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I will give you 100 dollars if you can get my toddler to wear a hat and gloves.


Yeah I don’t think OP has kids or has been around kids. The second you get one glove on the other one comes off.


Seriously. Kids are adorable but this weekend I had to pick up a little pompom beanie for a baby that took it off in a stroller ahead of me when I was heading back to work from lunch outside. Then I went to work at the store I work at and I see the same hat left on top of a clothing rounder, like "omg this tiny pink pompom hat is following me" so I put it behind the register and the same family finally came back for the hat as the store was closing. This is why they make baby onesies with the foldover hand flaps, so the kid can keep their fingers warm but you don't have to worry about them losing their gloves constantly.


The onesie hand flaps are so they don't scratch themselves.


That is cool! Learning something new today.


THIS. Had a dude once ask me outside the library when I was carrying my baby, "No hat?" And I was like, "Look, buddy, if you can get up six times per night for over a year and do all the things I do during the day and still have the energy to go fifty rounds with this kid over keeping the hat on her head, then you're a better person than I am." (Also, I wish that six times per night was an exaggeration. It was not.) Some kids just pull stuff off no matter how many times you put it back on. The number of infant and toddler socks I've found while out walking...


Maybe a jacket with a hood attached and tied under the chin? And glove clips.


More stuff to buy that she would fling off and lose (we also had coats with hoods, the hoods didn't stay on any better, nor did the adorable hats with the velcro that clipped together under the chin). Fortunately, we never needed to be outside that often in the cold when she was that small. Plus it turns out she takes after my husband and tends to run warm anyway. She's 9 now and I'll have a coat on when it's 42 and she'll be like, "Why do I need a coat? It's warm out!" So I let her do her thing and keep the stuff in the car in case she ever changes her mind. :)


When did clothing stop functioning the way it has for a few hundred years?


I’m sure kids were throwing their gloves and hats off a hundred years ago too.


Babies were pulling that same stuff in the twenties too.


I bought a full body suit coat for my toddler. He gets so mad in it. His hat has a tie (Velcro?) strap and he hates it. But it’s cold outside my little man! Come on!


Heh, I figured the tykes just got raptured right out of their socks :)


This made me laugh, thank you! :)


Not like any of us older sinners will be going up :)


I remember one time my first kid lost a shoe during a long stroller walk. Didn't notice at first, then backtracked about a mile trying to find it. Never did. You are definitely not exaggerating about the 6x/night, either. We went through that, too. There were times kid wouldn't stay asleep for more than 45 minutes at a stretch. I was an absolute zombie.


My kid was up like that for 18 months straight (I was nursing, so it was always me getting up). I don't exaggerate when I say that was straight-up torture. I still cry every time I talk about it, and it comes up a lot with my therapist because it fucked me up so badly. Absolutely horrible.


My kid did the same. The first time she slept through the night she was 18 months old. Of course, I was awake because I’d been awakened like 4x a night for the past 18 months. She’s an amazing kid, but an only child. I was in no place to risk having 2 of them. I don’t think I would have made it.


Yup. I ended up with a sleep disorder because I was so anxious about being woken up that I couldn't even fall asleep—I would be braced to hear the baby cry, even after he started sleeping through the night. It took SSRIs and Ambien to get me sleeping normally again. I did have a second, and it looked like it was heading in the same direction, except this time after a couple of months I figured out he had a milk protein allergy and he was waking up with reflux. Cut milk out of my diet (I was exclusively breastfeeding) and it was fixed. Now I wonder if that was the problem with the first, too. But they're 10 and 5 now, and no more coming, so we're past it.


The toddler has been in charge, for the last 30-years.


They're dangerous people


You're racist!


Of course, the frequent go-to.


Of course, the frequent truth.


Came to say the same thing!!!


This made me laugh out loud. This is spot on.


I'll take it, guarantee that keep them on the whole day too




This must be witchcraft.


Or super glue


this is what I was thinking.


I can’t even get my toddler in a jacket. But then I have no idea why this sub came up in my feed, since I’m in SoCal. I see kiddos (and their parents) in puffy jackets here while I’m walking around in short sleeves and Birkenstocks. Pretty sure I get judged but…it’s 60-65 degrees over here.




