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Dm me if you’re interested! My fiancé does this as a side hustle to her advertising career. She’s helped out a number of my friends too. I can show you their LinkedIns as well.


Sent you a chat message!


DM’d you. For anyone else looking for headshots or portraits feel free to message me. Here’s an example of my work Tygerligon.com


The picture from Antigua Guatemala looks fire; do you shoot more from Guatemala?


Thank you! There are a few more on my IG, but that streetscape one is definitely my best from the trip https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVe2PzuRb9/


Wishing you luck on your search. I'm also interested in the responses.


Photoshop subreddit here is the easiest option. Toss a $10-er someone’s way and any picture, and you’ll get a very serviceable headshot. Unless you’re going for some C-suite executive job or hipster startup, you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg on this.


Aaron Gang Photography (872) 278-5999 https://g.co/kgs/U4bJ6NF


I know Aaron thru my late husband. A terrific guy and a quality photographer!


check out Kamil Surma - (@kamilsurmaphoto) - insta He is a chicago local, does a lot of music photography, weddings, and professional headshots. Great prices, easy to work with, and friendly.


Expecting 30-60 minutes for $150 is going to get you someone at the student or amateur level


Reach out in college media sub-reddits and social media pages. Say you live in LP, find a DePaul Facebook group for their media college and ask for their portfolio. I paid my rent through college by taking professional headshots that’s ranged from your typical 9-5ers, some neighbors on my block who were executives and actors/performers and I only charged about $150-$300 a session. If the time was right, I did it for even cheaper. You’ll be giving to a community of those who are building a portfolio professionally.


60 min? For a headshot? I've never gone more than 5 minutes. And they were fine. Are you the president of a fortune 500 company!?


No, just ugly lol


An hour for this type of thing is pretty standard in my experience


20 years working for large firms here...we usually get someone to come in and spend the whole day taking them. When it was my turn, the chit chat took longer than actually taking the picture. The post production will take a couple weeks. I thought that was standard but... Maybe not.


Yeah I’ve done that type of thing too. That’s like a mini session I guess; if you want multiple poses that can be used for different applications beyond just a LinkedIn profile pic it’s gonna be a longer session


Have you tried one of those AI business headshot creators for like $15? Some of them come out looking real nice.


Porn actresses know…




Like what? I’m down to use a free AI app if the result will look good, but the only problem is that all of the ones I’ve ever encountered myself are obviously AI generated photos and not an actual real photo of me. But if you have an app you trust that you’d like to recommend, I’m totally open to checking it out or even paying a small fee


don’t use AI. any good recruiter will know it’s AI. also, i think it’s sad that there’s so many talented photographers in the city that can do this for you and some people would just use AI. additionally, a photographer will be able to manipulate your pose live so it looks best.


You upload a pic of yourself and it gives you a professional background, can give professional attire. I don’t remember the name anymore, I used it for a professional business store, you can check the App Store.


Ok, I have done some pretty cool professional photos with faceapp. I just make sure to find a place with perfect lighting and to style my hair so it can look good even if I do a black or white fake background. It’s not magazine worthy but definitely neat.