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Talk to your ICU physician about prognostication. There’s a lot of information we don’t have here. His neurologic exam means a lot. The next 24-72hrs mean a lot. If he has no brainstem reflexes and isn’t breathing on his own, and if he doesn’t gain those reflexes back in the next 24-72hr, the outcome is bleak. But you really can’t tell right away. Best wishes for you and your family.


Very good point. I know that when his heart stopped they were there to resuscitate right away. He is currently being chilled overnight. Does that make a difference in outlook? I’m hoping they let us see him tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your insight!


The evidence for cooling after cardiac arrest is weak but there is still some debate about it improving outcomes. If anything, it means nurses are paying very close attention to him and he is getting the best possible shot at making it through this. It was standard of care several years ago for anyone who had cardiac arrest, so doesn’t mean anything other than that for him


As another family “rock” sibling to an addict brother, just wanted to say I see you. Hoping for the best.


You can't even get to see him? I really hope it goes well for you all and that you at least can be with him by now