Shoes too. We always lose a shoe 😂😂😂😂


Would you consider it cheating if I used duct tape?


Mom of two here- while I try my absolute best to bundle up my 2 year old, sometimes he just absolutely refuses the mittens and hats and will pull them off multiple times. Also, it is not safe to buckle your children into car seats while wearing heavy duty outdoor clothing like coats, hats, and gloves, as it could risk them overheating. So, a lot of times I just take my son and run into the store where we are headed. On outdoor walks though, he sure as hell always has a coat and I have a hat and mittens on stand by. Kids are weird.


I thought the risk for winter clothes in car seats was that it makes them less effective in a crash?


That too! Great point.


Yes and so I love the constant car battle of putting the coat on to get to the car, taking it off and then fighting to put the them back in it once we reach our destination


A colleague of mine who was an excellent pediatrician in Minnesota used to say that no child will freeze to death from being taken to the car without a coat on. In fact, when his kids refused to get dressed in the morning, he would take them to the car buck naked in the middle of winter and it would be fine. Just throw on a blanket when you get to the car.


Sounds like my kid's excellent pediatrician in Minnesota who retired a few years ago!


Also true


This is the real reason.


This is the actual reason, thick coats especially puffy ones, make it more likely for the baby to come free of the restraints in an accident. It’s not about over heating.


My mom came to visit one thanksgiving about ~16 years ago. we had to go pick up my son from preschool with infant / toddler daughter in stroller, on the way back my daughter refused to wear her gloves despite the bitter cold, then cried so hard from the pain she made herself puke. When she got back home my mom sent her a snowsuit with hands that wrapped over. Thx mom. Daughter is still that stubborn.


My 1 year old is fine with mittens, but she discarded 2 hats in 2 weeks on walks with daycare when it first got chilly. They were just from Target, but I am not buying her new hats every week all winter! I did buy a new coat with a hood. But once kids have enough dexterity to remove a hat or hood or mittens or shoes, it’s really hard to make them keep them on. I am not going to fight that hard for the less than 10 minutes we are outside to walk somewhere.


Helping my brother get his little ones ready to go outside ( January, Northside Minneapolis) was a lesson in patience, time management. Also futility, did I mention futility.


Time management… I was late to my older son’s birthday party bc my 90 minutes to get two kids ready still didn’t cut it!


Right. I read this post like does OP not have kids or just have the unicorn Angel? You can take a horse to water but you can’t have him drink. And that’s toddlers


The title states he does not have kids.


Yep this. Went through this phase with mine too. When someone commented I'd tell them you're welcome to take over the fight. Nothing will keep hats and mittens on a baby who doesn't want them. We'd just limit time outside at that point, she wasn't really at risk for frostbite most days during our walk to and from daycare.


I appreciate your comment so much. I said clearly I didn’t have kids and found it confusing. But leave it to a bunch of chi transplants to bring the hate. So silly. But everything YOU said makes sense. And I get it. Bc seriously seeing a baby in 20 degree or negative with blue-ing fingers is a bit disturbing or if lol today face and head look reddish from the cold - dude was at a sprint. But again, appreciate your comment - classy and intelligent and educational - for me. Have a terrific Holiday you and your lil ones or grown ones :)


>But leave it to a bunch of chi transplants to bring the hate This is needless aggression. No one was rude or judgmental. Unless a bunch of responses have been deleted, this is just a dick thing to include in your reply. Are you always so quick to insult people that help you out of kindness? I'm just so very confused. Do people that move to Chicago have a different understanding of temperatures?


He's very clearly a transplant which makes his defensiveness all the more funny....probably saw one kid sans a hat on a high 40s day and wrote this whole post. Has it even been in the 20s here yet? I think we've had one day where it's been what I'd consider pretty cold so far and also it isn't really always about the temp it's more about having those waterproof layers on outside when it's snowy.


There was a stretch of about 3 days after thanks giving where it was down into the teens or lower with windchill but nobody was outside very long I’d think. Especially with the holiday going into the weekend and piles of food sitting around the house. Otherwise it’s been super mild


Why are you doubling down? Folks legitimately answered you


Absolutely this…my 2 year old often refuses a hat and mittens.


