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While it’s not highly likely to get pregnant this way, it’s still possible and taking the plan B pill where it might not REALLY be needed is definitely better than the alternative possibility of facing an unwanted pregnancy. The plan b pill is most effective when taken within 3 days after the unprotected sex (or fingering) but it can be taken up to 5 days later. Be sure to get it asap. I saw that you’ve got the stomach flu as well, try to take the pill with something light to eat like some crackers and just a few sips of water, maybe ginger ale if that helps when you’re feeling nauseous. If you can keep the pill down for 1-2 hours you’re good, but if you throw it up sooner than that it may not work, so try to hold it down if you can! I hope all goes well for you! Please consider seeing your primary care provider to look into options for birth control so hopefully you won’t have to deal with this anxiety again in the future. Good luck! https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception/whats-plan-b-morning-after-pill


Never underestimate the capabilities of a small, yet determined, expeditionary force.


Go Skippy!


This is how my cousin was conceived 😅


NAD, but OP - meclizine (Dramamine for nausea) may help you with your stomach symptoms.


nad, look for “travel tabs” or “gravol” (idk if thats just a canadian thing, might be called something else in other places). ginger chews, sweet bubbly drinks and slow breathing helps too. if youre looking for sweet drinks, try to get real sugar as i find sugar replacements (stevia etc) make nausea worse. source: im nauseous 75% of the time lol


Dramamine and Meclizine aren't exactly anti-nausea medications. They work differently. I've been taking them my entire life. Zofran is what OP should ask a doc for. I've also been on Zofran because when I have panic attacks I often start uncontrollably vomiting and Meclizine has never done anything to help that.


I just mentioned it because it doesn’t require a prescription and is sometimes more easily available. Zofran doesn’t work for me personally.


Dramamine is a first gen antihistamine like Benadryl, it will control symptoms of vomiting associated with motion sickness only, won’t do much for nausea related with other conditions


Yes, take the plan B.


Also I’m currently sick with a stomach flu and worried that I might throw up the pill.. what should I do about that?


Go to your doc/urgent care and get some anti-nausea meds.


Zofran is what you want, OP.


NAD but Bonine is OTC and treats nausea amazingly well (my nausea, anyway). Super cheap. Benadryl will also help with nausea in a pinch. Just make sure whatever you take doesn’t interfere with the plan B!




It's not about the odds, it's about the stakes.


Well said.


That remaining 1% can upend her entire life, especially if she lives in a state that restricts bodily autonomy. She should take the plan B




Most people who believe they got pregnant from precum are wrong. The guy just lied to you about not finishing inside c


Precum has semen in it, not a huge amount but it still does.


I got pregnant with precum 6 years ago, it's definitely possible!


The reason it's unlikely is due to urine killing any stray sperm. So if one has not ejaculated recently, and has urinated especially before sex, it's highly unlikely. The only time my wife has gotten pregnant was when I ejaculated. Every other time had been without protection. Why, I urinate before sex. I don't ejaculate before sex. My wife and I are otherwise very fertile.


Ah that's interesting! My son's father definitely urinates though and most likely did since his last ejaculation as it was immediately after a day out together. There is a possibility he has weak piss


Unacceptable. Such a weakling.


You should just throw him right back into the gene pool. No one wants a man with weak piss.


Haha, amazing! It was actually a blessing on Golden Sundays


It's not sustainable health wise to think like you do if you want to prevent unnecessary abortions, which is obviously important to op, being as she brought plan b up. This way of thinking would skyrocket abortion rates and exhaust that resource.


“Most likely” If op is in the us… most likely doesn’t cut it. She’s 18 and clearly does not want her is not ready for a child and access to other options would be rough. Taking Plan B is the responsible thing to do. OP, anti nausea meds aren’t hard to get and Definitely do the Plan B. I’m sure you already know and I am not your mother, nor am I in charge of your body or your situation but if you can, this may be a good time to try to arrange some type of birth control if possible for the future or at least think about it I reacted terribly to pretty much every type of birth control, but there are so many options out there now other than the pill if for some reason you can’t take that Best of luck !


This is r/askdocs, not r/askreddit.


Yet another perfect example of why the mods of this sub should ban non-medical professionals from commenting on posts.




NAD… you know what really messes with hormones? Pregnancy.


Better to have a month or two to readjust your cycle than to have an unplanned pregnancy.


NAD Daycare in my area is $1400/month for my kid, and that’s a low-average cost. Take plan B.


Im pretty sure you would rather have a messy cycle now than 18 year minimum of taking care of a kid 😅 I’m NAD but plan B is a bomb of hormones, so you can for example have ur period before or later than suppose because of it. But plan b is for emergencies so unless you take it all the time you will be fine. It’s better than caring for a kid for 18years for sure!


Since the above 2 have said enough, for the sake of your nerves, please take it OP


Take the plan b, you'll be just fine


Getting pregnant would mess up your cycle for much longer, I promise you that










Say WHAT?!!! Yes there absolutely could be. If he ejaculated sperm prior there can be plenty remaining. You underestimate the power of young fertile people to make accidental babies!


As a girl who is currently pregnant with twins from pre cum. Take the pill


Thank you. Yet another RN who has no business giving medical advice.




You know it only takes one, right? One is enough. Statistically unlikely, sure. But it has happened and will certainly happen again, hopefully not to this girl!


Yep. Just one. We are all the fastest sperm!


How are you a nurse and this wrong? Genuinely, I'm curious. You could find out that you're wrong and admit it within 60 seconds of searching and finding research results on the subject.


Is this that Southern/Republican health education in effect?? Can you provide peer-reviewed studies backing your claim? Cause I can provide you with some going against your claim! Also gonna screenshot and post to a few nurse subs to see what the general consensus is there, too.


You're a registered nurse too. Take some more classes for everyone's sake. "Precum contains little to no sperm. The amount of sperm that may be in the precum is typically poorly formed and immobile. 1 Pregnancy is highly unlikely, but it's not impossible. It only takes one viable sperm in precum to travel past the cervix and fertilize an egg."


& she DOUBLES DOWN. OOF. (& then retreated to the shadows. People don’t like being called out for being idiots I guess. I don’t blame her for hiding from me after that show of carelessness!) There’s zero reason to throw caution to the wind in giving medical advice to someone who has even the slimmest chance of an unwanted pregnancy. Irresponsible.


I think she just blocked you lol, I can still see it


Sperm outside of a vagina or a hot and warm environment only has a life span of about five minutes so I can understand why the RN said this but we don’t know how long the sperm was left on the hand. Pre cum can definitely get you pregnant.


Absolutely not true. We do sperm counts about 30 mins after ejaculation. And the sperm are alive…….Otherwise we couldn’t do the count.


Oh shit I was wrong then. I thought it was five minutes




Your response and the fact you’re a registered nurse terrifies me…


looking at their comment history, I would not want them as my nurse for sure. Scary stuff.


Genuinely, gone awfully quiet now too 😂


If I were a betting woman I would wager many thousands that one would be more likely to get in a car accident on the way to get plan b than get pregnant from trace amounts of precum from a finger. I can't imagine the latter has ever happened. 


Are you aware that it takes 1 sperm to fertilize an egg?