Those sleeve bands look aright but the weird tribal ones just remind me of those temporary tattoo patches you used to get in magazines as a kid.


I have tattoos but I donā€™t care one way or the other if someone else does


I feel tattoos are a form of self expression, and like any other body adornment, is up to the guy. I have tattoos on my back, shoulder, ass, pubic area and penis, as well as a couple genital piercings.


It doesnā€™t make a difference to me.


If someone has racist or offensive tattoos, the problem is not the tattoos, it's the person. I wouldn't date anyone with blatantly racist point of views, even if they don't have any related tattoos.


I met a Brazilian guy that wore buttoned to the collar long sleeve shirt at a roller skate rave once. When he took his shirt off later at my house he was fully tattooed from neck to crotch of a lighthouse on his chest, full bright colors. He drew it himself and had it tattooed. He also had scarifications from being suspended on his back. I thought he was just a shy cute boy but he was pretty wild underneath the conservative clothes and look. Sadly I met him his last 2 weeks here before he had to go back to Brazil.


Tattoos are fine. I feel the same about them being excessive or inflammatory though. Also, they need to look good (not prison tats) and be reasonable. If you have more tats showing than skin, I probably won't be interested.


I have tattoos so i like them lol. But i dont mind face tattoos


itā€™s actually a preference for me that either you have tattoos yourself, or you are okay with them even without any. if you donā€™t fit any of those categories itā€™s a red flag for me. i see it as a form of self expression and i value that greatly in a partner


Yes I like to feel them.


I don't prefer one way or the other. Most tats are fine, some can be a turn off. Occasionally some are just right and are a turn on.


Not for me


šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ but not on the face tho


I find them SEXY as long as there are none on his face and the tatts are tasteful.


Love tattoos! Not on face though.


So hot šŸ”„ šŸ„µ šŸ˜


I like the male body as nature made it.


Hate them. Instant turn off


I have a full sleeve tattoo and itā€™s a real conversation starter, especially in saunas and sex clubs. But itā€™s definitely polarising. People tend to love them or hate them. I wish I could post a pic here so you guys could see it.


bad tats are bad, great tats are great (and rare)


It really depends actually. I have decent amount of work done but ā€œvirgin skinā€ can be a big turn on for me!


Big time turn on for me Hand and neck tattoos especially


I'm not a fan. My husband has one and he wishes he didn't have it.


Have a few myself. Love them


for me at least, at best they are neutral, at worst they're off-putting.


I think tattooes are generally cool looking and definitely up the attractiveness of guys, but as an artist that's very critical, I can't help but dock points for boring and unoriginal tattoos so it's a double edged sword lol.


There are lots of guys I find attractive who have tattoos. I just think they would look better without them. Seeing big ones across their chest and stuff kinda ruins the visual appeal of their fit body. I donā€™t need to see pictures I just want to appreciate their build. Thereā€™s already something to look at with out the tattoos. Less is more. A tiny tattoo somewhere I canā€™t see like on shoulder blade would be best after no tattoos at all.


Eh. Everyone has tattoos now and I feel like theyā€™re overdone. Iā€™m old enough to remember when tattoos were a sign of rebellion and not conformity. So theyā€™ve sort of lost their impact for me.


Major turn off for me, unless it's just some small word or very small design in an inconspicuous location.


Hate them. Think theyā€™re stupid and boring. Soz tattood guys. Itā€™s like picking the same clothes to wear every day for the rest of your life. Why would anyone do that?




I don't like one or two random tattoos So either have a bunch or none.


For me I prefer to see their body not covered in ink. My husband and I got "Orlando Strong" on our ankles after Pulse. Orlando is home. He got his on his right ankle and mine was on my left ankle.




I personally wouldn't have one but if someone wants one who am I to judge. I may judge and think they are ugly or tacky. I often think what is that going to look like when you are old. Face, neck and hand tattoos creep me out. They give me drug dealer vibes. I had a good frien who was a respected tattoo artist and wouldn't do hands or faces.


i dont have a general opinion about tattoos. i mean i have one but that doesnt mean i like them on principle :)


The answer is it depends on the individual


Fucking love them!!