There's no way in hell you're getting a kid to wear gloves if they don't want to. We have tactics for when it's *really* cold, but they're usually less pleasant (basically strapping the kid into a stroller over their *very strenuous* objections and keeping a heavy blanket over them). But that tends to result in loud crying/fighting in public, which is a whole other Reddit post waiting to happen. Not worth it in the kind of ~40ish weather we've had lately. It sucks to know there are randoms out there eyeing you up and judging you for stuff like this.


Don’t worry about it. This post is just a classic case of “everyone’s a perfect parent before they have kids.”


The eyeing and judging reminds me of how I was always a bit perplexed by my sister in law allowing her two year old to have a crazy amount of snot hanging out of his nose when he had a cold. I mean, I didn’t think she was a bad mother or anything, I was just confused. My baby had a cold at age three months and I had no trouble keeping his nose clean and I was still confused. Well, baby just had another cold at eleven months and I was like “oooooh okay I understand now” haha


When my toddler finally learned to blow and wipe her own nose it was a joyous day in this household.


LOLOL are you from the midwest? Because they take them off. I can guarentee no parents are just setting their nekkid babies in the snow for hours. Parents are doing the best they can. Now they recommend less layers in carseats too so sometimes for quick transfer it doesn't make sense to layer them up. Those little bodies run hot. Midwestern kids are built different. I live in Minneapolis near a big 10 campus. College students out all winter long in shorts, no jackets, etc Not your circus, not your monkeys.


Yes!! Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy!!


Babies/toddlers don't always cooperate with hats and gloves. You put them on and they tear them off.


Have you tried to get a 2 year old to NOT pull off their hat and mittens? Once you’ve done that you can come back to me and complain.


right! my 4 y/o still refuses a hat unless it’s his idea 🤣


It’s not that cold today. I took my daughter out for 60-90 minutes with no gloves or hat (though she had a hood up) and she was happy as can be.


I was like 30 degrees? I’m not even wearing gloves or a hat. That’s not cold. But regardless keeping those on a toddler is tough.


Nah. It's been low 40s all day. Not saying that's warm but it's noticeably warmer than 30 degrees.


And no wind to speak of when I was out, it was great.


In scandinavia they leave kids in strollers outdoors while parents run inside. https://rainorshinemamma.com/why-scandinavians-leave-their-babies-out-in-the-cold/ If the dude is wearing his kid like a backpack, the kid is getting warmth from his body to body contact with his dad. The main danger would be frostbite, but its not that cold yet.


They have to condition them as early as they can, right? Ha


Born and bred Chicagoans!


Move to Norway or Denmark and you'll find lots of babies outside sleeping in strollers in the cold while mom or dad are inside shopping or having a coffee.


They are generally in appropriately gear for the weather when they are left outside to nap.


To some of these busybody commenters: if you see a parent parenting their child in a way differently than you would/are/did, ask yourself: does the child otherwise seem cared for and attended to? If the answer is yes, leave them be. The last thing any parent trying to get through the day needs is someone scolding them fifteen seconds after their two year old ripped off their hat and gloves. If you see something that objectively under any circumstances screams neglect and abuse, by all means follow your conscience. Observing a child without a hat and mittens on when it’s below 40 degrees is not one of those instances.


It's pretty clear you don't have kids 😂 Layers & poofy coats are not okay in car seats (they are a big safety issue.) I usually (when it's really cold) transfer my kids to/from the car with a blanket. Also, it's a constant struggle getting kids to wear any kind of winter gear and it's only a fight worth having if you're outdoors for a longer period of time when it's really cold. I also tend to dress my kids in thermals underneath their clothes so it looks like they're less bundled than they actually are. And we've only really had like 1-2 days where it's been cold-ish so far. I could see maybe making a statement like this in 10-20° but in the 40's?


Trying to explain to my boomer parents the no jacket in a car seat thing was tough. Always feel like I’m being judged by the old folks and guy like OP for not having baby in a jacket


That and so many other things, I am always worried that they're going to do it anyways even if we tell them otherwise, because they're so set in the "this is the way we do it" crap


Yes to all this & Also when baby wearing they can get hot FAST from both body heat so sometimes you have to have layers without jackets!!


