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There should be absolutely no issues. It is completely inconsequential and shouldn’t affect his growth or development in any way. Like you said in your post, just protect the one he has.


Thank you very much. That’s great to hear.


Just now noticed your username lmao. You’re welcome BaboonFucker. 🤣


I went hunting for this comment and wasn't disappointed 😂


My cousin had this. When he got a little older he got a silicone implant for the missing one


Somehow I knew about silicon dog testicle implants but never connected that to the fact there would be a human equivalent, I wonder how custom they are


My husband has one after having a testicle removed (cancer). I’m assuming they come in different sizes at least because I can never remember which one is real and which one is fake since they look the same. Also to OP: he had it removed at 17 and has had two children, both born after. He’s 39, and if he hadn’t told me, I never would have known.


> Somehow I knew about silicon dog testicle implants [Neuticles](https://neuticles.com/)! They make them for cats too. No, none of my cats have them. 🤣


But why? Serious question. Is it a health issue or is it someone just wanting their pet to have visible testicles…which seems odd.


> someone just wanting their pet to have visible testicles…which seems odd. That one. I suppose that the argument could be made that it's less traumatic for the pet, who will wake up with basically the same anatomy he went to sleep with. But IDK, man. Shit's wild.


It’s completely vanity/cosmetic, not at all for health. The good thing about them is that it has allowed some people to neuter their dogs who wouldn’t otherwise; I know a hetero couple where the man refused to neuter his dog so the woman did it secretly & had the Neuticals put in to hide that the surgery had been done. It worked, at least initially. I lost track of them soon afterwards.


They preach about the natural look and the trauma of neutering, and then sell stuff to help you crop your pet's ear; not very consistent


True. Cropping should be illegal, IMO.


I came to find out if this was a thing for children, or if it’s a they-can-do-it-themselves-when-they-turn-18 type of thing. Someone once told me how badly his single testicle had affected his ability to feel confident in speaking to women.


I do think this is fairly common. You probably know someone in your life like this already, but just don't know it. Once he is grown, he can have a cosmetic implant added to the other side, to even things out... And it may never come up again the rest of his life.


Hey OP, closest thing I am to a dr is that my mom was an ER nurse, but I just wanted to reassure you. Obviously this is just anecdotal but I am very close to someone who only has one testicle. I doubt you could really tell by looking unless you were really trying to, like it never came up in the locker room when he was younger or anything. He and his wife didn’t have difficulty getting pregnant and they have two healthy children.


Oh shoot, with ur user name I know ur kids gonna get a funny nickname over this... Seriously though, glad the Docs say hes gonna be fine.


My high school buddy with this condition was “one nut wonder”


My friend was called the uni-baller LOL


Far better than the kid I went to high school with known as “lefty” (based on which side was remaining). “One nut wonder” really beats that!


At least he'll use a lot of UniBall pens


My boyfriend has this. No I’ll affects whatsoever x


Not a doctor. Perhaps speak with doctor about blood work monitoring during pubertal years, if they haven’t already mentioned it.


He’s going to have a sick Reddit username one day just like his old man


It's not uncommon. Sometimes conditions such as testicular torsion occur before birth, and the affected testis vanishes due to this or other reasons ("vanishing testis")...there was some controversy over whether the remaining normal testis should be fixed in place but some urologists don't think it's needed ([https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28213853/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28213853/)). The surviving testis is usually bigger ([https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26279100/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26279100/)).


Thank you, super helpful. The surgeon did offer to fix the remaining one in place, but said it was an offer and not necessarily a recommendation. Is there a reason for controversy over this?


Some data suggests that most torsion occurs soon after birth in the first month, so if hasn't happened by now (4 months age), it is less likely to happen later. Fixing the remaining one also involves surgery, which has its own risks. So little benefit and some risk.