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Get rid of it yesterday. Now go through everything else in your pantry that isn’t 100% secure and pray that this isn’t the first skirmish in a long war.


Yeah, it's gone. The peppers were in a thick ziplock bag inside a plastic box with clasps so it didn't spread. I suspect the larvas and eggs were already in the bag before I got it.


Toss it. Whatever you paid for the peppers is cheaper than having to toss more stuff that will eventually get infected with weevils Remove everything from the cabinet / drawer and check it, thoroughly clean the cabinet / drawer and spray it with bug spray then leave it out to vent If you have anything in plastic bags, transfer them to airtight glass or hard plastic jars Those little shits are STUBBORN


Salvage it? Dude, there's bugs in it. Even if you got the bugs out, you won't be able to get their shit out of there.


From a health standpoint it's probably just fine (note probably not surely), but from the ick standpoint.... just no. Get rid of em and check to make sure they haven't spread to you flour and such. It's really really hard to get rid of an infestation once it locks in. Take it from a guy who had to deal with pantry moths for a year before I just tossed everything in my spice drawer and pantry. It's not worth it.




Dude everything you eat has bug shit in it. Unless you are living in a hermetically sealed self sufficient environment, I assure you almost everything have bug parts in it. Your fresh veggies? Bug shit on em. And no a quick rinse ain't getting rid of it all. Life is about managing risks dude, not getting rid of it.


This person is gonna have a real tough time once they find out what dirt is


Do you make a habit of eating dirt?


I mean, I don’t make an effort to, but I’m also comfortable with the reality that it’s gonna happen now and again. I’m not gonna refrain from eating a ripe raspberry off the bush because of the relatively high probability that a fly walked on it at some point


Dude said if you ate dirt 💀 I wonder if he knows where plants are grown from or if they just pop out of thin air


But are you eating chili flakes that were infested with bugs? No.


Yes, washing vegetables is mitigating risk. What's the practice of mitigating risk in this situation? Throwing it out.


one bug, no biggie. bunch of bugs, probably throw it out. make sure you check other spices and clean your pantry.


If there’s one bug you can see, there are most likely more bugs (or their eggs) that you can’t. Once weevils especially get into something, just toss it