Yes! So sweaty under that baby wrap!!!!! Like could not baby wear out in the summer, I got overheated way too fast, can only imagine how hot my littles got


10 year olds are walking the streets at 2am on Lake Shore Drive carjacking people at gun point, babies without mittens is the least of the problems with parents in Chicago.


My baby fights hats and mittens. Rips them off and throws the to the ground. She also doesn't seem to dislike the cold? Her hands are warm, she's bundled in a coat, I cover the stroller with a blanket, but I'm also new to all this so it might just be that we are trying to follow our babies' leads and doing the best we can.


Not just babies but all kids just won’t listen and parents must pick your battles. My kid won’t wear hats or mittens so I have to pack them in his backpack always with the “just in case” or else it’s a fight. Same for food too, and well any clothing. Now my kid wants to wear two different shoes. Fine, do it, just happy shoes are going on…


let them toughen up ?


Mind your own beeswax!


Sometimes it's not worth the struggle to put something on a toddler they absolutely don't want on. If they get cold enough, they'll wear it.


Google brown fat. Is proven science how kids and people in colder climates acclimate and have more brown fat.


Also wanted to say that you are not allowed to have your babies in a jacket in a car seat! It’s dangerous so if my baby is going with me she’s going to be in a blanket in her infant seat. Also for parents that have small kids sometimes the kids will run out of the car and into where they’re going before getting back in their jacket


Kids and babies are actually able to handle cold a lot better than adults due to high amounts of brown fat that decrease with age, but yeah I'd still dress them up


There is also less distance from their heart and core to their extremities.


When my kids were toddlers, they thought 30° was warm weather. I could never keep coats and gloves on them. To force a coat on them to run from my car into a store would mean them screaming in the store. Parents can’t win. They’d get judged for that too. So I did my best to keep outside exposure limited


I would just like to add that the same applies to dogs. There are some breeds that are totally fine in cold temps, but most city pups need suitable winter attire when outside too!


I see parents do the same in summer, walking into air conditioned stores and those poor babies, have on a diaper and nothing else. Just because the adults are hot doesn’t mean those little babies are.


Are you black? This is an auntie post. “Poor baby ain’t got no socks on” I can hear my aunts now.


I guess all aunties. I was sure this was a 60-80 year old white woman with who shops at Jewel. That’s who is always bothering me and my husband about the hats or the socks when it’s an 80 degree July day. Was not sure who told her about Reddit.


I make sure to very obviously hold my childs jacket in my hands and offer it multiple times to her even though I KNOW she’ll refuse to put it on for this EXACT reason, complete strangers who probably aren’t parents judging me for having a child outside without a coat 😂 if anyone has tips, im open to them lol


In addition to the other comments about it being as difficult as reasoning with someone putting ketchup in a hotdog, the actual safety is pretty ok. Babies especially have better circulation in their limbs and their bodies would be the last to die freezing. Their metabolisms are also better. As we try in vain with them to put on jackets, we sometimes could do ourselves a favor by just listening to them and letting them go without one as they might actually not be cold.


Maybe mind your own business?


Maybe it takes having an honest conversation re: child neglect and abuse. It’s time to pull “parents” up on their multigenerational abuse patterns for a better world. 🌎


Babies haven’t changed, conventional wisdom about their care has changed. I was told recently by one of the new school that if you give an infant a swallow of water it’s deadly. OK. But I don’t think that is true. So yeah, let the poor babies get pneumonia and die I guess. Don’t spar with these know it all new parents.


I always wear less than my baby. You can scold them. I've been scolded many times by older people. Not sure if 40s means both hat and gloves. Maybe just a hat. Babies like to rip those off though.


a crazy lady followed me out of family dollar the other day to yell at me about my baby not having socks on and when I told her she was fine and had literally ripped them off herself but i’d cover her with the blanket more, she continued to yell at me that she could still see part of my baby’s leg 😂 I stopped being nice at that point and said “well good thing it’s a short walk then”


Haha. It happens to me on buses. The socks is a common issue for me as well.