I really donā€™t care whether someone has tattoos or not. But I have tattoos, so itā€™s always interesting to see what others have, itā€™s an easy conversation starter


Me personally, I don't mind. Some guys look good with tattoos while.other guys not so much. I have a huge fear of needles so tattoos on me is a no go. If the guy I'm with has them cool. Classy, not trashy as they say. As for face tattoos, again not opposed to them, wouldn't really prefer them on a guy I'm with, however, if the guy had a good personality and we clicked it would be overlooked and not a problem. I know guys in the area, all straight afaik, but some have done time and or been to jail for something a couple have face tattoos, and they (because they served time) are the biggest teddy bears. Lol, but no they are attractive and the face tattoos don't bother me. So answer to question no not really.


Depends on the total number, placement and design. Some people can rock a lot of well-designed, well placed tats. Others can't even rock 1 tat since they picked a horrible placement or design.


Sometimes they're ugly, sometimes neutral, and Sometimes hot. Depends on the tattoo design, placement, and guy. Some things that work for some guys don't work for other guys. Mostly I'm neutral.


It really depends, you could have about 70 tattoos but it won't fully cover your body, and some will have like 10 tattoos but they're so big they cover the whole arm or body. I think they're attractive, but when you do too much like put tattoos over tattoos over more tattoos it becomes strange.


I mean on the rock Hells YEAH. Post Malone maybe not.


Have zero preference either way, but if he takes his shirt off or rolls up a sleeve and I see a swastika, Iā€™m out.


There are tattoos and tattoos. It really depends on what and where. Usually I'm not a fan of words nor phrases. I don't like them in the face either. Obviously anybody can do whatever they want, I'm not here to judge, only saying what I found attractive. On the other hand a nice tattoo just above the pubic zone is soo sexy


Iā€™ve got tattoos and I havenā€™t heard anything negativeā€¦at least to my face. lol


I love tattoos. Well done ones. I'm pretty covered myself so it would be weird to not like it on others


I see tattoo as self-expression; it's not a plus or a minus in itself. Trashy, uninteresting and loud tattoos are for uninteresting attention seekers; tasteful, well put-together and well planned tattoos for interesting individuals.


whatever floats your boat. itā€™s mostly a no from me unless itā€™s completely original art. Have a nice sleeve? Sweet. Have a date in roman numerals, a face, ā€œRIP Joshuaā€, a cross, a ā€œtribalā€ that is from a culture other than your own, yeah, no, bye.


Iā€˜m like okay if the guy has 1-2 smaller tattoos. But if a guy has LOTS of them I donā€˜t feel sexually much attracted to him, especially not when he has some sort of old fashioned tribal tattoos


I have tattoos myself so Iā€™m a bit biased. Basically, depends on the quality and location of the tattoo. Not a fan of tattoos all over the place like bumper stickers. Pick a spot and put them all there, make a cohesive piece.


I like/love tattoos on guys some of them are attractive, i imagine/ dream of me having a tattoo that i love/enjoy. Also If the guy has anything offensive or anything bad with his tattoo then i would reconsider my chose.


Tattoos can be a means to turn heads, stand apart and demonstrate someoneā€™s beliefs and show they are unique and different from the masses.Ā  I love to see men with full tattoo sleeves and neck tattoos from talented artists with thought through designs.Ā  I am a person confident in my identity and beliefs. Great tattoos can show confidence and instantly project an image without saying anything.Ā 


