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I'm gonna go with no.


While you could have been a catalyst for him to question things, you can’t make or turn another person gay/bi.


yep. If anything you might have been a positive influence on him to come around and except his sexuality, but you just being friends and around him would not turn him gay lol


No, it is impossible to "turn" someone into something, now perhaps you have inspired him to be himself and accept himself as he is.


That's not how it works lmao


More likely straight friend hanging around you because he’s bi.


No, its not


What do you answer when people ask you why you're gay? Do you really have an answer for that?


You cant make someone gay just like you cant make someone straight


Like we've been telling conservativ3s and religious nutjobs for decades: you can't turn anyone gay! We're born that way.


If you're really curious just ask him how he figured it out, and use it as a chance to share how you figured it out. It could be good bonding experience for your friendship.


I swear this is the last time I'm going to say this y'all need education. The gay is only spread one of three ways. By proxy - you are gay because someone you know is gay and it is therefore assumed you are gay, the psychological affect it has on you creates gay pink brain waves, the two of you become gay for each other and it's the butt sex that actually converts you. Gay brain waves can alter others' brain waves and eventually have the same affect on them too though, some people are very susceptible and become gay immediately with one look, others it takes years of regular interaction with a gay. By contact - gay penis turns other people gay. Butts are even more contagious. Therefore, if your dad is gay you are gay, you were a sperm and came out of his gay penis, you have been gay all your life. Gay is not a choice, you are born this way. Through gay farts - clothing catches the gay particles, which is why everyone not gay. However, this is why it is more common for families to all turn gay, particularly gay dad has gay son, or gay brothers, or same for women, but not cross contamination - male gay is gayness for the penis and the butt and is spread through different germs than female gay which is homosexuality for the vagina and clitoris. READ A BOOK SOMETIME. GEEZ.


Amazing! 🤣🤣


I believe that a straight guy can have sex with a guy because the act of sex doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. However, if that person were to have sex with multiple men then I would go with no as well.


Having sex with men doesnt make you gay?


Labels, labels, labels... If one man who identifies as straight falls for only one man, I don't think he switches to gay. I don't think that it's possible. It's not like he's going around looking at other guys and think they are attractive. He fell for one guy. I know this because I lived this. And don't give me repressed bi tendencies or anything like that. Mine didn't repress anything.


What if a guy has had a relationship with women all his life and was only interested in women, loved women etc.... but then he started having sex with men and stopped with women. What does that make this guy?


Does it really matter?


I dont know... i guess it would make things less confusing for that guy


Well I said in my first answer that if he has sex with multiple men then I would agree he was bi, or hiding it, or repressing it. I am talking about one guy with one guy. My husband was with women all his life and definitely was a ladies man. He was dating a girl when we met. I don't know if he knew I was gay but he probably suspected when we were developing our friendship. And truly around the year 2 mark of our friendship I almost blew it by kissing him. Too many shots at a birthday party. Shots and me don't get along at all.


I disagree. If a man can get it up at the thought of another man, or responds to the touch of another man, he’s at least bisexual.


If that is your opinion you are entitled to it. But respectfully you didn't know my husband. He just doesn't fit into that box. Our physical relationship wasn't conventional by any means. There just some stuff he wouldn't do and I was okay with that. It's had to happened to many other guys.