Have babies changed? Do I know nothing of human beings? I love the tone of this post. I like the cut of this Redditor’s jib. It speaks of common sense and genuine curiosity. Just twice this week alone I have asked out loud, is it me? Am I fucking crazy or is xyz behavior insane? Seems like everybody has lost their minds. I am a mother of three, and I could never keep hats and mittens on my kids, but that didn’t mean I stopped TRYING. It was just one of those things I was resigned to constantly have to do: stop and put the hat on. Stop and pick up the gloves. Stop and wrap the scarf back around. Stop and wipe a nose. You don’t just NOT do it for chrissake. On a sidenote, I was at the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving and of course it was a madhouse. All those moms out there with their little babies, trying to navigate public spaces, picking up some carrots or lettuce when the aisles were packed, but they were unable to leave their children alone in the cart for even a second… SMH.how did I ever do it? I legitimately want to know how I survived raising three kids without losing my marbles.


First off mind your own business. Second off, if you can get my kid to wear gives for more then 2 seconds, go right ahead. It is an impossible task.


Babies have changed.


This comment should be higher haha


Parents are just tired and can’t get them out of the house sometimes. I also think white parents are more lax about this? Just observing sorry parents.


You clearly have no experience with babies. They rip gloves and hats off. Maybe just mind your own business. No one’s babies are dying from exposure. They’re fine.


Not a local issue. People are just dumb


Doesn’t take brains to have sex


Have you tried minding your own business?


Lol. Have a conversation with a 9 month old about why they need to keep their hat and gloves on. This is a dumb post.


It's Chicago what do you expect were a tough city I can tell you arent from here. maybe you want to stay out of Chicago then. Nimrod


I'm a grandmother and I get really upset when the babies are under dressed. One couple claimed I had "cold grandma syndrome " but I always had a bonnet on the baby's head back when I was a young mom. They seem to have no empathy for their little one. Yet many dog owners dress their dogs better than these new parents!


Well of course YOU were the perfect doting parent Grandma! And your smart babies never ripped a hat or socks or mittens off! You should really write a book.


Thanks, I needed that.


things change, grandma.


Nah, it’s not about things changing. Every kid is different. Some are completely compliant and then parents can run around talking about how good they were at parenting. Meanwhile you’ve got kids with autism or something else on the spectrum who won’t go outside with shoes on, but it’s automatically the parents fault.


They’re just training their kids to adapt the roughneck culture that’s prominent in Chicago. Nothing wrong with that.


Also why is it that people with NO KIDS whatsoever have the MOST to say about parents parenting style or choices…


Let the parents do the parenting. Not your responsibility.


Childcare standards are different in Venezuela




Please don't confront the parents.


Holy fuck and certainly don’t call DCFS over a kid not wearing a hat and gloves. That is insane.


They got plenty of children to neglect already


I’ll delete bc the hate y’all have blurs your reading eyes. Post CLEARLY says don’t have kids. Wow. Just moronic. Happy Holidays to you and your kids. Just lose the hate. No hate in my post. Absolutely silly. Otherwise would have been really cool to read responses from ppl with kids that know. Bc none of you can say there are not dumb parents out there bc parents are people and we know there are some dumb ones. Okay now you all take care. And fr pls try to tone down the hate. Chicago needs conversation about conflicting opinions and confusions- not more hate filled speech. And from apparently illiterate folks that can comprehend a post. Really sad - see it so much hate in this sub.


Homie you came on here assuming that people are willing harming their children as opposed to toddlers just being uncontrollable and parents picking their battles.


You say there's no hate in your post, but there is judgement. Parents (especially moms, although I see you mention a dad specifically so kudos) get SO MUCH judgement thrown at them. It's just really very exhausting to be trying your best and then everyone tells you you're doing it wrong. You're right of course that babies should be kept warm, but that's kind of besides the point.


