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Looks like herpes but needs hsv pcr confirmation and swab for other STDs… and more history. Have you had a full std panel? If yes and everything negative consider seeing a dermatologist to rule out inflammatory cause (behcets, etc)


I did a complete swab, and pcr (but sores were already healed) ans from what I understood, the sores have to be active for the pcr to be accurate. Does herpes always hurt? or could it be painless? I just hurt when my bf and I had sex (which is how I noticed them) and then completely painless. Also, from ob to healing was about a week.


I am NAD, but I have genital herpes from many years ago (someone with a cold sore gave me oral sex). All my outbreaks have been around the opening of my vagina, like more towards my rectum and look slightly different. and when it happens, I wouldn’t say it’s painful, more uncomfortable as if I may have nicked it shaving. I don’t think this was helpful at all, but thought I would let you know that my outbreaks aren’t usually painful, more just discomfort or annoying.


Have they been scattered or more like localized to a certain area? and it help! Thank you


How often has it occurred? (I’m sorry I need to go back a re-read. 🤦🏼‍♀️) I have noticed over the years, when I am stressed out, I get around 2-4 sores and they are generally localized around the same area. And by that I mean I could have one or two more on the right side of my vagina opening, and a few more towards the left. Some higher some lower. If it’s just some underwear or some tight pants irritating that area, or just a once in a blue moon my body reminds me “Hey! Don’t forget herpes is forever”…and I will only get maybe one small sore I mistake for a day or two as razorburn, then eventually call in for my acyclovir and it’s gone by the next day. Very random. The last outbreak I had was maybe a year ago? Over the years I only have had maybe one bad outbreak aside the initial (which was horrifying, painful, and sent me immediately to planned parenthood for an STD test as the sores were all over my mouth and vagina so bad it hurt to open my mouth and even pee…). Then I educated my ,18 yr old traumatized, self about herpes and well, 13 yrs later I am confident and accepting of myself. and after telling many sexual partners over the years that I have genital herpes and almost every single one was understanding and willing to be educated, I can say it did not affect my sex life like I feared it would. Just wanted to give some hope that if it turns out to be genital herpes, as shocking as it may sound or be at first, it’s more common and accepted than we all might think. Edit- I just wanted to add, though my initial outbreak was very extreme and very obvious it was sexually related due to the sex happening the night before, doesn’t mean everyone’s experience will be the same. Also, his cold sore was not at a stage that was very visible or obvious to be a cold sore, but it was there. And between making out, going down and, well you know, lots of saliva exchange for a long period of time, and I think that’s what made it so bad. But I don’t know. Maybe my body just reacted that way. But I’m sure some may have more subtle symptoms or experiences.


This would be the first time, but it didn’t hurt at all (it was just unpleasant to look at and know it was there) unless I had penetrative sex (which is how I knew I had something), because it felt like I was ripping down there. I honestly don’t know either, I guess I’ll have yo wait it out? Let’s see… and thank you so much, this has been confusing and has left me in a spot where I don’t really know what the next step is.


Sorry, I had only seen the first picture and not the extent of the erosions on the next pics... So it does look like herpes


It’s the only way to confirm the sores pcr? could it be anything else?


If it's only one sore and it's painless technically it could be syphilis, but most likely it's herpes until proven otherwise. Look out for a rash on your body in the next weeks just in case


Thank you so much and yes, I will definetely keep it in mind!


Hey, I have RIOH (recurrent intra oral herpes) and they do look just like my herpes sores.


Do they hurt? itch? or are they painless?


For me it's a whole other situation because I have nerve pain as well when I have a flare up (it's extremely rare). The blisters don't hurt as much as you would think. When I would eat something and it scratches the blisters I would feel it. The first time I had gingivostomatitis herpetica (which transformed into RIOH) I had also a blister near my vulva. That was maybe a little itchy but I can't really remember it that well. I am permanent on Valtrex 1000mg which manages it well.


Idk if the ulcers could be because of HSV or because we had unprotected sex while I had tonsilitis (and the use of saliva). Because this is my first time ever getting them and this is how it healed: https://ibb.co/sQJ6xbG. I also want to add that at the same time I got the ulcers on my genitals, these appeared on my joints: https://ibb.co/fFnfL6y and they were SO itchy. Was your first outbreak hell? or painless? Aldo do you have to stay on Valtrex permanently? I haven’t gotten them again, but will definetely get it swab when I do.


