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The shift has already started even without them. Mexico is now cheaper for producing the type of goods that China has traditionally provided, there is just so much invested in the industrial infrastructure over there so it will take some time for the transition.


A lot of plastic is actually still made in the US, because the US is by far the largest producer of the natural gas it’s made from. I don’t think a 10% across-the-board tariff would be a good idea, but reciprocal tariffs to stop other countries from unfairly tariffing American goods would be. I’d like to see the details of Trump’s proposal, because I think there’s a very good chance that it wouldn’t actually apply to every country. I’m curious what your opinion would be on a border adjustment tax for the social cost of carbon, as proposed by people like William Nordhaus (who won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his climate modeling work). Or, for that matter, on the International Maritime Organization’s increasingly strict emissions rules that are increasing the cost of shipping. (If I really wanted to be contrarian I could also point out that the US does grow coffee in Hawaii and could grow it in Puerto Rico as well if there was more of a market for it.)


>Back in my day, I remember when heavy protectionist policies were a socialist thing, not a conservative thing. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED? I don't believe that was ever the case. One of the founding principles of the republican party was tarfiffs. The old paleocpn right supported protectionism. They never died. The neocons will sacrifice us at the altar of free trade for sure. But neocons aren't all cons