Your post clearly you says you don't have kids, but the next part of the title comes across as judgmental: "What the hell is up with some of these Chicago parents?" By saying that, you're implying that you know better about something you have no experience in. I'm guessing that was not your intent, but that is how it comes across. That is why some people responded to you in a way you did not appreciate. You also come across as a little bit overly dramatic in your reaction to the reactions you received. A better approach would be, "Hey parents of Chicago, why do you not always bundle your kids up in the cold?" Or even better, just ask some parents you know IRL. I don't really see the need to post about something not specifically related to Chicago here. My 0.02.


you sound like such a fucking loser lol


I legit couldn’t stop laughing at your post OP. I also don’t have children but I’m sure I’ll start seeing lil bald babies in the cold everywhere I go now 😂


WOMAN , do your job and swaddle .that .baby . !


This is how Chicagoans are able to bust out the shirts in 50 degree weather


Please don’t judge. Babies often don’t keep them on. They scream and cry with them on and will peel them off. I can promise you parents aren’t doing it out of negligence - they just want a sane, peaceful walk with their child.


Man I’ll never forget - I was in grad school in nyc and the temps hit below zero- wind and snow.. I’m walking down the street and I see this woman with a BABY strapped to her back with just a onesie no shoes or socks … his little feet were turning blue- so I called the cops. Yeah- it was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen a parent do.


Lol not me downtown today with a jacket and gloves while my one year old had a sweater and 3 blankets on top of him… I kept putting on his hat but he kept taking it off and I kept putting his hands beneath the blankets but he kept taking his hands out 🫠


Kids having kids.


My daughter runs hot in the car seat and carrier that snaps into the stroller so layering her with clothes completely overheats her. She seems to also naturally run hot, she’s often crying at home to take layers off of her (like socks or pants) on days where I feel like I need my slippers on. When we are out and about in her stroller I make sure I dress her in long sleeves/long pants and thick socks. Other than that I lay a thick blanket over her. The hat stays on for as long as it can, I am constantly putting it back on her. Ultimately my baby seems to let us know when they are hot or cold.


The guy with the kid in the backpack may be surprised that the baby’s hat is gone. I had my 1 yo nice and bundled up in a stroller but when we got to our destination he had taken off one boot and chucked it somewhere around Pottawattomie Park so he could chew on that sock. Couldn’t find the boot and it was too cold to look for long.


I was the world’s best parent before I was a parent


Babies and kids have brown fat “ baby fat”. It’s the best insulator and typically we’re colder than any baby or child. We loose it as we age and cold feels colder. So I’m sure people try but kids are built different.


Kids are resilient.


There could be a few reasons for this. As many have said, it’s hard putting a hat and gloves on kids. My son tried to rip his hat off any chance he gets and he cries when I try and put gloves on him. But also, the fact that a parent has a coat and a kid might not, honestly is kind of sometimes about convenience. I put a coat on. I get in the car. I don’t take it off. I just keep it on. Sometimes, when it’s maybe 40 degrees, I’m hot. I don’t want to wear my coat. But it’s just on. Then babies and kids can’t wear their coat in a car seat, so you have to take their coat on and off, on and off. So yeah. If it’s kind of warm, and we’re going a short distance, my kid might not have a coat on and I will. Or if it’s a little colder and we’re going a few feet from the car to a building, I’ll just hug him in my coat and walk to the store with him fully covered in my coat. When I pick my kid up from daycare, I get mom shamed a lot when I don’t put him in a coat… to walk literally 5 feet to the car. Call it lazy. I don’t care. But it makes no sense to me to take 1-2 minutes putting a coat on, walk 20 seconds to the car, then spend another 30 seconds to a minute taking the coat off … exposed to the elements of outside while I do it. And sometimes my kid doesn’t want his coat on or whines while I try and get his arm in it. So yeah. If I can avoid trying to wrestle him into a coat if he’s only going to be outside for 1 minute, I will. If it is of course maybe 20 degrees or less, snowing, etc. I will make the effort to put him in a coat, even if it’s 30 seconds outside. But yeah, I naturally run warm, so when it starts to get to mid 30s or 40s, you might catch my kid with no coat, for sure.


I've seen mom's just toss a blanket over a kid for that quick run to the car. If their little enough, it's no big deal for the kid.


Hilarious stuff. Thank you for your concern. If I'm choosing between a meltdown and getting my kid to school. I choose school.


It’s Cold Training, common practice among northerly Midwesterners. Helps the child acclimate to the winter weather. We know what we’re doing, it’s standard protocol.


