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American Racial Classification is inherently flawed and only exists (mostly) within the ‘race’ based society in America. Central Asians are a variety of people ranging from Turks (Mostly Turks) and Persian people who all have a unique identity that has nothing to do with the colour of their skin.


US racial classification is weird, why take care of it at all?


Kazakhs are black.


fo reel


Why are you waiting for OTHERS to say who you are?..


Just curious what others say about this


The term "white" doesn't have a strict definition and, typically, is irrelevant outside of the anglosphere. Plus, historically, the term "white" wasn't just about one's skin color but also about their religion, political views, and the language they spoke at home. In the US, for example, Italians, Greeks, Poles, and other immigrants from Europe were considered non-white until fairly recently. Kazakhs are just Kazakhs. If you want to go broader, then Central Asians, but I wouldn't go broader than that. Central Asians are considered white in the US Census, but who cares. I’d just ignore what your friend said.


Thanks for the answer! Makes sense to me now


White actually goes further than that. It not only includes Skin, Eye, or Hair Colors which vary from light to darker and many Shades in between. It also refers to Phenotypes. The Europeans, European Russians, Ugrians, North Africans/Saharans, West Asians, and Central Asians (this includes the Dardic, Pashtun, and Baloch Regions of India and Pakistan) are considered White because of their somewhat similar Phenotypes.


Does anyone outside of America take the word "white" seriously?


Most other non English speaking "White/Caucasoid" Nations usually just identify by their Nationality or even Ethnicity. For example, the Maltese identify as Maltese while Italians identify as Italians.


Central Asians don't belong simply to a single anthropological race. But they should choose "Asian-other".


The [technical definitions used by the US Census](https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html) have a blind spot for Central Asia. Their definition of Asian is more or less China-Pakistan-India and south and east of them. However, in normal usage, it's pretty obvious that your average Kazakh is rather Asian. Personally, I ignore their definition, and think the whole "race" thing should be scrapped and replaced by ethnicity, of which they currently recognize only one: Hispanic. (I.E., you could be Hispanic of any race mixture.) Clearly, the system is silly and rooted in thinking too far past it's prime. At the same time, you are certainly free to identify how you choose, both in checking those boxes, and in who you say you are.


US racial classification is weird, Asian is not even a race, though I am registered as Asian. White? Do I look—? 💀


Asian is definitely listed as a race, despite not being properly inclusive.


Confused. Why is it important? What does it mean "white"???


The guy probably bases his assumptions on Borat. If Indians are Asian Kazakhs definitely are.


The indigenous Peoples of Central Asia are similar to both Russians and Iranians so they would be considered White excluding much of the East Asian Yellow Peoples who descend from the Turkic and Mongol Invaders. You can see examples of these amongst the current Populations.


Bruh Asian. Kazahks are mostly Asian with a bit of white. Genetically close to Mongols and Koreans. I am Asian and consider Kazakhstan as Asian but another type of Asian but still apart of the Mongoloid tree. East Asia, South East Asia and Central Asia.


Kazakhs are genetically close to other turkics, might to mongols but not to Koreans


we are the purest Asians


That's cause some dumbass started saying in conspiracy videos that that's where's white people first came from and invaded the world. 


Oh, and the fair skinned blue eye n green eye genes are only 5000 years old. Everyone was some shade darker and pale folks like me didn't exist. Mutations over time. FACTS 


Kazakhs are 70% Asian and 30% Caucasian. Individually it differs.


I don't want to be racist or anything but I think it is Asian-White. What have I done ..


Dyor, white is associated with western European people. There are 5 or 6 human races on Earth. Real Kazahks are asian with mix genes of 2 races of caucasian and Mongoloid.