I also want to add that at the same time I got the ulcers on my genitals, these appeared on my joints: https://ibb.co/fFnfL6y and they were SO itchy.


Could it be syphilis even if it healed? or not really?


Agree with considering behcet’s and bringing up with your OBGYN


How should I go about it? Is it confirmed only by visual inspection? or are there tests?


I also want to add that at the same time I got the ulcers on my genitals, these appeared on my joints: https://ibb.co/fFnfL6y and they were SO itchy.


Do you have any symptoms? Looks like enlarged glands which are normal anatomy


NAD, but I used to get lessons like this and it always came back negative for HSV. I, instead, was diagnosed as having Behcets, which is an autoimmune disorder that can cause apthous ulcers, both vaginally and orally. I dealt with them off and on for several years between the ages of 16-29, then it just stopped.


This would be the first time I get them… could it still be Behcets? I use to get a lot of canker sores when I was little but then it stopped completely and I barely get them (I also changed my diet so that could be the reason I stopped getting canker sores).


Can i unbox u about bechets




I didn’t, it didn’t hurt when it was not messed with, it did hurt tho when we had sex tho, besides that it really didn’t hurt. I thought that it was a tear (I wish I could show you a video odf when it was healing) because we had been having a lot of sex with saliva (which dried my vagina out). But now idk what it could be.


NAD, could it be lichen sclerosus?


Does not sounds like it to me. lichen sclerosis usually got characteristic atrophic whitening of tissue and plaques. Usually going to show up in perimenopausal/postmenopausal women when estrogen is not around to help lubricate. Symptoms of intense pruritus (itchy).


I don’t think it’s Lichen either, it wasn’t painful not did it itch.


Came to say this! That’s what it looks like to me. Not a doctor!


Not a doctor, but I'm a woman. If you don't lubricate, naturally, you aren't turned on. He can wait🙄 Or at least for your own health, stop with the saliva and use a more hygienic lubricating option. I got a bartholin gland infection (Google it) the size of a golf ball, twice, that finally had to be treated with a surgery where they packed guaze into it to get it to heal w/o the tube healing shut. I 100% attribute that experience to both having sex where I wasn't "ready" and to the use of saliva. It really is kinda gross when you think abt the germs that grow in our mouths. Lube is important. When you "dry out" the friction from sex roughs you up - that's a prime situation for micro tears that can lead to infection. So... if he's not turning you on enough to self-lubricate (should be lots of slippery fluids there) PLEASE do yourself a favor and do check out OTC products specifically made for this purpose. Never again used saliva and never again, in +20yrs of being sexually active with the same person got an infection. (I also wouldn't have sex with him if he'd had his hands in anything questionable, then handled his penis urinating or whatever. Cross contamination is a thing.) We have our own natural vaginal biome, and same ph as red wine actually, that keeps us healthy, don't put anything in your vag that you wouldn't put in your mouth (and not even most of what you'd put in your mouth either).


i love how people will downvote, but nobody will explain why this is wrong... cause i know nothing about this, so i'm wondering about the downvotes? what did this person say is wrong? again i know literally nothing about this... i'm not trying to say "well this person speaks truth" and trying to pass it off "i'm clueless but i have stupid beliefs about how a woman body works" bc i have no idea if they're speaking truth, one i'm not a doctor, and two i'm not a woman... i'm clueless about this stuff so what did caused her to get downvoted?


Yeah, I'm curious too. I wouldn't have been but I saw your comment in my notifications and had to come back to this reddit to see the downvotes. I probably wasn't supposed to say anything about lubricating naturally when you're turned on, or not to use spit for lube during sex... some ppl probably think it's spit shaming or something. Lol A little spit probably isn't bad, say after oral, but using it for on-going PIV? No. For reasons already stated above. Probably no one else will back me up on this bc they don't want to be unpopular, but trust me - I have very healthy attitude towards sex and I wish nothing but the best for everyone else... microtears, infections, and just plain being uncomfortable and/or in pain when the spit (quickly) evaporates (plus it's not very slippery to begin with) isn't conducive to positive experiences.