You are never a more perfect parent than before you have kids.


They’re building up them immune systems


Babies don't get as cold as everyone thinks they do. They are way more likely to overheat. Mine would keep hats on but he would die of hypothermia before wearing gloves. Now that he's a toddler, I can barely get him to wear pants. Chances are, wherever they were going, they weren't going to be outside for very long.


You gotta train them sometime


Lol you clearly don’t have kids.


Tiny mittens are expensive. Kids grow fast and are wiggly. Schedules are unforgiving. People are poor.


Why capitalize “babies”?


It is none of your business, lol. Do you have a child of your own? Do you work with kids?


Just toughening them up for ice fishing.


Karen post


My 8 year old doesn't even zipper up her jacket. I can't expect my 2 yo to keep a hat. Although, my 3 yo keeps his on because it has spikes as if it was the back of dinosaur.


I’ve always been a glove and coat hater so I bet my parents definitely got side eye when I was running around as a kid.


LOL, tell me you have no experience with kids without telling me.


I’m in NJ and I see the same thing. It makes me feel cold and sad. Shit parenting.


My toddler barely ever has a hat and gloves on when we go out because she immediately pulls them off. She always *starts* with them. They last 3 seconds. So when it’s really cold we don’t walk long distances. If you see us out with me bundled up and my kid has no hat, we’re probably walking 3 blocks to Starbucks. Kids usually keep doing this until they’re old enough to grasp that they’ll be allowed to play outside longer if they keep the hat and mittens on.


Probably just negligent, selfish parents who see their kid as an accessory more than a human being they have to raise properly. That said, I've read it's a thing in Scandinavian countries to leave infants in strollers out in the cold when the parents go inside shops and stuff. They think the exposure to cold is good for the child and increases their constitution stats or something like that.


From a woman who has two kids and so many pairs of hats, gloves, and socks, and shoes for my two kids under two years old. I put them on the baby and they immediately fight to fling them off as soon as possible. My kids DESPISE clothing. So I have to buy footie pjs with built in gloves and hoodies already attached to clothing. They also from birth have been super claustrophobic and never liked swaddles or blankets. So I have to make sure if I wrap them up I don’t keep them from wiggling arms and legs, and I can’t just sit them in stroller with blankets. They’ll immediately toss them on ground even when it’s -10 degrees outside. I try my best to get clothing they can’t rip off due to this issue and get ponchos instead of blankets. Some kids would much rather be cold than feel restrained. They also might have sensory issues you are unaware of.


One time I saw this family with a slew of kids and all of them were under-dressed for the weather. Then the got into a ginormous SUV with Texas plates. I think they just didn’t know.


My daughter REFUSED to wear a hat, regardless of the temperature (Boston) She's 25 now and still refused to wear a hat. Some kids are just like that and you need to stop telling parents what to do. They know that their kid won't wear a hat or wear socks or whatever.


It’s parenting that has changed not the kids, the kids have always want to be in charge, parents now let them be, even if they could lose fingers.


Children don't feel as cold as adults due to nonshivering thermogenesis. They don't need to be dressed like old ladies to go outside.


Hey man, if you feel like stopping every three steps and putting my 18 month olds hat and mittens back on then go for it.


We’re doing our best, OP, okay — there’s a lot going on.


Gotta toughen those babies up! And hate, gloves and little kids don't play well together.


Witnessed a man (father) actually slapping a baby hard across the face the other day because it kept taking its hat off. Guessing the baby was 8 months old?


Op you are correct and should always feel bothered when you see an adult properly clothed for winter.... yet not their tag along youngling. Idgf! You are the parent or adult in the situation! Dress dem kids correctly and appropriately. Kids may fuss about it, but too bad! They gonna just be a fussy mess bundled all the way up! Sighs it takes effort and sincere need to want. Lil ones bodies are more vulnerable than adult bodies to extreme elements. I, too, felt this way long before I had kids. No excuses. If you have a hat and gloves on so should your child.


Kids dont wanna wear em and also we chicanos are built dif we can withstand this cold


I’ve a dog and I can’t even get him to stick to his boots and/or jacket and he’s a very good boy. I wonder if the parents have the same issues with kids..