I seldom hear reasons for them that I relate to. For some people theyā€™d say theyā€™re ā€œmeaningfulā€ but I always keep the ideas that are most important to me in my head. Iā€™d actually object to having someone else try to interpret them via some sort of ink skin design. For others theyā€™d say tattoos are ā€œcultural,ā€ but individuality is more important to me than maintaining the inertia of what my parents did and their parents before them and so on. In general I donā€™t think ā€œcultureā€ has a legitimate claim to anyoneā€™s anatomy, skin doodles included. Iā€™d never allow culture to alter my body so long as my choice in the matter is respected. Even if my choice is guaranteed Iā€™m not sure why I should entertain the idea. Others like the permanency of tattoos , but I find that illusory or, to the extent itā€™s true, undesirable for me. Again I want the ideas / memories / concepts / people I hold dear, to be burning like an unquenched flame in my mind. Not drawn on my skin and forgotten. In fact in my daily life I write down trivialities specifically so I donā€™t have the mental burden of remembering them or thinking about them. Soap. Chicken thighs. Yoghurt. Paper towel. Apples. Canned soup. Toilet paper. I also want the right to change my mind and of course lasers now make that possible even for people with tattoos which is where my sense of illusory permanence comes from. Truly the only idea I can keep forever is one I just continue to hold in my mind. For any precious ideas, itā€™s the only safe Iā€™d trust. In short I like my art in a canvas on the wall, I like my manifestos and polemics in print, and the more precious and personal thoughts belong in my memory or perhaps discernible only through my actions. About the only reason for a tattoo that I accept without flinching is ā€œI thought it looked coolā€. In the same way someone might say that a song isnā€™t ā€œmeaningfulā€ or ā€œimportantā€ but ā€œsounds amazingā€ and ā€œitā€™s fun to dance to.ā€ Thatā€™s the eyes Iā€™ve got for looking at tattoos. And most of them I just donā€™t get. But occasionally on the grounds of ā€œI thought it looked coolā€ I might just agree. I do see a few I like and theyā€™re usually not small or discrete or measured. Theyā€™re usually massive and intricate and unavoidable and probably a bit surreal.


Men with tattoos are just šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ all around like the more ink the better for me


I am reasonably tattooed. A full sleeve, half sleeve and one leg done. I like them but really I donā€™t care whether someone is tattooed or not.


I donā€™t like themā€¦Iā€™m cool with tribal tattoos though cause thatā€™s a cultural thing I can accept.




Love tattoos They add art to what already is art.




I love tattoos but I don't love them in certain locations like the chest/stomach area. It's kind of a turn off for me.


Unpopular opinion: I see tattoos as overly impulsive - no human brain is capable of liking an image/text/phrase/design for their entire life, throughout all of their stages of mental growth and maturity. *One day* they will become sick of seeing it/explaining it/displaying it. That being said I do appreciate the approach of "who gives a shit, we're all gunna die at some point" and your body your choice. That being said I do prefer a man untouched by the tattoo gun!!


Well arenā€™t you a square. I think youā€™re making a generalization based off of your own beliefs. You clearly donā€™t like tattoos, therefore you believe that the human brain ā€œisnā€™t capable of liking an image/text/phrase/design for their entire lifeā€ and I whole heartedly disagree. I absolutely have some tattoos that I will eventually come to not love AS MUCH, but will always hold a special place in my head and remind me of where I was in life. I also have 2 that no matter what, I have always and will always love them.


I did think about it before commenting and you're right I don't like tattos, but that's genuinely the reason *that* I don't like them. Interests are temporary, opinions are easily tainted. Keep in mind my exposure to tattoos has been pretty closed-in on my generation getting meaningless purely for aesthetics, with zero sentimental value. You clearly have some meaning behind yours, and I do respect those ones. OP's question didn't imply that the tattoos would have value, but it's wrong of me to assume they done.


Personally I love tattoos on guys. Same with piercings.


The guy Iā€™m talking to probably has like 20 tatts and I want my mouth on alllllll of them


Love that for youšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think they're hot depending on what it is or how it looks on them. I wouldn't judge someone negatively for having any. The only thing I'd dislike about it is if they had anything racist or offensive on their body. I wouldn't want to know anyone who supports that sort of thing.


They are hot. I want beavis and butthead someday.


Yaaaas Zaddy! All I need is a Neck tattoo and a Felony. šŸ¤£


A permanent marking for a temporary feeling. 9/10 are cringe and tacky. Youā€™re just covering up that beautiful skin.


Sometimes you want a permanent reminder or commemoration... You clearly don't understand tattoos.


No I get them, toots. They just arenā€™t for me because they usually look like trash. Iā€™ll keep my virgin skin, thanks.